Having some issues in InventoryController class? - spring

These days i am learning spring by http://static.springsource.org.
I am facing some problem in this page http://static.springsource.org/docs/Spring-MVC-step-by-step/part4.html. i am not getting it clearly that when setProductManager method is called when InventoryController class is invoked. I know that this works as a front controller and when hello.jsp page is requested ,ModelAndView method is executed of InventoryController. but i want to know that when setProductManager method is called.
Any help would be appreciable.

Spring is an ioc container and in this particular example the dependency-injection is implemented using setters (setter injection). Basically the container takes care of supplying your bean (controller in this case) with necessary dependencies.
Back to your question: dependency injection is performed before your bean is ever used by the framework or any other beans requiring it. Furthermore, controllers are singletons. This means setProductManager is called before any request is handled by the controller - when the application is started. And because there is only one instance of the controller - it is called once.


Spring - how to debug to find specific use of spring's auto-wiring or a request parameter?

Spring is auto-wiring in a request parameter - let's call it "bob".
I don't know where nor how it is doing this, so I cannot debug it. What spring specific code (using intellij, so I can at lest set a conditional) would be appropriate to find where the auto-wiring of the request parameter is happening, so I can work out what the system is doing?
I think I understood the question, so I will try to answer it as best as I can.
You are facing a dilemma of choosing between managing your instances, or letting Spring manage them. If you let Spring manage dependency injection, you will often face situations where you wish you had more fine control over the beans lifecycle.
By default, Spring beans are "singletons", which means that only one
instance of that object will be created, and every class that demands
a dependency injection of that object will receive the same instance.
The first step on beans lifecycle is its construction. You can setup a breakpoint to catch that moment on any method annotated with #PostConstruct. This article describes the need of running some code on bean initialization, and how it is solved by this annotation. For example:
public class AnyBean {
public void init(){
// any code or breakpoints inserted here will
// be run whenever an instance of this bean is created.
// if a singleton bean, only one instance is created and,
// only one #PostConstruct will be called.
// If a bean is a prototype bean, a new instance will be created
// for every dependency injection, and hence one #PostConstruct
// will be called for each.

Lazy loading works, but shouldn't

The context of this question is within spring-boot, using spring-data-jpa and hibernate.
A colleague wrote an #Service and annotated the service method with #Transactional. The service method loads an entity, and subsequently hits a one-to-many lazily loaded collection (fetch = FetchType.LAZY). The service method is invoked by some custom delegator, which i will come back to. This works fine when invoked from a #RestController endpoint.
When i invoked the service from a camel route (again via the custom delegator) it barfed with a lazy initialization exception.
On digging, found that the service implements an interface, the custom delegator looks up the service (it is injected so has proper proxy) and calls a method
on the interface which is actually a java-8 default method. This default-method then locally calls the #Transactional method.
So there's the problem :- this is a LOCAL method call so the aspecting/proxy-ing of the #Transactional annotation is not done (we use aspectJAutoProxy) so the method is NOT invoked within a transaction, so the lazy-loading SHOULD fail. And to double-check, also tried it via an #Scheduled annotation: same behaviour. Barfs like it should.
My Question: So why does it work when called from the #RestController? This is driving me nuts!
There is no transactional annotation on the rest controller endpoint.
I added some debug code to the service using TransactionSynchronizationManager.isActualTransactionActive() and it shows that in no case is there a transaction, even when being called via the controller endpoint.
So why does the lazy loading work when being called from the controller?
I dumped all SQL and at no points are the lazy-collection already loaded, so they are not in any hibernate cache.
I remember reading once that lazy loading was a hint, not a command, but still... why does it work in that one case?
after being perplexed by this on many occasions, have stumbled across the answer:
sprint-boot is doing an open-entity-manager-in-view behind our backs via the OpenEntityManagerInView interceptor. Had no idea this was going on.
See this excellent answer from Vlad Mihalcea https://stackoverflow.com/a/48222934/208687
When your method annotate to transactional hibernate session close after return method , if object that return from method have lazy , lazy property not load and you get exception that session close. You can use fetch in query or using OSIV

How to instantiate Spring bean with custom scope and #Autowired dependencies?

In our project, we use Spring request scoped beans. Now we've a requirement to support async requests and request scoped beans don't work for child threads. I'm aware of RequestContextFilter and it's "support" for async but it appears that RequestContextFilter expects the main thread to wait for the child threads to finish, which isn't the case for us. Our main thread immediately returns after spawning new threads using #Async annotation and DispatcherServlet clears out the RequestContextHolder. Thus when the child threads get to the point where they need a request scoped bean, #Autowired fails.
I'm also aware of SimpleThreadScope but it doesn't clean up thread-local attributes and in a thread-pooling situation, is not only dangerous to use but downright useless.
What I need is a custom scope. So far, I've found 3 useful examples but all of them fall short in that the beans they instantiate as part of the custom scope are plain POJOs without any dependencies. Needless to say that's non-existent in a real life application. Can anyone suggest a way to instantiate custom scoped beans that have #Autowired dependencies on beans from other scopes?
What I found so far:
Spring Bean Custom Scope JMS
Continuing the discussion from the other question's answer here...
See the Spring Documentation about scoped beans as dependencies.
I'm referring to the <aop:scoped-proxy/> which is what the link points to. Each time the autowired field is referenced, your custom scope's get() method is called to lookup the instance based on some criteria.
I understand I can look up the dependencies (though unsure how, a scope isn't a bean, perhaps I need to pass application context during instantiation?). What I don't understand is how to inject those dependencies into my bean if those're marked #Autowired? Or are you saying the custom scoped bean shouldn't have #Autowired dependencies?
It works automatically; Spring injects a proxy for the bean and the scope.get() is invoked on every method call on that bean, returning the specific instance you want in the context of the current invocation.
Take a look at the AbstractRequestAttributesScope to see how it works (in that case, gets the instance from the HTTP Request and, if it doesn't exist, creates it).
So, your code calls foo() on the proxy; the framework calls the scope to get the desired instance and then calls foo() on that instance.
The exposed methods you wish to call must either be on an interface or not declared final.

Why Spring controllers are singleton for REST implementations?

In case of REST implementations in Spring, spring Controllers are singleton. I want to know why spring controllers are singleton apart from thread-safety issue. Please help in resolving this issue.
This has nothing to do with REST.
Spring beans are, by default, singleton scoped. Since component scanning a #Controller annotated class simply generates a bean, that bean will be singleton scoped.
For reasons why a #Controller bean should be stateless, read any and all of the following:
Are Spring MVC Controllers Singletons?
Controller's life-cycle in Spring MVC
To follow up on the REST question, REST is meant to be stateless. In other words, each request contains all the information it needs for the server to handle it. Knowing that, it's pointless for the server (or #Controller) to keep any information after it's finished handling the request in instance fields and the like. Therefore a singleton is the way to go.

How do I pass parameters between request-scoped beans

This is a question that has been bothering me for sometime. My application uses ICEFaces for our UI framework and Spring 2.5 for Dependency Injection. In addition, Spring actually maintains all of our backing beans, not the ICEFaces framework, so our faces-config is basically empty.
Navigation is not even really handled through navigation-rules. We perform manual redirects to new windows using window.open.
All of our beans are defined in our appContext file as being request-scoped. I have Page ABC which is backed by BackingBeanABC. Inside that backing bean, I have a parameter say:
private Order order;
I then have Page XYZ backed by BackingBeanXYZ. When I redirect from page ABC to page XYZ, I want to transfer the 'order' property from ABC to XYZ. The problem is since everything is request-scoped and I'm performing a redirect, I am losing the value of 'description'.
There has got to be an easier way to pass objects between beans in request scope during a redirect. Can anyone assist with this issue?
Session scope solves your issue.
You can read more about it in Spring's reference documentation.
Another alternative is to set the order object directly on the HttpSession object. I would have prefered that and only have your services, controllers and repositories managed by Spring.
Create a single session scoped bean that the request scoped beans can reference via the FacesContext.
