How to tell XCode to run IPhone or IPad Simulator? - xcode

I want to prepare my App for the IPad, but what ever I do I can not get this to work. Without any changes to the project, the Active Executable says "xxx - IPhone Simulator".
So what do I have to do to make my app run in the Ipad Simulator ?!

Change the target version to iPhone OS 3.2. (The simulator currently only allows iPhone on 4.0 and only iPad on 3.2.)


Can the iOS 7 Simulator work with Xcode 4.6.3?

Tried copying over the iOS 7.0 Simulator to the Xcode 4.6.3 bundle in the correct location. It does show up in the Device List, and the simulator starts, but then pinwheels.
I had to hard stop the simulator and Xcode. I'm mainly just curious, but wanted to know if this should work or can work.
Here is how to run the IOS 7.0 Simulator under the Xcode 4.6.3 version.
0) Make a backup point for the Mac
1) Download and install the Xcode 5 Beta X
2) Make sure that the IOS 7 simulator is working for Xcode 5 with IOS 7 Simulator
3) Stop all simulators and Xcodes
3.5) Make duplicate of the current Xcode 4 and do 4) to the duplicate app bundle
4) Copy
5) Start the proper simulator in 7.0 mode using Xcode 5 and a sample app, etc.
6) Stop Xcode 5
7) Start Xcode 4 COPY and choose the same 7.0 simulator and run your app (Xcode 4 is not "smart" enough to start the 7.0 simulator).
8) Should show up in the 7.0 simulator
Open the iOS7 simulator from the XCode 5 Pacakage folder
Keep the iOS7 Simulator open. Now Open your XCode 4.6 build your project with Simulator selected. The app will be now opened in the iOS7 Simulator.
If the app quits or not running, Try Reseting the Simulator contents or Clean the project and keep trying. It works for me.
Nope. iOS7 only works with Xcode 5 DP.
Here is another way to run the IOS 7.0 Simulator under the Xcode 4.6.3 version, after copyint it to the right location described above:
Start XCode 5 running a sample app within the iOS simulator
Change settings of the simulator to keep it in dock
Quit XCode 5
Change requested hardware in iOS simulator which is still running
Start XCode 4.6.3 running your app within the iOS simulator after selecting the hardware set within the simulator - they must be equal.
That´s it !
Furtheron you only need to start the simulator first, set the requested hardware, start XCode 4.6.3 with equal hardware set in the simulator and RUN.
Simpler answer to run a Xcode 4 project on iOS7:
Backup your 4.6 project. (either physical backup or commit to github or svn)
Open your project in Xcode 5 DP
Xcode 5 will make changes to the files, but that's OK because you made a backup
Run the app with Xcode5 and iOS7
When you are done, restore your project with the backup you made earlier

Xcode simulator Add iphone5

I want to test my phonegap-jqm application in iphone 5 simulator.
Currently the application perfectly working in ipad 6.0 simulator.
How to add/install simulator (iphone5) in xcode 4.5.2
Thanks in advance.
iPhone 5 (4-inch retina)
If you want to test in iPhone 5, select appropriate configuration in iOS Simulator Hardware -> Device
Download iOS 5 simulator
If you want to install another version of iOS simulator, go to Xcode preferences -> Downloads and download simulator you want.
Ensure that your project target is 5.x or lower to run on iOS 5.x
It should be installed by default.
You should check wether you have your app built for iPhone and iPad (Universal) or only for the iPad. In the picture down, the app will run both on iPhone and iPad, but on iPad it will be in an iPhone simulation mode with a 2x button down.
If it is built only for the iPad you won't be able to test it on the iPhone. Also check out this question.

How to run an app in background on jailbroken iphone?

I try to develop an app in XCode that runs in background. For example, the home splash screen or another app is shown on display and it is still running.
How do I do that?
The iphone is a jailbroken 3gs with IOS 5.1.1
You can use theos to compile a dylib file,and start it by hook springboard.

App doesn't build on my device

The app I am working on runs perfectly in the simulator, on an iPad, and on an iPhone. When I try to run it on my iPod Touch, NOTHING HAPPENS...
Xcode says "Building..."
and then it says "Finished running"
Nothing is written to the console and the app icon isn't installed on the iPod Touch and the app never even attempts to run.
Any ideas what could possibly be going wrong would be greatly appreciated. If there was some error that came up that would at least be helpful, but nothing happens whatsoever.
Thanks so much!
EDIT: I've gone back and opened some of my previously finished apps and all of them do this same thing when I try to run them on the iPod Touch...
Could this have anything to do with my having upgraded to XCode 4.2 and the iPod Touch still running OS 3.1.3? The deployment target in Build Settings is still 3.1.3 and up, so I don't think it should be an issue...
Does your scheme target dropdown list show "iOS Device" or does it show the "name" of your iPod Touch (something like "jons ipod touch"):
If it shows "iOS Device", that means your iPod isnt recognized by xcode and you may need to enable the device for developing by clicking "Use For Development" like so:
The armv6 architecture needed to be added to the build settings in order for me to build to the iPod Touch (OS 3.1.3).
In Xcode 4.2, in the Build Settings, under Architectures, armv6 wasn't an option for me in the dropdown menu. I had to select "Other...", then use the + sign to manually type in "armv6" NOT IN PLACE OF but IN ADDITION TO what was already entered there, which was "$(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT)" and then I was able to build my app to the iPod Touch.
As a final note - while I got the app to run on my iPod Touch OS 3.1.3, it did not run as well as I wanted it to (as well as it runs on the iPad OS 5 and iPhone OS 4.2) so while I've previously always supported OS 3.1 in my apps, I sadly ended up NOT supporting armv6 for this one and setting the iOS Deployment Target for my app to iOS 3.2

Xcode 3.2.6 with ios 4.3, problem with active executable

when i run the XCODE with ios 4.3 the default simulator is set to ipad ....I changed active executable setting to iphone simulator .. but stil its not working ..Whenever i open the XCODE again its restting back to ipad .. Is ther any other way to set this out ?
When building the app in the iPhone simulator, wait until the iPad finishes loading; if your app is displayed and working properly then (and only then) try switching to the iPhone simulator.
To keep the iPhone display as the default, try changing the program preferences from the simulator itself or from the Xcode project file in Xcode.
