Stream sound to loudspeakers on windows - winapi

What do I need to know to stream a sound of a given frequency (that is, generated programatically at runtime, not a file) to the loudspeakers of the system on MS Windows?
Please be as specific as you can, I have an idea of winAPI, but I'm more of a linux programmer, so function names are welcome.
The answer with the most concrete steps and functions to call will be accepted.

The first function you need to use is "waveOutOpen". You can follow examples in MSDN that use this function or google for some example in the Internet that uses this function. Take a look, for example, at


Algorithm of Hanning Window in DigitalMicrograph

Since we cannot specify the "parameters" associated with the build-in filter functions in DM (see previous question), I would like to write my own scripts to construct the filter I need.
However, I cannot figure out the algorithm of the "Hanning Window" used in DM, specifically the "strength" parameter (when strength=1.0, it is just a typical Hann function).
Does someone know the underlying algorithm?
I do not know the exact internal computation of the current filters. However, before you jump into re-creation you may want to check if the following script-command exists and works in your GMS version.
BasicImage IUHanningWindowFilter( BasicImage im, Number power )
This is not an officially supported command, but I believe it has been in the software for quite some time now.

PIC Programming

I truly apologize if my question is too amateurish or has been asked before (I searched and couldn't find anything).
I am working on a big project with a PIC MCU (MPLAB), I picked up where someone else stopped and he has no documentation of his code, it's horrible to look at.
The main problem is that I can't find any records online for functions that appear on the code (i.e rdft, I know it performs FFT but I want to know more about parameters structure etc.).
Is there a good online source for library function for PIC?
Or am I missing something and it's pure C written for embedded systems?
Thanks for your help.
With the provided information I cannot help with your particular code.
But answering your question:
Is there a good online source for library function for PIC?
Yes there is you can find it in
Where it includes several libraries including some to preform FFT's.
Or am I missing something and it's pure C written for embedded systems?
Well the IC provides several peripherals for different functionalities (SPI,I2C,ADC's, etc..) some IC's also include DSP's where one can implement FFT's making use of dedicated hardware on the IC's.
In the Software Lib's from Microchip you can find several libraries that provide an abstraction layer to access such hardware.
Well it's not easy to answer your questions, but when I program some C-Code in MPLAB X, I have no libraries, for the MCU. Well I program some 8-Bit MCUs like the PIC18F4550 or the PIC18F46K20, etc... But you can use some standard libraries like math.h, strings.h or so to implement. But the rest like an I2C-Port or an RS232-Port I write by my self in small functions. For the 8-Bit MCUs, there are practically no libraries available from Microchip themselves, at least what I know. :-)
My tip for you: Tell us which Microcontroller it is (if it is an 8-Bit or so) and take a look at the data sheet of it. Also, you could make a copy on your desktop of the Code and try to clean it up (with tabs), that it looks readable to you.
Well I don't know how else I could help you. :-)

What is 'NAILDUMPS''?

I encountered a new term called 'NAILDUMPS' when I analysed a flowchart explaining a series of jcls.In some steps of that flowchart it is mentioned as"this file is naildumped" .Can anyone explain what is a naildump and why it is used?.
Thanks in advance
In all my travels through the mainframe world, I've never heard this term, not with Fault Analyser (or its competition) or with system abend stuff, where you'd expect to find it.
Most likely thing is that it's an application specific thing. If you could provide the context around the comment in the JCL, such as a program name like IEBGENER or IEFBR14 (with the options), it may be easier to tell you what it's doing.
For what it's worth (a), there's one page that Google serves up showing one use for this elusive program. The link states that, to empty a dataset, you can use:
//FILE DD DSN=your filename,DISP=SHR
in your JCL. But given the scarcity of information on this program, the fact it doesn't seem to appear in any of the IBM z/OS docs and the fact that there are perfectly good supported ways of doing this, I'd still maintain that it's some in-house utility. Ask your local sysprogs - even if they don't know, they should be able to see inside the JCL member.
(a) It's probably not worth much since there are all sorts of wonderful things you can do with JCL just by specifying DD commands, even with programs that do absolutely nothing, a la the infamous IEFBR14 program.
NAILDUMP is not a "normal" name for any standard IBM Mainframe (zos) utility program.
This leaves three possibilities. NAILDUMP could be:
a locally developed program, in which case you need to find the local documentation (good luck!).
a catalogued procedure fronting a standard utility. For example, DFSORT is a catalogued procedure used in many shops to front the standard system sort program.
an alias for another program. For example, ICEMAN is a commonly defined alias for the standard system sort program.
If you had access to the mainframe (or can find someone who does)
the ISRDDN utility under TSO can be used to find the actual program load module
that NAILDUMP relates to provided it is a locally developed program or is an alias for some other
standard utility program. This link
gives a brief explanation of how to do it.
If it is a catalogued procedure you can find it by searching for a member named NAILDUMP in the system default
catalogued procedure library or those specified in the JCL.
Getting to the real name can be a bit of a challenge, but once you get there it should become clear what it is being used for through context.
It seems this a case when the author who made a document is very familiar with some term ( "naildump") but not to the audience of the document.
I think you should first ask the author for clarification because even if someone answers to you what it supposes to mean they could be wrong for that case in particular.
Given your little context makes a little sense that "NAILDUMP" empties the dataset or delete it.

DMX-Interface to use to write your own DMX-Control-Software

I have a very specific problem: I want to write my own DMX-Software to control our DMX-fixtures. Does anyone know a interface to use? It would be great if there would be any Framework for using it, so that I only have to sent the channel and the value to the interface.
I noticed your question was for Mac, but I wrote a Windows specific C++ program, which could probably be easily modified. It's adapted from the C# example on Enttec's OpenUSB website. See:
There's some really good information & code samples (including a working class that I wrote) here: Lighting USB OpenDMX FTD2XX DMXking
Ultimately, you end up setting byte values (between 0 and 255[FF] (brightest) in a byte array.
It's fairly trivial to implement simple effects such as fades or chases.
You would need to use a USB controller to convert your program's instructions to the actual hardware.
I suggest using a simple iphone application talking to a webservice which then interacts with the hardware.
Code samples above are in c# though will show you how to interact with a DMX controller

Use NSSpeechRecognizer or alternative with audio file instead of microphone input?

Is it possible to use the NSSpeechRecognizer with an pre-recorded audio file instead of direct microphone input?
Or is there any other speech-to-text framework for Objective-C/Cocoa available?
Rather than using voice at the machine that is running the application external devices (e.g. iPhone) could be used for sending just an recorded audio stream to that desktop application. The desktop Cocoa app then would process and do whatever it's supposed to do using the assigned commands.
I don't see any obvious way to switch the input programmatically, though the "Speech" companion guide's first paragraph in the "Recognizing Speech" section seems to imply other inputs can be used. I think this is meant to be set via System Preferences, though. I'm guessing it uses the primary audio input device selected there.
I suspect, though, you're looking for open-ended speech recognition, which NSSpeechRecognizer is not. If you're looking to transform any pre-recorded audio into text (ie, make a transcript of a recording), you're completely out of luck with NSSpeechRecognizer, as you must give it an array of "commands" to listen for.
Theoretically, you could feed it the whole dictionary, but I don't think that would work since you usually have to give it clear, distinct commands. Its performance would suffer, I would guess, if you gave it a bunch of stuff to analyze for (in real time).
Your best bet is to look at third-party open source solutions. There are a few generalized packages out there (none specifically for Cocoa/Objective-C), but this poses another question: What kind of recognition are you looking for? The two main forms of speech recognition ('trained' is more accurate but less flexible for different voices and the recording environment, whereas 'open' is generally much less accurate).
It'd probably be best if you stated exactly what you're trying to accomplish.
