Ruby change value in hash by reference - ruby

I'm using eval to work with a hash. This part works:
some_hash = {"a" => {"b" => "c"}}
target_hash = "some_hash"
target_key = "['a']"
my_value = eval(target_hash + target_key)
puts "my_value " + my_value.to_s
and prints:
my_value {"b"=>"c"}
How would I change the value, using eval, so that the hash results in this:
some_hash = {"a" => {"d" => "e"}}
I don't think I'm explaining correctly. I have to drill down into a hash, but I want the flexibility to do it with a string that is set at run time. That string could be "['key_level_1']['key_level_2']['key_level_3']" which is supposed to refer to some_hash['key_level_1']['key_level_2']['key_level_3'].
And again, i need to set that value to something. Does that make sense?

I would take an array e.g. ['key1', 'key2', 'key3'] (which can be constructed from an appropriately formatted string) and the "root object" and use it to locate a particular "target object" branch (I would recommend recursion). Then manipulate the appropriate object that was located. In this case some_hash should be the "root object" to start the traversal from, and not a string.
Here is a link to a really old answer I wrote (when I still actively used ruby). It doesn't handle the assignment bit, but I believe it shows the start of a valid approach that is eval-free: How do you access nested elements of a hash with a single string key? After the "target object" is located, then it's just a matter of assigning a new value to particular key. (The accepted answer in the linked post is also a gem, if not a little more cryptic and symbol-leaking.)
Happy coding.

You can use Hash#replace
def changeHash(a, b, targetHash, targetKey)
change = ".replace({'#{a}' => '#{b}'})"
my_value = eval(target_hash + target_key + change)
some_hash = {"a" => {"b" => "c"}}
target_key = "['a']"
changeHash('d', 'e', 'some_hash', '["a"]')

I suggest setting up a method like this:
def hash_change(target_hash,target_key,*new_value)
if new_value
target_hash["target_key"] = new_value
puts "my_value " + target_hash["target_key"]
That will give you flexibility to either display the original or a new hash should you pass in a new value.
Edit: sorry forgot the call to the method
hash_change(some_hash,"a",{"d" => "e"})

Thanks all, for the help. I changed it up a bit. Instead of passing in string as array, I just pass in an object like this:
{some_hash => {"a" => {"b" => "nil"}}}
Then I recursively traverse both the reference, and the real hash. When I detect nil in the reference, I know I am there.


Unexpected FrozenError when appending elements via <<

I have a hash containing names and categories:
hash = {
'Dog' => 'Fauna',
'Rose' => 'Flora',
'Cat' => 'Fauna'
and I want to reorganize it so that the names are grouped by their corresponding category:
'Fauna' => ['Dog', 'Cat'],
'Flora' => ['Rose']
I am adding each names via <<:
new_hash =
hash.each do |name , category|
if new_hash.key?(category)
new_file[category] << name
new_hash[category] = name
But I am being told that this operation is being performed on a frozen element:
`<<' : Can’t modify frozen string (FrozenError)
I suppose this is because each yields frozen objects. How can I restructure this code so the '.each' doesn't provide frozen variables?
I needed to add the first name to an array and then that array to the hash.
new_hash =
hash.each do |name , category|
if new_hash.key?(category)
new_file[category] << name
new_hash[category] = [name] # <- must be an array
How can I restructure this code so the '.each' doesn't provide frozen variables?
Short answer: you can't.
Hash#each doesn't "provide frozen variables".
First off, there is no such thing as a "frozen variable". Variables aren't frozen. Objects are. The distinction between variables and objects is fundamental, not just in Ruby but in any programming language (and in fact pretty much everywhere else, too). If I have a sticker with the name "Seamus" on it, then this sticker is not you. It is simply a label that refers to you.
Secondly, Hash#each doesn't provide "variables". In fact, it doesn't provide anything that is not in the hash already. It simply yields the objects that are already in the hash.
Note that, in order to avoid confusion and bugs, strings are automatically frozen when used as keys. So, you can't modify string keys. You can either make sure they are correct from the beginning, or you can create a new hash with new string keys. (You can also add the new keys to the existing hash and delete the old keys, but that is a lot of complexity for little gain.)

Ruby pushing to a hash

I have a two part question and I apologize in advance if it is confusing at all. I'm trying to put user input into an empty hash. I know with an array you use the << to push the info to it. Is there a hash equivalent to this?
2nd part: Say I was just looping them the same question until a condition is met. The user input is going to be the value. Is there a way/method to make the key automatically change per the user input? So it would look something like:
{str1 => "example string", str2 => "example string2", str3 => "example string3"}
Or is there a way to have ruby assign a key on its own?
Sorry again if the second part is confusing. I know an array would be better but the little challenge I am working is asking for a hash.
Another way to add element to ruby hash store(key, value)
hash = {}"first", 42)
hash #=> {"first"=>42}
With an array you use << to push a single element.
With a hash you are tracking not one element but two (both the key and value).
So for example:
my_key = "foo"
my_val = "bar"
my_hash = {}
my_hash[key] = val
Sure, you can do this in a loop.
I would recommend RubyMonk to learn more about this but their website is down. So I can recommend this gist which shows some examples or simply read the Hash section of any ruby tutorial.
Here are the two ways to add to a Hash
hash[str1] = "example string"
hash.merge!(str1 => "example string")
If you don't care about indexing on a key, as a Hash is intrinsically a key/value store, you probably want a Set:
require 'set'
set =
set << gets.chomp
A set is like a keyless hash, it's an un-ordered collection of things but with the side benefit that lookups for elements in the set are quick and they're also automatically uniqued, adding the same thing twice has no effect.
The alternative here is to put something in the Hash with the value as the key and any other value as a placeholder:
values = { }
values[input.gets] = true
This is like a Set but is probably less efficient to use if you don't care about values.
Ok, it isn't array so '<<' can't be work.
You should use this:
your_hash = {}
hash_key = "x"
hash_value = "y"
your_hash[:hash_key] = hash_value
It's all.

Ruby hash defaults: where do nested values go? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Strange, unexpected behavior (disappearing/changing values) when using Hash default value, e.g.[])
(4 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I wanted to use Ruby's default hash values to allow me to more easily nest hashes without having to manually initialize them. I thought it'd be nice to be able to dig a level down for each key safely without having pre-set the key as a hash. However, I find that when I do this, the data gets stored somewhere, but is not visible by accessing the top-level hash. Where does it go, and how does this work?
top ={}) #=> {}
top[:first][:thing] = "hello" #=> "hello"
top[:second] = {thing: "world"} #=> {:thing => "world"}
top #=> {:second => {:thing => "world"}}
top[:first] #=> {:thing => "hello"}
You want to know where your inserted hash is? Maybe you have heard about Schroedingers cat:
h ={})
h[:box][:cat] = "Miau"
=> "Miau"
=> {}
The cat seem to be dead....
=> "Miau"
The cat seem still to be alive, but in a different reality....
Ok, if nothing helps, "Read The Fine Manual". For, we read:
If obj is specified, this single object will be used for all default values.
So when you write h[:box], a object is returned, and this object is another hash, and it happen to empty.
Into this empty hash, you write an key-value.
Now this other hash is no longer empty, it has a key-value pair. And it is returned every time you search for a key is not found in your original hash.
You can access the default value via a variety of #default methods
=> {:thing=>"hello"}
You can also tell it how you want it to act, example:
irb(main):058:0> top = {|h,k| h[k] = {}; h[k]}
=> {}
irb(main):059:0> top[:first][:thing] = "hello"
=> "hello"
irb(main):060:0> top[:second] = {thing: "world"}
=> {:thing=>"world"}
irb(main):061:0> top
=> {:first=>{:thing=>"hello"}, :second=>{:thing=>"world"}}

Explain hash rocket in this context

I've just written this code, that works although I am not entirely sure why:
scope = scope.where(Sequel.qualify(:meeting_graphs, :id) => query.ids)
I am specifically talking about the hash rocket.
Previously the code was this, which makes perfect sense:
scope = scope.where(id: query.ids)
First thing I do not understand is why it does this not work when I replace the hash rocket with a colon which I thought was the preferred syntax:
scope = scope.where(Sequel.qualify(:meeting_graphs, :id): query.ids)
Sequel.qualify returns an object which also confuses me as I thought it would return a symbol.
Can anyone explain?
New hash syntax works only if key is a literal symbol.
Sequel.qualify returns qualifier object identifying column. It's possible since every object can be a hash key in Ruby.
that works although I am not entirely sure why
As long as Sequel.qualify(:meeting_graphs, :id) is valid, it can be a key of a hash. Any object can be a key of a hash. That is why.
why it does this not work when I replace the hash rocket with a colon
Even if Sequel.qualify(:meeting_graphs, :id) turns out to be a symbol, the colon notation will not work because it is part of a literal notation. It is not a method or a keyword that works on Ruby objects that are already made.
You are passing a keywords to the function and keywords use Hash syntax.
There are many ways to define hashes in ruby, and in the way you use a function one syntax does not work.
def return_one_symbol
hash_syntax1 = {:one => '1'}
hash_syntax2 = {one: '1'}
p hash_syntax1 # => {:one=>"1"}
p hash_syntax2 # => {:one=>"1"}
hash_syntax1_function = {return_one_symbol => '1'}
hash_syntax2_function = {return_one_symbol: '1'}
p hash_syntax1_function # => {:one=>"1"}
p hash_syntax2_function # => {:return_one_symbol=>"1"}
see this post for more info:
Is there any difference between the `:key => "value"` and `key: "value"` hash notations?

Ruby => operator... eg: :text => /Log In/

What does this do? I find the example here, but other than what it does, what does it mean? I can't find anything on google because well, I am not sure what '=>' is even called in this context.
More examples here:
In :text => /Log In/, you are passing a hash to page's link_with function, and the key in the hash is :text and its corresponding value is /Log In/.
Basically: :x => y means that :x is a key in a hash that maps to a value of y.
passing hashes to functions like this allows you to have something like (but not exactly) named parameters.
A symbol of the form :something is called.... a symbol! You can think of them sort of like global string constants (but they're not quite the same). Now, when you think back to something like:
login_page.form_with(:action => '/account/login.php')
What you're actually doing is constructing a new hash on the fly. You create a new element in the hash, where the key is a string with the value "action", and the value of that element is "/account/login.php" (in this case, also a string, but I'm pretty sure you can store other things in hashes besides strings).
...whew! It's been a while since I've worked with Ruby. I hope I got that all correct. ;)
Some good looking pages here (more can be found by searching google for "ruby symbol")
It associates a value with an index for hashes.
obj.method :text => /Log In/
is shorthand for
obj.method {:text => /Log In/}
It's used to create a hash expression, as in { key => value }.
Also, when used as the last parameter in a method call, the { } are not needed, so the key => value can appear alone.
>> p({:a => 1, :b => 2})
{:a=>1, :b=>2}
=> nil
>> p :c=>3, :d=>4
{:d=>4, :c=>3}
=> nil
>> t = { :e=>5, :f=>6 }
=> {:f=>6, :e=>5}
This shorthand is really nice in poetry mode, where a literal hash following a method name would look like a block.
