Grails WebFlow with Ajax - ajax

I am trying to transition to next state of a WebFlow using Ajax requests. But it stays in the same state and returns the GSP as response for that state while I am expecting the GSP for the next state.
Following is the WebFlow code:
def gettingStartedAjaxFlow = {
flow1 {
on("next") {
println "flow1"
flow2 {
on("next") {
println "flow2"
flow3 {
println "flow3"
finish {
Following is the Ajax call I am making for the state transition:
type: "POST",
url: "/UN/user/gettingStartedAjax",
success: function(data) {
The GSPs for each state (flow1, flow2, flow3) contains a a code fragment having remoteForm & required next and skip submit buttons to transition to next state and as a result update the "wizardDiv" div. Following is the GSP fragment for flow1 state:
<g:formRemote name="flow1Form" url="[controller:'user', action:'gettingStartedAjax']" update="wizardDiv">
<p>You are in flow 1</p>
<g:submitButton name="next" value="Next Flow" />
<g:submitButton name="skip" value="Skip Flow" />

I'm stuck on the same problem, Nearly figured it out,
what you need to do, is send back the Grails webflow "_flowExecutionKey" that keeps
track of the current state,
I'm sure you've seen this, as its the only decent result Google finds.
I send an ajax request to an action, which populates a template and sends it back
with an input tag,
<input id="flowExecutionKey" name="_flowExecutionKey" value="${request.flowExecutionKey}" size="100"/>
But you could try send a temple back marked up like JSON with the "_flowExecutionKey" along with the data you want to send back,
That's my two cents

As well as keeping track of the execution (as Daxon posted), you'll need to make sure your buttons are named _eventId_next and _eventId_skip. g:submitbutton is normally clever enough to do this for you but it might not be inside of a remoteForm.
Also, my web flow code uses the parameter execution, not flowExecutionKey - which version of Grails are you using?

Here a solution that works in grails 2.5.3 at least for one single action. The id and name of the button are automatically modified to include "eventId" as prefix but this still did not work for me unless I added _event_id manually as input parameter. However, I'm not sure how this can work for multiple possible events.
<g:formRemote name="flow1Form" url="[controller:'user', action:'gettingStartedAjax']" update="wizardDiv">
<input type="hidden" id="execution" name="execution" value="${request.flowExecutionKey}"/>
<input type="hidden" id="_eventId" name="_eventId" value="next"/>
<fieldset class="form">
<fieldset class="buttons">
<g:submitButton name="next" value="Next flow"/>


Pass data from Thymeleaf template to springboot controller

I have simple web application written using Springboot and Thymeleaf templates. Report controller receives the data from form and builds the TestPlanReportResponse object which is added as model attribute like this:
public String homeSubmit(#ModelAttribute HomeFormInput homeFormInput, Model model, Errors errors) {
final TestPlanReportResponse response = new TestPlanReportResponse(homeFormInput);
model.addAttribute("allData", response);
return "charts";
I can work with that data in "charts" thymeleaf template and show the data I need, but I need to send exactly the same object back to controller when button is clicked, but i getting TestPlanReportResponse
object as parameter with nulls set.
public String sendReport(#ModelAttribute TestPlanReportResponse reportData, Model model) {
//reportData contains just nulls
Here is how my button is set in charts template:
<form action="#" th:action="#{/report/send}" th:object="${allData}" method="post">
<button type="submit">Send the report</button>
So my question is how to send the object back from thymeleaf template? Should i create a hidden input and put there the "allData" object just to send it back? It looks for me like dirty hack. What would be the appropriate way to pass data back? I want to have this app stateless so don't to store the data on a server side.
When I used to work with Spring and Thymeleaf and form, we had the same issue, passing the data back and forth between a form, the template, and different controllers.
And what you suggest is what we did, we used hidden input as dirty as it may look,it was the standard suggested answer, we did not find anything better.
You need to create an input, with a type a value and link it to a field, like this:
<form action="#" th:action="#{/report/send}" th:object="${allData}" method="post">
<input type="hidden" th:value="*{allDataValue1}" th:field="*{allDataField1}" />
//Do this for all your attributes/values that you wish to pass to the controller
<button class="btn btn-info btn-lg btn-block" type="submit">Send the report</button>
Though, i found this answer, you can try looking into this thread

UWP get form in webviewer returning 'about:blank' rather than form values

We have a mobile app which shows an html page with some javascript in a webviewer.
In this page we have a form. IT looks something like:
<form method="get" action = "" id="mainform">
<input name="EXAMPLE_NAME" id"EXAMPLE_NAME" placeholder="" type="text" maxlength="35"/>
So far so good. The user is able to view this input and fill it in with data. They then press a button on the xaml page which calls a function that does:
In the javascript on the page we have that function, which looks like:
function submitMainForm() {
var x = document.getElementById("mainForm").submit();
Back in the C# code we have handlers for the resulting navigation. They look like:
async void OnNavigating(object sender, WebNavigatingEventArgs e)
void OnNavigated(object sender, WebNavigatedEventArgs e)
This works well in iOS and Android. We get the WebNavigatingEventArgs in the handler, and the value from the field that we are showing in the webviewer (inside of mainform) are stored in there.
So, for example, e.Url in the OnNavigating and OnNavigated handlers would look something like:
We parse this string to get the values we care about (Test, in this case), and all is well.
On UWP, however, things work a lot less well. On Navigating is never called at all, and the call to OnNavigated just has "about:blank" stored in its WebNavigateEventArgs url value.
Does anyone know what might be going on here, and/or have a way that I can fix it? I need a way to get the results from my call to the get form as I do in the other 2 platforms, rather than "about:blank". Ideally, I'd also like to get the OnNavigated call, but the important thing is the data.
Thanks for your assistance
For html form submitting, you need add the action url that used to received parameter. For example:
<form id="Myform" action="HomePage.html">
First name:<br>
<input type="text" name="firstname" value="Mickey">
Last name:<br>
<input type="text" name="lastname" value="Mouse">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
When you invoke submit, the firstname lastname field will be sended to HomePage.html page. I create HomePage that Build Action is Content in native uwp project.
Please note you could not create html in forms project. Otherwise the webview could get navigate to the right url.
This is code sample please check.

meteorjs environment, getting element by id return strange value

I'm collaborating in a Meteorjs app, in wich i'm at first tries.
I builded some very simple templates to fit my needs.
In my code it happens that i have to check the value of a input text.
So i setup an event on that text box.
this is the text input:
<input type="text" name="meName" id="mockupName" />
<input type="button" {{buttonDisabled}} id="mockupCreate" value="New Mockup" />
The event check the text value and disable or enable the button. Very straight forward.
this is the event:
'keydown #mockupName': function(e) {
if ( == '') {
} else {
It works just ok. has a reference to my text input, and value store its value.
Now i referenced this template from another page, in a big template i wrote:
{{#if mockupSelected}}
<input type="button" id="sw_product" value="switch to product view" />
{{> mockupEditor}}
Select product from the left
And actually when mockupSelected returns true my template appears.
The event is not working anymore.
When the event fire ( and it fires ) i do a console.log(
Before i was getting: <input#mockupName> a reference to my input.
Now i m getting: Object { __impl4cf1e782hg__: <input#mockupName>, parentNode_: undefined, firstChild_: undefined, lastChild_: undefined, nextSibling_: undefined, previousSibling_: undefined, treeScope_: Object }
An object with a series of properties, one of which contains my reference.
This is the list of meteor packages installed:
I would like to know how i can access to that text input, considering that i do not know that key and that getElementById is returning me the same object.
I could iterate over all the object properties and testing if one of the values is actually a nodeElement of type text, but i do not think this is a solution.
Can anyone tell me how to get back to the normal behaviour?
I'm guessing here but have you tried:
<input type="text" name="meName" id="mockupName" class="mockupName" />
<input type="button" {{buttonDisabled}} id="mockupCreate" value="New Mockup" />
'keydown .mockupName': function(e) {
if ( == '') {
} else {
either that, or try changing the name of the control (mockupname -> uniqueMockupName). I had strange behaviour once when there were duplicate field names.

How to make Dojo as generic while submitting a form?

I have the following dojo (ver 1.9) code:
require(["dojo/dom", "dojo/on", "dojo/request", "dojo/dom-form"],
function(dom, on, request, domForm){
var form = dom.byId('user_login');
var selectedTabId = showIdOfSelectedTab();
// Attach the onsubmit event handler of the form
on(form, "submit", function(evt){
// prevent the page from navigating after submit
// Post the data to the server"login1.php", {
// Send the username and password
data: domForm.toObject("user_login"),
// Wait 2 seconds for a response
timeout: 2000
}).then(function(response) {
dom.byId(selectedTabId).innerHTML = response;
And html below:
<form name="user_login" id="user_login">
User name: <input type="text" name="user_name" id="user_name" /><br />
Password: <input type="password" name="user_password" id="user_password" /><br />
<button id="submitbutton" name="submitbutton">Submit</button>
I want to make the above dojo code as generic by sending the post action (login1.php) and the form id (i.e., user_login). I tried several ways but I could not achieve it.
Please let me know if any of you have idea.
Thanks in advance.
This is the demo drom the dojo Tutorial right?
Did you get any Errormessages?
So let's see.
Have you load the dojo libary correct? If not, the widgets can't be loaded.
Must be somthing like:
Check the path to the login1.php.
If it's in another Folder than your code the path must be something like "../myfolder /myphp/login1.php"
Regards, Miriam

How to rerender part of page after ajax submit of form in Lift (Scala)

this is probably a stupid question but I cannot figure out how to do it.
So I'm new to Scala/Lift and I read the ajax form chapter in but the "RedirectTo" in the example does not seem to be very "ajaxian" to me. Often in case of submitting a form via ajax, you would just partially rerender the same page, right?
So that's what I'm trying to do and am completely failing right now.
How do I let Lift rerender just a part of the same page after I submit the form via ajax?
Any hints would be appreciated. Thanks.
Basically, what I have looks like this:
<div id="main" class="lift:surround?with=default;at=content">
<h2>Welcome to your project!</h2>
<div class="lift:Test">
<form class="lift:form.ajax">
<label for="name">Name:</label>
<input id="name" name="name" type=text>
<input id="save" type="submit" value="Save">
<span id="theName">Name</span>
class Test {
def render = {
var name = ""
def process(): JsCmd = {
S.notice("Entered name is: %s".format(name))
"#theName " #> "This shall be updated with the name given in the form above" &
"#name" #> (SHtml.text(name, name = _) ++ SHtml.hidden(process))
How would I update "theName" when submitting the form?
Have a look at (Example Code). There is SHtml.memoize and SHtml.idMemoize which automatically caches the HTML code. Not sure why it is not used in this example in the Simply Lift book.
You have a 2 step form right? The above poster is correct.
Save your transformation in a RequestVar.
in your above example, the method you want to save is render, so 1st memoize the transform:
private def renderTest= SHtml.memoize { render }
Then, you can save this memoized transformation in a RequestVar (lasts for 1 request), or maybe a TransientRequestVar depending on your needs.
private object testTemplate extends RequestVar(renderTest)
When you want to replay the transform, from an ajax event -
I might have misunderstood the original question, b/c if you want to do a 2 step form, you don't really need the memoize. The memoize is if something changes on your current form, and you want to update it via an ajax event, i.e. on click or on change, b/c normally the form wouldn't update unless you did an ajax submit.
