Is there a shortcut in Visual Studio to move down multiple lines but keep the cursor in the same place? - visual-studio

CTRL+down arrow does this, but only 1 line at a time. Is there a shortcut to skip multiple lines but keep the cusor in the same place? You'd expect CTRL+page down to do it, but this just puts the cursor at the bottom of the screen.

Tools + Options, Text Editor, pick your language or use All Languages, tick "Enable virtual space". That ensures that the caret stays in the same column when you move it vertically, no matter what text is in a line. Very much my personal preference.
Tools + Macros + Record is an easy way to generate the macro you want. Tools + Customize + Keyboard to assign it a shortcut key.

No. You could define your own macro though,and link it to a shortcut:


Disable chordal hotkeys so I can use a custom hotkey

How can I disable all default shortcuts that use key chords? I am trying to add custom shortcuts, but they do not work because there are dozens of shortcuts that use the keys that I want to use as 'key chords.'
I suppose I could find which ones use my keys and go through one by one to remove them, but that would be extremely tedious, since I can only view the command that use it in the 'used by' dropdown, which only shows a few commands at once. I would have to write each of those down, search for them individually, and then remove all the shortcut assignments associated with them.
The shortcuts I intend to use are "ctrl + R" and "ctrl + T", and map them to VS's 'Comment out selected lines' and 'Uncomment out selected lines' functions.
You can go ahead and assign CtrlR to Edit.CommentSelection. Under "Use new shortcut in:", select Text Editor. Visual Studio will automatically remove all hotkey key sequences that begin with CtrlR in the Text Editor context.
I had a similar problem (at VS 2017 (Left Arrow) was pressed. Waiting for second key of chord) and found Resharper's experimental Shortcuts Live View feature invaluable in reporting what actual shortcut had been assigned and are currently active. With that you can identify where a chordal kay has been assigned, and remove it. If you're using the latest Resharper, press the left Ctrl key three times in text editor.

Is there a way to indent lines (not format them) in Visual Studio?

In Eclipse, there are two distinct features: one to format a selection, one to just indent the lines, see e.g. Difference between Ctrl+Shift+F and Ctrl+I in Eclipse. I found the format feature in Visual Studio but how can I actually just indent the lines? Is there some built-in command for that or possibly a 3rd party add-on?
Note: I have asked a couple of friend that use VS daily and they all tried to persuade me that I am looking for the format feature. No I'm not. I tried to live with it for a while and it is just a different feature. I am after the indent/reindent only.
EDIT: I am looking for a clever indent, sometimes called reindent, which is different to just pressing Tab or Shift+Tab (increase/decrease indent level). The indent feature in Eclipse behaves like this:
It places a beginning of current line at the right position, no matter where that line was starting before. So instead of thinking whether you need to increase or descrease the indent level (Tab or Shift+Tab), you just invoke the indent command and it will do the right thing.
Invoking the indent command on an empty line places the caret at the right position for the user to start typing.
It never influences any character beyond the first non-whitespace character.
If you just want to indent some lines, you can
Select them.
Press Tab.
To un-indent them, replace the second step to: Shift+Tab.
You can find more VS shortcuts here.
There are toolbar buttons for this, with wonderfully inconsistent labels (at least in the Visual Studio 2013 I'm using)...
In the "Text Editor" toolbar (in my default setup), I have to buttons whose tooltips are:
"Decrease Line Indent"
"Increase Line Indent"
In the "Customize" dialog, on the "Commands" tab (with "Toolbar" set to "Text Editor") they appear in the list as:
"Line Unindent"
"Line Indent"
And finally, if you press the "Add Command..." button (on the "Customize" dialog) to produce the "Add Command" dialog and select the "Edit" category, you'll see these two entries:
As far as I can tell, these are all the same two commands, which should do what you want.
They also appear in the Edit -> Advanced menu, at the very bottom.
----- Edit -----
I believe you might be able to turn off all of the "formatting" actions except for indentation, so that when you use the "auto-format" command, only the indentation is "formatted" for you. (Of course this prevents you from ever using the rest of the formatting features without turning them on again, but if you don't use them, this might work!)

vs2010 : give indent/dedent line a hotkey

In VS2010 by edit/advanced/increase line indent and decrease line indent commands, you can easily control indentation of multiple lines. the problem is that no hotkeys are assigned to them and I can't find some obvious way to give them hotkeys. How can I achieve this? if it isn't possible I'd like to at least have them on my editor context menus instead of some northwest corner.
You can select the lines where you want to change indentation, and then press Tab or Shift + Tab.

Is there any shortcut to select the current line in Visual Studio?

I couldn't find such feature in VS's shortcut list. Is there anyway?
If you want to copy a line, simply place cursor somewhere in that line and hit CTRL+C
To cut an entire line CTRL+X
#Sean found what I was looking for:
To disable this default behavior remove the checkmark (or check to re-enable)
Apply cut or copy commands to blank lines when there is no selection
Accessed from the menu bar: Tools | Options | Text Editor | All languages
You can also enter copy into the options search box for quicker access
[Tested in VS2008, 2010, 2017]
Clicking the line 3 times does the trick
If you have ReSharper you could use
Ctrl + W
- Extend Selection
Sidenote: You may have to use it multiple times depending on the context of your present text cursor position.
If you click once on the row number the entire row will be selected.
If you want to select a line or lines you can use the combination of ctrl + E then U. This combination also works for uncommenting a complete line or lines. This combination looks somewhat strange to work with, but it will get habituated very soon :)
You can also use Ctrl + X to cut an entire line. Similarly, you can use Ctrl + C to copy an entire line.
As long as you don't have anything selected, these commands will work on the entire line.
Clicking anywhere on the line and (CRTL + C) will copy entire line.
Clicking three time in quick succession also selects entire line.
There is a simple way of doing it, simple use Home or End button to reach the start or end of line, and then use home + shift or end + Shift depending on where your cursor is. Hope it helps.
Use the following:
Shift + End If cursor is at beginning of line.
Shift + Home If cursor is at the end of the line.
Alternatively, if you use resharper, you can also use the following
Ctrl + w while the cursor is positioned on the line you want to select
This won't solve the problem for Visual Studio, but if you're using Visual Studio Code you can use CTRL+L to select the line your cursor is currently on.
(If you're using Visual Studio, this will cut the line you're currently on—which may also be useful, but wasn't the question.)
Other answers require either using a mouse or hitting more than one combination.
So I've created a macro for those who want a VSCode-like Ctrl+L behaviour. It can select multiple lines, and that's useful for moving blocks of code.
To use it, install Visual Commander extension for macros:
Then create a new command, select C# as a language and paste this code:
using EnvDTE;
using EnvDTE80;
public class C : VisualCommanderExt.ICommand
public void Run(EnvDTE80.DTE2 DTE, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Package package)
var ts = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection as EnvDTE.TextSelection;
if (!ts.ActivePoint.AtStartOfLine)
ts.LineDown(true, 1);
Now you can assign a desired shortcut in preferences:
Tested in VS 2022.
You can use CTRL + U . This shortcut is use also for uncomment.
You can change the shortcut on this feature. Go to Tools->Options->Environment->Keyboard->Edit.UncommentSelection and assign CTRL+W (same as Resharper) or you can use what shortcut do you want.
If you want to select full row Ctrl E + U
Just click in the left margin.
If you click in the margin just left of the Outline expansions [+][-]
it will select the row.
You can also just click and drag to select multiple lines.
Necvetanov eluded to this in his answer above about clicking on the line number.
This is right...but it just happens that the line number is in the margin.
Here is a whole list of the keyboard shortcuts Default keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio
a work around for this:
ctrl+d = duplicate line
ctrl+l = copy line
ctrl+v = paste copied text
You can enter, home then shift + end as well. What it will do is take you to the beginning of line then select the whole line till end. Or alternatively first enter end then shift + home
You can set a bind to the Edit.ExpandSelection command:
In the options. Click the shortcut until it selects the whole line.
The screenshot above is from the Edit > Advanced menu in Visual Studio 2022. I set this Alt+E, E shortcut myself and I don't remember if it's originally set to something or not.
Simply by clicking on the line number that's being shown on the left in vs-code. just a single click and a line will get selected.
In Mac, it is ⌘+L.
But if you have some specific conflicting keybindings, this won't work. In my case the VSCode Live Server extension auto registered a couple of bindings for these keys. I removed them and it worked.
I assigned a shortcut key to the following functionality. I press the shortcut until it selects the whole current line:

How to navigate back to the last cursor position in Visual Studio?

What is the keyboard shortcut navigate back to the last cursor position in Visual Studio?
It Will not work for red color (-) key. For me it only works for blue color combination.
According to Visual C# 2008 Keybinding Reference Poster it is Ctrl + -. The name of the specific keybinding is View.NavigateBackward.
PS: While researching I also found that Ctrl + . is the same as Shift + Alt + F10. Nice!
ctrl + - (dash) navigates backward.
ctrl + shift + - (dash) navigates forward.
These settings can be found under Environment -> Keyboard:
For Changing the setting in Visual Studio 2019:
Search for view.navigate
CHOOSE "Text Editor" from the "Use new shortcut in:" drop down menu
Select your shortcut
Global doesn't catch for this.
For new VS Code(1.28.2)
Back: Ctrl+Alt+- (dash)
Forward: Ctrl+Shift+- (dash)
The most generic answers is: there is no working default and you need to define your own keyboard shortcuts for View.NavigateBackward and View.NavigateForward.
Why? For most keyboards, the default shortcut is a broken, unusuable combination because VS badly handles the shift and altGr modifiers. MS did not pay attention to portability and internationalisation so much when they redeveloped VS after version 6, and this is still true today. This bug has been there for way more than a decade, nearly two decades. At this rate, it will never be fixed. And yes, I have filled a bug report, and I'm certainly not the only one.
However, their "VSCode" product line does have better keyboard handling as it doesn't depend on the shift or altGr modifiers to identify the key. For example, when you are in text writing mode and press the key that has the dash symbol, without using shift nor altGr, let's say it writes something else, like number 6. To VSCode when it comes to shortcut handling, that's still the dash key for its purpose. As long as a key has the symbol written on it, whether this is painted as the 1st, 2nd or 3rd level doesn't matter, it just that key.
Of course, it's never a good thing to make the default shortcuts use non-alphanumeric symbols, that's always confusing, whether it works or not. The good mature text editors have known that for a long time and should be taken as examples of things done right. In some ways, VS learned a few good things from emacs with shortcuts that are a sequence of two letters, but ultimately screwed up on other parts with the choice of non-alphanumeric bindings, combined with a broken low-level keyboard handling.
This works for me in Visual Code
Navigate backward Alt+←
Navigate forward Alt+→
