Reason why folder associated with saved webpage gets deleted when we delete saved page - windows

I have saved a complete webpage and there is also one folder saved with resources but when I delete webpage or move saved webpage to other directory then the folder associated with it also gets deleted or moved. So what is the code written behind it. Because I want to do same with my webpage and folder.
Thanks in advance for you kind help.

This "association" between the HTML file and its resources folder is a behaviour implemented by the Windows operating system.
It has nothing to due with a webpage in particular, with its HTML, JavaScript, or even with a particular browser.
Windows 2000 provides a simple way to connect a primary HTML file to its group of associated files. If Connected Files is enabled, when you perform any of the commands [Copy, Cut, Paste, Move, Delete, Send To] on a file or folder of associated files, the same command is performed on all connected files.
Even though the official page mentions "Windows 2000", the same behaviour is implemented in Windows XP and many (if not all) later versions of Windows.
See these pages:
Removing file / folder link after using “Save As…” then “Web Page, complete”
Operations on an HTML file or folder apply to similarly named folder or HTML file (from Microsoft support)


Is there a way to open a copy of a document(Word, PDF, ect.)in Windows, so that the master copy is always preserved?

I have some forms in various formats(Word and/or PDF) that have prefilled information pertaining to the function they are intended for--such as addresses and control numbers. Typically a user would create a copy of the document and then edit that copy, preserving the master copy. However, this is not always the case and mistakes are being introduced into the master.
Assuming all users are accessing these files in file explorer via a network share, and all utilizing Windows 10, is there a way to ensure that when a user clicks the file to open it they are actually opening a copy of that document?
You could try restricting the edit permissions of the file, which would force users to copy the file before hand.

Windows Explorer and Reparse Point Files: keep Explorer from opening my files

I've implemented a user mode program and a Windows file system minifilter that creates a skeleton view of users files for a remote file storage system. It maps the remote files to the local drive. The user mode program creates a reparse tag for each file on the remote system. When a create request (e.g., CreateFile for read) is detected, the minifilter asks the user mode program to download the file. This should only happen when a program wants to open the file for viewing or editing.
But, I'm finding that Windows Explorer is triggering my files to download. I'd like to prevent the Explorer File windows and File Open/Save dialogs from
triggering downloads. And, I also want to display the file thumbnails and file
[Update: I've found I can use Windows sparse files to show my remote
file size in Explorer. ]
Therefore, I have also implemented a Shell Extension, IThumbnailProvider, that downloads a rendition of the file. This provides the file thumbnails.
For my testing, I've registered the IThumbnailProvider for all files (*) and for .jpg files.
I'm seeing two interesting behaviors using a combination of Process Monitor and DebugView (both from SysInternals):
1. If I make my minifilter reject requests to open the file from Explorer, then my IThumbnailProvider is invoked.
2. If I permit open requests from Explorer, I see thumbcache.dll in the call stack trying to open the file and my IThumbnailProvider is not called. It appears that the default thumbnail provider reads the downloaded file and creates the thumbnail.
I must be missing something.
Update: if I use InitializeWithStream instead of InitializeWithFile, it appears my handler is invoked. But, that also triggers a download of the file.
There are many shell extension types which can access to your files. Icon handler can read file to create icon, Info tip handler can read file to create text hint, Data object handler can read file to create clipboard data and so on.
Questions from developer with the same problem: first and second. Solution was to create namespace shell extension. NSE can control all access to your files.

Is it possible to check in/out files from a webserver with a FF-plugin or Chrome extension?

I am creating a CMS and want to know if its possible to download a folder, edit things and upload it back to the server without much user interaction.
For example just press a checkout button and the files are stored on your computer. after you are finished editing these files you press the checkin button. no selecting files again and such things.
Is it possible to access the filesystem and up/download files after a user gives you the permission?
In Firefox - yes, add-ons have full access to the hard drive and can download/upload files. See for example FireFTP, also code snippets.
In Chrome - no, extensions are not allowed to access the hard drive, other than limited access via File System API (which is a virtual file system actually). Best you can do is including a binary NPAPI plugin into your extension and making it write to disk. Users will see lots of scary warnings when installing this extension.

How to move multiple files when moving only one file

If you've ever saved a a full webpage you'll notice that it creates the .htm file and a folder that contains all the icons and scripts for the page.
If you move the .htm file to a new location, the folder that came with it moves to the same location, and the behavior is the same if you move the folder, the .htm file will move with it.
How can I do that with any old file/folder combination? Can this be manipulated?
EDIT: Programmatically (through CMD)
Is there a command that binds files to other files etc.?
This is a feature of the shell called Connected Files. It is specifically implemented for web pages; it is not generic or extensible as far as I know.
It doesn't even seem that useful to me as it only works when using the shell mechanisms (SHFileOperation and friends); if plain old CopyFile/MoveFile are used then all the files need to be handled individually.

Does Windows cache the contents of .url (Internet Shortcut) files?

I'm implementing a custom URL handler in .NET. To test this, I have created a few different .url files and put them on my Desktop. This generally works fine, but behaves oddly if I change the file's contents, specifically the URL= line. Doing so has no effect — the old URL continues to be opened. Renaming the file, however, works. The file looks like this:
All shortcuts I create through New → Shortcut receive the same UUID, so changing that probably won't help.
Is there some internal .url file / URL mapping cache in Windows?
I have a reason to believe that URL files are interpreted by some Internet Explorer component at the time of creation (not biblical). They are only interpreted initially, the first time the file is created. Any modifications to the URL file later on will not be committed. This is because the shortcut is not stored in the file. This is why the file can be modified later on so that it becomes empty, as a 0 byte file and the URL file will appear to be working anyway. The shortcut data is stored in the "Web Document" field as a file property in the NTFS file system. The file merely serves the purpose of pointing to it. You might be able to modify these property fields programmatically, which would supposedly "edit the file". It's a painful exercise just to edit what appears to be a simple text file.
Additionally, once a file name has been used for a URL file, it cannot be reused for new files, no matter what disk or path you save it to. So you have to keep assigning unique file names, never used previously, for each new URL file you create. This has to do with how Internet Explorer caches web content. It remembers what file names have been used already and maps those names to previously defined URL addresses. To reuse a name (or when you run out of ideas for new and unique file names) you have to clear Temporary Internet Files.
Windows 7: %localappdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files
Windows 8: %localappdata%\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache
To directly answer your question: yes, it does.
Windows 7 Caches your Filenames and sometimes, as you said, the filenames in specific locations.
Start regedit and search for the following
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-x-x-x-x\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\MuiCache
where S-1-5-21-x-x-x-x is your currently logged in User.
There you can see that most (or all?) files have been cached which you have ever accessed.
Maybe you can also deactivate the MUICaching programatically. Maybe this site helps you: Disable Caching
I had a similar issue, and it turns out the culprit was Firefox.
If by chance your web browser is Firefox, your cache directories may be corrupted.
You can either create a new Profile, or take your chances cleaning things out of C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<profile>\
I've found my desktop .url shortcut contents cached in %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Caches.
There are a few (several?) files with filenames like {<SOME_GUID>}.<x>.ver0x<XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>.db. Two of them had the .url files cached.
Unfortunately, I've found no information on what they are or how to refresh them. Everybody just deletes them as part of some cache clean-up operation.
