Intercept USSD events on Windows Phone 7 - windows-phone-7

Windows phone7 does not support phase 2 communication using USSD. Is there a way to intercept an outgoing USSD request on a Windows Phone 7 device in order to route to an application to handle the request instead?

The APIs for such low level operations --- even more so when they are related to the cellular interface --- are not available.
If we take into account that more innocent things are not allowed in WP7, I think that the USSD interception has little chance of being available in the future...

Only Microsoft Partners or OEMs have access to native API which is basically something much like Windows CE/Windows Mobile. There are functions that can receive USSD but none that can prevent default handling of the messages (namely: displaying popup with the message).


WiFi Text Services

I'm trying to come up with a solution to this situation:
Imagine you are in an area and you do not have any cell phone service but you do have Wifi.
The ask is to have a user that only has data to be able to text a number (via iMessage) and get a confirmation code in return.
The first tool I thought would be necessary for this would be Twilio - but it seems like Twilio only sends over standard SMS.
Are there any other tools out there anyone have used that would work in this idea? Something similar to Twilio but only ran on data?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
This is something you can only do as the phone provider or network provider (using Three in the UK allows me to make phone calls over wifi with no phone signal, for example).
The two things you can do is either build yourself a native application that you can send messages to using push notifications or send messages to existing native apps, like Messenger, Viber or Line.

Can a web application use a personal phone to send a text message

I have a client who sends about 5000 SMS messages each month. They are currently doing this from an iPhone, by actually typing the message in to the phone. (I think the messages are quite repetitive, and are often addressed to groups).
The reason that they are not using an online message gateway is purely the cost. We can use a gateway here in Australia (such as Amazon SMS) for about 7.5 cents for transactional (and 2.5 cents for promotional, though I don't know if this is reliable enough).
When the client uses their own iPhone, the SMS is included in their plan, and costs them nothing extra.
I am building a web-based application for the client and the question is 'Can I send SMS via a handset connected to the client's desktop PC'. I think the answer is no, but would like to be surprised. The application is responsive, so what about if they triggered the messages from a browser on the phone? Still no?
If you could use an Android phone instead an iPhone, you could create a small gateway app on the Android that can send text messages without the need for the user's intervention.
It could work like this:
The Android app would have a simple REST interface, a good start could be
An endpoint in the Android app could send messages, see Sending SMS programmatically without opening message app
The software on the computer would use the rest endpoint on the Android phone to send the message.
This wouldn't work on the iPhone because it doesn't allow an app to send a text message without the user's intervention.

Server socket on Windows Phone

I'm in the process of porting an application to the Windows Phone platform. I spent quite a while reading MSDN documentation and I can'd find nothing on the subject.
Is it possible to create server sockets on Windows Phone? All I've found is related with client side, like creating connections to remote machines. I can't find nothing the other way: The phone acting as the server.
Some essential methods like Bind and Listen are not exposed by the Socket class included in the Windows Phone 7.1 SDK.
This was kind of a surprise to me.
Any help or confirmation on this will be truly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
You cannot open a socket for listening from a Windows Phone 7 application. This is due primarily to the complexities of the cellular data networks, such as the use of transparent proxies, shared IP addresses, and frequent connection disruptions.
Until windows phone 8 you will not be able to listen on sockets, you have to use an intermediary service to listen/send between two or more phones.
Check this link, on windows phone 8, there is new API introduced for streamlistner
We are also trying at our end, should be possible
Class is StreamSocketListener
I dont know about a "server" but it has UDP functionality and can send data through it and send/receive with TCP.
also, i have found the SDK to lack some APIs to interface with the phone. ex no Bluetooth or not being able to switch between internal and headphones for sound through developer programming.

How to receive an sms in a desktop pc?

I am stuck in the midst of a project. The project requires that a desktop pc must receive an sms sent from a mobile phone. How can I accomplish this? Please help.
You can connect a GSM Modem like this one to the serial port. It acts like a mobile phone with its own SIM card. I'm sure there are other products for USB.
On the software side, you can check for SMS messages by talking with AT commands to the device. I've done that in Perl and in .NET "manually", but maybe there are some out-of-the-box solutions.
i know (and have used) 2 ways to do this.
The quick, dirty and hacky way is to buy a mobile phone and connect it to your PC with a serial cable, then use old fashioned AT commands to control the phone (including listening for new SMS messages).
Many older Nokias support this, though it's not hugely well documented - this is about the best resource I found:
There are many exciting ways this can fail - you have to keep the phone charged, and in a data centre, reception is often pretty poor.
The alternative is to talk to a mobile aggregator (Google for likely candidates in your area). These are companies that can set up SMS short codes, and have APIs for forwarding the messages to you; APIs vary between the providers. This is usually fairly expensive - shortcodes cost money, sending and receiving SMS messages costs money, and the aggregator may not have deals with countries you care about. Caveat emptor, and all that.
You would also need a library to send/receive the AT commands to and from the modem.
This software can help you. It uses a GSM/3G modem attached to a PC. It can store incoming SMS messages in a database, save to files, forward them to a webserver, in real-time.
(A 3g/gsm modem has a SIM card and therefore has its own phone number to which sms messages can be sent)

Cisco IP Phone Call Manager handle events

I'm new on cisco IP Phones.
I have a cisco call manager system also a 7970 Ip phone.
The phone cominicates with Cisco Call Manager application.
I want to listen events when user logon and send some commands to phone.,
Is there any idea about this task?
Is there a way to got events from cisco call manager or I have to listen up the ports of IP phone?
Cisco JTAPI is the best API to perform 3rd party call control and get events about IP phone state. You'll write an application in Java that uses the Cisco JTAPI jar. This api will let you subscribe to a specific phone and you'll be able to get events like OnHook, OffHook, Connected, Disconnected, etc.
JTAPI is fairly complicated. Cisco has a product called Cisco Unified Application Environment that can help simplify the development task. It isn't free, however.
Is the phone registered as SIP phone or SCCP phone .
Traces from the call manager are the best way of finding out what is happening in the sytem.
You can also look for packet captures on the phone in those captures you can see SCCP events and SIP events
for example you can see events like
apart from this call manager traces SDI and SDL traces for "call manager service" will give you whole lot of information you need.
This link will help you take traces in call manager:
