How to debug command line file with symbolic data - windows

I have a compiled .exe file (compiled with gfortran and -g option) that crashes. I can attach the WinDBG program to it using the WinDBG -I command.
Funny enough it generates a stack overflow:
(38f0.2830): Stack overflow - code c00000fd (!!! second chance !!!)
However, the output says that there is no debugging information in my program. It tries to search for either .dbg or .pdb files but they are not there. I would assume debugging information is included in the executable (coming from a unix-background).

Debug formats are compiler specific, so you need to use a debugger that understands the format produced by your compiler. As by gfortran I assume you mean GNU fortran, this would be the GNU gdb debugger.

I circumvented the problem by starting the program via gdb. In this way, gdb will give an error and you can issue the backtrace command.
It's not perfect, so I'm open for better solutions, but this works for now.


Add breakpoints to elf

I am building an OS in assembly and I am using NASM for assembly. I am telling to NASM to create a binary file that I am using to debug with QEMU.
To debug easier I am using gdb with QEMU. I am giving to gdb an .elf object file that I am creating using NASM (with the same input files and just .elf output).
The NASM does not support adding breakpoints in source code and when I want to put a breakpoint I am telling it to gdb. Because I am assembling a lot of times per day the OS using a batch file. The problem is that evry time I am reassembling the OS the debug info are lost so I need to reput the breakpoints.
As you may know an OS have a lot of functions and I want to put a breakpoint at most of them so I cannot continue with this way.
So which the way to put breakpoints at an elf file?
I can for example use the gdb and at command line pass a file as stdin that contains the instructions and then exit?

GDB an ELF File Under Win32

I wanted to study ELF relocation mechanism, so I assembled an x86 assembly program using NASM to produce an ELF file, but under Win32. Then I used mingw32's gdb to debug it. It loaded nicely and I could view the program using "list" command. However, I couldn't run it. I got the following messages:
Starting program: c:\Projects\NasmProjects\Test01\Hello.o
Error creating process c:\Projects\NasmProjects\Test01\Hello.o
Is there a way around this?
Is there a way around this?
First, you have assembled a relocatable object file (of type ET_REL). There is no OS that will "run" such files -- OSes that do support executing ELF files, require a fully linked executable (of type ET_EXEC or ET_DYN).
Second, even if you manage to link an ET_EXEC, you still need your OS to know how to load and start executing such a file. Linux and Solaris kernels do know this, AIX and Windows kernels do not.

gdb won't run in tui mode

i'm tryin to debug (actually i just want to understand the program on assembly level) a program. Usin gdb is ok but in tui mode it would be just great, unfortunately i get an error when i'm debuggin in tui while displaying the assembly and source code (-g option in gcc) mode sayin: error while reading shared library symbols
I can run the program if i do not show the assembly code but that is not what i want, i really want to step through every assembly line to fully understand the program. Also, when i try this with si sometimes i get an error for example in printf but that's another story
so any tips? Note:this is not a bug of my program, i tried this with other programs
Your shared libraries were not compiled with symbols enabled. You need to look for, usually, "debug" versions of gcc libraries (or your other libraries that you are linking against). If you have custom libraries that you are building, add the -g option to the gcc commands that are being run to compile them.

CUDA: Debug with -deviceemu and gdb

I wrote a CUDA application that has some hardcoded parameters in it (via #defines). Everything seemed to work right, so I tried some other parameters. Now, the program doesn't work correctly anymore.
So, I want to debug it. I compile the application with -deviceemu -g -O0 options, because I read that I can then use gdb to debug it. In gdb, I set a breakpoint at the kernel start using break kernelstart.
However, gdb, jumps at the start of my CUDA kernel, but I can not step through it, because it doesn't let me inspect things within the kernel. I think it's best if I give the output of gdb:
Breakpoint 1, kernelstart (__cuda_0=0x100000, __cuda_1=0x101000, __cuda_2=0x102000, __cuda_3=0x102100) at
(gdb) s
__device_stub__Z12kernelstartPjS_S_S_ (__par0=0x100000, __par1=0x101000, __par2=0x102000, __par3=0x102100) at /tmp/tmpxft_000003c4_00000000-1_cudatest.cudafe1.stub.c:7
7 /tmp/tmpxft_000003c4_00000000-1_cudatest.cudafe1.stub.c: No such file or directory.
in /tmp/tmpxft_000003c4_00000000-1_cudatest.cudafe1.stub.c
(gdb) s
cudaLaunch<char> (entry=0x804a98d "U\211\345\203\354\030\213E\024\211D$\f\213E\020\211D$\b\213E\f\211D$\004\213E\b\211\004$\350\r\377\377\377\311\303U\211\345\203\354\070\307\004$\340 \005\b\350\345\341\377\377\243P!\005\b\307\004$x\234\004\b\350\b\001") at /usr/local/cuda/bin/../include/cuda_runtime.h:773
(gdb) s
(gdb) s
cudatest (__cuda_0=0x100000, __cuda_1=0x101000, __cuda_2=0x102000, __cuda_3=0x102100) at
(gdb) s
After, this, it jumps back to my main procedure.
I know that my specifications are more than vague, but can anybody guess where the problem is? Is it possible to inspect kernels using gdb?
Use cuda-gdb
Compile: nvcc -g -G
Invoke cuda-gdb on your a.out
You can set breakpoint inside your kernel function as usual.
Run the program, and it should stop inside your kernel function.
You can even get details of the current thread which is being executed using commands like cuda thread. Other commands like cuda block exist.
To switch between threads say cuda thread (x,y,z)
For more details refer to the latest version of cuda-gdb's documentation. If you are using the latest version of cuda toolkit (ie, 3.2 as of today), make sure you are looking at the latest version of the documentation (as the options have changed a lot).
And also make sure you are running cuda-gdb from a console (outside X11), since you are stopping your GPU for debugging.
Hope this helps.
Compiling with :
nvcc -g -G --keep
fixed this problem for me. This ensures all the intermediate files generated during compilation are not erased so that the debugger can find them.

How do I do source level debug of library

I have a following setup. Although my working setup deals with ARM compiler Real View Developer Suite (RVDS) 3.2 on a Windows host, the situation could be generic for any other C compiler on any host.
I build a ARM library (static library - .a file) of C code using RVDS 3.2 compiler toolchain on Windows host. Then I link this library with an application using an ARM-Linux compiler toolchain on a Linux host, to get a ARM executable. Now when I try to debug this generated ARM executable on Linux using gdb, by trying to put a breakpoint in some function which is present in the library that is linked, gdb is not able to put breakpoint there citing source not found. So I manually copied all the source files(*.c) used to create the library in the Linux folder where the executable file is present. Still gdb fails to put a breakpoint.
So now I started thinking:
How can I do source level debugging of this library which I create on Windows using a different compiler chain by launching the executable which is generated by linking this library to an application, in gdb. Is it possible? How can I do it? Is there any compiler option in RVDS compiler toolchain to enable this library source level debug?
Do I need to copy the source files to linux in exactly same folder structure as that is present in windows for those source files?
You could try to see if mimicking the exact same directory structure works. If you're not sure what directory structure the compiler annotated in the debug info in the executable, you can always look at it with dwarfdump (on linux).
First, GDB does not need any source to put breakpoints on functions; so your description of what is actually happening is probably inaccurate. I would start by verifying that the function you want to break on is actually there in the binary:
nm /path/to/app | grep function_desired
Second, to do source level debugging, GDB needs debug info in a format GDB understands. On Linux this generally means DWARF or STABS. It is quite possible that your RVDS compiler does not emit such debug info; if so, source level debugging will not be possible.
Did you build the library with debugging enabled (-g option)? Without that, there would be difficulties identifying lines etc.
I've found that -fPIC will cause this sort of issue, but the only work around I've found is to not use -fPIC when I want to debug.
