Cisco IP Phone Call Manager handle events - events

I'm new on cisco IP Phones.
I have a cisco call manager system also a 7970 Ip phone.
The phone cominicates with Cisco Call Manager application.
I want to listen events when user logon and send some commands to phone.,
Is there any idea about this task?
Is there a way to got events from cisco call manager or I have to listen up the ports of IP phone?

Cisco JTAPI is the best API to perform 3rd party call control and get events about IP phone state. You'll write an application in Java that uses the Cisco JTAPI jar. This api will let you subscribe to a specific phone and you'll be able to get events like OnHook, OffHook, Connected, Disconnected, etc.
JTAPI is fairly complicated. Cisco has a product called Cisco Unified Application Environment that can help simplify the development task. It isn't free, however.

Is the phone registered as SIP phone or SCCP phone .
Traces from the call manager are the best way of finding out what is happening in the sytem.
You can also look for packet captures on the phone in those captures you can see SCCP events and SIP events
for example you can see events like
apart from this call manager traces SDI and SDL traces for "call manager service" will give you whole lot of information you need.
This link will help you take traces in call manager:


WiFi Text Services

I'm trying to come up with a solution to this situation:
Imagine you are in an area and you do not have any cell phone service but you do have Wifi.
The ask is to have a user that only has data to be able to text a number (via iMessage) and get a confirmation code in return.
The first tool I thought would be necessary for this would be Twilio - but it seems like Twilio only sends over standard SMS.
Are there any other tools out there anyone have used that would work in this idea? Something similar to Twilio but only ran on data?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
This is something you can only do as the phone provider or network provider (using Three in the UK allows me to make phone calls over wifi with no phone signal, for example).
The two things you can do is either build yourself a native application that you can send messages to using push notifications or send messages to existing native apps, like Messenger, Viber or Line.

How to build an bulk sms sender or voip server?

I want to know how can I build my own Sms service provider?
In another say; What is needed to have a system to inject sms messages to the mobile network systems freely or is it possible at all?
with VoIP server we can do voice and video and text messaging through internet; but what about from internet to the land line or mobile network?
How Skype, smartvoip, etc. do this?
Please give me a direction that I could go through.
You need some sort of interface to the Mobile network to make this work. Your choices include:
build a system with a GSM/UMTS card or phone which you control to send SMS messages into the network. This will need a valid SIM and contract (and the small print may say that you are not allowed to use it to provide an IP to SMS service to others). If you google 'Asterix SMS Gateway' you can find several open source examples. You could also look at, although I am not sure how actively this is being maintained these days.
Build a front end for your SMS service and use an existing back end SMS service in whatever your target market is - i.e. connect directly to your local operators SMSC, most likely using SMPP protocol. This assumes the operator provides this service in your target network/market.
Use an SMS aggregator service such as MBlox or Clickatell

Shut down a system by sending an sms from my phone

I am currently working on a project where I need to shut down my PC by sending an SMS from my phone.
My idea is:
I have a my cellphone/USB modem with simcard connected to my laptop. So can I shutdown my laptop by sending a message "shutdown"? Here I need to have a program that reads what all sms coming to my phone which is connected to laptop. If the content of the message is "shutdown", then I can call a batch file where my shutdown command is written.
How can I achieve this?
Yes this is possible but much easier using a SMS service like Esendex ( there are loads of others).
You can host a webservice on the machine (or another on the same network). The webservice recieves the SMS and process it depending on the message it contaions. When you send an SMS to your Esendex account this webservice is called and if the message reads Shutdown (or whatever keyword you choose to look for) you can simply call the shutdown batch file.
if you want to do it without using something like esendex you will need to write some code that monitors the SMS's coming into the attached phone. How you do this will depend on the type of phone you have connected I believe.

Intercept USSD events on Windows Phone 7

Windows phone7 does not support phase 2 communication using USSD. Is there a way to intercept an outgoing USSD request on a Windows Phone 7 device in order to route to an application to handle the request instead?
The APIs for such low level operations --- even more so when they are related to the cellular interface --- are not available.
If we take into account that more innocent things are not allowed in WP7, I think that the USSD interception has little chance of being available in the future...
Only Microsoft Partners or OEMs have access to native API which is basically something much like Windows CE/Windows Mobile. There are functions that can receive USSD but none that can prevent default handling of the messages (namely: displaying popup with the message).

connecting computer to a mobile phone - reading sms and use it?

I've absolutely no idea if this is possible and how it would work.
is it possible to give users a phonenumber where they should send an sms to.
e.g. the sms contains
some code
i want to track how many sms are sent to this number.
i want to read the sms text and use both nodes
they weird way i imagine this: i buy a prepaid simcard from any phone provider, i plug the simcard into any device (sim-reader :) ) connected to my computer. my computer is ONLINE. so my computer is kind of transformed to a mobile phone. some software is able to retrieve those sms and i can use the data in it.
is that even possible, if yes HOW?
You can use e.g. gammu to send and receive SMS from a cellphone connected to your computer - essentially creating a SMS gateway. I've succesfully used it in the past in this setup (newer phones have serial port emulation through USB, for older ones you need a model-specific serial-to-phone cable):
my program <-> database/textfiles <-> gammu <-> serial port <-> cellphone
The operation was as follows:
gammu ran in the command line/daemon mode, with a watchdog script restarting it (and the cellphone) if the cellphone became unresponsive (this was a really old phone; a watchdog is probably not necessary with anything > 2006)
gammu polled the cellphone for new messages, those were store into a "received" table in the database.
gammu also polled an "outgoing" table in the database for messages I wanted to send, and sent them through the cellphone.
my program was a web frontend for reading the incoming messages or inserting the outgoing ones.
(Gammu has an API to interface with the cellphone directly, without the database; I decided to keep the backend and frontend parts separate, and since the frontend was using the database for other things anyway, it was easiest to go that way; also, I was using an old phone for this, and needed the frontend to run even if the cellphone wasn't responding)
There are several possibilities listed here. But it depends on the phone you are using. Symbian, iOS, Android, Windows Mobile. But basically it is possible using a GSM Modem.
