Pass data from Thymeleaf template to springboot controller - spring-boot

I have simple web application written using Springboot and Thymeleaf templates. Report controller receives the data from form and builds the TestPlanReportResponse object which is added as model attribute like this:
public String homeSubmit(#ModelAttribute HomeFormInput homeFormInput, Model model, Errors errors) {
final TestPlanReportResponse response = new TestPlanReportResponse(homeFormInput);
model.addAttribute("allData", response);
return "charts";
I can work with that data in "charts" thymeleaf template and show the data I need, but I need to send exactly the same object back to controller when button is clicked, but i getting TestPlanReportResponse
object as parameter with nulls set.
public String sendReport(#ModelAttribute TestPlanReportResponse reportData, Model model) {
//reportData contains just nulls
Here is how my button is set in charts template:
<form action="#" th:action="#{/report/send}" th:object="${allData}" method="post">
<button type="submit">Send the report</button>
So my question is how to send the object back from thymeleaf template? Should i create a hidden input and put there the "allData" object just to send it back? It looks for me like dirty hack. What would be the appropriate way to pass data back? I want to have this app stateless so don't to store the data on a server side.

When I used to work with Spring and Thymeleaf and form, we had the same issue, passing the data back and forth between a form, the template, and different controllers.
And what you suggest is what we did, we used hidden input as dirty as it may look,it was the standard suggested answer, we did not find anything better.
You need to create an input, with a type a value and link it to a field, like this:
<form action="#" th:action="#{/report/send}" th:object="${allData}" method="post">
<input type="hidden" th:value="*{allDataValue1}" th:field="*{allDataField1}" />
//Do this for all your attributes/values that you wish to pass to the controller
<button class="btn btn-info btn-lg btn-block" type="submit">Send the report</button>
Though, i found this answer, you can try looking into this thread


Pass through variable in Spring boot / Thymeleaf

I am looking for a way to pass the whole object through without having to use <input type="hidden" /> on the different variables. It seems like the th:object will not carry over the incoming information on the "whole object"
<form action="#" th:action="#{/api/result/save}" th:object="${result}" th:method="post">
<!--- Input fields -->
<input type="hidden" th:field="${result}"> <---- Not working.
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="spara">Spara</button>
From the model I have
Result result = new Result(teams);
result.setTeam1ID(aTeam1.get().getId()); // This variable will not be changed in the HTML so I would like to pass that to the next page
// Other variables
When I get to the /save the Result will only contain variables set in Thymeleaf it will not retain the information from the original model above.
public RedirectView saveResult(Result result, Model model) {
Thymeleaf is use to generate view, you can store some variable but not the whole object.
Though you can try these method:
If you object is already stored at server-side in memory or data base. You just pass the unique key of that object get it back using hidden input type.
Store the object into session then get it from there whenever requered.

How to add an element id to the url of the Thymeleaf template in the controller in Spring

I have a Spring Application and Server Side Rendering with Thymeleaf as Templating language.
A button sends a get or post request to the controller in Spring, which puts some message to the view, which is rendered into the HTML file and send back to the client. The message should be optional. Thats why the template must also be able to be called without the message.
Next i want the client browser to scroll down to the part of the page where this message is rendered into, which is normally very easy. You would just have to append the id of the element to the url like following example.
In this example the browser scrolls down to the footer of the page.
Below is what i tried. Unfortunately it doesnt't work like that. Spring/Thymeleaf tries to find a index#messagebox template which can't be found. Hence a Whitelabel Error Page error is thrown/shown.
<h2>Form to send request</h2>
<form action="showmessage" method="get">
<input type="submit" value="Click for message">
public ModelAndView showMessage(){
return new ModelAndView("index#messagebox",Map.of("optionalmessage","Some message that is optioal"));
<h1>Index Page</h1>
<div id="messagebox" th:fragment="message" th:with="optionalmessage=${optionalmessage}">
<p th:if="${optionalmessage!=null}">[[${optionalmessage}]]</p>
The problem can be solved with Flashmessages and Redirects. The html basically keeps the same. If the message attribute is set, you render it.
<div th:if="${msg}">
<div class="message" >
The most important changes had to be made in the controller. First a parameter of type RedirectAttributes is added to the Controller that handles the request.
If wanted the message is added with the RedirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute function as shown below. Finally a redirect is returned, which contains the needed tag. A second controller is also needed that handles the Get Request of the Redirect with a Model as input parameter and returns the needed Template. The #tag is simply passed throuhg to the client browser.
public String postNotification(RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) {
redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute("optinalMessage", "Hello I am an optional message");
return "redirect:/index#footer";
public String getIndex(Model model) {
return "index";
You add id in URL by using ?id=value.
And in controller #RequestMapping("/path/{id}")
to access that variable #PathVariable

retain model values in case of error and showing same thymeleaf template

As per my understanding, model attributes are associated with every request and they can not survive multiple requests, until we add them as flashAttributes.
I have a simple controller method which shows a couple of options to user to select from. However, those options are being attached to thymeleaf template using model attributes.
<div class="input-group mb-3" th:each="ingredient : ${recipes.ingredients}">
<div class="input-group-prepend">
<div class="input-group-text">
<input aria-label="Checkbox for following text input" name="ingredient"
th:value="${}" type="checkbox">
<input aria-label="Text input with checkbox" class="form-control" disabled
th:value="${ + ' ' + ingredient.price + 'Rs.'}"
assume "recipes" as model attribute here, which was injected to modelMap inside the controller.
when bean validation fails, below line exectutes.
if (errors.hasErrors()) return "selectItem";
and selectItem template is re-rendered, but whatever model attributes I have set inside previous controller vanishes.
I have solved this using a #ModelAttribute method inside the same controller to set model attributes for every HTTP requests for the specific controller(until it is not in controllerAdvice for global effect).
I am being confused if I am on right way || is there any elegant way to achieve this.
Setting Model attribute for every request is kind of overhead, when I want them to be available for handful of request mappings.
When you say:
selectItem template is re-rendered, but whatever model attributes I
have set inside previous controller vanishes.
You mean that when the page reloads due to validation errors, your model attributes are no longer existing and Thymeleaf probably returns an error, because it cannot find them, correct?
If this is the case, then you have to manually prepare the same model attributes within the if statement (i.e. adding them to your MapModel):
if (errors.hasErrors()) {
map.addAttribute("recipes", recipes);
return "selectItem";
Alternatively, if you need this model attribute also on other pages in your controller, you can reduce code duplication by declaring a method with the ModelAttribute annotation, which will add this attribute to all models in your controller:
public Recipes loadRecipes() {
// get list of Recipes
return list;

Thymeleaf, Spring nested backing object is not binding the values on form submit

I have a nested object and I'm using it as a model for a form.
public AgeBracketSet implements Serializable{
private String id;
private List<AgeBracket> ageBrackets;
/* Getters and Setters */
I have successfully bound all the properties of this object to the form and I can visualize their values when the view state is rendered. Here's a simplified version of how I'm doing it with Thymeleaf. Essentially, I loop through the items of the list and get their attributes.
<form id="bracketForm" role="form" th:action="${flowExecutionUrl}" th:object="${ageBracketSet}" method="post">
<input th:id="'bracketSet_'+*{id}" th:field="*{id}" />
<th:block th:each="bracket,loop : *{ageBrackets}" th:id="'bracket_'+${}">
<input th:id="'fromAge_'+${}" th:field="*{ageBrackets[__${loop.index}__].fromAge}" />
<input th:id="'toAge_'+${}" th:field="*{ageBrackets[__${loop.index}__].toAge}" />
However, when I make changes in the form and submit it, the model remains unchanged. I have confirmed this by debugging the service that receives the form data. The model does not have the changes made in the form. Am I doing anything wrong here?
I am embarrassed to say I've found the solution. The values simply weren't posted to the webflow for a lack of a 'name' attribute in each input. Using the same dynamically generated ID as a name did the job, and the bindings were correct for each item of the list. Like this:
<input th:id="'fromAge_'+${}" th:name="'fromAge_'+${}" th:field="*{ageBrackets[__${loop.index}__].fromAge}" />
Thanks to everyone who took the time to read this silly post. I'll be more careful next time ;)

Hidden field "ufprt" being added to Razor Umbraco Form - Why?

I have got a form (below) that is posted to an umbraco surface controller.
#using (Html.BeginUmbracoForm("AddToBasket", "Basket"))
<h1>#Model.productSelectionModel.Product.Title - #Model.productSelectionModel.Product.Price.ToString("C")</h1>
#foreach (var productOption in Model.productSelectionModel.ProductOptions)
#Html.DropDownList(productOption.Option.Id.ToString(), productOption.ValuesInOptions.ToSelectList(f => f.OptionValue.OptionValue1,
f => f.Id.ToString(),
<input type="submit" value="Add To Basket">
When I look at the HTML rendered for this form it seems to have added a hidden field called ufprt. Does any one know what this is? Why is it being added, I'm not using it any where ( I don't think I am anyway)
Any ideas?
<input name='ufprt' type='hidden' value='6C01896EF3D5F430F9ED041DD2B0D31F89FA969A085C6F4FDEC3C9D4B906846E7AA80041CEA12573E9F58C1740893B770AAE3319FAA8FA35C89A54D301CFE31B85ADC0D3D9506D208DB068D1257C5F0D5F1B3B90FD59A5C2938EED0A2EB1168AD4573CD5D043D47A8F1AA789E988CC614686B89BE57D35DA8EAAA110044C393F' />
It is to route the form to the correct controller/action method (Umbraco has the ability to route forms via that input value rather than the typical MVC approach of using the URL). I believe this is particular to surface controllers (i.e., it wouldn't apply to a normal controller, API controller, or RenderMvcController).
It is not a CSRF token as another answer indicates. If it were, it would likely have a name of "__RequestVerificationToken" as indicated here:
EDIT: This information has been added here:
