Named arguments as local variables in Ruby - ruby

I find myself constantly writing what I see as unnecessary code in Ruby when using named arguments for methods.
Take for example the following code:
def my_method(args)
orange = args[:orange]
lemon = args[:lemon]
grapefruit = args[:grapefruit]
# code that uses
# orange, lemon & grapefruit in this format which is way prettier & concise than
# args[:orange] args[:lemon] args[:grapefruit]
puts "my_method variables: #{orange}, #{lemon}, #{grapefruit}"
my_method :orange => "Orange", :grapefruit => "Grapefruit"
What I really don't like about this code is that I am having to take the args and pass the values into local variables going against DRY principles and just generally taking up space in my methods. And if I don't use local variables and just refer to all variables with the args[:symbol] syntax then the code becomes somewhat illegible.
I have tried working up a solution to this but keeping hitting a brick wall as I don't know how to define local variables using eval in the scope of the method, or using any other technique. Here is one of many attempts below, which results in an error
def my_method_with_eval(args)
method_binding = binding
%w{ orange lemon grapefruit}.each { |variable| eval "#{variable} = args[:#{variable}]", method_binding; }
# code that uses
# orange, lemon & grapefruit in this format which is way prettier & concise than
# args[:orange] args[:lemon] args[:grapefruit]
puts "my_method_with_eval variables: #{orange}, #{lemon}, #{grapefruit}"
my_method_with_eval :orange => "Orange", :grapefruit => "Grapefruit"
When running that code I simply get
NameError: undefined local variable or method ‘orange’ for main:Object method my_method_with_eval in named_args_to_local_vars at line at top level in named_args_to_local_vars at line 9
Anyone got any ideas how I could simplify this down somehow so that I don't have to start my named argument methods with loads of var=args[:var] code?
Matthew O'Riordan

I don't believe there's any way to do this in Ruby (if anyone comes up with one, please let me know, and I'll update or delete this answer to reflect it!) - if a local variable hasn't been defined yet, there's no way to dynamically define it with the binding. You could conceivably do something like orange, lemon, grapefruit = nil before calling eval, but you may run into other problems - for instance, if args[:orange] is the string "Orange", you'll end up evaluating orange = Orange with your current implementation.
Here's something that could work, though, using the OpenStruct class from the standard library (by "could work", I mean "it's up to your sense of style whether is any nicer than args[:orange]"):
require 'ostruct'
def my_method_with_ostruct(args)
a =
puts "my_method_with_ostruct variables: #{}, #{a.lemon}, #{a.grapefruit}"
If you don't need easy access to any state or methods on the receiver of this method, you could use instance_eval, as follows.
def my_method_with_instance_eval(args) do
puts "my_method_with_instance_eval variables: #{orange}, #{lemon}, #{grapefruit}"
You could even do something tricky with method_missing (see here for more) to allow access to the "primary" object, but the performance probably wouldn't be great.
All in all, I think it's probably most straightforward/readable to go with the less DRY initial solution that bothered you.

Merge of Greg's and Sand's answers:
require 'ostruct'
def my_method(args = {})
with args do
puts a
puts b
def with(args = {}, &block)
my_method(:a => 1, :b => 2)

I found a discussion on this on ruby-talk-google and it seems to be an optimisation of the parser. Local variables are already figured out at runtime so that local_variables is already set at the beginning of the method.
def meth
p local_variables
a = 0
p local_variables
# =>
That way Ruby doesn’t need to decide whether a is a method or a local variable or whatnot at runtime but can safely assume it is a local variable.
(For comparison: In Python locals() would be empty at the beginning of the function.)

At my blog (see link in user info), I just tried to address handling this problem neatly. I go into more detail there, but the core of my solution is the following helper method:
def collect_named_args(given, expected)
# collect any given arguments that were unexpected
bad = given.keys - expected.keys
# if we have any unexpected arguments, raise an exception.
# Example error string: "unknown arguments sonething, anyhting"
raise ArgumentError,
"unknown argument#{bad.count > 1 ? 's' : ''}: #{bad.join(', ')}",
caller unless bad.empty?*expected.keys).new(
* { |arg, default_value|
given.has_key?(arg) ? given[arg] : default_value
end # def collect_named_args
which is called as follows:
def foo(arguments = {})
a = collect_named_args(arguments,
something: 'nothing',
everything: 'almost',
nothing: false,
anything: 75)
# Do something with the arguments
puts a.anything
end # def foo
I'm still trying to figure out if there is any way to get my results into local_variables or not - but as others have noted, Ruby doesn't want to do that. You could use the "with" trick, I suppose.
module Kernel
def with(object, &block)
object.instance_eval &block
with(a) do
# Do something with arguments (a)
put anything
but that feels unsatisfactory for several reasons.
I like the above solution because it uses a Struct instead of an OpenStruct, which means one less require, and what you get back is set as far as what variables are being handled.

This doesn't solve the problem, but I tend to do
orange, lemon, grapefruit = [:orange, :lemon, :grapefruit].
map{|key| args.fetch(key)}
as it's pretty easy to copy and paste the orange lemon grapefruit bit.
If you find the colons too much work, you could do
orange, lemon, grapefruit = %w{orange, lemon, grapefruit}.
map{|str| str.gsub(",", "").to_sym}.map{|key| args.fetch(key)}

I found myself wondering how to do this myself today. Not only would I like to DRY up my code, but I'd like to have argument validation, too.
I came across a blog post by Juris Galang where he's explained a couple ways of handling it. He's has published a gem that encapsulates his ideas which looks interesting.


When to use (:method) or (&:method)

Why does: respond_to? in:
class Wolf
def howl; end
end # => true
not require & while map in:
["1", "2", "3"].map(&:to_i) # => [1, 2, 3]
does? Also, are there any technical names for this?
When you say :method, you're using some nice syntactical sugar in ruby that creates a new Symbol object. When you throw an ampersand before it (&:method), you're using another piece of sugar. This invokes the to_proc method on the symbol.
So, these two things are identical:
method_proc = &:method
sym = :method
method_proc = method.to_proc
What's the difference between that and the other usage? Well, respond_to? has a single argument -- a symbol. So we can pass :method and be all fine and dandy. (Interestingly, objects do respond to the method named method, but that's a far more confusing question).
By comparison, Enumerable's iterators (like map, select, etc) accept a block. When we pass a Proc, it is interpreted properly as that block. So, these two pieces of code are equivalent:
[1,2,3].map { |i| i.even? }
This equivalence is a little confusing, because of course Symbol has no idea that there's an even? method somewhere. To play around with it, I used evenproc = :even?.to_proc to inspect the resulting proc. It's implemented in C (at least in MRI ruby), and isn't willing to give up its source. However, its arity is -1, which means that it accepts one optional arg. My best guess is that it does something like this:
def to_proc
method_name = self.to_s
->(a) { a.send(method_name) }
I could dig further, but I think we've already gone way past the question. ;) Good luck!

How to get Ruby hash to remove braces in output

I started working through some sample problems on Test-First, and had worked out a solution which passed all the RSpec tests using Ruby 1.8.7. I just upgraded my OS, and Ruby upgraded as well; my code no longer passes the RSpec test. Can anyone help me understand why this is not working anymore?
My code
def entries
the error message
1) Dictionary can add whole entries with keyword and definition
Failure/Error: #d.entries.should == {'fish' => 'aquatic animal'}
expected: {"fish"=>"aquatic animal"}
got: {["fish"]=>["aquatic animal"]} (using ==)
## -1,2 +1,2 ##
-"fish" => "aquatic animal"
+["fish"] => ["aquatic animal"]
I can't figure out what to change about the formatting. (One of the RSpec tests is that the #d must be empty when created, so when I try modifying the #d by putting in explicit formatting it also fails, but I'm imagining that there's a straightforward type issue here I'm not understanding.)
Update: More code
class Dictionary
def initialize d = {}
#d = d
def entries
def keywords
def add words
n_key = words.keys
n_val = words.values
#d[n_key] = n_val
It looks like you're trying to do some kind of mass assignment by adding several words at once, but that's not the way to do it.
A Ruby Hash can have anything as a key, and this includes arrays of things. It's not like JavaScript where it will automatically cast to string, or other languages that have the same sort of conversion to a specific dictionary key type. In Ruby any object will do.
So your add words method should be:
def add words
words.each do |word, value|
#d[word] = value
As a note using names like #d is really bad form. Try and be more specific about what that is, or you risk confusing people endlessly. Programs filled with things like #d, x and S are awful to debug and maintain. Better to be clear if a bit verbose than terse and ambiguous.
Secondly, it's not clear how your Dictionary class is all that different from Hash itself. Maybe you could make it a subclass and save yourself some trouble. For example:
class Dictionary < Hash
def keywords
def add words
In general terms it's always best to use the core Ruby classes to do what you want, then build out from there. Re-inventing the wheel leads to incompatibility and frustration. The built-in Hash class has a whole bunch of utility methods that are very handy for doing data transformation, conversion and iteration, things you're losing by creating your own opaque wrapper class.
The merge! method in particular adds data to an existing Hash, which is exactly what you want.

Is it possible to access block's scope in method?

I'd like to write the method (define_variables) which can get a block and use the variables defined in it. Is it possible? For example, I'd like to get 5 in output:
module A
def self.define_variables
puts a # not 5 :(
A::define_variables do
a = 5
Maybe there is some tricks with eval, but haven't found anyone yet.
In short, no. After you've called yield those variables defined in the block are gone (sort of, as we shall see), except for what is returned—that's just how scope works. In your example, the 5 is still there in that it is returned by the block, and thus puts yield would print 5. Using this you could return a hash from the block {:a => 5}, and then access multiple "variables" that way. In Ruby 1.8 (in IRb only) you can do:
eval "a = 5"
a # => 5
Though I don't know of anyway to eval the contents of a block. Regardless, in Ruby 1.9 the scope of eval was isolated and this will give you a NameError. You can do an eval within the context of a Binding though:
def foo
b = yield
eval(a, b) + 2
foo do
a = 5
end # => 7
It seems to me that what you're trying to do is emulate macros in Ruby, which is just not possible (at least not pure Ruby), and I discourage the use of any of the "workarounds" I've mentioned above.
Agreed that this is a bit backwards, and Andrew's explanation is correct. If your use case is defining variables, however, there are already class_variable_set and instance_variable_set methods that are great for this:
module A
def self.define_variables(vars = {})
vars.each { |n, v| class_variable_set n, v }
puts ##a
A::define_variables :##a => 5
The above is more of an example of how it would work within the code you've posted rather than a recommendation.

Access variables programmatically by name in Ruby

I'm not entirely sure if this is possible in Ruby, but hopefully there's an easy way to do this. I want to declare a variable and later find out the name of the variable. That is, for this simple snippet:
foo = ["goo", "baz"]
How can I get the name of the array (here, "foo") back? If it is indeed possible, does this work on any variable (e.g., scalars, hashes, etc.)?
Edit: Here's what I'm basically trying to do. I'm writing a SOAP server that wraps around a class with three important variables, and the validation code is essentially this:
[foo, goo, bar].each { |param|
if param.class != Array
puts "param_name wasn't an Array. It was a/an #{param.class}"
return "Error: param_name wasn't an Array"
My question is then: Can I replace the instances of 'param_name' with foo, goo, or bar? These objects are all Arrays, so the answers I've received so far don't seem to work (with the exception of re-engineering the whole thing ala dbr's answer)
What if you turn your problem around? Instead of trying to get names from variables, get the variables from the names:
["foo", "goo", "bar"].each { |param_name|
param = eval(param_name)
if param.class != Array
puts "#{param_name} wasn't an Array. It was a/an #{param.class}"
return "Error: #{param_name} wasn't an Array"
If there were a chance of one the variables not being defined at all (as opposed to not being an array), you would want to add "rescue nil" to the end of the "param = ..." line to keep the eval from throwing an exception...
You need to re-architect your solution. Even if you could do it (you can't), the question simply doesn't have a reasonable answer.
Imagine a get_name method.
a = 1
Everyone could probably agree this should return 'a'
b = a
Should it return 'b', or 'a', or an array containing both?
[b,a].each do |arg|
Should it return 'arg', 'b', or 'a' ?
def do_stuff( arg )
Should it return 'arg', 'b', or 'a', or maybe the array of all of them? Even if it did return an array, what would the order be and how would I know how to interpret the results?
The answer to all of the questions above is "It depends on the particular thing I want at the time." I'm not sure how you could solve that problem for Ruby.
It seems you are trying to solve a problem that has a far easier solution..
Why not just store the data in a hash? If you do..
data_container = {'foo' => ['goo', 'baz']} is then utterly trivial to get the 'foo' name.
That said, you've not given any context to the problem, so there may be a reason you can't do this..
[edit] After clarification, I see the issue, but I don't think this is the problem.. With [foo, bar, bla], it's equivalent like saying ['content 1', 'content 2', 'etc']. The actual variables name is (or rather, should be) utterly irrelevant. If the name of the variable is important, that is exactly why hashes exist.
The problem isn't with iterating over [foo, bar] etc, it's the fundamental problem with how the SOAP server is returing the data, and/or how you're trying to use it.
The solution, I would say, is to either make the SOAP server return hashes, or, since you know there is always going to be three elements, can you not do something like..
{"foo" => foo, "goo" => goo, "bar"=>bar}.each do |param_name, param|
if param.class != Array
puts "#{param_name} wasn't an Array. It was a/an #{param.class}"
puts "Error: #{param_name} wasn't an Array"
OK, it DOES work in instance methods, too, and, based on your specific requirement (the one you put in the comment), you could do this:
local_variables.each do |var|
puts var if (eval(var).class != Fixnum)
Just replace Fixnum with your specific type checking.
I do not know of any way to get a local variable name. But, you can use the instance_variables method, this will return an array of all the instance variable names in the object.
Simple call:
to get an array of all instance variable names.
Building on joshmsmoore, something like this would probably do it:
# Returns the first instance variable whose value == x
# Returns nil if no name maps to the given value
def instance_variable_name_for(x)
self.instance_variables.find do |var|
x == self.instance_variable_get(var)
There's Kernel::local_variables, but I'm not sure that this will work for a method's local vars, and I don't know that you can manipulate it in such a way as to do what you wish to acheive.
Great question. I fully understand your motivation. Let me start by noting, that there are certain kinds of special objects, that, under certain circumstances, have knowledge of the variable, to which they have been assigned. These special objects are eg. Module instances, Class instances and Struct instances:
Dog = # Dog
The catch is, that this works only when the variable, to which the assignment is performed, is a constant. (We all know that Ruby constants are nothing more than emotionally sensitive variables.) Thus:
x = # creating an anonymous module #=> nil # the module does not know that it has been assigned to x
Animal = x # but will notice once we assign it to a constant #=> "Animal"
This behavior of objects being aware to which variables they have been assigned, is commonly called constant magic (because it is limited to constants). But this highly desirable constant magic only works for certain objects:
Rover = #=> raises NoMethodError
Fortunately, I have written a gem y_support/name_magic, that takes care of this for you:
# first, gem install y_support
require 'y_support/name_magic'
class Cat
include NameMagic
The fact, that this only works with constants (ie. variables starting with a capital letter) is not such a big limitation. In fact, it gives you freedom to name or not to name your objects at will:
tmp = # nameless kitty #=> nil
Josie = tmp # by assigning to a constant, we name the kitty Josie #=> :Josie
Unfortunately, this will not work with array literals, because they are internally constructed without using #new method, on which NameMagic relies. Therefore, to achieve what you want to, you will have to subclass Array:
require 'y_support/name_magic'
class MyArr < Array
include NameMagic
foo = ["goo", "baz"] # not named yet #=> nil
Foo = foo # but assignment to a constant is noticed #=> :Foo
# You can even list the instances
MyArr.instances #=> [["goo", "baz"]]
MyArr.instance_names #=> [:Foo]
# Get an instance by name:
MyArr.instance "Foo" #=> ["goo", "baz"]
MyArr.instance :Foo #=> ["goo", "baz"]
# Rename it: = "Quux" #=> :Quux
# Or forget the name again:
MyArr.forget :Quux #=> nil
# In addition, you can name the object upon creation even without assignment
u = [1, 2], name: :Pair #=> :Pair
v = [1, 2, 3], ɴ: :Trinity #=> :Trinity
I achieved the constant magic-imitating behavior by searching all the constants in all the namespaces of the current Ruby object space. This wastes a fraction of second, but since the search is performed only once, there is no performance penalty once the object figures out its name. In the future, Ruby core team has promised const_assigned hook.
You can't, you need to go back to the drawing board and re-engineer your solution.
Foo is only a location to hold a pointer to the data. The data has no knowledge of what points at it. In Smalltalk systems you could ask the VM for all pointers to an object, but that would only get you the object that contained the foo variable, not foo itself. There is no real way to reference a vaiable in Ruby. As mentioned by one answer you can stil place a tag in the data that references where it came from or such, but generally that is not a good apporach to most problems. You can use a hash to receive the values in the first place, or use a hash to pass to your loop so you know the argument name for validation purposes as in DBR's answer.
The closest thing to a real answer to you question is to use the Enumerable method each_with_index instead of each, thusly:
my_array = [foo, baz, bar]
my_array.each_with_index do |item, index|
if item.class != Array
puts "#{my_array[index]} wasn't an Array. It was a/an #{item.class}"
I removed the return statement from the block you were passing to each/each_with_index because it didn't do/mean anything. Each and each_with_index both return the array on which they were operating.
There's also something about scope in blocks worth noting here: if you've defined a variable outside of the block, it will be available within it. In other words, you could refer to foo, bar, and baz directly inside the block. The converse is not true: variables that you create for the first time inside the block will not be available outside of it.
Finally, the do/end syntax is preferred for multi-line blocks, but that's simply a matter of style, though it is universal in ruby code of any recent vintage.

Hidden features of Ruby

Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
Continuing the "Hidden features of ..." meme, let's share the lesser-known but useful features of Ruby programming language.
Try to limit this discussion with core Ruby, without any Ruby on Rails stuff.
See also:
Hidden features of C#
Hidden features of Java
Hidden features of JavaScript
Hidden features of Ruby on Rails
Hidden features of Python
(Please, just one hidden feature per answer.)
Thank you
From Ruby 1.9 Proc#=== is an alias to Proc#call, which means Proc objects can be used in case statements like so:
def multiple_of(factor){|product| product.modulo(factor).zero?}
case number
when multiple_of(3)
puts "Multiple of 3"
when multiple_of(7)
puts "Multiple of 7"
Peter Cooper has a good list of Ruby tricks. Perhaps my favorite of his is allowing both single items and collections to be enumerated. (That is, treat a non-collection object as a collection containing just that object.) It looks like this:
[*items].each do |item|
# ...
Don't know how hidden this is, but I've found it useful when needing to make a Hash out of a one-dimensional array:
fruit = ["apple","red","banana","yellow"]
=> ["apple", "red", "banana", "yellow"]
=> {"apple"=>"red", "banana"=>"yellow"}
One trick I like is to use the splat (*) expander on objects other than Arrays. Here's an example on a regular expression match:
match, text, number = *"Something 981".match(/([A-z]*) ([0-9]*)/)
Other examples include:
a, b, c = *('A'..'Z')
Job =, :occupation)
tom ="Tom", "Developer")
name, occupation = *tom
Wow, no one mentioned the flip flop operator:
1.upto(100) do |i|
puts i if (i == 3)..(i == 15)
One of the cool things about ruby is that you can call methods and run code in places other languages would frown upon, such as in method or class definitions.
For instance, to create a class that has an unknown superclass until run time, i.e. is random, you could do the following:
class RandomSubclass < [Array, Hash, String, Fixnum, Float, TrueClass].sample
RandomSubclass.superclass # could output one of 6 different classes.
This uses the 1.9 Array#sample method (in 1.8.7-only, see Array#choice), and the example is pretty contrived but you can see the power here.
Another cool example is the ability to put default parameter values that are non fixed (like other languages often demand):
def do_something_at(something, at =
# ...
Of course the problem with the first example is that it is evaluated at definition time, not call time. So, once a superclass has been chosen, it stays that superclass for the remainder of the program.
However, in the second example, each time you call do_something_at, the at variable will be the time that the method was called (well, very very close to it)
Another tiny feature - convert a Fixnum into any base up to 36:
>> 1234567890.to_s(2)
=> "1001001100101100000001011010010"
>> 1234567890.to_s(8)
=> "11145401322"
>> 1234567890.to_s(16)
=> "499602d2"
>> 1234567890.to_s(24)
=> "6b1230i"
>> 1234567890.to_s(36)
=> "kf12oi"
And as Huw Walters has commented, converting the other way is just as simple:
>> "kf12oi".to_i(36)
=> 1234567890
Hashes with default values! An array in this case.
parties = {|hash, key| hash[key] = [] }
parties["Summer party"]
# => []
parties["Summer party"] << "Joe"
parties["Other party"] << "Jane"
Very useful in metaprogramming.
Another fun addition in 1.9 Proc functionality is Proc#curry which allows you to turn a Proc accepting n arguments into one accepting n-1. Here it is combined with the Proc#=== tip I mentioned above:
it_is_day_of_week = lambda{ |day_of_week, date| date.wday == day_of_week }
it_is_saturday = it_is_day_of_week.curry[6]
it_is_sunday = it_is_day_of_week.curry[0]
when it_is_saturday
puts "Saturday!"
when it_is_sunday
puts "Sunday!"
puts "Not the weekend"
Download Ruby 1.9 source, and issue make golf, then you can do things like this:
make golf
./goruby -e 'h'
# => Hello, world!
./goruby -e 'p St'
# => StandardError
./goruby -e 'p'
# => 1.0
./goruby19 -e 'p Fil.exp(".")'
Read the golf_prelude.c for more neat things hiding away.
Boolean operators on non boolean values.
&& and ||
Both return the value of the last expression evaluated.
Which is why the ||= will update the variable with the value returned expression on the right side if the variable is undefined. This is not explicitly documented, but common knowledge.
However the &&= isn't quite so widely known about.
string &&= string + "suffix"
is equivalent to
if string
string = string + "suffix"
It's very handy for destructive operations that should not proceed if the variable is undefined.
The Symbol#to_proc function that Rails provides is really cool.
Instead of
Employee.collect { |emp| }
You can write:
One final one - in ruby you can use any character you want to delimit strings. Take the following code:
message = "My message"
contrived_example = "<div id=\"contrived\">#{message}</div>"
If you don't want to escape the double-quotes within the string, you can simply use a different delimiter:
contrived_example = %{<div id="contrived-example">#{message}</div>}
contrived_example = %[<div id="contrived-example">#{message}</div>]
As well as avoiding having to escape delimiters, you can use these delimiters for nicer multiline strings:
sql = %{
SELECT strings
FROM complicated_table
WHERE complicated_condition = '1'
Use a Range object as an infinite lazy list:
Inf = 1.0 / 0
(1..Inf).take(5) #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
More info here:
I find using the define_method command to dynamically generate methods to be quite interesting and not as well known. For example:
((0..9).each do |n|
define_method "press_#{n}" do
#number = #number.to_i * 10 + n
The above code uses the 'define_method' command to dynamically create the methods "press1" through "press9." Rather then typing all 10 methods which essentailly contain the same code, the define method command is used to generate these methods on the fly as needed.
Module methods that are declared as module_function will create copies of themselves as private instance methods in the class that includes the Module:
module M
def not!
module_function :not!
class C
include M
def fun
M.not! # => 'not! # => 'not!'! # => NoMethodError: private method `not!' called for #<C:0x1261a00>
If you use module_function without any arguments, then any module methods that comes after the module_function statement will automatically become module_functions themselves.
module M
def not!
def yea!
class C
include M
def fun
not! + ' ' + yea!
M.not! # => 'not!'
M.yea! # => 'yea!' # => 'not! yea!'
Short inject, like such:
Sum of range:
=> 55
Warning: this item was voted #1 Most Horrendous Hack of 2008, so use with care. Actually, avoid it like the plague, but it is most certainly Hidden Ruby.
Superators Add New Operators to Ruby
Ever want a super-secret handshake operator for some unique operation in your code? Like playing code golf? Try operators like
That last one is used in the examples for reversing the order of an item.
I have nothing to do with the Superators Project beyond admiring it.
I'm late to the party, but:
You can easily take two equal-length arrays and turn them into a hash with one array supplying the keys and the other the values:
a = [:x, :y, :z]
b = [123, 456, 789]
# => { :x => 123, :y => 456, :z => 789 }
(This works because Array#zip "zips" up the values from the two arrays: # => [[:x, 123], [:y, 456], [:z, 789]]
And Hash[] can take just such an array. I've seen people do this as well:
Hash[*] # unnecessary!
Which yields the same result, but the splat and flatten are wholly unnecessary--perhaps they weren't in the past?)
Auto-vivifying hashes in Ruby
def cnh # silly name "create nested hash" {|h,k| h[k] =}
my_hash = cnh
my_hash[1][2][3] = 4
my_hash # => { 1 => { 2 => { 3 =>4 } } }
This can just be damn handy.
Destructuring an Array
(a, b), c, d = [ [:a, :b ], :c, [:d1, :d2] ]
a #=> :a
b #=> :b
c #=> :c
d #=> [:d1, :d2]
Using this technique we can use simple assignment to get the exact values we want out of nested array of any depth.
Create a new class at run time. The argument can be a class to derive from, and the block is the class body. You might also want to look at const_set/const_get/const_defined? to get your new class properly registered, so that inspect prints out a name instead of a number.
Not something you need every day, but quite handy when you do.
create an array of consecutive numbers:
x = [*0..5]
sets x to [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
A lot of the magic you see in Rubyland has to do with metaprogramming, which is simply writing code that writes code for you. Ruby's attr_accessor, attr_reader, and attr_writer are all simple metaprogramming, in that they create two methods in one line, following a standard pattern. Rails does a whole lot of metaprogramming with their relationship-management methods like has_one and belongs_to.
But it's pretty simple to create your own metaprogramming tricks using class_eval to execute dynamically-written code.
The following example allows a wrapper object to forwards certain methods along to an internal object:
class Wrapper
attr_accessor :internal
def self.forwards(*methods)
methods.each do |method|
define_method method do |*arguments, &block|
internal.send method, *arguments, &block
forwards :to_i, :length, :split
w =
w.internal = "12 13 14"
w.to_i # => 12
w.length # => 8
w.split('1') # => ["", "2 ", "3 ", "4"]
The method Wrapper.forwards takes symbols for the names of methods and stores them in the methods array. Then, for each of those given, we use define_method to create a new method whose job it is to send the message along, including all arguments and blocks.
A great resource for metaprogramming issues is Why the Lucky Stiff's "Seeing Metaprogramming Clearly".
use anything that responds to ===(obj) for case comparisons:
case foo
when /baz/
when 12..15
when lambda { |x| x % 5 == 0 }
# only works in Ruby 1.9 or if you alias Proc#call as Proc#===
when Bar
when some_object
Module (and thus Class), Regexp, Date, and many other classes define an instance method :===(other), and can all be used.
Thanks to Farrel for the reminder of Proc#call being aliased as Proc#=== in Ruby 1.9.
The "ruby" binary (at least MRI's) supports a lot of the switches that made perl one-liners quite popular.
Significant ones:
-n Sets up an outer loop with just "gets" - which magically works with given filename or STDIN, setting each read line in $_
-p Similar to -n but with an automatic puts at the end of each loop iteration
-a Automatic call to .split on each input line, stored in $F
-i In-place edit input files
-l Automatic call to .chomp on input
-e Execute a piece of code
-c Check source code
-w With warnings
Some examples:
# Print each line with its number:
ruby -ne 'print($., ": ", $_)' < /etc/irbrc
# Print each line reversed:
ruby -lne 'puts $_.reverse' < /etc/irbrc
# Print the second column from an input CSV (dumb - no balanced quote support etc):
ruby -F, -ane 'puts $F[1]' < /etc/irbrc
# Print lines that contain "eat"
ruby -ne 'puts $_ if /eat/i' < /etc/irbrc
# Same as above:
ruby -pe 'next unless /eat/i' < /etc/irbrc
# Pass-through (like cat, but with possible line-end munging):
ruby -p -e '' < /etc/irbrc
# Uppercase all input:
ruby -p -e '$_.upcase!' < /etc/irbrc
# Same as above, but actually write to the input file, and make a backup first with extension .bak - Notice that inplace edit REQUIRES input files, not an input STDIN:
ruby -i.bak -p -e '$_.upcase!' /etc/irbrc
Feel free to google "ruby one-liners" and "perl one-liners" for tons more usable and practical examples. It essentially allows you to use ruby as a fairly powerful replacement to awk and sed.
The send() method is a general-purpose method that can be used on any Class or Object in Ruby. If not overridden, send() accepts a string and calls the name of the method whose string it is passed. For example, if the user clicks the “Clr” button, the ‘press_clear’ string will be sent to the send() method and the ‘press_clear’ method will be called. The send() method allows for a fun and dynamic way to call functions in Ruby.
%w(7 8 9 / 4 5 6 * 1 2 3 - 0 Clr = +).each do |btn|
button btn, :width => 46, :height => 46 do
method = case btn
when /[0-9]/: 'press_'+btn
when 'Clr': 'press_clear'
when '=': 'press_equals'
when '+': 'press_add'
when '-': 'press_sub'
when '*': 'press_times'
when '/': 'press_div'
number_field.replace strong(number)
I talk more about this feature in Blogging Shoes: The Simple-Calc Application
Fool some class or module telling it has required something that it really hasn't required:
$" << "something"
This is useful for example when requiring A that in turns requires B but we don't need B in our code (and A won't use it either through our code):
For example, Backgroundrb's bdrb_test_helper requires 'test/spec', but you don't use it at all, so in your code:
$" << "test/spec"
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../bdrb_test_helper")
Defining a method that accepts any number of parameters and just discards them all
def hello(*)
puts "hello!"
The above hello method only needs to puts "hello" on the screen and call super - but since the superclass hello defines parameters it has to as well - however since it doesn't actually need to use the parameters itself - it doesn't have to give them a name.
private unless Rails.env == 'test'
# e.g. a bundle of methods you want to test directly
Looks like a cool and (in some cases) nice/useful hack/feature of Ruby.
