selenium cannot find element with class in IE - xpath

I'm using selenium_client with cucumber, webrat + IE
As you'd expect, Firefox works fine. I've tried the following:
selenium.is_visible("css=#flash .flash_notice")
both cannot find the element.
I think it must be something to do with IE, looking closer at the html selenium returns from IE...
It looks like this:
<UL id=flash>
<LI className=flash_notice>Deleted</LI>
Notice IE returns the class attribute as className, is this confusing selenium? How can I get round this so that I can use the same statement for selenium using IE and Firefox
Just to confuse us even more, this example works, confirming its something to do with checking the class attribute
selenium.is_visible("xpath=//*[#id='flash']/*[. =\'Deleted\']")

It appears that your XPATH expressions are mal-formed.
The first XPATH is missing the single quote ' at the end of flash_notice.
It should be:
The second XPATH has the ' ] and ) out of order, which messes up the expression.
It should be:


Can't get xpath to locate element

I have this piece of HTML and I'm trying to select the <a href> link using xpath.
<li class="footable-page-nav" data-page="next" aria-label="next"><a class="footable-page-link xh-highlight" href="#">›</a></li>
I need the selector to be reasonably specific since "footable-page-link" exists in multiple places in the HTML.
I've tried this:
Selenium throws an error: selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException
If I shorten the xpath expression to //li[#class='footable-page-nav'] just to see if I'm on the right track then I get
selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotInteractableException: Message: element not interactable: element has zero size
What am I missing?
Try changing your xpath expression to
and see if it works.

Watir, locate element by custom attribute

I am using Watir 6.16 and I have come across this line of code
<div data-guid="SearchTitle" class="acme"></div>
Not sure how to locate such an element in Watir, I have tried this -
element(:search_title, custom_attribute: "SearchTitle")
But this returns nothing, so am I forced to use xpath or is there another way?
You can change that - into _, it would work. Look at the code below
browser.div(data_guid: 'SearchTitle')

Ruby Watir - how to select <a onclick="new Ajax.Request

Hi I'm trying to select an edit button and I am having difficulty selecting it.
<a onclick="new Ajax.Request('/media/remote/edit_source/3', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true}); return false;" href="#">
<img title="Edit" src="/media/images/edit.gif?1258500617" alt="Edit">
I have the number at the end of ('/media/remote/edit_source/3') the which changes and I have stored it in #rep_id variable.
I can't use xpath because the table changes often. Any suggestions? Any help is greatly appreciated. Below is what I have tried and fails. I am fairly new to watir and love it, but occasionally I run into things like this and get stumped.
browser.a(:text, "/media/remote/edit_source/#{#rep_id}")
The line:
browser.a(:text, "/media/remote/edit_source/#{#rep_id}")
fails because:
The content you are looking for is in the onclick attribute (rather than the text)
The locator is passed a string for the second parameter. This means that it is looking for something that exactly matches that. Given that you are only using part of the text/attribute, you need to use a regexp.
If you are using watir-webdriver, there is support for locating an element by its :onclick attribute. You can use a regexp to partially match the :onclick attribute. => /#{Regexp.escape("/media/remote/edit_source/#{#rep_id}")}/)
If you are also using watir-classic (for IE testing), the above will not work. Instead, you can check the html of the link. Checking the html also works in watir-webdriver, but could be less robust than using :onclick. => /#{Regexp.escape("/media/remote/edit_source/#{#rep_id}")}/)
From your example, it looks like you are using the URL from the onclick event handler as a :text locator, which I'd expect to fail unless that text does exist.
You could potentially click on the img. Examples:
browser.image(:title, "Edit").click
browser.image(:src, "/media/images/edit.gif?1258500617").click
browser.image(:src, /edit\.gif\?\d{10}/).click # regex the src
Otherwise, you might need to use the fire_event method to trigger the event handler, which looks like this:, "foo").fire_event "onclick"
These are the links to the fire_event docs for watir and watir-webdriver for reference.

jasmine-jquery toBeDisabled not working

I have got following html
<a disabled="disabled"><img alt="First" src="/Content/Images/Grid/disabledFirst.png"></a>
And I run following expect on this html
where element is the selector for above html. The expect fails. Further investigation lead to following code in jasmine-jquery-1.3.1.js
toBeDisabled: function(selector){
which for some reason is returning false. I'm sure I'm missing something very basic here but just not able to spot it.
This fiddle shows that jQuery only finds inputs not anchors when using :disabled. It's understandable because the anchor element doesn't have the disabled property

Groovy htmlunit getByXPath

I'm currently using HtmlUnit to attempt to grab an href out of a page and am having some trouble.
The XPath is:
On the webpage it looks like:
<a class="t" title="This Brush" href=">Brush Set</a>
In my code I am doing:
hrefs = page.getByXPath("//html/body/div[2]/div/div/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/div[5]/div/div[2]/span/a[#class='t']")
However, this is returning everything in there instead of just the url that I want.
Can someone explain what I must add to get the href? (also it doesn't end with .html)
You are selecting the a. You want to select the a/#href.
hrefs = page.getByXPath("//html/body/div[2]/div/div/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/div[5]/div/div[2]/span/a[#class='t']/#href")
