Twitter OAuth with MGTwitterEngine - cocoa

I'm using the MGTwitterEngine to connect to twitter and I want to use OAuth with the MGTwitterEngine?

The master branch has merged OAuth and xAuth support back in.

There's a modified version of MGTwitterEngine on GitHub that is supposed to use OAuth:

i would highly suggest using xAuth instead of OAuth as the process on the user's end doesn't at all change. i wrote a tutorial about how I got it to work on iPhone only if it helps.

I suspect that if the MGTwitterEngine doesn't implement OAuth, it soon will, or will need support for it soon.
I'd suggest seeing if the current development version supports it, and if not -- and you have the motivation -- working on a patch for this functionality.

After having a look at STTwitter, FHSTwitterEngine and MGTwitterEngine I ended up using OAuthConsumer available through github.
My reasons for this were that I was writing an app for Mac OSX Lion in XCode with Objective-C. Most of the OAuth/Twitter code out there was either for other languages, iOS-specific or quite out of date and full of deprecated calls.
Apple's SDK 10.8 now has a social.framework (includes SLRequest) and and accounts.framework (includes ACAccount) which should be really useful for accessing FB, Twitter and some other social site I didn't recognise. Unfortunately that was no good for me working under 10.7 so I did not try those out practically. Would be interested to know anyone's experiences under 10.8.
OAuthConsumer was really straight forward to use to get through Twitter's API properly and is available in a few different languages. You do need to sort out your own JSON etc. but that's pretty straight-forward with NSJSONSerialization etc.
I've written up more detail on this on my blog Twitter OAuth Cocoa. If you need an OAuth, twitter-friendly bit of code, and the function-rich twitter engines aren't working for you then I'd recommend OAuthConsumer.


Idiomatic REST API versioning in Padrino app

I am writing a Padrino app which will expose a few services via REST apis. I need to version the apis. I found this answer which explains how to version an api such that the version is embedded in the uri. I would rather put my version info in the Accept header or some other HTTP header (let's not go into the whole embed-in-uri vs put-in-header debate for now). Is there an idiomatic way of implementing this in a Padrino controller? I would like to avoid littering version checks in all my routes. Is there any way I can put the check in a central place (DRY) or - better still - let Padrino take care of this for me with some magical directives?
Try to implement (ofc, w/o 'v1' in url) this.
Also found that. It should work since Padrino is the little bro of Sinatra.
Can't test for the moment. Please keep me aware !

google safe browsing api url encoding (canonicalization)

In my application I am checking user-entered urls for malware by sending them to google.
To test getting a "malware found" reaction I used the url
To my surprise this url was not marked as malware
In fiddling about I found out that when I enter a trailing slash, it does get picked up as malware.
In the documentation it says the url's need to be canonicalized.
Do any of you know of an implementation of this requirement? (preferably in c#)
Using the link ForguesR provided I have created this C# implementation.
It passes 26 out of the 33 tests from the google test suite found at:
It has been deemed good enough for production since it doesnt catch the more obsure webpages.
I am working on the same problem right now and the only thing I have found is a Java implementation in the jGoogleSafeBrowsing library. Unfortunately, it is stuck to v2 of the API.
Anyhow, you can have a look at the canonicalization code here. Be aware that :
this code is released as open-source under the Creative Commons NC-SA license;
this code may not pass the Google canonicalization test suit.

Mixing Spring Social versions for different providers

In the same program, I am using Spring-social facebook and Spring Social linkedIn.
I can not however make them both work on the same release environment :
Facebook works fine with the following versions flavour :
The only way I have managed to have linked in work properly and not return display "unexepcted error has occured" on the linked in site connection page is with :
do any of you know about a spring social version that would properly work with both?
Thanks in advance,
In my application I have used facebook and twitter combined with the version 1.1.0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT
I am not sure if it will work with linkedin also or not. Try it may it work.

Codeigniter: Is DX_Auth outdated?

I tried installing DX_Auth in CI 2.1.0 and it's throwing errors everywhere. I took a look at some of the files and much of it is written for PHP 4. Should I be using a different auth library instead?
Things I noticed:
Uses Classname instead of __construct. However, this is easy to change
DX has a plugins folder while CI does not. Is this the equivalent of the *third_party* folder?
Also, there is no $this->load->plugin() which to load the DX plugin folder
Took a look at DX_Auth.php and saw it says (c) 2008. hasn't been updated since 2008?
This is my first time using an Auth library. Should I be using a different library instead of DX_Auth?
Personally I have stuck to using Tank Auth and it is up to date IMHO.
Details are here:
Also changelog etc; here:
Try ion_auth:
It is updated frequently and works correctly with latest version of CodeIgniter.
Few years back I used DX Auth. It worked great!
3 months ago, again I had to use authentication library in one of my (Code Igniter) projects. When I searched for DX auth, found very little information. Even I couldn't access their users manual that was well written. After searching for a while, I found the code on github. Now, I've Implemented it with CodeIgniter 3 without any issue. However, I stuck in some places due to lack of documentation. But it's not a big issue.
DX auth is getting a new refraction and upgrading the library, but still it isn't outdated, you can use the library functionality's without any issues.
Simply modify the Controllers and Models by adding a postfix CI_
DX Auth is now on GitHub

Linkedin+Codeigniter : linkedin status update using codeigniter

could any one guide me on how can I update status on linkedin using codeigniter?
Any help appreciated thanks!
I implemented this library into CI to make sure a user could log in with his LinkedIn profile. Maybe you can also update the status of a user.
Implementing it in CI is pretty easy if you know your way around in CI.
I really like it when people write libraries for others to use and the code is commented/well thought out/well structured and is easy to follow.
I tried the other examples, but settled on this one.
Having banged my head for a long time on the POS code of Sudhir and the code above. Yes I can change my opinion, because when I started to work on it, it just doesn't work!.
Although I am new to CI, I managed to do the same as P.T and implemented the lib into CI.
The simple-linkedinphp class works like a charm.
I can now authorise an app, authenticate, get profile details and even post to linkedin.
I even posted a comment on Sundir's blog that it doesn't work and he deleted the comment! Stay away, well away if you don't want any headaches!
