Ruby => operator... eg: :text => /Log In/ - ruby

What does this do? I find the example here, but other than what it does, what does it mean? I can't find anything on google because well, I am not sure what '=>' is even called in this context.
More examples here:

In :text => /Log In/, you are passing a hash to page's link_with function, and the key in the hash is :text and its corresponding value is /Log In/.
Basically: :x => y means that :x is a key in a hash that maps to a value of y.
passing hashes to functions like this allows you to have something like (but not exactly) named parameters.
A symbol of the form :something is called.... a symbol! You can think of them sort of like global string constants (but they're not quite the same). Now, when you think back to something like:
login_page.form_with(:action => '/account/login.php')
What you're actually doing is constructing a new hash on the fly. You create a new element in the hash, where the key is a string with the value "action", and the value of that element is "/account/login.php" (in this case, also a string, but I'm pretty sure you can store other things in hashes besides strings).
...whew! It's been a while since I've worked with Ruby. I hope I got that all correct. ;)
Some good looking pages here (more can be found by searching google for "ruby symbol")

It associates a value with an index for hashes.
obj.method :text => /Log In/
is shorthand for
obj.method {:text => /Log In/}

It's used to create a hash expression, as in { key => value }.
Also, when used as the last parameter in a method call, the { } are not needed, so the key => value can appear alone.
>> p({:a => 1, :b => 2})
{:a=>1, :b=>2}
=> nil
>> p :c=>3, :d=>4
{:d=>4, :c=>3}
=> nil
>> t = { :e=>5, :f=>6 }
=> {:f=>6, :e=>5}
This shorthand is really nice in poetry mode, where a literal hash following a method name would look like a block.


Ruby hash defaults: where do nested values go? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Strange, unexpected behavior (disappearing/changing values) when using Hash default value, e.g.[])
(4 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I wanted to use Ruby's default hash values to allow me to more easily nest hashes without having to manually initialize them. I thought it'd be nice to be able to dig a level down for each key safely without having pre-set the key as a hash. However, I find that when I do this, the data gets stored somewhere, but is not visible by accessing the top-level hash. Where does it go, and how does this work?
top ={}) #=> {}
top[:first][:thing] = "hello" #=> "hello"
top[:second] = {thing: "world"} #=> {:thing => "world"}
top #=> {:second => {:thing => "world"}}
top[:first] #=> {:thing => "hello"}
You want to know where your inserted hash is? Maybe you have heard about Schroedingers cat:
h ={})
h[:box][:cat] = "Miau"
=> "Miau"
=> {}
The cat seem to be dead....
=> "Miau"
The cat seem still to be alive, but in a different reality....
Ok, if nothing helps, "Read The Fine Manual". For, we read:
If obj is specified, this single object will be used for all default values.
So when you write h[:box], a object is returned, and this object is another hash, and it happen to empty.
Into this empty hash, you write an key-value.
Now this other hash is no longer empty, it has a key-value pair. And it is returned every time you search for a key is not found in your original hash.
You can access the default value via a variety of #default methods
=> {:thing=>"hello"}
You can also tell it how you want it to act, example:
irb(main):058:0> top = {|h,k| h[k] = {}; h[k]}
=> {}
irb(main):059:0> top[:first][:thing] = "hello"
=> "hello"
irb(main):060:0> top[:second] = {thing: "world"}
=> {:thing=>"world"}
irb(main):061:0> top
=> {:first=>{:thing=>"hello"}, :second=>{:thing=>"world"}}

Explain hash rocket in this context

I've just written this code, that works although I am not entirely sure why:
scope = scope.where(Sequel.qualify(:meeting_graphs, :id) => query.ids)
I am specifically talking about the hash rocket.
Previously the code was this, which makes perfect sense:
scope = scope.where(id: query.ids)
First thing I do not understand is why it does this not work when I replace the hash rocket with a colon which I thought was the preferred syntax:
scope = scope.where(Sequel.qualify(:meeting_graphs, :id): query.ids)
Sequel.qualify returns an object which also confuses me as I thought it would return a symbol.
Can anyone explain?
New hash syntax works only if key is a literal symbol.
Sequel.qualify returns qualifier object identifying column. It's possible since every object can be a hash key in Ruby.
that works although I am not entirely sure why
As long as Sequel.qualify(:meeting_graphs, :id) is valid, it can be a key of a hash. Any object can be a key of a hash. That is why.
why it does this not work when I replace the hash rocket with a colon
Even if Sequel.qualify(:meeting_graphs, :id) turns out to be a symbol, the colon notation will not work because it is part of a literal notation. It is not a method or a keyword that works on Ruby objects that are already made.
You are passing a keywords to the function and keywords use Hash syntax.
There are many ways to define hashes in ruby, and in the way you use a function one syntax does not work.
def return_one_symbol
hash_syntax1 = {:one => '1'}
hash_syntax2 = {one: '1'}
p hash_syntax1 # => {:one=>"1"}
p hash_syntax2 # => {:one=>"1"}
hash_syntax1_function = {return_one_symbol => '1'}
hash_syntax2_function = {return_one_symbol: '1'}
p hash_syntax1_function # => {:one=>"1"}
p hash_syntax2_function # => {:return_one_symbol=>"1"}
see this post for more info:
Is there any difference between the `:key => "value"` and `key: "value"` hash notations?

Ruby change value in hash by reference

I'm using eval to work with a hash. This part works:
some_hash = {"a" => {"b" => "c"}}
target_hash = "some_hash"
target_key = "['a']"
my_value = eval(target_hash + target_key)
puts "my_value " + my_value.to_s
and prints:
my_value {"b"=>"c"}
How would I change the value, using eval, so that the hash results in this:
some_hash = {"a" => {"d" => "e"}}
I don't think I'm explaining correctly. I have to drill down into a hash, but I want the flexibility to do it with a string that is set at run time. That string could be "['key_level_1']['key_level_2']['key_level_3']" which is supposed to refer to some_hash['key_level_1']['key_level_2']['key_level_3'].
And again, i need to set that value to something. Does that make sense?
I would take an array e.g. ['key1', 'key2', 'key3'] (which can be constructed from an appropriately formatted string) and the "root object" and use it to locate a particular "target object" branch (I would recommend recursion). Then manipulate the appropriate object that was located. In this case some_hash should be the "root object" to start the traversal from, and not a string.
Here is a link to a really old answer I wrote (when I still actively used ruby). It doesn't handle the assignment bit, but I believe it shows the start of a valid approach that is eval-free: How do you access nested elements of a hash with a single string key? After the "target object" is located, then it's just a matter of assigning a new value to particular key. (The accepted answer in the linked post is also a gem, if not a little more cryptic and symbol-leaking.)
Happy coding.
You can use Hash#replace
def changeHash(a, b, targetHash, targetKey)
change = ".replace({'#{a}' => '#{b}'})"
my_value = eval(target_hash + target_key + change)
some_hash = {"a" => {"b" => "c"}}
target_key = "['a']"
changeHash('d', 'e', 'some_hash', '["a"]')
I suggest setting up a method like this:
def hash_change(target_hash,target_key,*new_value)
if new_value
target_hash["target_key"] = new_value
puts "my_value " + target_hash["target_key"]
That will give you flexibility to either display the original or a new hash should you pass in a new value.
Edit: sorry forgot the call to the method
hash_change(some_hash,"a",{"d" => "e"})
Thanks all, for the help. I changed it up a bit. Instead of passing in string as array, I just pass in an object like this:
{some_hash => {"a" => {"b" => "nil"}}}
Then I recursively traverse both the reference, and the real hash. When I detect nil in the reference, I know I am there.

Add a non-literal hash element to Ruby's last-argument magic hashes?

Many Rails helpers use an idiomatic options hash as their last argument; Ruby automatically inserts extra method arguments into that hash. I often find myself wanting to conditionally insert an element, or to write a helper that provides the element. Two examples in pseudo-Ruby:
link_to "Example 1", "", needs_confirmation? ? :confirm => "Are you sure?" : nil # syntax error; nil can't be a hash element
link_to "Example 2", "", unique_link_id
# I don't want to return a hash; I want to return an element of a hash
def unique_link_id
:id => "our_link_#{}" # Syntax error
{:id => "our_link_#{}"} # valid, but returns a hash that ends up being an element of the options hash
{:id => "our_link_#{}"}.flatten_into_my_parent_hash # What's in my brain
Is there some elegant way to do this? I can't control the Rails helpers, obviously, so I can't force them to flatten the hash. (Er, not that there's a Hash#flatten method, but even if there were.)
I can build the hash as a variable before the method call, of course, and optionally add elements, but... ick.
Let's stipulate that these are contrived examples, and assume that the helpers wouldn't allow :confirm => nil or :id => nil, and that unique_link_id might want to leave off the ID. I'm more interested in the hash syntax than in solving a Rails problem.
I think you should try something like the following:
link_to "Example 1", "", :confirm => needs_confirmation? ? "Are you sure?" : nil
And for the second case you could in a similar say the following:
link_to "Example 2", "", :id=>unique_link_id
Note: unique_link_id should return a string (or nil if you dont want to have an id)
To answer your question in general you need to understand how rails treats these parameters that you pass in a method (such as a helper).
Most rails helpers start like this:
def a_helper(*args)
options = args.extract_options!
What you should know about the above: It is assumed that an Array is passed in as parameter. All of the :something=>value that you also add are converted into a hash which is the last element of this array. So extract_options! separates the normal parameters from the hash options. So in order what you want to work, all options should be in one hash in the end.
To make a long story sort here is an example of what you should do:
link_to "Example 1", "",{:confirm=>"Are you sure?"}.merge(unique_link_id)
In this case unique_link_id returns a hash and is merged with the other options. If unique_link_id returns an empty hash({}) nothing is added to your options and everyone is happy :)
If your options get too complicated i suggest that you create an options variable before calling the helper (or method) you wish. options should be a hash merged with other hashes as many times as you wish before you pass it as the last parameter to your method.
Tip: very useful hash functions are hash.merge(), hash.merge!() and hash.reverse_merge()

How to convert a ruby integer into a symbol

I have a Ruby array like this
q_id = [1,2,3,4,5,...,100]
I want to iterate through the array and convert into a hash like this
:1 => { #some hash} ,
:2 => { #another hash},
:100 => {#yet another hash}
What is the shortest and most elegant way to accomplish this?
[EDIT : the to_s.to_sym while being handy is not how I want it. Apologies for not mentioning it earlier.]
For creating a symbol, either of these work:
The #inspect representation of these shows :"42" only because :42 is not a valid Symbol literal. Rest assured that the double-quotes are not part of the symbol itself.
To create a hash, there is no reason to convert the keys to symbols, however. You should simply do this:
q_id = (1..100).to_a
my_hash_indexed_by_value = {}
q_id.each{ |val| my_hash_indexed_by_value[val] = {} }
Or this:
my_hash = Hash[ *{ |v| [v,{}] }.flatten ]
Or this:
# Every time a previously-absent key is indexed, assign and return a new hash
my_hash ={ |h,val| h[val] = {} }
With all of these you can then index your hash directly with an integer and get a unique hash back, e.g.
my_hash[42][:foo] = "bar"
Unlike JavaScript, where every key to an object must be a string, Hashes in Ruby accept any object as the key.
To translate an integer into a symbol, use to_s.to_sym .. e.g.,:
Note that a symbol is more related to a string than an integer. It may not be as useful for things like sorting anymore.
Actually "symbol numbers" aren't a thing in Ruby (try to call the to_sym method on a number). The benefit of using symbols in a hash is about performance, since they always have the same object_id (try to call object_id on strings, booleans, numbers, and symbols).
Numbers are immediate value and, like Symbol objects, they always have the same object_id.
Anyway, using the new hash syntax implies using symbols as keys, but you can always use the old good "hash rocket" syntax
awesome_hash = { 1 => "hello", 2 => "my friend" }
Read about immediate values here:
If you are creating a hard-coded constant numeric symbol, there's a simpler way:
This produces the same results as the more complex methods in other answers:
irb(main):001:0> :'99'
=> :"99"
irb(main):002:0> :"#{99}"
=> :"99"
irb(main):003:0> 99.to_s.to_sym
=> :"99"
Of course, this will not work if you're dynamically creating a symbol from a variable, in which case one of the other two approaches is required.
As already stated, :1 is not a valid symbol. Here's one way to do what you're wanting, but with the keys as strings:
Hash[a.collect{|n| [n.to_s, {}] }]
An array of the objects you want in your hash would be so much easier to use, wouldn't it? Even a hash of integers would work pretty well, wouldn't it?
u can use
but this will make symbols like :"1"
You can make symbolic keys with Hash[]:
a = Hash[(1..100).map{ |x| ["#{x}".to_sym, {}] }]
Check type of hash keys:
