What if I install both Visual Studio 2008 Developer and Database Editions - visual-studio

Some visual studio plugin only support Developer Edition. While I only have Database Edition installed.
I bet I am able to install both. But i have no clue is that means I have two different instances of Visual Studio?

According to this question your machine will just have one instance of Visual Studio, but it will have the features of both editions (Developer and Database) you installed.


Is a licensed version of Visual Studio required for SSIS solution?

Is it possible to open a SSIS solution using Microsoft's free tools (Visual Studio Team Explorer and SQL Server Data Tools) or does it require a full installation of Visual Studio?
I am trying to do so with just the free tools and am getting an error saying that "this versino of Visual Studio is unable to open the following projects" then another one saying the solution I have opened is under source control but not currently configured for integrated source control in visual studio.
We have other users who use the full version of Visual Studio 2017 and it works fine so I am wondering if this is just a limitation of the free products offered by Microsoft.
To edit SQL Server 2005 SSIS packages, you need Visual Studio 2005 and installation of Business Intelligence Designer Studio, BIDS. This required a license, developer edition was sufficient, to access the tooling.
SQL Server 2008 & SQL Server 2008 R2 would install into Visual Studio 2008. This too required a SQL Server license as the media only existed on the server media.
SQL Server 2012 would install into both Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012. This was delivered in both physical media installations and downloadable tooling which was rebranded to SQL Server Data Tools- BI Edition, now just SQL Server Data Tools and the components were just licensed via click through agreement.
SQL Server 2014 installs into Visual Studio 2013 and was now only available through the download of SSDT.
SQL Server 2016 added a new twist into the mix. It installed into Visual Studio 2015 but it could now create/edit/target SQL Server 2012, 2014 and 2016 packages. This was huge as until this point, as a consultant I would have required 5 different versions of the "same" program on my machine. Now I'd only need 3.
SQL Server 2017 installs SSDT in both Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017.
I assume SQL Server 2019 will similarly target VS 2017 and VS 109.
Across all of these versions, if you didn't have Visual Studio installed, the installer would install the Visual Studio shell on your machine so that the project templates would work.
Last I knew, neither Visual Studio Community Edition nor VS Code will work with the SSDT templates so be sure and open the correct product to work with SSIS projects (.dtproj)
The warning/error about "under source control but not currently configured" smells like something is awry with how you have the TFS hook installed but I can't comment on that.
Download and install SSDT 2017 for Visual Studio
You can verify the status of your SSDT installation for Visual Studio by going to the Help, About Microsoft Visual Studio menu and looking for "SQL Server Integration Services." With ... 2017? you can now do a piecemeal install and only pick SQL Server Data Tools (database projects) or SSAS/SSIS/SSRS. Previously, the SSDT-BI install was trio of SS_S and SSDT (no BI) was the database projects.
Previous answer on where SSDT-BI is
You have at lease two options:
Use Visual Studio Community Edition together with SSDT. Still, you have to check its License terms with your Legal department - it might be not legal to use Community Edition in Enterprise.
Use Visual Studio Isolated Shell together with SSDT. More instructions on how to install it. As far as I know, it is legal to use it for debugging.
The VS Isolated Shell is usually installed with SQL Server 2014/16.

SQL Server 2012 Tabular model project in Visual Studio 2010? SSDT

I've downloaded a shell version of Visual Studio 2012/SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) which allows me to create Analysis Services Tabular Models but because it is a shell (integrated) version it only allows for a small amount of functionality.
I have a full professional edition of visual studio 2010 and have installed SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) but there is no business intelligence project templates available.
Will I need to purchase visual studio 2012 to get this full functionality or is there a way I can do it within the visual studio 2010 environment?
The SQL Server is 2012
You can install SQL Server Data Tools on Visual Studio 2010
Professional, Premium, or Ultimate Edition with Visual Studio 2010
You can find the link to download Visual Studio 2010 SP1 on the MSDN page (I don't like linking directly to downloads on SO since people can edit the links.)
Also, according to this other MSDN site,
Projects and DACPACs are fully compatible across shells.
Please download the toolset for VS2012 ...
Again, a link to SSDT 2012 is on the site. You might want to uninstall your integrated shell version just to get a clean binding with your existing VS2010 install.
Please also read James Serra's blog about the BI templates for Visual STudio 2012 coming in a separate install from SSDT, which also includes a link to that install.

Using newer versions of Visual Studio to manage older SSIS projects

I know that VS 2010 can target specific .NET Framework editions, but specifically...
Can I use VS2010 to support SSIS packages that need to be saved in 2005 format?
How about VS2008?
I am trying to determine which edition I need get a license for. I am hoping I can do everything in 2010.
I do not believe that Visual Studio 2010 is supported by SSIS yet (even with SQL 2008 R2 I use VS 2008). However, if you have SSIS it should come with Visual Studio 2008. It is called the Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) and it installs with SSIS.
As for targeting an older SSIS project, I believe 2008 will target 2005. You just need to install the SSIS management studio and you will have it.
Edit: To be clear, BIDS 2008 will not be able to modify 2005 packages (I believe you can run them though). You will need to install just BIDS (not the entire Visual Studio) for each version you want to modify. Here is a link with more explanations:
As for licensing specifically, you will need a developer license for SSIS at the version level you are trying to edit. Therefore, if you are editing SSIS 2005 packages, you will need a 2005 SSIS developer license. See more details here:

Differentiating Between Visual Studio Versions

I need to figure out which version of Visual Studio 2008 is installed on particular computers.
Is there a way I can differentiate between Visual Studio Team System 2008 vs Visual Studio 2008 Development Edition?
Are there particular files installed for one that are not installed for the other?
To Clarify my question, I would like to differentiate between:
Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition
Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition
Visual Studio Team System 2008 Architecture Edition
Visual Studio Team System 2008 Database Edition
Visual Studio Team System 2008 Development Edition
Visual Studio Team System 2008 Test Edition
Visual Studio Team System 2008 Team Suite
I think the registry would be your best bet. I've found the following key:
Under this there's a key for each product installed:
Crystal Reports
Microsoft Silverlight Projects
Team Explorer
Team System - Database Edition
I don't know whether there's enough there to go on to uniquely identify each version, but it might get you most of the way there.

Can Visual Studio 2010 Express connect to Team Foundation Server 2010?

I know VS 2010 Pro/Premium/Ultimate include TFS connectivity, does VS 2010 Express?
No it doesn't.
See this SO question (What is “missing” in the Visual Studio Express Editions?) - one of the bullet points is no Team Explorer support, meaning to TFS integration.
On this Microsoft page for VS 2010, you can see the the Pro edition with MSDN essentials subscription has none of the TFS features out of the box, suggesting that this is also the case for the express SKUs.
I'm not sure if you can install this http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=329
Though i don't know why you wouldn't be able to install TFS support for free, since microsoft provides a free plugin for Eclipse that you can use.
If you log onto codeplex, it will give you a free key to use this.
Edit: The following link makes it seems like you can use it in VS
While Visual Web Developer 2005/2008 and Visual Studio 2010 Express will not directly integrate with Team Foundation Server, you can still use the Team Explorer application to connect to your server to check files out for editing.
Assuming that you have already
installed Visual Web Developer
2005/2008 or Visual Studio 2010
Express on your workstation, perform
the following step:
Download and install Microsoft Visual Studio Team Explorer 2010 - ISO.
