Companion sample Xcode project for "Apple Help Programming Guide"? - cocoa

Does anyone know of a sample Xcode project that demonstrates how to provide user help and which closely follows the guidelines of the "Apple Help Programming Guide"?
The guide's revision history shows that one of the more recent new guidelines is to organize help books in a bundle. I'm experiencing some trouble following this guideline. Unfortunately AFAIK the guide does not make any mention of a downloadable sample Xcode project; and I cannot find any application installed on my 10.5 system with a help book organized into a bundle.
Does anyone know of a sample project or at least an open-source project which follows this "help book in a bundle" guideline?

This link provides a step-by-step guide:
It's written for XCode3 but it worked for me using XCode4 (project's info.plist no longer displayed). The guide is bit wordy but 3 pages cover the whole process.
Apple Help Bundles can be found in
as with all bundles you have to Ctrl-Click -> Show Package Contents to see directory structure.
Many of Apple's own applications use the old Apple Help but Mail uses the new (10.6) bundle help. Look in this directory:
Hope this helps.


Mean.js, where do I start?

I have to make a web application with Meanstack for a school project. I have downloaded and installed the newest version of the Mean.js boilerplate ( and got the sample site working. But I have no idea how to continue. There are so many files in the project directory. Can somebody please tell me the files I can/need to change to start building my own app?
I'm very new to programming, so sorry if this is a stupid question. I'd really appreciate an answer.
This is what the project folder looks like.
The documentation (here) has plenty of great information about what each file does, and what you might need to research to get started. Besides that there are a lot of great tutorials out there, one I liked in particular was this youtube series.
Please note that in these examples I am using the mean stack from, not, and I am using version 0.3. If you are using a different MEAN stack, or version, I would still recommend first looking through the official documentation, and then various tutorials online.

Where are the sample projects in Xcode 4?

In older versions of Xcode they have been in the developer folder, just wondering where they are available now, do I have to download them from somewhere?
If you find the name of the project you want from the Documentation tab in Organiser you can simple choose "Open Project" and it will be downloaded to a folder of your choice.
Make sure you have downloaded the documentation first via xCode/Preferences/Downloads/Documentation/Check & Install Now.
There a lot of sample codes. Just a simple search in google.
raywenderlich iPhone Tutorials with source code
Github - search for repos
Apple's own sample codes
The Open Source iPhone Apps List in maniac dev
Cocos2d samples
I bet this is a good start.
Hope this helps. Have fun.

Using Apple's coding examples in XCode 4.3.2 - Base SDK Missing

I'm discovering XCode and iOS development.
Delving into the iOS documentation, I've tried to download and run some of the programming examples.
As an example, I'll use AccelerometerGraph.
If I download the code and try to compile, i get an error message, and I realize that the Navigation panel tells me : Base SDK Missing.
After fiddling around (the existing answers on stackoverflow refer to the Xcode 3.2 answer, which doesn't work) I figured I should go to "Editor > Validate Settingsā€¦" and accept the changes.
It "seems" to work, (as in the "Missing SDK" message disappears, and I can compile) but I'm wondering if i'm missing something more fundamental.
Also, I thought if there is such a fundamental change, it would be useful to have it up there in one of the questions.
Go to the project settings and choose "Latest SDK" for the SDK option and that should fix your projects.
And if you want to be super helpful, file a bug with Apple (at and tell them to update these outdated sample projects to use the latest SDK's if possible.
Not missing something more fundamental. Apple's sample projects have a variety of vintages. Mostly they compile and link under the current versions of Xcode and friends. Some need to be brought up to date. What you found was one that was originally set up for an obsolete version of the SDK and it compiles and links fine with one that was automagically found on your system when you updated it.

Lost feature - how do I get an overview of the strings contained in a xib in XCode 4?

the Internationalization Guide mentions a sweet feature - by choosing "Tools > Strings" you should be able to view and edit all the strings contained in a xib file in a nice table. It's available for Interface Builder 3.0 and newer, the guide says.
Since XCode4 however there is no Interface Builder and no "Tools > Strings" menu anymore. I've looked pretty much everywhere, but I can't seem to find that feature.
Can you guys tell me where they've hidden this jewel? Or did they maybe drop it?
The whole guide I mentioned seems to be a bit outdated. Any suggestions for more up-to-date guides or tutorials (covering internationalization using XCode4) would be very welcome!
Edit 2:
Never mind about the guide. I found a short and sweet guide at Ray Wenderlich's. Still curious about the string summary, though.
That feature does not exist in the current version of Xcode 4.0. Using ibtool is the best alternative.
you could use ibtool:
man ibtool

Appkit examples on OSX 10.6

I'm trying to re-invent I've been told that some examples in /Developers/Examples/AppKit will help me. However, on my 10.6 system, I don't have such a folder.
Did the examples get moved? Is my installation somehow incomplete? will the examples I copy from a 10.5 system work?
Quoting ReadMe.rtf on /Developer/Examples:
The Xcode projects that were formerly installed locally in the /Developer/Examples/ folder are now in the ADC Reference Library. The ADC Reference Library now provides access to all documentation and sample code.
Using Xcode, find sample code in the Documentation window. Search for samples by title, search for symbols that you're interested in, or use the reference library navigation to find samples by topic or framework. Documents in the reference library are organized by resource type, which allows you to choose the type of document most relevant to your needs, including sample code. You can view all sample code, navigate to a particular topic and see relevant sample code for that topic, or navigate to a framework that you're interested in and see sample code that specifically focuses on that framework.
Find sample code using your web browser by going to the Mac Dev Center, linked from
From there, go to the reference library.
Hope that helped!
