VB: Accessing variable throughout the application - vb6

I have no of forms in VB 6. I want to access the value of one variable throughout the application.
What is the way to create global variable in VB 6.
EDIT: I want to create only one global variable. I am new to VB,So Please give me some code snippet

Create a module file (a file with the extension .bas) and in the (Declarations) section place something like the following in it:-
Public MyVariable As String

create a module and declare the variable there. Actually,you dont need to specify the Public keyword,things in module are by default treated as Public
Dim var1 as string


how to I override the value of APP_VERSION substitution string in Oracle APEX

In my apex application I want to display custom application version. From the page template I see that it is using substution string APP_VERSION.
I tried changing this in application properties > Difinition > Substitution String. But it is not reflecting the changes.
Can anyone suggest how to solve this problem ?
The APP_VERSION is a substitution string. It cannot be overridden by a user defined substitution string. It takes the value from application properties > Definition > Name: Version.
This substitution string can be used in file url definition and as a template substitution string. It cannot be used in apps using the &P_ITEM. syntax and is not available in pl/sql as a bind variable.
I was able to solve this problem by adding application level item APP_VERSION. Added this as &APP_VERSION at field application properties > Definition > Name: Version.
In an Application Process, application level item APP_VERSION is assigned a value after reading a property in database table.

Reference YAML Node using method parameter

I load a yaml, and need to define a scope for it, to reference a specific node.
myYaml = YAML.load_file('myfile.yml').with_indifferent_access
Normally, I can just do
However, I wanted to pass the path to a method to scope it for me. I am struggling to do something like this..
scope_path = [:first_node,:first_child,:second_child]
def scope(scope_path)
# So I need code to convert my scope_path parameter to
You can simple use Hash#dig:
myYaml.dig(:first_node, :first_child, :second_child)

HP-UFT object not found in object repository error

Getting the following error while executing script:
WebList object was not found in the Object Repository.
Check the Object Repository to confirm that the object exists or to find the correct name for the object.
Line (1221): "objParent.WebList(vstrObjectName).select vstrValue".
I understand, it shouldn't be as simple as the object isn't available in the repository but in in case- Try to use 'Locate in repository'
It looks like Line (1221) is trying to access a WebList object by name, but the name is stored in a variable; it is not a string literal in the code.
There might be 3 different things going on here.
1) if you were attempting to use Descriptive Programming, then it sounds like the contents of vstrObjectName didn't include the ":=" symbol that would make QTP believe the string is a description... So, QTP thinks the string stored in vstrObjectName must be the name of an object in the Object Repository.
I would like to guess that you were trying to use descriptive programming, since (based on the fact that the parent, and the parameter are also both contained in variables) it looks like you are avoiding using any string literals in that line.
2) If you were attempting to control an object with a name from the Object repository, then either the string contained in vstrObjectName didn't contain a valid object name (that belongs to objParent), or
3) the object refered to by objParent isn't the one you were expecting.
In any of these cases, if it were me, the first thing I would do is add a print statement before line 1221 as:
Print "vstrObjectName:'" & vstrObjectName & "'"
...and run it again. That should show the string that you were referencing. I would guess that the resulting output line is not what you expected.
Another thing to check is to make sure that the action or function that contains that line is executed from within an action that contains that named object in it's OR scope. (i.e. open the action and hit CTRL-R, it shows the combined OR that is visible to that action). If the line is in a function library, and it gets called from an action that doesn't have the object in it's local OR, or an attached shared OR, then you will get the same error. This kind of problem is very easy to cause if you use multiple actions, and the action containing the call to the function that contains your line (line 1221) doesn't actually have that object available to it due to it's OR scope.
To answer the question you asked - how to add object into the OR - you could use several methods - recording, guispy's add to OR button, manually add from the OR screen, etc... but in the end, you need that object in the OR to have a name that matches whatever is in vstrObjectName.
Some potential examples where an object can be selected:
Dynamically change the object based on the name of the object in the object repository:(must exist in the repository)
Dim objectname
objectname = "SAP Work Manager"
msgbox WpfWindow(objectname).Exist
Select an object that does not exist in the Object repository, by its properties:
Example page of UFT tips

Declare Jmeter variable from a property value

How can I declare a variable name by using the value of a property?
For example, I have the property propertyName with the value propertyValue. I want to declare a variable with the name propertyValue.
I've tried like ${${__P(variableName)}} but such constructions doesnt work.
You may need to evaluate the property name, using the ${__V()} function.
Thus, you'd probably end up with something like ${__V(${__P(propertyName)})} which would only declare a variable with a null value.
Basics on properties & command line:
if you need to pass variables through the command line, properties are indeed the correct choice.
The flag to set a property is -JpropertyName The function to read a property is ${__P(propertyName)}
For full details, see:
Give up using properties files, try using Variables From CSV plugin. It is pretty simple and robust way to have variables loaded from file.
Property files are great!!! For my requirement, I have created a simple config element for JMeter to read property files.
Please check here.

ResourceManager.GetString() not returning value

I am trying to implement multiple language support for my web project. I am new to it.
I am not able to get the resource file value by using ResourceManager.GetString() function. I am passing the name and current CuluralInfo. The resource file present in my App_GlobalResources are Sample.resx, Sample.en-us.resx, Sample.zh-cn.resx and Sample.ar-sa.resx. I am having a name field named "Heading1" and its value in all the resource files
My code is like
string Heading1= Resources.Global.ResourceManager.GetString(("Heading1", Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture);
But it is always returning null value. Please help me to get the solution for this problem
I found the problem
The code should be like
string Heading1= Resources.Sample.ResourceManager.GetString(name, culture_object);
