How to validate open id in Shared hosting? - hosting

I have a site hosted on a shared hosting, I am building a forum and want users to register through OpenId. The problem is I am not able to connect to OpenId providers like Google and Yahoo, because my server doesnt connect to them!
Is there a way to use client side OpenId validation using ajax (XmlHttp) or anything like that?

No. OpenID relying parties MUST have the capability for outbound HTTP requests. If anyone tells you differently, it's not OpenID and/or it's not secure.


OAuth2 & OpenID Connect - mobile app & backend server access & refresh token usage

So I'm trying to use Google Sign In and Sign in with Apple in my native mobile app which also communicates with my own backend server. I think I have the grasp of the OAuth2 flow and the concept of ID Tokens behind OpenID Connect. The only doubt I have is if I can/should use the access/refresh token pair to authorize access to my own endpoints? On apple's documentation this isn't clearly stated and on Google's site they mention you CAN use it to access Google APIs, but nowhere have I found you could use it for your own backend server. If not, how should this be approached (generating my own access/refresh token pair after validating the the authorization server's ID Token?)
Note that I only need to authenticate my users via these platforms, I don't want access to other Google APIs (for now).
TL;DR: Can I use Apple's/Google's access/refresh token pair to authorize access to my own backend's endpoints or should I generate my own/do something else?
You can use the tokens provided to you, but often you soon or later will want to customize what they contain and then introducing your own local provider can be a solution. So that your internal services trusts the tokens from your own service an your auth server trusts the tokens from Apple/Google.
The second problem is that your internal systems might need to trust multiple token issuers. In my experience is to internally only trust one token service and not multiple, even if this is not a hard requirement.

Communication from IdentityServer to API

I am currently building an identity server with Duende IdentityServer v6.1. I separated the identity server from my API into two different subdomains. People can register an account with the IdentityServer, but I also want some registration information to be saved to the API-database. So I want IdentityServer to be able to communicate to the API. Is this possible and if so, how?
It is described in the documentation of IdentityServer:

Access Dynamics CRM Web API from third party app on another domain

I have the below problem I try to solve:
There is an MVC web application (AppA) in domain DomA that is configured to use a CUSTOM STS for authentication/authorization.
On the other hand we have a CRM installation in another domain, the MyCRM domain, that is configured to use ADFS (ADFS is in the same domain as the CRM).
What we want to achieve is the AppA to be able to POST data to the Dynamics CRM Web API but we don’t want the users of AppA to re-enter credentials or have any other kind of interaction regarding authentication/authorization with ADFS.
The AppA should be able to POST data from both Javascript (client side) and the backend (MVC controller)
How could we achieve the above?
What kind of Trust should we establish between the Custom STS of DomA domain and the ADFS of MyCRM domain?
You don't need federated identity for back-end (server-to-server) connections. You might want to use Impersonation which permits you to setup a user account that can act on behalf of another user in the system.

Xamarin Forms authentication - Authentication Providers?

Newbie question here on Authentication. I am used to incorporating authentication into my app backend server, like Spring Security Authentication for example. I don't really understand how the authentication providers work.
My concern is that somehow each provider can only authenticate its own accounts, ie google can only authenticate for gmail accounts, and Azure Active directory can only authenticate some kind of Microsoft registered account? I am disinclined to oauth because as a user I am always paranoid about signing in for some game or app from an unknown provider becacuse I never am sure whether I just gave my gmail or facebook account password to a rando.
I am fine giving people the option to use Oath, but less comfortable if that's the only option. I would like people to be able to give me whatever email address they want, and a password which they create for my site only.
Also these questions: If I use an authentication provider can I get the actual email address being used to log in? Or do I only get a token?
If I am going to build my own authentication service so I can accept any email domain as user name, what is the easiest to implement in Xamarin forms, and can somebody point me to a tutorial or something?
Advice appreciated thanks.
Yes, you're right, each identity provider provides the ability to authenticate their own users; Google OAuth supports Google accounts, Azure Active Directory supports Microsoft work & school accounts, Microsoft Account supports Microsoft personal accounts, and so on.
You have quite a few options on how to add support for these identity providers in your app, in addition to what we typically call 'local accounts', or accounts created specifically for the given application. I'll list out a few approaches:
You can write all the code yourself to integrate with each identity provider individually, and build-your-own local account solution as well.
You can use an SDK/library in your Xamarin Forms which facilitates using multiple identity providers within your app. The Xamarin.Auth package has historically served this purpose for Xamarin apps. It provides auth capabilities for Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Twitter.
You can use a dedicated cloud service which provides authentication services for your app. Some examples include Azure Mobile Apps, Firebase Auth, Gigya, and more. The exact identity providers supported and the level of support for Xamarin/Xamarin Forms will vary across each one. Azure AD B2C is another option that I know supports Xamarin Forms as well as Facebook, Google, Twitter, and local accounts (disclaimer: I work on AAD B2C). These services sometimes have free tiers & paid tiers, so you can compare & contrast each.
You could also build your own authentication service using open source code like Identity Server if you wish.
It definitely depends which route you go, but generally speaking each solution will provide you access to some user profile information upon user authentication. For Azure AD B2C, you can configure the claims that are returned to your application in the tokens your app receives. For other services, you may need to make a REST API call to get some user data like the email address.

Get Facebook Oauth Token from behind a proxy

I'm currently writing a web application, which should access user facebook data.
The problem is, that many users access via proxy (all facebook urls are blocked) and therefore it's not possible to use the default oauth mechanism provided by facebook. Any ideas?
Best Regards
The user must be able to access facebook's servers to authenticate your app.
