so I have a SWF file. It can generate Jpeg images. I want to get that images by url (for ex I want to get just clean image (no flash no sign of flash). So as if i was just calling my apache server to give me that image.
So how to do such sing with AS?
Using some PHP package like ImageMagick or GD Library should do the job.
If for some strange reason you need flash, you could use swfaddress to do and listen for the swf address event and generate the image.
I'm quite new to addons development on Firefox.
I need to store an image from a given url, and then get the path to upload on another web. I read the Mozilla docs but can't figure how to do this.
I appreciate any help.
This does exactly what you need: How to download image to desktop with OS.File - you download the image with XHR, you then write that data to anywhere you want with OS.File.writeAtomic Instead of that XHR function, because you are using the SDK you should use the request module -
If i have a filename for a local file on the computer:
$img = "deskfile:///D%3A%2FSCANS%2F%23AUKT%2Fimg2014%2F2014-06+SP%2FEPSON007.jpg"
how can i upload it the server without using the "file selector"?
If i enter the file adresses in the url window of a browser i can display the image.
But if i load the image in tag they won't display. I've read it's becuse of restrictions in the browser.
I can't add a value caluse to the either.
Is there anyway to upload the image from the string?
Or can i at least open the correct directory in the "file selector" so the user wont have the browse the whole computer when looking for the file?
Yes there is a way. You can use the File API with Html5 and/or a polyfill for this to load the image in the browser before posting it back to the server. The best such polyfill that I know of is called Moxy/Plupload. It includes Flash and Silverlight fallbacks for older browsers.
You can display the image because it is stored locally in your computer. How do you know where is the image going to be in the user's computer. The only way to access the user's file system is through the file selector, once the user has selected a file you can then use any API to save that file in the server on your terms, but you will not be able to see each of your users file system from you page (security reasons). Could you elaborate more in what you are trying to accomplish? What exactly are you trying to do?
I'm trying to do a simple image POST to a php script through FileMaker Pro. I have the image in a container. Is there a way to post this to my URL so that I can use the normal PHP upload etc to take care of the processing? Any plugin etc that can help me do this?
The easiest way that I know of is to use a third party plug in like:
Because you can't just "get" the contents of the container you'll need to write the container to disk and then use a plugin like troi file to "read" in the image data. You may also want to use a plugin like troi text to encode the image before uploading (base64 is pretty common) and then decode it on the php side.
I'm trying to make an Image Gallery App using Three20 and what I want to do is get images stored on a webserver and store them in a NSMutalbeArray and display them in thumbnail view.
I've gone through Three20 Photo Gallery tuts but everywhere its either local images or passing links of all images in code. while my problem is Images will be added frequently to the server so its not a good idea to update code and send app update everytime an image is added to the server.
it seems i'll have to use for( ) loop but i don't know how to store images in NSMutableArray and use it in for( ) loop to get all the available images.
please help
I don't really know Three20 but what i can tell you is that you can use ASIHTTPRequest to download the images and store them locally to display them later.
See documentation here
You should be able to implement the <TTPhoto> protocol and provide remote URLs when you define the
- (NSString*)URLForVersion:(TTPhotoVersion)version
method. Have you tried this?
Images can be uploaded through Drupal's frontend interface with the Image module. However, I'd like to be able to upload and create image nodes remotely by requesting a URL and passing the image as a parameter. I have the REST API module, which works fine, but I can't figure out what function I need to call in the backend to create the image node. Does anyone know how to do this or if there's another module that does something like this?
The Gallerix module lets you turn on "Repository mode" that will make any images uplaoded to an FTP folder available to be included in its image galleries. It would be a simple step from there using Drupal 6 triggers and actions to publish a node containing only that image.