How to run an app in background on jailbroken iphone? - xcode

I try to develop an app in XCode that runs in background. For example, the home splash screen or another app is shown on display and it is still running.
How do I do that?
The iphone is a jailbroken 3gs with IOS 5.1.1

You can use theos to compile a dylib file,and start it by hook springboard.


Simulator under iOS 13.3 (Xcode 11.3.1) not functioning properly

When using the simulator under Xcode 11.3.1 and iPhones simulating iOS 13.3, the simulation does not behave correctly. It works correctly under simulator iOS 12.1.
I get no messages that I don't also get under the iOS 12.1 simulator launch.
The behavior should be when a user starts the app for the first time, he is redirected to the signin screen. Instead it goes to the main screen (grayed out because there is no data). I can navigate manually to the signin screen and signin normally (device registers and appears on my online server) but the app should start downloading the database required to work. It just sits there (no alertview that would normally launch the download). If I relaunch the app, it again starts at the main screen, however at this point an alertview should appear that no database is present. If I manually try to start the download (in a setup screen within the app), the progress bar that normally appears does not, just a label signifying what database is suppose to download.
All of this works properly on the iOS 12.1 simulator (Xcode 10.1) of the same type (iPhone 8 Plus).
Is this an Xcode 11.3.1 bug or iOS 13.3 problem. I have customers using iOS 13.1 without any problems on actual devices. I am on a new iMac running Catalina, is it possible its a security setting to allow database download?
I was facing the same issue and I move back to Xcode 11.3. Guess it was not a stable update at all.

How to force an app to simulate in iPhone simulation using an iPad using Expo?

I'm currently using Expo to build an iPhone app.
I'm not supporting iPad and I have it so when it builds on iPad it runs in an iPhone Simulation.
The problem is I can't develop with Expo using this approach.
The app shows up as an iPad app, but this is not the mode being shipped to users.
According to this I might have some luck adding ios.supportsTablet to the app.json file and setting it to false but it didn't change anything.
Is there another configuration value I'm missing to force iPhone simulation mode on an iPad?
I'd rather not eject if I don't have to.
According to this, there currently isn't a way to live develop using "iPhone mode" on an iPad.
The Expo Client app can’t change its tablet support on the fly,
unfortunately, so it will always adapt your project to the iPad
So, following the above forum here is how you get around it:
Run exp build:ios -t simulator
Open Simulator
Select Hardware/Device/iOs 11.x/iPad x generation
Unpack the generated build from the first command
You should have a file named
Drag that file into the iPad you are running in Simulator
It will install the app on the device and you can then view your creation
This is faster than doing a whole build cycle with TestFlight just to see your changes.
But it still leaves a bit to be desired.

How to solve this error in Xcode when testing your app on the Apple Watch

I've tested my Apple Watch app on the simulator and it runs perfectly...However I couldn't test my app on the actual Apple Watch device:
I ran my iPhone app in Xcode.... Once completed it will install the app on Apple Watch.
Then, Apple watch app will launch and stuck on launching screen with "loading" spinner on the Apple Watch device.
The Apple watch will just close itself and this error will appear in Xcode:
You need to run the your iphone app scheme not the watchapp or extension scheme, once you will installed your iOS application on your device with watch kit support.
After installing the iPhone, you need to check your watch, application will automatically installed on Watch. If still you are not able to see the application then you need to visit application "Apple Watch" and scroll down to see your application and turn on apple watch support for your application.
If you are running the Watch OS2 app then after deploying the app on the Watch, you will need to reboot the Watch. Once rebooted, the Watch app will now run and not stuck anymore, loading time is about a few seconds only.

App doesn't build on my device

The app I am working on runs perfectly in the simulator, on an iPad, and on an iPhone. When I try to run it on my iPod Touch, NOTHING HAPPENS...
Xcode says "Building..."
and then it says "Finished running"
Nothing is written to the console and the app icon isn't installed on the iPod Touch and the app never even attempts to run.
Any ideas what could possibly be going wrong would be greatly appreciated. If there was some error that came up that would at least be helpful, but nothing happens whatsoever.
Thanks so much!
EDIT: I've gone back and opened some of my previously finished apps and all of them do this same thing when I try to run them on the iPod Touch...
Could this have anything to do with my having upgraded to XCode 4.2 and the iPod Touch still running OS 3.1.3? The deployment target in Build Settings is still 3.1.3 and up, so I don't think it should be an issue...
Does your scheme target dropdown list show "iOS Device" or does it show the "name" of your iPod Touch (something like "jons ipod touch"):
If it shows "iOS Device", that means your iPod isnt recognized by xcode and you may need to enable the device for developing by clicking "Use For Development" like so:
The armv6 architecture needed to be added to the build settings in order for me to build to the iPod Touch (OS 3.1.3).
In Xcode 4.2, in the Build Settings, under Architectures, armv6 wasn't an option for me in the dropdown menu. I had to select "Other...", then use the + sign to manually type in "armv6" NOT IN PLACE OF but IN ADDITION TO what was already entered there, which was "$(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT)" and then I was able to build my app to the iPod Touch.
As a final note - while I got the app to run on my iPod Touch OS 3.1.3, it did not run as well as I wanted it to (as well as it runs on the iPad OS 5 and iPhone OS 4.2) so while I've previously always supported OS 3.1 in my apps, I sadly ended up NOT supporting armv6 for this one and setting the iOS Deployment Target for my app to iOS 3.2

How to tell XCode to run IPhone or IPad Simulator?

I want to prepare my App for the IPad, but what ever I do I can not get this to work. Without any changes to the project, the Active Executable says "xxx - IPhone Simulator".
So what do I have to do to make my app run in the Ipad Simulator ?!
Change the target version to iPhone OS 3.2. (The simulator currently only allows iPhone on 4.0 and only iPad on 3.2.)
