I just started using SubSonic ver 3.0 and I am not able to find sufficient info on the scaffolding feature. I understand scaffolding is included in version 2.x but can be used with 3.x also.
My question is, what do I have to include in my SunSonic 3.x ActiveRecord project, what to reference and what to add to the web.config / App.config to be able to use the scaffolding feature in SubSonic Version 3.x.
An example would be nice.
Thanks for your help.
We used to have GWT 2.4 & GXT 2.2.5 and we are migrating to GWT 2.8.1.
Now I am using GWT 2.8 with gxt 2.2.5 and Jdk 1.8.0_291, even when upgrading gxt-2.3.1a-gwt22 I still get this error when maven is building I got this error
jar:file:/war/WEB-INF/lib/gxt-2.3.1a-gwt22.jar!/com/extjs/gxt/ui/client/widget/form/ListField.java' > Line 322: The method append(boolean) is ambiguous for the type StringBuffer
After searching I thought it is imposible to resolve it, I don't have the right to edit the dependency.
So I decided to upgrade gxt to 4.0.2, am I right?
but when I did all the app broke, most of Types don't exist anymore and the migration is not well documented on sencha website, they provide a unique page that doesn't help.
Do you have a tutorial or a guide that helps? or maybe a workaround?
Moving from GXT 2.x to 4.0.2 will create a lot of work. Take a look here:
Sencha GXT 2.x to 4.x Migration Guide
To get gxt-2.3.1a working with GWT 2.8.2 or even 2.9.0 (and maybe 2.10.0 - did not check this) you need to fix the bugs. The easiest way would be to
override the class and correct the things that are wrong.
F.e.: Fixing the ListField bug, you have to:
create a package: 'com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.form'
create a class named 'ListField'
copy the code from the ListField class into you new class
fix the problem
I did that in the past and IIRC it was not much work.
What are the jar files I need to use spring expression language in my web app?
This web app itself is not based on Spring. I would like to use the 4.0.1 version. Is spring-expression-4.0.1.RELEASE.jar alone enough?
I assume you need the expression and the core jar. Try with expression only and add core if something still is missing.
And you should consider using 4.1 or even 4.2, 4.1 is available and has no higher requirements than 4.0. 4.2 is scheduled to be released in only a few weeks, so you could start with the already available RC2 and go to final very soon.
I've searched and couldn't find anything to suggest that Spring 4.0.0 is not fully backward compatible with Spring 3.x.
Is that indeed the case?
You should be safe if you have updated your third-party dependencies and updated any Spring deprecations in your project. Spring Framework project lead Juergen Hoeller writes in the blog Migrating from Spring Framework 3.2 to 4.0.1:
To a large degree, an upgrade from Spring Framework 3.2 (or earlier) to 4.0.1 should be as straightforward as a change of version numbers in your Maven POMs. Note that you may have to upgrade specific third-party dependencies to a recent enough version (e.g. Hibernate 3.6+, Quartz 1.8+, Jackson 1.8+, Tiles 2.2+)
Read the migration guide on GitHub for details.
I've prepared report on API changes for the Spring releases here: http://abi-laboratory.pro/java/tracker/timeline/spring-framework/
The report includes backward binary- (BC) and source-compatibility (SC) analysis results. The BC between 3.2.16 and 4.0.0 is estimated at 90.08% and SC is estimated at 88.70%.
The report is generated by the japi-compliance-checker tool.
There are few API they have removed in the new version. You would not have any surprise changes with the new version, there could be slight changes in the API. But, you have to watch the deprecated APIs which will be the candidate for removal in the forthcoming versions.
Look at this document , they have included few backward compatibility changes and removal of the APIs.
The backward compatibility for object-mapper option of the and components has beed removed.
But there is not much changes mentioned in the document.
It should be backward compatible. I recently watched http://oredev.org/2013/wed-fri-conference/spring-4-on-java-8 and recall Juergen Hoeller saying that they designed Spring 4.0 to be easy to upgrade to from 3.2 its around the 47 minute mark in the video.
I take that to mean that there should be no compatibility issues.
Typically any breaking changes or incompatibility would be noted in the documentation. As you can see there is some deprecated code but it looks to be backwards compatible.
Can anyone please tell me which version of acceleo is been used in screencasts of acceleo website? Because currently I am using acceleo 2.7 and I am trying to do the same thing but I don't get the expected results!
I am new to Acceleo and I was trying to learn from the tutorials, I downloaded topcased integrated into eclipse helios 'Topcased-RCP-win32-4.3.0.zip' from this link
and it is associated with acceleo 2.7, apparently the topcased is working because I can create the diagrams with no problem but when I create a new module launcher for hibernate and launch it, according to this screen cast
it should generate the hbm.xml file and the sql files but the only thing I get is a 'src' folder and some other subfolders in it has been generated with no code!
Which screencasts are you talking about? The official Acceleo website is now hosted on Eclipse. Are you talking about the screencasts that can be found on its documentation page? Or about those that can be located through the Eclipse wiki? These are all for the current version of Acceleo, i.e the versions 3.*.
However if you are talking about the acceleo.org website, as you can see from its homepage, it is a website for the maintenance release (the versions 2.*). If you are using Acceleo 2.7, this is the website where you can locate accurate screencasts. We do not encourage users to start using Acceleo with this version though, and we recommend using the Acceleo 3.x stream instead.
We have a project where we're using Spring-js. With it comes Spring-dojo and the full dojo package. But in the current version of Spring-js (2.0.9), it's using dojo 1.3. Is there a way to upgrade manually to dojo 1.4? Or even a new Spring-js.jar-file that can be donwloaded that uses dojo 1.4?
Yes. If you are using the ResourceServlet, you can simply drop the new version of Dojo in the top-level directory of your WAR structure. The ResourceServlet always looks there before it looks on the classpath, thus resources in top-level of the WAR take precedence. I would suggest using a full uncompressed source distro of Dojo during development, and then doing a custom build that is tailored to your usage patterns for production.
Beware that we've occasionally seen some minor incompatibilities when upgrading Dojo versions, so be on the lookout for that and report any issues in the Web Flow Jira.
I suspect we'll be upgrading to Dojo 1.4 in the official distribution for the upcoming Spring Web Flow 2.1 release.
Btw., spring webflow 2.0.9 uses dojo 1.2.4 not 1.3 as the release notes tell