Xamarin Forms authentication - Authentication Providers? - xamarin

Newbie question here on Authentication. I am used to incorporating authentication into my app backend server, like Spring Security Authentication for example. I don't really understand how the authentication providers work.
My concern is that somehow each provider can only authenticate its own accounts, ie google can only authenticate for gmail accounts, and Azure Active directory can only authenticate some kind of Microsoft registered account? I am disinclined to oauth because as a user I am always paranoid about signing in for some game or app from an unknown provider becacuse I never am sure whether I just gave my gmail or facebook account password to a rando.
I am fine giving people the option to use Oath, but less comfortable if that's the only option. I would like people to be able to give me whatever email address they want, and a password which they create for my site only.
Also these questions: If I use an authentication provider can I get the actual email address being used to log in? Or do I only get a token?
If I am going to build my own authentication service so I can accept any email domain as user name, what is the easiest to implement in Xamarin forms, and can somebody point me to a tutorial or something?
Advice appreciated thanks.

Yes, you're right, each identity provider provides the ability to authenticate their own users; Google OAuth supports Google accounts, Azure Active Directory supports Microsoft work & school accounts, Microsoft Account supports Microsoft personal accounts, and so on.
You have quite a few options on how to add support for these identity providers in your app, in addition to what we typically call 'local accounts', or accounts created specifically for the given application. I'll list out a few approaches:
You can write all the code yourself to integrate with each identity provider individually, and build-your-own local account solution as well.
You can use an SDK/library in your Xamarin Forms which facilitates using multiple identity providers within your app. The Xamarin.Auth package has historically served this purpose for Xamarin apps. It provides auth capabilities for Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Twitter.
You can use a dedicated cloud service which provides authentication services for your app. Some examples include Azure Mobile Apps, Firebase Auth, Gigya, and more. The exact identity providers supported and the level of support for Xamarin/Xamarin Forms will vary across each one. Azure AD B2C is another option that I know supports Xamarin Forms as well as Facebook, Google, Twitter, and local accounts (disclaimer: I work on AAD B2C). These services sometimes have free tiers & paid tiers, so you can compare & contrast each.
You could also build your own authentication service using open source code like Identity Server if you wish.
It definitely depends which route you go, but generally speaking each solution will provide you access to some user profile information upon user authentication. For Azure AD B2C, you can configure the claims that are returned to your application in the tokens your app receives. For other services, you may need to make a REST API call to get some user data like the email address.


Multi Domain with single login,

I have been planning to create a laravel+vuejs apps stretching across subdomains (presentation creator, forms creator, polls creator etc.,each in a subdomain) and will have 2 version of the same web app (indian version with different languages and content and international with different language and content) in 2 different domain say domain.in and domain.com but I want users from any app or domain to login with the single user login say from passport.domain.com we have WAP versions of the websites served from wap.domain.in and wap.domain.com and also mobile apps for both.
Now, normal users based on the userid and password, the user from .com domain will
be able to access apps and content only from .com domain and .in
will be able to access only from .in
Users will be able to login using facebook, linkedin, google, etc.,
We will have only a single app for iOS and Android and based on the username and password the apps will be able to access corresponding domain.
wap sites will login using the same passport.domain.com
mobile app will be able to access data from the domain through an appID and Key.
others will be able to embed the presentations and forms into their website using an api key and secret.
certain users will be able to transfer data created in one domain to another user in the other domain
admin users will be able to transfer data from both domains.
other platforms may be able to login using the user id from this platform.
is all this part of SSO (Single sign on) ?
is this achievable in laravel ?
is it advisable to write the sign in server in a different framework ?
different tech like SAML Outh2.0 and Open ID with terms like Authorization, authentication and id provider make it all confusing and baffling for a start up.
can some one tell me what tech are involved in the above process. and what one should be aware before jumping in to start development.
That's a lot of questions :)
OAuth 2.0 based technologies will give you the best options, since:
It has the most up to date app security options
It is designed to be web, mobile and API friendly
Access tokens are designed to cross domains
No it will not - you will need to build most of the above behaviour yourself, and implement a software architecture, as for any other security technology.
An Authorization Server will externalise logins / passwords and issue tokens. Your apps will then need to implement 'flows' including:
Web token based security and session management
Mobile token based security and session management
API token validation and claims handling
Integrating third party security libraries
When new to OAuth tech the best choices and design patterns are not clear, as you indicate. If it helps, my blog has some details you may find useful, but it is not a simple journey:
Step by step tutorials and code samples
Design posts on the tricky areas
Blog Index
This is not a Solution but an article I stumbled upon which explain the terminologies involved in user authentication and SSO.
Laravel authentication an overview
Hope this helps others who are looking for an answer like me now or in future.

Will the Azure AD v2.0 endpoint pass the same nameidentifier through as Access Control Services for the same Microsoft Account?

We are currently using Azure Access Control Services (***.accesscontrol.windows.net) to allow customers with personally-managed Microsoft Accounts (Identity Provider) to sign in to our customer self-service portals (Relying Party Applications), which are Angular apps powered by Web API services. In our Access Control Services we are currently passing through the nameidentifier http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/nameidentifier claim from Windows Live ID to the relying party APIs, which match that token to an identity in our applications.
We are looking to support both Enterprise and Personal Microsoft Accounts with the Azure AD v2.0 service, but do not understand how to migrate our existing users to the new system. The code examples suggest that the OWIN middleware returns the NameIdentifier claim from the user's Identity Provider, but if that Identity Provider is the same Microsoft Account (aka Windows Live ID), will that be the same NameIdentifier we are currently receiving via Access Control Services pass-through?
Any help and/or documentation that clarifies how this transition is intended to work would be appreciated.
If the nameidentifier coming out of ACS is the randomly generated value then you're kind of stuck because that value is unique to the ACS/RP/User. If it's returning the actual Live ID then it'll obviously only match if the Azure AD user has the same email address.
I don't know if any documentation out there that describes how to handle this situation. My recommendation is to just require a one-time authentication from each source within the same session and marry the two results. That would basically mean
authenticate to Azure AD
Your app: Hey you don't have any user details, do you want to associate a Live ID?
Authenticate Live ID
Associate Live ID with Azure AD
Then if they want to sign in with either accounts in the future you have a link between the two.

How does the Google Apps Marketplace SSO requirement work?

We're trying to figure out how to submit to the marketplace, but are not sure what we need to do to alter our existing signup flow to accomodate the SSO requirement
Our app was not originally built to be a marketplace app so our signup flow is built for individual users. We are already following the OAuth2 flow as outlined on this documentation page. However, its not clear to me how this works for an entire org when installing from the context of a marketplace app.
Does the admin grant access to all the individual scopes we currently request for the entire org at once? Is there need for some sort of service account or something since we currently are requesting offline access? I'd like to understand what changes we need to make to our server's signup flow in or whether it is just a scope / manifest mismatch.
We currently request the following scopes from an individual user when signing up.
['email', 'profile' ,'https://mail.google.com/', 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar'],
Exact questions are...
What (if anything) do we need to do to alter our current individual-focused signup flow to accommodate a Google Apps Admin signing up their whole domain?
What scopes do we need to in our Google Apps Admin listing and how do they relate to the scopes we currently request from individuals?
There are not so many changes if you are already using three legged OAuth2.
The first change would be in you project in the developer console. There you need to enable the Marketplace SDK and make the necessary configurations. Here you will add the scopes that your app will request and those are the scopes that the admin will see when installing the app.
The admin will see the scopes your app is requesting, and he will decide if it's ok to install the application in the domain. If it is approved, then yes, the admin would grant access to the entire domain.
Offline access is part of the Oauth flow, after you receive the refresh token, you can continue refreshing the access token without having the user to grant access again.
It is not necessary to have a service account. The service account has two purposes:
To manage information related to the application. In this case the service account can have access to it's own drive to store and retrieve information that is related to the app functionality.
Impersonation of users. When using domain delegation of authority, you can use a service account to impersonate any user in a domain and act on it's behalf to make API calls.
To deploy your app, you also have to create a new project in the Chrome Web Store, with a manifest for Marketplace.
To answer your questions:
It's not necessary that you modify your current oauth flow. The admin will install the app in the domain, but when a user access to the app, the process for authentication is the same as individual.
The scopes in your Marketplace SDK configuration should match the scopes your app will use. This is mostly for security reasons, it wouldn't be safe if you install an app with some scopes and then the app uses different scopes.
You can try your app before actually deploying it by adding trusted testers in the chrome web store dashboard or in the Console API configuration. This way you can check if your flows and all the configurations were done correctly.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you have more questions.

How to manage a user session using Azure Mobile Services?

I'm building mobile applications using .NET. What I'm looking for is a way to manage user sessions and info using Azure Mobile Services. I've read a lot about the authentication in Azure Mobile Services, but this only authenticates a user via Facebook, Twitter, etc ... to access azure services.
I'm looking for user session management, i.e. register, login, logout. Be able to save and retrieve user info, i.e., save certain info against the user such as age for example. Also session management and caching, i.e. the user will remain logged on when the app is closed and re-opened. Also azure mobile services doesn't seem to provide a way to allow me to register users via email.
Basically, If anyone is familiar with Parse, I'm looking for having similar functionality in Azure. Can anyone help please ?
Out of the box, Mobile Services provides easy authentication with social providers (Facebook, Twitter, etc) and Azure Active Directory. If you want to do registration via email, you'll have to create a custom auth system. This is going to be more complex than just flipping a switch and using Facebook auth, but totally doable and I can point you in the right direction. First, check out this post that will explain how you can create a registration / login system using custom API and the script backend. If you're using a .NET backend, you'll need to alter thing a bit (the samples are in JS) but it should be pretty easy to convert. The only piece that is really missing from that post is how to do email verification. To do this with Mobile Services, I would suggest the following.
Sign up for a SendGrid account (free in the Azure store)
From your script, after registering the user, generate a random alphanumeric string that is saved to their account / user record in the table.
Use the same string to create a URL which you can send to the user's email address (check out this tutorial for sending email via SendGrid and Mobile Services).
The link can either go to a different custom API or a web front end. When that endpoint is hit, it should update the user record to show that they have verified their email address.

Programmatically avoid Google OpenID access request

I am providing my Google Apps Domain users content via Google Sites.
Furthermore I have 3rd party content which I would like to integrate. This content needs to be secure and available only to the Google Apps Domain users.
I have implemented openid which authenticates that the users are from my domain. I consider the users to be "stupid" so I wish to avoid any access request pages, which also makes my site look rather unprofessional / unpolished.
I can see the security setting under my personal account here:
Is there anything in the SDK which will allow me upon user creation to add the necessary account permissions?
Hypothetically if you can host your 3rd party content on Google app Engine (GAE) and all your users reside in your Google Apps Domain it is possible to set Authentication Type to "Google apps Domain" More about GAE authentication can be found here
Do not forget to deploy GAE under same Google apps Domain account
Authorization protocols like OpenID and OAuth have been deliberately designed to require explicit user confirmation of access privileges. Any mechanism that bypassed user intervention would effectively be a security exploit. I'd recommend you save yourself time and frustration by accepting that you're not going to get around that interstitial authorization page.
For better or worse, scope authorization pages have become a well-established part of the modern web application landscape. Users these days routinely confirm authorization dialogs for Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and Twitter access without batting an eyelash. Your less savvy users may not recognize it as such, but using existing security mechanisms is a sign of greater professionalism than rolling your own.
