What's the best way to implement deletion of user objects where there are multiple viewers of the object? - user-interface

Let's say I have a GUI with multiple types of viewers of user objects. For example, a tree view, a list view and a diagram view. The three views show the same objects. If a user deletes an object from one view, I would like to fire off an event to notify the other two views. I currently do this by exposing an event on the object itself. So if the object is deleted from View 1, View 1 will call delete on the object, which will then fire an event to the subscribers (all 3 views). Each subscriber has the chance to cancel the deletion.
There are a few problems as I see it. If a subscriber cancels a deletion after another subscriber has already approved of the deletion, then I have to instruct those subscribers to undo the deletion.
Are there any good patterns to implement this kind of common scenario?

If an object is to be deleted from all views, or no view at all
Ask every subscriber if it's ok to delete the item; if yes:
Issue a "delete item" call to remove the object from the source, perform a soft delete or whatever you'd like
Update each view. This would be the observer part, listen for a "object deleted" call and take appropriate actions, for example manually remove the now deleted object from each view
If you always want the user to be able to delete the object from its own view:
Step 2. from above, with the addition that it's only been deleted either for 1) the user; or 2) that user in that view
Step 1. from above, and continue.. (might be skipped, depending on how much you'd like the views to be coherent)

The twist here is that each subscriber has the chance to cancel the deletion. Normally, when you use the words "view" and "subscribe", it means that you are being passive and just reacting to what you see.
That doesn't mean that what you're trying to do is impossible, but it's definitely tricky. For example, you could try to do a sort of two-phase commit, where you mark the object is deleted and then wait for all of the viewers to acknowledge the deletion before really removing the object. (This is basically the "ask every subscriber if it's OK to delete the item" approach that chelmertz suggests.) However, this means you need to know exactly how many viewers there are, and all viewers will need to respond before you can complete the deletion. Do you always have three viewers? Are there ever only two? What if there is an error in one of the viewers - Should the delete fail, or do you want to go ahead and delete the object anyway?
The nice thing about an event-driven system is that you don't normally have to worry about these sorts of questions: You just make your change to the model (in this case, delete the object) and fire a change event. You don't need to know anything about your viewers.
So, if this were my system, I would try to figure out a way to make model changes cancelable only before they are applied to the model, rather than trying to apply changes to other views through the model and then trying to roll back those changes later.


Do I need to store last state of object in separate table in Event Sourcing

I'm still learning event sourcing i dont undestand something.
When i get a command to change object, do I first recreate that object from event store than change it and save event, or should i have separate table that holds last state?
What is practice here?
I'm still learning event sourcing i don't understand something. When i get a command to change object, do I first recreate that object from event store than change it and save event, or should i have separate table that holds last state? What is practice here?
The first rule of optimization: Don't.
For handling commands, all of the information that you need to have is stored in your event history; simply loading the history and recomputing any state you need will get the job done.
In the case where you need low latency in your command handler, AND recomputing the state you need from the event history is too slow to meet your service level targets, then you might look into saving a "snapshot", and using that to speed up the load of your data.
Current consensus is that snapshots should be saved separately from the event history (ie: a snapshot is not another kind of event), as though the snapshot were another "read model".

MVC / MV pattern UI with operations which may fail

I'm working on application with a C++ backend (models, business logic) and declarative UI in QtQuick.
Let's say I have an ItemModel, populated by running a query against a database (in the cloud). This model is then shown in the UI as a list. Now I want to have an operation which removes an Item from the list. What is the best way to handle it?
I can update the UI immediately as soon as the user removes an item, then remove it from the model, which then triggers an operation of removing the item from the database. This is fine, until the operation fails for some reason, and my model no longer matches the database.
On the other hand I can perform the database deletion first, then update the model based on the result and then update the UI. This ensures that the model, and view, is always in sync with the database, but can potentially result in unresponsive UI.
You should do the first and then show an error if something goes wrong (and make sure that it is extremely unlikely that anything goes wrong). That is if this is not mission critical stuff. If it is, a different UI pattern may be more appropriate.

Is it ok to have FAT events with event sourcing?

I have recently been building an application on top of Greg Young EventStore as my peristance layer and I have been pondering how big should I allow an event to get?
For example I have an UK Address Aggregate with the following fields
Now I'm building the UI using React/Redux and was thinking should I create a single FAT addressUpdated Event contatining all the above fields?
Or should I Create a event for each of the different fields? and batch them within the client until the Save event is fired? buildingNameUpdated Event, streetUpdated Event, localityUpdated Event.
I'm not sure if the answer is as black and white ask I have asked it what I really would like to know is what conditions/constraints could you use to make the decision?
should I create a event for each of the different fields?
No. The representations of your events are part of the API -- so you want to use spellings that make sense at the level of the business, not at the level of the implementation.
Now I'm building the UI using React/Redux and was thinking should I create a single FAT updateAddress Event containing all the above fields?
You don't need to constrain the data that you send to your UI to match that which is in the persistence store. The UI is just a cached representation of a read model; there's no reason that representation needs to have the same form as what is in your event store.
Consider the React model itself -- your code makes changes to the "in memory" representation of your data, and then the library computes the new DOM and replaces it, which in turn causes the browser to update its view, which in turn causes the pixels on the screen to change.
So taking a fat event from the store, and breaking it into field level events for the UI is fine. Taking multiple events from the store and aggregating them into a single message for the UI is also fine. Taking events from the event store and transforming them into a spelling that the UI will recognize is also fine.
Do you have any comment regarding Arien answer regarding keeping fields that need to be consistent together? so regardless of when your snapshop the current state of the world it would be in a valid state?
I don't believe that this makes sense, and I'm not sure if it is possible in general.
It doesn't make sense, because "valid state" is a write model concern only; events are things that have happened, its too late to vote on whether they are valid or not. For instance, if you deploy a new model, with a new invariant, it still needs to respect the history of what happened before. So you can build a snapshot for that new model, but the snapshot may not be "valid". Too bad.
Given that, I don't think it makes sense to worry over whether each individual event in a commit leaves the snapshot in a valid state.
In particular, if a particular transaction involves multiple entities, it is very likely that the domain language will suggest an event for each entity (we "debit cash" and "credit accounts receivable"). The entities themselves, of course, are capable of changing independently of each other -- it's the aggregate that maintains the balance.
You have to bundle al the information together in one event when this data has to be consistent with each other.
So when you update one field of an address you probably get an unwanted address.
This will happen when the client has not processed all the events at a certain time due to eventual consistency.
Change address (City=1, Street=1, Housenumber=1) to (City=2, Street=2, Housenumber=2)
When you do this with 3 events and you have just processed one at the time of reading you could get the address: (City=2, Street=1, Housenumber=1).
If puzzled, give a try to a solution that is easier to implement. I guess "FAT" event will be easier: you will end up spending less time for implementing/debugging/supporting.
It is usually referred as YAGNI-KISS-Occam's Razor principles.
In theory and I find it to be a good rule of thumb is to have your commands and events reflecting the intent of the user staying true to DDD. You can find a good explanation of the pros and cons about event granularity here: https://medium.com/#hugo.oliveira.rocha/what-they-dont-tell-you-about-event-sourcing-6afc23c69e9a

How to efficiently allow a user to sort a list with AJAX

In my application, users have a list of items that they can put in any order they like. The database schema looks like this:
+ Id : int
+ Name : string
+ Order : int
so when the user puts things in order, it sets the Order field accordingly, so that I can sort it later. Great.
Now, I want to make the sort ajax-y, such that the user can drag and drop items into order (and use up/down arrows), and it will just automagically save everything. (If you're familiar with Netflix, they do a similar thing.)
The issue I'm having is that in order to persist the user's changes as they make them, I will need to do an AJAX call every time they do something. If the user moves an item from position 10 to position 1, that implies that I have to update 10 records in that little ajax call. Meanwhile, the user may have queued up 3 more AJAX calls to update other records.
This seems inefficient and like it might be error prone (due to race conditions and so on, if the AJAX calls take a long time.) Should I be worrying about this? Is there a more efficient way to do this? If it makes a difference, I expect most users will have fewer than 5 items to sort.
Since Javascript can't synchronize code, I agree that it would be difficult to implement code that would be sure to avoid race conditions, although I did find this article on implementing a Mutex in Javascript.
However, personally I think that rather than choose an option that is likely to result in race conditions, I would go with one of the following options:
Create a save button above the items, that when clicked will save the order to the database.
Create a timer that will save the order every five seconds (or whatever), if something has changed. You would still want a save button for this, so the users could force a save.
I would lean towards the latter. Obviously in both cases you would want some visual cue to the users that they have unsaved changes (like changing the background color of the items, for instance). You would most likely want to implement something that makes sure the user wants to leave the page with unsaved changes if you go with either of those options (like in Gmail, when you have unsaved changes in an email that you are composing).

How to manually manage Core Data relationships when deleting

I have a Core Data entity, which contains a relationship to another entity. Under certain circumstances, I need to delete the managed objects in the relationship, and at other times no action needs to be taken.
I have the Delete Rule on the entity is No Action because of this manual management.
The problem I have is, where is the best place to enforce these rules? I cannot see any suitable messages to override on NSManagedObject (something that might notify the object it has been deleted and should clear up its relationships).
I would rather not do it higher up in the application logic, because the entity objects can get deleted from array controllers and at different points in the applications, making it necessary to stuff relationship update code at all those levels.
In your NSManagedObject subclass, override the -prepareForDeletion method and handle the logic there.
You did not specify that you need a solution for retired versions. In that case you can handle it in the -save: call. Just before the save, grab the array of objects to be deleted, iterate over them and then call -prepareForDeletionon each object if it responds to it (using-respondsToSelector:`) and that gives you a future proof way to handle the deletions. You will of course need to check to see if you are running 10.6 or an earlier OS before running this code but that is fairly trivial to write up.
