product thumble image not showing in order by page but it will display in product detail page - virtuemart

product thumble image not showing in order by page but it will display in product detail page...
how can i solve these problem
site url is::

You're using
for the working image and
for the broken image. Spot the difference.


Magento Product pages incomplete after adding image(s) to the product

I imported the products using a csv list and now I am adding the images to each product one by one in the backend. But after adding the image, the product page in the frontend only shows the image and everything else like add to cart, description, configurable options and so on are missing, the source code simply ends after the image box. Did anyone else ever notice a similar behavior?

Magento product details page not loading after search result

In my magento website, whenever i am trying to view the product details page from search result (means product list is generated from the search query) its not loading the product details page properly. After the breadcrumbs its not displaying anything.The sample url is given below.
And the breadcrumbs is displaying like Home/test.html
If I go the category page and view the same particular product then it shows perfectly with below url. and breadcrumbs looks like Home/category1/test.html.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Truncate the url_rewrite table.
Delete all files from var/locks.
Reindex and i think it should work.
Actually problem was on my catalog/product/view.phtml page. I have a magento store with 30k products and I have used a theme which have functionality to displaying Pre/Next product in details page for this details page was taking lot of time to execute. I have just removed the pre/next functionality from catalog/product/view.phtml page and it works fine.I have also truncated the core_url_rewrite table and Reindex Catalog URL Rewrites.

Combine list.phtml & view.phtml together

Hello all i need to display product detail page right under category page so as you click on the category image it will display the same product details right under the same page.Also when user clicks on any category it comes with all products & with details of first item in list. Is it possible in magento & if yes then how can i do it. I am new in magento but it seems to me a great framework to work with. Please help me Thanks
To show product detail page on category page you have to make ajax request and get the whole detail and insert into div located at bottom of category page.
Follow this link
Magento - AJAX Call Product Page Elements to Category Page. Select Box Not Populated

Add page number in page title - magento

Have one issue which don't like google for seo.
All the categories having the same title if going by pages in that category, so I want to add page number in page title. Is any solution?
Copy file from /app/code/core/Mage/Page/Block/Html/Head.php to app/code/local/Mage/Page/Block/Html/Head.php modify with the following code which is getting default page number.

Display specific products on a CMS page

Could someone help me with some code to display specific products on a Magento CMS page?
The idea being that I build a page that has multiple sections on it (sections meaning a heading, some intro text and a small handful of products) and the user can add a selection of the displayed products to their cart from this page.
Ideally, the products should be displayed in the grid format, and I should be able to display between 1 and 6 products in each section.
I am using Magento currently.
Consider using a CMS Widget to do this for you.
Here is one: Product List Widget
It isn't free but there are others if you look around.
