Qt Creator color scheme - qt-creator

I like the dark "FakeVim" color scheme in Qt Creator. However it only makes the editor part dark while everything else stays normal, which is a bit disturbing. Is there any way to make such dark scheme global for Qt Creator?
Vim (dark) Color Scheme
Color scheme is applied solely to text editor (as this is the only option), and not the environment.

Simple in two line
Go to "Tools" -> "Options" -> "Environment" -> "General" tab,
Change "Theme" to dark

I found some trick for your problem!
Here you can see it: Habrahabr -- Redesigning Qt Creator by your hands (russian lang.)
According to that article, that trick is kind of not so dirty, but "hack" (probably it wouldn't harm your system, but it can leave some artifacts on your interface).
You don't need to patch something (there is possibility, but I don't recommend).
Main idea is to use stylesheet like this stylesheet.css:
// on Linux
qtcreator -stylesheet='.qt-stylesheet.css'
// on Windows
[pathToQt]\QtCreator\bin\qtcreator.exe -stylesheet [pathToStyleSheet]
To get such effect:
To customize by your needs, you may need to read documentation: Qt Style Sheets Reference, Qt Style Sheets Examples and so on.
This wiki page is dedicated to custom Qt Creator styling.
P.S. If you'll got better stylesheet, share it, I'll be happy! :)
UPD (10.12.2014): Hopefully, now we can close this topic. Thanks, Simon G., Things have changed once again. Users may use custom themes since QtCreator 3.3. So hacky stylesheets are no longer needed.
Everyone can take a look at todays update: Qt 5.4 released. There you can find information that Qt 5.4, also comes with a brand new version of Qt Creator 3.3. Just take a look at official video at Youtube.
So, to apply dark theme you need go to "Tools" -> "Options" -> "Environment" -> "General" tab, and there you need to change "Theme".
See more information about its configuring here: Configuring Qt Creator.

In newer versions of Qt Creator (Currently using 4.4.1), you can follow these simple steps:
Tools > Options > Environment > Interface
Here you can change the theme to Flat Dark.
It will change the whole Qt Creator theme, not just the editor window.

Here is my dark theme (based on Darcula IntelliJ Theme):

QTcreator obeys your kde-wide configurations.
If you choose "obsidian-coast" as the system-wide color scheme qt creator will be all dark as well.
I know it is a partial solution but it works.

My Dark Color scheme for QtCreator is at:
To use with Vim (dark) scheme.
Hope it is useful for someone.

I found a way to change the Application Output theme and everything that can't be edited from .css.
If you use osX:
Navigate to your Qt install directory.
Right click Qt Creator application and select "Show Package Contents"
Copy the following file to your desktop> Contents/Resources/themes/dark.creatortheme
or /default.creatortheme. Depending on if you are using dark theme or default theme.
Edit the file in text editor.
Under [Palette], there is a line that says error=ffff0000.
Set a new color, save, and override the original file.

Linux, Qt Creator >= 3.4:
You could edit theese themes:

Here is a theme that I copied all the important parts of the Visual Studio 2013 dark theme.
**Update 08/Sep/15 - Qt Creator 3.5.1/Qt 5.5.1 might have fixed the rest of Qt not being dark properly and hard to read.


Applying third-party themes to QtCreator (dracula)

So I just downloaded the open-source QtCreator and I hoped to set the Dracula theme for this IDE, but I failed to do so, and I have no clue what I'm doing wrong.
So far, every where I looked for third party themes, they've been telling me to put it in a map on location "$HOME.config\QtProject\qtcreator\styles" (windows). Fine, but after I've copied the file into that folder, the theme is not showing up in the theme list when I'm trying to set a new theme in QtCreator, selecting Tools > Options > Text Editor > Theme-button :/
I'm quite (90%) sure the path/location is correct, but I assume the themes have moved to somewhere else. I would like to set-up this theme, instead of the default dark-theme. Thanks in advance!
So I found out the themes were located in PathToQt\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\share\qtcreator\styles. The developpers must have changed moved the theme folder, but now between the other .xml files, the Dracula.xml file works just fine.
I hope I fixed every one else's problem, who came to ask himself where the heck they had to put that theme.

Customize Firefox Developer dev tools color theme

Just as title says, I'd like to know if it's possible to change the color theme of Firefox Developer dev tools. Light and dark theme are nice, but I'd like to use a code color theme like Monokai or something similar, how can I do that?
Below you can see the current dark theme in the dev tools:
It's not documented (yet), but you could make an Add-on that uses gDevTools.registerTheme(themeDefinition) to create your own dev tools theme.
I found the answer to this in the Mozilla support forum and basically you have to modify the css style creating an overriding chrome stylesheet.
You would have to write your own style rules and apply them via
userChrome.css or Stylish. Use the !important flag to override
existing style rules.
The customization files userChrome.css (user interface) and
userContent.css (websites) are located in the chrome folder in the
Firefox profile folder.

Fonts & Color Themes for Xcode7

Is there a way to install Themes on Xcode7.
I know that there are several themes available for Xcode. But, I am wondering if third party themes works on Xcode7?
I tried to copy the XYZ.dvtcolortheme into the directory ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes/. Even though the theme shows up in the Xcode, I cannot see the changes in Fonts and Color after selecting the theme.
Any help?
I recommend doing what #bademi and what #CoolPenguin said. Try to close out of Xcode and then restart your computer. If those don't work I recommend contacting whoever made the theme to see if they know what's up. Hope I helped!

Sass (source maps) support in Firefox Developer Tools

With the release of Firefox 25 we saw a huge improvement in their development tools. SO much so that I'm rather excited to try them out over Firebug.
However I can't see how to turn on Sass debugging, which is currently working in Firebug. I've looked in all the settings that are offered within the development settings.
I'm hoping I'm wrong and it is currently supported.
With Firefox 29 the support for Sass and LESS files was introduced.
Taken from https://hacks.mozilla.org/2014/02/live-editing-sass-and-less-in-the-firefox-developer-tools/
You have to right-click in the Rules section and activate Show original sources option:
Now CSS rule links will show the location in the original file, and
clicking these links will take you to the source in the Style Editor.
From there you can go on to the Styles Editor and edit your Sass/LESS file. Functionality needs Source Maps enabled!
The best suitable way to debug Sass in Firefox seems to be FireSass.

Why are fonts looking so different in different themes in intellij?

In IntelliJ the Darcula theme fonts look as follows
and in the default light theme they look as follows
I want to use the lighter default theme, but I find the fonts in darcula theme to be more "clear" then the default lighter theme. Can you let me know how to correct this?
PS : I am using a Linux machine
This is controlled by Settings -> Editor -> Color & Fonts -> Font
However, I do not see a difference between the fonts for Darcula and the default theme :
Darcula :
both seem to use the same Consolas, Size 12 font.
Since this is happening on Linux, from here:
Anti-aliasing of fonts is available with Oracle Java 1.6 on Linux. To
do this on a per user basis, add the following line to the user's
export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=[setting]'
Two other useful links :
How to fix font anti-aliasing in IntelliJ IDEA when using high DPI?
Intellij IDEA font smoothing in linux
I had the same question, and finally was able to discover the following:
The issue is not one font smoothing, but of the Default theme and the Darcula theme using different fonts on Linux. On my computer, the Default theme uses DejaVu Sans Mono, 12pt, but the Darcula theme uses Source Code Pro, 14pt.
If you want the Darcula Font, then go to File > Settings > Editor > Colors and Fonts > Font, make a copy of the Default scheme, and then change the font to Source Code Pro, 14pt.
See also the Wikipedia article on Source Code Pro .
