Testing injected dependencies into your struts2 actions - spring

I am wondering how others might have accomplished this. I found in the Spring documentation #required which I attempted to use in a 'test' but got this stmt INFO XmlConfigurationProvider:380 - Unable to verify action class [xxx] exists at initialization
I have found another way in spring to do this is to write custom init methods and declare those on the bean but it almost seems like this is a strange thing to do to a struts2 action.
In my application I inject through spring different web services (via setter injection) into different actions. I want to ensure on startup these are not null and set.

Use request or session spring scopes.
Then you can do the checks in a #PostConstruct method, what will you do there? Throw an exception? Well, something isn't set you will eventually get a NullPointerException.


How to provide custom logic to search for bean if it cannot be found in Spring Context

If the Spring context cannot find a bean referred to from my xml I want to be able to provide some custom logic (ie look in another Spring Context or create the bean programmatically) before a BeanNotFoundException (whatever the expection is) is thrown.
You can use the BeanFactoryPostProcessor to define your beans dynamically (click on the link for an explanation).
Alternatively if you want to act on your bean in a lazy manner (instead of at app startup), which I strongly recommend not to do since you will have bugs related to the state of you beans config that is not visible at compile time: Anyway, you can surely add to your ApplicationContext a custom singleton : instead of calling getBean() from spring, if nothing was found, your class will be called to respond which bean corresponds to a bean name, and you will indirectly have the opportunity to handle BeanNotFoundException
See a post about the second (not recommended) solution here : How to add Properties to an Application Context

Having some issues in InventoryController class?

These days i am learning spring by http://static.springsource.org.
I am facing some problem in this page http://static.springsource.org/docs/Spring-MVC-step-by-step/part4.html. i am not getting it clearly that when setProductManager method is called when InventoryController class is invoked. I know that this works as a front controller and when hello.jsp page is requested ,ModelAndView method is executed of InventoryController. but i want to know that when setProductManager method is called.
Any help would be appreciable.
Spring is an ioc container and in this particular example the dependency-injection is implemented using setters (setter injection). Basically the container takes care of supplying your bean (controller in this case) with necessary dependencies.
Back to your question: dependency injection is performed before your bean is ever used by the framework or any other beans requiring it. Furthermore, controllers are singletons. This means setProductManager is called before any request is handled by the controller - when the application is started. And because there is only one instance of the controller - it is called once.

integrating spring 2.5.6 and Struts 1.3.8

I want to clear some moments about integrating spring and struts. I have only one action class per application extended from MappingDispatchAction. So, actually my app when doing something uses not Action objects, but methods from my action. All I want from spring is to initialize this action and all for now. Just simply set DAO object. I looked through documentation, but I don't understand following:
We use action path from struts-config.xml as a name of bean in action-servlet.xml. Okay, but am I supposed to write beans in action-servlet.xml for every path name and set this poor DAO ref or what ?
The Struts 1 config file will use the DelegatingActionProxy class as the type attribute for all action configurations.
The Spring config file will contain the bean definitions of each action implementation. I don't know what DAO you're talking about, but actions that require DAO or service injection need to have them listed, yes--that's what Spring configuration is.
You may also be able to use annotations if you're not interested in using XML configuration, or use bean inheritance if many beans share the same DAO/service/etc. property values.

Access application context from BundleContextAware class

I have created an osgi bundle from an existing legacy war. The app has a class that implements the spring interface ApplicationContextAware, it then uses the context to programmatically get beans (not sure why but this needs refactoring eventually). The app now uses OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext, but I believe that there is an issue with using this whereby the setApplicationContext method does not get called in any classes implementing ApplicationContextAware, so now the context in this class is always null.
So as a workaround I have implemented BundleContextAware so that I can get a reference to the published context and get access to the beans that way. This works ok however the only bean on the context is warDeployer (should mention that I am using the spring dm bundle spring-extender to deploy the war). The bundle present on the context is my bundle so I cannot see why the context that I am getting has none of my beans on it. The code I have to get the application context is:
ServiceReference ref = bundleContext.getServiceReference(ApplicationContext.class.getName());
applicationContext = (OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext) bundleContext.getService(ref);
I can see in the logs that much of my context is getting created so I can't see why they are not on the context I am getting.
Can anyone advise as to what is wrong? I understand that this approach is a bit hacky, but it's temporary until the existing code is refactored.
Thanks in advance.
I believe that the ApplicationContext service is registered asynchronously by the Spring-DM extender. So you probably have a race condition, i.e. asking for the service just before it is actually registered.
You could introduce a delay but then you're very deep into nasty hack territory. It would be better to work out why the setApplicationContext method on the ApplicationContextAware beans is not being set. You should try raising this is a bug against Spring-DM or asking in the Spring-DM Google Group.

How do I pass parameters between request-scoped beans

This is a question that has been bothering me for sometime. My application uses ICEFaces for our UI framework and Spring 2.5 for Dependency Injection. In addition, Spring actually maintains all of our backing beans, not the ICEFaces framework, so our faces-config is basically empty.
Navigation is not even really handled through navigation-rules. We perform manual redirects to new windows using window.open.
All of our beans are defined in our appContext file as being request-scoped. I have Page ABC which is backed by BackingBeanABC. Inside that backing bean, I have a parameter say:
private Order order;
I then have Page XYZ backed by BackingBeanXYZ. When I redirect from page ABC to page XYZ, I want to transfer the 'order' property from ABC to XYZ. The problem is since everything is request-scoped and I'm performing a redirect, I am losing the value of 'description'.
There has got to be an easier way to pass objects between beans in request scope during a redirect. Can anyone assist with this issue?
Session scope solves your issue.
You can read more about it in Spring's reference documentation.
Another alternative is to set the order object directly on the HttpSession object. I would have prefered that and only have your services, controllers and repositories managed by Spring.
Create a single session scoped bean that the request scoped beans can reference via the FacesContext.
