visual studio installer project build from command line - visual-studio

I have a project that suffers from a Visual Studio bug shown here
It means that I can't build the installer project on my windows 7 machine
(the workaround presented doesn't work for me, regcap.exe crahses when I try to run it)
Now I plan to build the installer on a remote XP machine or in XP mode. Can I do this without installing the full Visual Studio? What is the command line to build from a .vdproj file?

The obvious choice that comes to mind is using msbuild, but unfortunately it doesn't support building from .vdproj files. Another option without using Visual Studio is to use Team Foundation Build, if you have it installed or can afford to install it on one of your machines.

Ugly work around: move to wix -


TeamCity Visual Studio Build Runner Requirement

We're running TeamCity 9.0.3 and have had Visual Studio 2010, 2012 & 2013 full install on our build server for years now.
I know for a fact that we need certain Visual Studio targets in order to deploy our applications but I'm convinced we don't need to have a full Visual Studio installation in order to use the Visual Studio (sln) build runner but can't find any documentation to say whether or not we do need it.
Can anyone show me documentation or verify from their own experience whether or not a full Visual Studio install is needed for this build runner to work?
Edit: I have seen this question:
Does MSbuild require Visual Studio to be installed on the build server?
And mine is not the same question, it's a different topic. That question is asking whether or not Visual Studio is needed to as a prerequisite for the MSBuild build runner. My question pertains to the Visual Studio build runner
Roughly speaking, by installing Windows SDKs you get what's required to build applications.
Windows 7 SDK
Windows 8.1 SDK
Windows 10 SDK
Multi targeting packs are also required if you use that.
Starting from Visual Studio 2013, you also need to install the separate MSBuild 2013. And MSBuild 2015.
C++ might require you to install other bits.
So you will have to go through lots of trials. Most people simply give up and install full VS.
You don't need full Visual Studio Installed for running the build, all you need are the build tools.
In the "Step" you create to build your solution, the dropdown allows you to select which version of Microsoft builds you want to use where you can specify whether you use MSBuild12 or the latest MSBuild14 for VS2015 projects.
All you have to do is make sure that you install the required Microsoft Build tools in this instance:
Build tools for 2010, 2012 and 2013. The TC build step should then try detecting this install by default in C:/Program Files (x86)/MS Build/Build Tool Number/MSBuild.exe
Note: You will have to restart your agent after you install these tools on the Agent Machine for TeamCity to detect the tools.
The Visual Studio (sln) build runner requires the proper version of Microsoft Visual Studio installed on the build agent.

Clickonce publishing from Visual Studio 2013 command-line with MSBuild cannot find SignTool.exe

I have a build-script which I've been using for ages now, and worked fine in all previous VS versions up to 2012. After migrating to 2013 the build script fails to sign the ClickOnce manifest at the end of the build process, and complains about not finding SignTool.exe.
I'm running a Windows 8.1 on a 64 bit machine, installed the full
Visual Studio 2013. I tried to reinstall the Windows SDK for 8.1, but
still no success.
The publish process successfully signs the manifest when I run the
publish inside Visual Studio.
I've searched for signtool.exe and the only hit was in C:\Program
Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\bin
I'm not actuallz too good at MSBuild stuff, so I have no clue what could I try or how could I show MSBuild that it should find that tool there.
If anyone had such experience please give me some hints.
If the error is a "can't locate xxx" variety of error, perhaps there is a path messed up. In the new version of MSBuild that comes with VS.NET 2013 it looks like some paths were changed. Maybe you have a relative path in a build file that is now going to have to be updated?
Going to need your full build files to provide any more insight.
The problem was that I've used the X64 version of the Visual Studio Commnad Line, instead of the X86. It's possible that it has to match with my projects target platform, because it's x86. Building and signing from the x86 commandline is working without any errors.
Hope this can help someone else too.

Visual Studio 2010 configuration

I have a Windows 32-bit project designed in Visual Studio 2010 using C++. When I build and compile it on one computer, I get the GUI and the project works. However, on a different computer it only shows me a command prompt and then exits. What configuration changes do I need to make to see the GUI on this computer?

Run a visual studio 2010 Windows7 project on a Windows XP machine

I have created a simple windows forms visual studio 2010 project in windows 7 32 Bit.
I need to run the .exe file in the release folder under windows xp.
What files to I need to bundle with my EXE to get this to work?
You may well need the Visual Studio 2010 redsitributables
You don't need anything extra. You just need to be sure if required .NET Framework is installed on the target platform which is XP in this case. Other than that, I suggest you to use Visual Studio's Package and Deployment Wizard to make a setup. But even without Package and Deployment Wizard, if you use release output (not debug), just copying executable should be enough to run on XP platform. Be sure that you don't use anything unsupported by Windows XP (like DirectX 11, Direct2d etc.).
p.s: you may need some additional files like manifest files. but that completely depends on your project. Package and Deployment Wizard should take care of these as well.

Visual Studio 2010's Build Command: It does nothing

I'm using Visual C# 2010 Express RTM with Windows Phone Developer Tools April CTP Refresh and when I run any Build option, nothing happens. I've deleted the contents of the build output folders and that doesn't do anything. I can't even run the project, because it complains the executable is missing (XNA Game for Windows project). I've tried the project on another computer and it builds just fine. Any ideas?
I'm not sure how this happens, but here's how I fixed it:
Open Build -> Configuration Manager
In the "Platform" column, choose x86 instead of Any CPU
Click close
These exact steps may not work for you, but I've found that if you play around in the Configuration Manager window it will usually resolve this problem.
try a reinstall?
Visual Studio 2010 doesn't work with current versions of XNA Studio. You'll could wait until XNA Studio 4 comes out (apparently due this month).
To solve your issue, use Visual Studio 2008 or use the workaround at this link to continue using VS2010 and XNA.
