Can Visual Studio 2010 Express connect to Team Foundation Server 2010? - visual-studio-2010

I know VS 2010 Pro/Premium/Ultimate include TFS connectivity, does VS 2010 Express?

No it doesn't.
See this SO question (What is “missing” in the Visual Studio Express Editions?) - one of the bullet points is no Team Explorer support, meaning to TFS integration.
On this Microsoft page for VS 2010, you can see the the Pro edition with MSDN essentials subscription has none of the TFS features out of the box, suggesting that this is also the case for the express SKUs.

I'm not sure if you can install this
Though i don't know why you wouldn't be able to install TFS support for free, since microsoft provides a free plugin for Eclipse that you can use.
If you log onto codeplex, it will give you a free key to use this.
Edit: The following link makes it seems like you can use it in VS
While Visual Web Developer 2005/2008 and Visual Studio 2010 Express will not directly integrate with Team Foundation Server, you can still use the Team Explorer application to connect to your server to check files out for editing.
Assuming that you have already
installed Visual Web Developer
2005/2008 or Visual Studio 2010
Express on your workstation, perform
the following step:
Download and install Microsoft Visual Studio Team Explorer 2010 - ISO.


How to connect to TFS using Visual Studio 2008

I have some requirements that I need to use Visual Studio 2008 for a new SSIS package. But we are using as our source control because we were allowed to use Visual Studio 2012 for our main project.
I tried following the instructions here and here how to open Team Explorer in Visual Studio 2008 and no go.
Has anyone been able to connect to their TFS server at from Visual Studio 2008? If so, how did you do it?
Officially VS 2008 is only supported against TFS 2013 (and Visual Studio Online) by using the MSSCCI. However, in practice it still works fine without MSSCCI, MS just no longer tests this particular scenario, so it's not guaranteed to continue working.
Make sure you have the appropriate updates installed, you need:
VSTS 2008 Team Explorer
VS 2008 SP1
TFS 2012 Compatibility GDR
Order of installation is very important. Refer to this article.
Moreover, if you are still having issues connecting to TFS after successfully installing above mentioned updates, consider clearing your IE browsing history (all checkboxes) and retry.
Per MSDN you can access version control on Visual Studio Online with Visual Studio 2008 using Team Explorer for Visual Studio Team System 2008 and MSSCCI 2013.

Excel plug in for TFS 2012 without installing VS 2012

Is it possible to have the "team" plug-in for Excel (MS TFS 2012) without having to install Visual Studio 2012?
Thank you!
The Excel integration comes as part of Team Explorer for Visual Studio 2012. Installing it installs all the TFS integration bits on your machine (and allows you to install things like the Shell extension power tools). It does also install small Visual Studio shell but one that doesn't include any of the programming tools etc.
You only need a license to access your Team Foundation Server to install Team Explorer (i.e. a TFS CAL) - no additional Visual Studio license required.
You can try installing Visual Studio 2012 express web or some other version, if Team menu is not showing up yet in excel then try installing TFS 2012 Express also try installing Team Explorer for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012

Developing in Visual Studio 2010 with the new IIS Express web server?

Although this question isn't directly about code it's related to programming and seems better put here than, say, serverfault or superuser.
I'm a developer with Visual Studio 2010. Microsoft's newest web server offering for developers is IIS Express. ScottGu indicated this combination is workable:
IIS Express will work with VS 2010 and
Visual Web Developer 2010 Express,
will run on Windows XP and higher
The only option I've seen so far, is to download WebMatrix which contains and uses IIS Express, but I cannot get it hooked into VS 2010, or to download IIS Express separately.
Any ideas?
Current of July 11, 2011
Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 includes the option to use IIS Express from inside VS2010.
Blog post.
Or use the Web Platform Installer.
I don't think IIS Express is available for Visual Studio 2010 yet.
Edit: Found it in Scott's post.
We’ll be releasing the first public beta of IIS Express shortly. With the beta you’ll be able to right-click on a file-system folder and have IIS Express launch a web-site based on that file-system location. We’ll also be releasing a patch for VS 2010 and Visual Web Developer 2010 Express later this year that will enable you to automatically launch and use IIS Express in place of VS’s built-in ASP.NET Developer Server. has instructions on using IIS Express with VS2010 if you don't feel like waiting for VS2010 SP1 to be released.
The link to the Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 (not beta any longer) is
Jesper Palm is not correct, I am able to run IIS Express Using Visual Studio after a lot of investigation. What Jaseper is mentioning(ScootGu's blog), I already have read that. Scott is only telling that the patch will be released to run 'IIS Express' within VS2010 IDE but with 'MS Web Matrix Beta 2' It is possible to run IIS EXpress with VS 2010. If u face problem contact me in by
The current IIS Express Overview says that VS2008 and VS2010 integration is going to come in a later release (presumably before the RTM release).
A future update to Visual Studio 2010 will add support for IIS Express. You can also manually configure Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010 to use IIS Express.
For anyone that can't/doesn't want to install the SP1 beta then this blog post will show you how you can incorporate it into your debugging in a relatively easy way.

Connect Visual Studio 2010 Professional to TFS

Is it possible to connect Visual Studio 2010 Professional edition to TFS (project hosted on Codeplex)?
This states, it is not included in Professional edition:
However, for VS 2008, there was separate download of Team Explorer and it was posible also for Professional version.
Is this changed for VS 2010?
Team Explorer is included in most editions of Visual Studio 2010. Try going to the View menu and if Team Explorer is listed then you have it installed.
If you do need to download Team Explorer then you can do so from here:
Note that TFS is licensed on a per-user basis on people connecting to the server needing to be covered by a Client Access License (CAL). If you have Visual Studio without an MSDN subscription then you also need to purchase a TFS CAL to be licensed to use TFS. (A new benefit of MSDN Subscriptions with the Visual Studio 2010 release is that all levels now include a TFS CAL as well as a full TFS license)
The TFS client is included with most editions (Professional & above). No separate install. See
I'm using the Ultimate Version and I have a Team Tab at the top that has a "Connect to Team Foundation Server" option as well as a Team Explorer Tab.
I just looked through my msdn account and I see a "Visual Studio Team Explorer 2010" as a separate download.

How to use TFS with Visual Studio without Team Explorer

I'm looking at the MSDN subscription comparison ( and am a bit confused. Regarding VS2010 Premium and Ultimate: what is the difference between the two? Both offer TFS but only Ultimate comes with Team Explorer. Can you use TFS without Team Explorer?
Ultimate comes with Team Explorer "Eaglestone" - an eclipse plugin. All of the versions offering TFS come with the visual studio Team Explorer.
The answer is a bit outdated now so here is an update and some context: Team Explorer is the rich client for Team Foundation Server. All Visual Studio 2010 (and later) editions come with Team Explorer built in. For previous versions of Visual Studio (2005 and 2008) it came as a seperate install. You can still download it for free from the Microsoft website and install it even if you don't have Visual Studio installed. Team Explorer "Eaglestone" is now branded as Team Explorer Everywhere; it is an equivalent rich client, but instead of running as a plug-in to Visual Studio, it is a plug-in for Eclipse. There used to be a seperate license fee for Team Explorer Everywhere, but it is now available for free.
