Does app data hide files or create a virtual folder? - windows

My application creates a bunch of temporary .class files and I had been storing these files in my local application directory but I recently started storing these in appData. Everything functions fine and I even have a part of my application that creates an applet and needs to copy these .class files to make the applet and the applet works fine but for some reason the .class files are not showing up in AppData. I searched for the .class files (with everything enables hidden files et al) and the only place they show up are in the applet I created. This seems impossible that this could be happening unless somehow things stored in AppData are hidden or there is some sort of virtual folder at work here. I have tried this on both XP and windows seven. Any ideas?

Have your application spit out (debug print, message box, however) the absolute path to where it is writing the files.
Windows XP search function is rather crippled by default and it will not find files in many locations including folders that it considers temporary, hidden, system or non indexed, as well as several specific folders in the user profile.
A quick way to do a 'useful' search is from the command line from within your profile directory:
dir /s /b | find ".class"

No virtual folder or hiding going on that I know of. Have you verified the AppData location on your machine? WindowsKey-R (or Start -> Run) then type %appdata% and see what comes up.


Reason why folder associated with saved webpage gets deleted when we delete saved page

I have saved a complete webpage and there is also one folder saved with resources but when I delete webpage or move saved webpage to other directory then the folder associated with it also gets deleted or moved. So what is the code written behind it. Because I want to do same with my webpage and folder.
Thanks in advance for you kind help.
This "association" between the HTML file and its resources folder is a behaviour implemented by the Windows operating system.
It has nothing to due with a webpage in particular, with its HTML, JavaScript, or even with a particular browser.
Windows 2000 provides a simple way to connect a primary HTML file to its group of associated files. If Connected Files is enabled, when you perform any of the commands [Copy, Cut, Paste, Move, Delete, Send To] on a file or folder of associated files, the same command is performed on all connected files.
Even though the official page mentions "Windows 2000", the same behaviour is implemented in Windows XP and many (if not all) later versions of Windows.
See these pages:
Removing file / folder link after using “Save As…” then “Web Page, complete”
Operations on an HTML file or folder apply to similarly named folder or HTML file (from Microsoft support)

Changing default program for a file type (workaround)

I would like to specify that images of a certain type (for example, .png) open by default in a program I've written when the file is contained in a certain directory. I've seen by searching (Change Default Program for a specific folder) that this is not possible on Windows 7 or 8.
I am saving these images in this directory myself, so I have some leeway with how I name the files. For example, I could change the filename a bit... perhaps to be example.myprog.png or something similar. Is there a way to set it up so files that match this filename pattern get opened, while other .pngs (in other directories) still open in the default viewer?
I don't really want to name these PNG images example.myprog (i.e., fully change the extension), because when the user is browsing the directory in Windows Explorer, I would like the thumbnail images to still show up. Also, users will be eventually transferring these images to their own machines, where they'll want to use standard image viewers to look at them.
If this is not possible, does anyone have another suggestion for how to tackle this problem?
As you are mentioning that files should be opened in a program that you have written, try to change the code of your program to read files from the specific folder. So, by opening your program from anywhere in your pc, you should be able to open files from specified folder.

How to move multiple files when moving only one file

If you've ever saved a a full webpage you'll notice that it creates the .htm file and a folder that contains all the icons and scripts for the page.
If you move the .htm file to a new location, the folder that came with it moves to the same location, and the behavior is the same if you move the folder, the .htm file will move with it.
How can I do that with any old file/folder combination? Can this be manipulated?
EDIT: Programmatically (through CMD)
Is there a command that binds files to other files etc.?
This is a feature of the shell called Connected Files. It is specifically implemented for web pages; it is not generic or extensible as far as I know.
It doesn't even seem that useful to me as it only works when using the shell mechanisms (SHFileOperation and friends); if plain old CopyFile/MoveFile are used then all the files need to be handled individually.

How does folder hiding software work?

Last few days i have been working on building an application to hide folders(thanks to the paid versions of such softwares). After a heavy googling I zeroed into some shell script that would first create a folder and then rename the folder to "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}". It would then hide this folder by using the command attrib -s -h Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}. The funda behind this is to make it a system folder and hide it. But if you would uncheck the Hide sytem folders in Folder option the control panel becomes visible. I would like to make this folder completely invisible as how the other folder protecting softwares do.
Can somebody throw some more light on this?
Thanks a ton...
Most folder hiding software works by implementing either an extension for Windows Explorer or a file system filter driver.
The first method means that certain items will not be visible when browsing folders in Windows via the UI, but will still be visible to other software and via the command prompt. For example, the Recycle Bin and Temporary Internet Files folders work this way.
The file system filter driver method proxies calls between Windows and the underlying file system and only allows certain requests through. This is similar to how virus scanners prevent access to infected files.
The general idea is that you hook the file system API's and filter out the file system entries you want to hide.
But JelloMonkey is right - this is rootkit behavior and you will get flagged as malicious by rootkit detectors for this kind of behavior. That's likely to get your entire directory quarantined or deleted.

How to get the actual path of a file in Vista with UAC?

I am calling CreateFile() to create a file in the Program Data directory. I'm using SHGetSpecialFolderPath() to get the dir name.
I have a user with Vista for whom CreateFile() is returning error 5 (Access Denied). It would help if I knew where CreateFile() was actually attempting to create the file so we can check his folder permissions. The problem with Vista (UAC) is, it's not attempting to create the file in the directory I passed in. It could also be in a VirtualStore directory. An added source of confusion is this user is German and although SHGetSpecialFolderPath() is returning "C:\Program Data\blah blah" as the path, I don't think that's actually where the path is. I think German Vista uses the German word for "Program Data". I would like to be able to tell the user "This is the exact path where we are trying to create the file. Check your permissions on this folder."
I know you can get the a path from an open file handle, but in this case the CreateFile() is failing so I don't have an open handle. How can I get Vista to tell me the actual path where it's attempting to create the file?
Fire up Process Monitor and watch what it does:
If with UAC the paths used are not the ones you want, then the redirection is in effect.
To make sure that redirection does not occur, add a manifest to your application which indicates to Vista that your application is properly coded and aware of access restrictions (i.e., you don't write to e.g., HKLM or the programs folder if your app doesn't need admin privileges to run).
But your application should be able to write to the APPDATA folder (if that's what you really use).
Make sure you're using CSIDL_APPDATA and not CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA (the latter one being accessible only with admin privileges).
To find the real path (the one you would expect) tell the user to type %APPDATA% into the explorer bar (or hit Windows+R, then type %APPDATA%, enter). This will open the explorer on that folder.
My understanding is that ProgramData is used by Vista to write files that were attempting to be written inside C:\Program Files, but failed, since unless you are running the app as Admin you can't write inside program files. Maybe you should try saving your files to the AppData folder under the current user.
