Can't get xpath to locate element - xpath

I have this piece of HTML and I'm trying to select the <a href> link using xpath.
<li class="footable-page-nav" data-page="next" aria-label="next"><a class="footable-page-link xh-highlight" href="#">›</a></li>
I need the selector to be reasonably specific since "footable-page-link" exists in multiple places in the HTML.
I've tried this:
Selenium throws an error: selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException
If I shorten the xpath expression to //li[#class='footable-page-nav'] just to see if I'm on the right track then I get
selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotInteractableException: Message: element not interactable: element has zero size
What am I missing?

Try changing your xpath expression to
and see if it works.


protractor using xpath //*[contains('text')] error element not visible

Hi I have this element from a dropdown menu I try to select:
<div class="tt-suggestion tt-selectable">
<strong class="tt-highlight">Auto Customer</strong>
If I use element(by.xpath("//strong[contains(text(),'Auto Customer')]")).click(); I can select it no problem. But if I use element(by.xpath("//*[contains(text(),'Auto Customer')]")).click(); I get "Failed: element not visible"
Can someone explain this to me please?
Thank you
Because the * in //*[contains(text(),'Auto Customer')] means any tag, not only the strong Tag. But //strong[contains(text(),'Auto Customer')] must be strong Tag.
//*[contains(text(),'Auto Customer')] should find more then one elements on page, and the first one is not visible. You can try this xpath in Chrome DevTool's Element Tab to see how many elements it can find and the first one is visible or not.

How to get number of list element (ul tag) of HTML using Get matching XPath count?

I'm kind of new to XPATH-query. I use RF and selenium2library and the XPath Helper-plugin in chrome to test a certain website page. I'm new to HTML/CSS/JavaScript as well.
The web page consists of two ULs (lists) for left and right sides of the page and each one has a few LIs which have few divisions comprised of widgets (JPEG images etc).
I need to count this list rows (number of LIs in each UL). I have already done the samething in a drop down menu to count its elements with no problem (perhaps because it was considered
a web element). But right now I use the same "Get Matching Xpath Count" which returns almost the whole page HTML source instead of a number and it then fails.
All my program is based on getting the number of LIs in a UL (of drop down menu, page, table,...). so I wonder what to do now. Here is an example of the HTML code of the page:
<ul class="rqcol" id="col8a580456553ae">
<li class="rqportlet" id="por8a58045655">
<div id="hdrpor8a580" class="rqhdr" onmouseover="RQ.util.showTools(this)" onmouseout="RQ.util.hideTools(this)"> </div> </li>
<li class="rqportlet" id="por8a580456" >
<div id="hdrpor8a581" class="rqhdr" onmouseover="RQ.util.showTools(this)" onmouseout="RQ.util.hideTools(this)"> </div></li>
and my code was:
Get Matching Xpath Count | //ul[#id="ccol8a580456553ae"]/li
which does give me some texts plus HTML code.i also tried:
Get Length | //ul[#id="ccol8a580456553ae"]
which doesn't give me 2 but a big number.
An XPath 2.0 expression to count the 'li' for the specific '' would be:
Try this new chrome extension
You've made a typo in the id value - an extra "c" char in the beginning; otherwise the xpath is correct:
${count}= Get Matching Xpath Count //ul[#id="col8a580456553ae"]/li
By the way, the keyword Get Matching Xpath Count is deprecated in the latest version of the SeleniumLibrary, in favour of Get Element Count

Xpath - Selecting attributes using starts-with

I am trying to write an xpath expression that selects all div tags that have an attribute id that start with CompanyCalendar. Below is a snippet of the HTML that I am looking at:
<td class="some class" align="center" onclick="Calendar_DayClicked(this,'EventCont','Event');">
<span class="Text"></span>
<div id="CompanyCalendar02.21" class="Pop CalendarClick" style="right: 200px; top: 235px;"></div>
There are multiple divs that have an id like CompanyCalendar02.21 but for each new month in the calendar, they change the id. For example, the next month would be CompanyCalendar02.22. I would like to be able to select all of the divs that are equal to CompanyCalendar*
I am rather new at this so I was using some example off the net to try and get my xpath expression to work but to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am trying to write an xpath expression that selects all div tags that have an attribute id that start with CompanyCalendar.
The following expression is perhaps what you are looking for:
What it does, in plain English, is
Return all div elements in the XML document that have an attribute id whose attribute value starts with "CompanyCalendar".
While checking in Browser console with the $x() call, it worked only after flipping the quotes - i.e. double quotes inside the Xpath starts-with() call.

Writing xpath and CSS locator/path for Selenium Automated Test

I have the following HTML:
<input type="submit" style="-webkit-user-select:none;line-height:100%;height:30px" value="Advanced Search" class="jfk-button jfk-button-action adv-button">
I have written xpath as: //input[#value='Advanced Search']
What is the CSS locator/path?
It's difficult to answer as optimum search selectors need the entire source code to be written, as several DOM Elements in the document could be returned for a generic selector.
In this case, a more detailed selector would be :
input.adv-button[value='Advanced Search']
You can convert your xpath into corresponding CSS Locator by using the following website:
For example:
Go to site
Insert the XPath //input[#value='Advanced Search'] into text field
Click submit button and observe the result
You can see the corresponding CSS Locator as follows:
input[value="Advanced Search"]

Selenium Web driver xpath, span locator

Selenium Webdriver. Looking to Locate New Article from following code. Please note this is under an iframe.
<img class="rtbIcon" src="/icons/16/app/shadow/document_add.png" alt="">
<span class="rtbText">New Article</span>
I have tried to locate with xpath and many other ways. But following is what I get everytime
Code : driver.findElement(By.xpath("id('RadToolBar1'):div:div:div:ul:li[3]:a:span:span:span:span"));
The given selector id('RadToolBar1'):div:div:div:ul:li[3]:a:span:span:span:span is either invalid or does not result in a WebElement. The following error occurred:
New article has no name, id so please if some one can help find me solution.
Your xpath seems to be wrong. The best way to get the xpath for any element on a page is by installing mozilla add on - Fire Bug. You can inspect any element using this add on and also copy the correct xpath of your element present on the page.
This should be your xpath -
driver.findElement(By.linkText("New Article"));
One of these should work. Let me know if you face any problem.
