Can anyone please tell me which version of acceleo is been used in screencasts of acceleo website? Because currently I am using acceleo 2.7 and I am trying to do the same thing but I don't get the expected results!
I am new to Acceleo and I was trying to learn from the tutorials, I downloaded topcased integrated into eclipse helios '' from this link
and it is associated with acceleo 2.7, apparently the topcased is working because I can create the diagrams with no problem but when I create a new module launcher for hibernate and launch it, according to this screen cast
it should generate the hbm.xml file and the sql files but the only thing I get is a 'src' folder and some other subfolders in it has been generated with no code!
Which screencasts are you talking about? The official Acceleo website is now hosted on Eclipse. Are you talking about the screencasts that can be found on its documentation page? Or about those that can be located through the Eclipse wiki? These are all for the current version of Acceleo, i.e the versions 3.*.
However if you are talking about the website, as you can see from its homepage, it is a website for the maintenance release (the versions 2.*). If you are using Acceleo 2.7, this is the website where you can locate accurate screencasts. We do not encourage users to start using Acceleo with this version though, and we recommend using the Acceleo 3.x stream instead.
I have very good pure Java basic knowledge. As long as there are no XML config and no project management tools involved, I am very good.
The things that really confused me are the project management tools, e.g.: Maven, Gradle.
I am learning Spring, and it is so confusing to me since it involves many XML files and there is no clear explanation for it.
I am learning Spring from this set of video tutorials, Lecture 6
Spring "Hello World".
I couldn't get a Spring hello world done because it requires a xxxxx.xml file to config the beans (Java object). To generate the XML files, I need to generate an XML file using a plugin on IntelliJ 2016.
The question is I can't find the plugin to generate a XML file for the bean by following this official tutorial. There is no such plugin called " Spring Support".
What should I do to generate the beans.xml? (The file to manage beans for Spring)
You can't enable Spring support with IntelliJ community Edition, it only available with paying version (Ultimate).
However, you can create the .xml file manually and CE version also supports it (a little bit).
To working with Spring or J2EE, you should get familiar with build tools like Maven, Gradle (or Ant in some special case). The concept is simple and you can get it easily from the official website ( -
For Spring, if you are not familiar with creating a .xml file, you can use Java configuration instead or move to use Spring-boot to forget this configuration file (almost).
However, at first, I think you should get the basic concept of Spring and try to work well with .xml files configure. It'll be helpful in the future when you work with it deeply.
Let's take things one by one:
Your problem understanding builds management tools like maven and gradle. Try these links for tutorials: Maven in 5 Minutes, gradle is very advance build automation tool with continuous Integration features, you can find a good comparison between gradle and maven here.
If you are confused about spring to try this book: Spring in Action 3rd Edition (4th Edition is also available, I recommend 3rd edition as you will be able to link XML to annotations.)
You do not need any tool to generate XML files. Copy a sample spring configuration file from the internet, remove unwanted elements and write your own beans.
The Spring support plugin is a feature of IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, which is a commercial IDE. It's not available in the free Community Edition.
You don't need any plugin to generate the beans.xml file; you can write it manually in the source code editor.
For Spring support, did you try "Spring Assistant" plugin ?
Good part it is it has active development.
Edit on Aug 21, 2020:
Seems like this plugin has no more active development. Its last release was in 2018 April.
No need to worry. We sill have some good news :-)
Its Github repository is here. We can clone the repo and make necessary changes what ever we specifically need.
I know you are asking about IntelliJ Idea but as it is a commercial tool, you should pay to let you use its plugins. Another way is using "Spring Tools for Eclipse" which is a great environment to develop Spring applications. But you need to be familiar with eclipse.
It can be downloaded from:
Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse
We are using Eclipse Indigo, Acceleo 3.1.3, Maven 3.0.3.
We have a large Acceleo code generation project in Eclipse that we run successfully.
We need to now run that same project via command line from a Maven project so that the code generation step can be run unattended via a job.
Can anyone share the steps on how to configure this keeping in view the versions we have? If anyone has a sample, that'll be great.
We have already tried available information on the web, but the steps there are for different versions and don't work for us.,,
and other sites.
Thanks for your help.
I have tried to use the lastest version of magento connector on mule 3.2. However I keep getting this error:
SAXParseException: cos-all-limited.1.2: An all model group must appear in a particle with {min occurs} = {max occurs} = 1, and that particle must be part of a pair which constitutes the {content type} of a complex type definition.
I have googled it and I think the problem is a bug in mule's devkit. And I am getting it because the magento connector is built using the devkit. The bug apparently has been fixed according to this link:
Where can I download the fixed version of the devkit? and how do I install it in mule 3.2?
This bug have been fixed indeed. If the Magento connector you're using has been compiled with a recent DevKit, things should be fine. Where did you get the Magento connector you're using? Have you tried building a fresh one from source?
DevKit can be found in MuleSoft Maven releases repository:
This said, you do not need to install DevKit it in Mule per se. DevKit is primarily used at compile time as a code generator for modules (like the Magento one). It may bring runtime dependencies but they'll be packaged with the module distribution archive (alongside the module Jar itself).
I am using Eclipse version 3.6.2, and I have installed Acceleo plugin for it but according to the instructions and tutorials I have read, I should be having module launcher under Acceleo tag in 'New' menu but I don't have it. I tried to install the modules from module update link in acceleo, however during the installing the modules an error occurs showing this message
*Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: UML 2.1 to Java generator (
Missing requirement: UML 2.1 to Java generator ( requires 'fr.obeo.acceleo.gen 0.0.0' but it could not be found*
Can anyone please tell me, why I am getting this error or why I don't have module launcher?
Many thanks in advance.
I assume that you have installed the latest version of Acceleo that has been release last month, Acceleo 3.1 if that's not the case, you can install it with the Acceleo 3.1.x update site:
You can find the Acceleo wizards under the new menu only if you are using the Acceleo perspective (Window -> Open perspective -> Other) otherwise you have to use the regular menu for all wizards (File -> New -> Other).
The Acceleo generator that you are installing is the UML to Java module for Acceleo 2.x. Acceleo 2.x and Acceleo 3.x are not compatible and therefore you cannot install this module unless you install the old version of Acceleo (its plugin are named fr.obeo.acceleo.* instead of org.eclipse.acceleo.*).
But, this generator is currently being migrated to Acceleo 3.1 and if you need it, you can grab it quite easily. This generator is licenced under the open source licence named EPL and its source code is available on If you want to install it, go to and download the source code (by using git, or the download button) then go in the root folder (the one visible in the link with the "plugins", "tests" subfolders) and then you can use maven 3 (maven 2 is not enough to build an Acceleo generator) to build the generator by typing "mvn clean package".
Maven will download half of the internet the first time you'll try to build it and in the end you will have an update site for this module in the "rootfolder/updatesite/" folder. You just have to install this UML to Java generator by adding this as an "local" update site. Once it's done, you can restart your Eclipse and then a new menu named "Acceleo model to text" will be available once you right click on a *.uml file in your workspace. With this menu, you'll be able to generate Java from this uml model.
The uml model in question need to have been created with a project compatible with EMF like the uml project of the Eclipse foundation (org.eclipse.uml.uml2). You can find an example of UML model in the Acceleo 3 examples (File -> New -> Examples).
If you don't need to build the generator, you can simply use its source code after having download it from github. You can use it, test it, fork it or even contribute to it as you want. And if you find a bug in this generator, you can report the problem on the Acceleo forum in the Eclipse Foundation (please use an [acceleo] tag in your title on the Eclipse forum) or on stack overflow.
Does Acceleo generate Hibernate or is it UML2 to Java EE that does that? if Acceleo is doing it, then can someone please guide me to a sample example for it that generates Hibernate.
Also I want to know if either one of Acceleo or UML2 to Java EE generate Spring?
Acceleo is a generic code generator, you can create an Acceleo based generator to generate anything from assembly to Ruby if you want. You can find online some Acceleo generators that I have created in order to generate Java from UML or Scala from a custom Scala metamodel. If you want to generate Java EE, you can create a Java EE generator by using the UML to Java generator as an inspiration.
Currently we are working on the new version of Obeo Designer for IS which contains Acceleo 3 based generator to generate Spring/Struts/Hibernate from our three custom metamodels (entities, cinematic and soa). OD4IS is a commercial product built on top of Acceleo (which is free and open source). You can find more about OD4IS on our website. I don't have the release date for this new version of OD4IS but it should be available in the upcoming weeks. In the mean time, you can create your own generators or give the previous version of OD4IS a try (an evaluation version is available online). It should be noted that this previous version is based on Acceleo 2.x.
Disclaimer: I am working at Obeo as a developer on both Acceleo and OD4IS