How many total gifts in the twelve days of christmas if we extend 12 to any number? - algorithm

I got this question today in an interview: write a function to calculate the total number of gifts received for any day in the 12 days of christmas song. I wrote a simple function using a for() loop in c#'ish code that worked. Then the interviewer asked me to extend it to any number of days. The conversation then turned to how to optimize the loop. Apparently there's a cool math trick that will do this within the limits of whatever your integer is. Anyone know what it is and what it's called? Any language is ok and a reference to the algorithm would be fabuloso.
Answers that use recursion are NOT what I'm looking for.
EDIT: Answer for day 2 is 4 gifts total, not 3 since I will have 2 Trees (1 from today, 1 from yesterday) and 2 partridges. On day 12 I'll have received a total of 364. I want the formula that lets me input 12 and get 364.

On the first day, you get 1.
On the second day, you get 1 + 2.
On the third day, you get 1 + 2 + 3.
On nth day, you get 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n.
The sum 1 + 2 + ... + n is n(n+1)/2. So the total number, T(N) is the sum of n(n+1)/2 for n in 1..N, where N is the number of days.
Now, n(n+1)/2 = n^2 / 2 + n / 2, and sum of n^2 for n in 1..N is N(N+1)(2N+1)/6, so you get:
T(N) = N(N+1)(2N+1)/12 + N(N+1)/4
= N(N^2 + 3N + 2) / 6
No loops. No recursion.

The $P$-th type of present (where the $1$st is partridges, the $2$nd is turtle doves, etc.) comes in quantities of $P = \sum_{X = 1}^{P} 1$.
On day $D$, you receive presents of type $1$ through $D$, for a total of $\sum_{P = 1}^{D} \sum_{X = 1}^{P} 1$ many presents on that day.
And so, if the days run from $1$ through $N$ (canonically, $N$ is 12, but our interest now is in allowing it to vary), you receive overall $\sum_{D = 1}^{N} \sum_{P = 1}^{D} \sum_{X = 1}^{P} 1$.
This counts the number of non-decreasing triples $1 \leq X \leq P \leq D \leq N$.
This is the same as the number of increasing triples $1 \leq X < P + 1 < D + 2 \leq N + 2$.
So the answer is $\binom{N + 2}{3} = \frac{(N + 2)(N + 1)N}{6}$.

On the n th day, we get 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n gifts.
Or ... (1 + n) + (2 + n-1) + ...
In other words, (n + 1) * n/2.

You receive 364 gifts.
If you add all of them up you’ll get 364.


What is the most efficient algorithm for solving the cell-sum puzzle?

The cell-sum puzzle is defined as follows:
Given two sets of non-negative integers X = {x1, x2,...,xm} and Y = {y1, y2,...,yn}, fill each cell in a grid of m rows and n columns with a single non-negative integer such that xi is the sum of the cells in the ith row for every i ≤ m and such that yj is the sum of the cells in the jth column for every j ≤ n.
For example, if X = {7, 13} and Y = {8, 9, 3}, then your goal would be to replace the question marks in the following grid:
? + ? + ? = 7
+ + +
? + ? + ? = 13
= = =
8 9 3
and a valid solution would be:
3 + 1 + 3 = 7
+ + +
5 + 8 + 0 = 13
= = =
8 9 3
How do you solve this puzzle for arbitrarily large m and n? Also, for your method of choice, do you know the time complexity, and can you tell whether it is the most efficient algorithm possible?
Here's a linear-time algorithm (O(m + n) assuming we can output a sparse matrix, which is asymptotically optimal because we have to read the whole input; otherwise O(m n), which is optimal because we have to write the whole output).
Fill in the upper-left question mark with the min of the first row sum and the first column sum. If the first row sum equals the min, put zeros in the rest of the row. If the first column sum equals the min, put zeros in the rest of the column. Extract the subproblem by subtracting the new value from the first row/column if they remain and recurse.
On your example:
? + ? + ? = 7
+ + +
? + ? + ? = 13
= = =
8 9 3
Min of 7 and 8 is 7.
7 + 0 + 0 = 7
+ + +
? + ? + ? = 13
= = =
8 9 3
Extract the subproblem.
? + ? + ? = 13
= = =
1 9 3
Min of 13 and 1 is 1.
1 + ? + ? = 13
= = =
1 9 3
Extract the subproblem.
? + ? = 12
= =
9 3
Keep going until we get the final solution.
7 + 0 + 0 = 7
+ + +
1 + 9 + 3 = 13
= = =
8 9 3
Edit: the problem is not NP-hard. The algorithm in David Eisenstat's answer is provably correct for finding a solution. However, I'll leave this answer here since it gives a way to find all solutions, which might be of interest to some.
For what it's worth, my "method of choice" is constraint programming; it's easy to model this as a constraint satisfaction problem, and then a wide range of well-developed algorithms can be applied. The code below is in Python, using the python-constraint library.
x_sums = [7, 13]
y_sums = [8, 9, 3]
from constraint import *
problem = Problem()
x_n, y_n = len(x_sums), len(y_sums)
max_num = max(x_sums + y_sums)
problem.addVariables(range(x_n * y_n), range(max_num + 1))
for i, x in enumerate(x_sums):
v = [ i + x_n * j for j in range(y_n) ]
problem.addConstraint(ExactSumConstraint(x), v)
for j, y in enumerate(y_sums):
v = [ i + x_n * j for i in range(x_n) ]
problem.addConstraint(ExactSumConstraint(y), v)
solution = problem.getSolution()
for i in range(x_n):
print(*( solution[i + x_n * j] for j in range(y_n) ))
Output: it finds a different solution to yours. Alternatively, you could search for all solutions; there are 26 of them.
4 0 3
4 9 0
The time complexity of this is hard to pin down exactly; as a very weak upper bound we can say it's definitely at most O(max_num ** (x_n * y_n)) since that's the size of the search space. In practice it is much better than that, but the algorithm this library uses is rather complicated and difficult to analyse precisely. It's a backtracking search, but with some clever ways of using the constraints to eliminate the vast majority of branches from the search tree.
For some idea of how deep this rabbit hole goes, the Handbook of Constraint Programming gives a lot of details about techniques that constraint-solving algorithms can use to improve efficiency.

Finding number representation in different bases

I was recently solving a problem when I encountered this one: APAC Round E Q2
Basically the question asks to find the smallest base (>1) in which if the number (input) is written then the number would only consist of 1s. Like 3 if represented in base 2 would become 1 (consisting of only 1s).
Now, I tried to solve this the brute force way trying out all bases from 2 till the number to find such a base. But the constraints required a more efficient one.
Can anyone provide some help on how to approach this?
Here is one suggestion: A number x that can be represented as all 1s in a base b can be written as x = b^n + b^(n-1) + b^(n-2) + ... + b^1 + 1
If you subtract 1 from this number you end up with a number divisble by b:
b^n + b^(n-1) + b^(n-2) + ... + b^1 which has the representation 111...110. Dividing by b means shifting it right once so the resulting number is now b^(n-1) + b^(n-2) + ... + b^1 or 111...111 with one digit less than before. Now you can repeat the process until you reach 0.
For example 13 which is 111 in base 3:
13 - 1 = 12 --> 110
12 / 3 = 4 --> 11
4 - 1 = 3 --> 10
3 / 3 = 1 --> 1
1 - 1 = 0 --> 0
Done => 13 can be represented as all 1s in base 3
So in order to check if a given number can be written with all 1s in a base b you can check if that number is divisble by b after subtracting 1. If not you can immediately start with the next base.
This is also pretty brute-forcey but it doesn't do any base conversions, only one subtraction, one divisions and one mod operation per iteration.
We can solve this in O( (log2 n)^2 ) complexity by recognizing that the highest power attainable in the sequence would correspond with the smallest base, 2, and using the formula for geometric sum:
1 + r + r^2 + r^3 ... + r^(n-1) = (1 - r^n) / (1 - r)
Renaming the variables, we get:
n = (1 - base^power) / (1 - base)
Now we only need to check power's from (floor(log2 n) + 1) down to 2, and for each given power, use a binary search for the base. For example:
n = 13:
p = floor(log2 13) + 1 = 4:
Binary search for base:
(1 - 13^4) / (1 - 13) = 2380
No match for power = 4.
Try power = 3:
(1 - 13^3) / (1 - 13) = 183
(1 - 6^3) / (1 - 6) = 43
(1 - 3^3) / (1 - 3) = 13 # match
For n around 10^18 we may need up to (floor(log2 (10^18)) + 1)^2 = 3600 iterations.

Unique combinations of numbers that add up to a sum

I was asked this in an interview recently and got completely stumped. I know there are questions like this asked on here before but none handled the little twist thrown onto this one.
Given a number, find all possible ways you can add up to it using only the numbers 1,2,3. So for an input of 3, the output would be 4 because the combinations would be 1,1,1 and 1,2 and 2,1 and 3. I know about the coin change algorithm but it doesn't give me that permutation of 1,2 and 2,1. So I just ended up implementing the coin change algorithm and couldn't get the permutation part. Does anybody have any ideas?
It's a recursive problem:
take for example the possible options for 5
1 X X X X
2 X X X
3 X X
f(5)=f(4) + f(3) + f(2)
So the generic solution is
f(N)= f(N-1) + f(N-2) + f(N-3) for N > 3
To answer your question about classification of the problem it looks like dynamic programming problem to me. See following question taken from
1-dimensional DP Example
◮ Problem: given n, find the number of different ways to write
n as the sum of 1, 3, 4
◮ Example: for n = 5, the answer is 6
5 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1
= 1 + 1 + 3
= 1 + 3 + 1
= 3 + 1 + 1
= 1 + 4
= 4 + 1
And here is the solution to similar problem

Number of ways of distributing n identical balls into groups such that each group has atleast k balls?

I am trying to do this using recursion with memoization ,I have identified the following base cases .
I) when n==k there is only one group with all the balls.
II) when k>n then no groups can have atleast k balls,hence zero.
I am unable to move forward from here.How can this be done?
As an illustration when n=6 ,k=2
That is 4 different groupings can be formed.
This can be represented by the two dimensional recursive formula described below:
T(0, k) = 1
T(n, k) = 0 n < k, n != 0
T(n, k) = T(n-k, k) + T(n, k + 1)
^ ^
There is a box with k balls, No box with k balls, advance to next k
put them
In the above, T(n,k) is the number of distributions of n balls such that each box gets at least k.
And the trick is to think of k as the lowest possible number of balls, and seperate the problem to two scenarios: Is there a box with exactly k balls (if so, place them and recurse with n-k balls), or not (and then, recurse with minimal value of k+1, and same number of balls).
Example, to calculate your example: T(6,2) (6 balls, minimum 2 per box):
T(6,2) = T(4,2) + T(6,3)
T(4,2) = T(2,2) + T(4,3) = T(0,2) + T(2,3) + T(1,3) + T(4,4) =
= T(0,2) + T(2,3) + T(1,3) + T(0,4) + T(4,5) =
= 1 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0
= 2
T(6,3) = T(3,3) + T(6,4) = T(0,3) + T(3,4) + T(2,4) + T(6,5)
= T(0,3) + T(3,4) + T(2,4) + T(1,5) + T(6,6) =
= T(0,3) + T(3,4) + T(2,4) + T(1,5) + T(0,6) + T(6,7) =
= 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0
= 2
T(6,2) = T(4,2) + T(6,3) = 2 + 2 = 4
Using Dynamic Programming, it can be calculated in O(n^2) time.
This case can be solved pretty simple:
Number of buckets
The maximum-number of buckets b can be determined as follows:
b = roundDown(n / k)
Each valid distribution can use at most b buckets.
Number of distributions with x buckets
For a given number of buckets the number of distribution can be found pretty simple:
Distribute k balls to each bucket. Find the number of ways to distribute the remaining balls (r = n - k * x) to x buckets:
total_distributions(x) = bincoefficient(x , n - k * x)
EDIT: this will onyl work, if order matters. Since it doesn't for the question, we can use a few tricks here:
Each distribution can be mapped to a sequence of numbers. E.g.: d = {d1 , d2 , ... , dx}. We can easily generate all of these sequences starting with the "first" sequence {r , 0 , ... , 0} and subsequently moving 1s from the left to the right. So the next sequence would look like this: {r - 1 , 1 , ... , 0}. If only sequences matching d1 >= d2 >= ... >= dx are generated, no duplicates will be generated. This constraint can easily be used to optimize this search a bit: We can only move a 1 from da to db (with a = b - 1), if da - 1 >= db + 1 is given, since otherwise the constraint that the array is sorted is violated. The 1s to move are always the rightmost that can be moved. Another way to think of this would be to view r as a unary number and simply split that string into groups such that each group is atleast as long as it's successor.
sequence[0] = r
sequenceCount = 1
while true
int i = findRightmostMoveable(sequence)
if i == -1
return sequenceCount
sequence[i] -= 1
sequence[i + 1] -= 1
for i in [length(sequence) - 1 , 0)
if sequence[i - 1] > sequence[i] + 1
return i - 1
return -1
Actually findRightmostMoveable could be optimized a bit, if we look at the structure-transitions of the sequence (to be more precise the difference between two elements of the sequence). But to be honest I'm by far too lazy to optimize this further.
Putting the pieces together
range(1 , roundDown(n / k)).map(b -> countSequences(b)).sum()

the number of trailing zeros in a factorial of a given number - Ruby

Having a little trouble trying calculate the number of trailing zeros in a factorial of a given number. This is one of the challenges from Codewars- can't get mine to pass.
zeros(12) = 2 #=> 1 * 2 * 3 .. 12 = 479001600
I think I'm on the wrong path here and there is probably a more elegant ruby way. This is what I have down so far.
def zeros(n)
x = (1..n).reduce(:*).to_s.scan(/[^0]/)
return 0 if x == []
return x[-1].length if x != []
This is more of a math question. And you're right, you are off on a wrong path. (I mean the path you are on is going to lead to a very inefficient solution)
Try to reduce the problem mathematically first. (BTW you are shooting for a log N order algorithm.)
In my answer I will try to skip a few steps, because it seems like a homework question.
The number of trailing zeros is going to be equal to the total power of 5s in the multiplication of the series.
the numbers between 1 and n will have n/5, n/25, n/125 numbers which are multiples of 5s, 25s, 125s respectively... and so on.
Try to take these hints and come up with an algorithm to count how many powers of 10 will be crammed in to that factorial.
Spoilers Ahead
I've decided to explain in detail below so if you want to try and solve it yourself then stop reading, try to think about it and then come back here.
Here is a step by step reduction of the problem
The number of trailing zeros in a number is equivalent to the power of 10 in the factor of that number
40 = 4 * 10^1 and it has 1 trailing zero
12 = 3 * 4 * 10^0 so it has 0 trailing zeros
1500 = 3 * 5 * 10^2 so it has 2 trailing zeros
The number power of 10 in the factors is the same as the minimum of the power of 2 and power of 5 in the factors
50 = 2^1 * 5^2 so the minimum power is 1
300 = 3^1 * 2^2 * 5^2 so the minimum is 2 (we are only concerned with the minimum of the powers of 2 and 5, so ignore powers of 3 and all other prime factors)
In any factorial there will be many more powers of 2 than the powers of 5
5! = 2^3 * 3^1 * 5^1
10! = 2^8 * 3^4 * 5^2 * 7^1
As you can see the power of 2 is going to start increasing much faster so the power of 5 will be the minimum of the two.
Hence all we need to do is count the power of 5 in the factorial.
Now lets focus on the power of 5 in any n!
4! ~ 5^0
5! ~ 5^1 (up to 9!)
10! ~ 5^2 (up to 14!)
15! ~ 5^3 (up to `19!)
20! ~ 5^4 (up to 24!)
25! ~ 5^6 (notice the jump from 5^4 to 5^6 because the number 25 adds two powers of 5)
The way I'd like to count the total power of five in a factorial is... count all the multiples of 5, they all add one power of 5. Then count all the multiples of 25, they all add an extra power of 5. Notice how 25 added two powers of 5, so I can put that as, one power because it's a multiple of 5 and one extra power because it's a multiple of 25. Then count all the multiple of 125 (5^3) in the factorial multiplication, they add another extra power of 5... and so on.
So how'd you put that as an algorithm ?
lets say the number is n. So...
pow1 = n/5 (rounded down to an integer)
pow2 = n/25
pow3 = n/125
and so on...
Now the total power pow = pow1 + pow2 + pow3 ...
Now can you express that as a loop?
So, now that #Spunden has so artfully let the cat out of the bag, here's one way to implement it.
def zeros(n)
return 0 if
k = (Math.log(n)/Math.log(5)).to_i
m = 5**k
zeros(3) #=> 0
zeros(5) #=> 1
zeros(12) #=> 2
zeros(15) #=> 3
zeros(20) #=> 4
zeros(25) #=> 6
zeros(70) #=> 16
zeros(75) #=> 18
zeros(120) #=> 28
zeros(125) #=> 31
Suppose n = 128.
Then each number between one and 128 (inclusive) that is divisible by 5^1=>5 provides at least one factor, and there are 128/5 => 25 such numbers. Of these, the only ones that provide more than one factor are those divisible by 5^2=>25, of which there are 128/25 => 5 (25, 50, 75, 100, 125). Of those, there is but 128/125 => 1 that provides more than two factors, and since 125/(5^4) => 0, no numbers contribute more than three divisors. Hence, the total number of five divisors is:
128/5 + 128/25 + 128/125 #=> 31
(Note that, for 125, which has three divisors of 5, one is counted in each of these three terms; for 25, 50, etc., which each have two factors of 5, one is counted in each of the first terms.)
For arbitrary n, we first compute the highest power k for which:
5**k <= n
which is:
k <= Math.log(n)/Math.log(5)
so the largest such value is:
k = (Math.log(n)/Math.log(5)).to_i
As #spundun noted, you could also calculate k by simply iterating, e.g.,
last = 1
(0..1.0/0).find { |i| (last *= 5) > n }
The total number of factors of five is therefore
(n/5) + (n/25) +...+ (n/5**k)
r = 1/5,
this sum is seen to be:
n * s
s = r + r**2 +...+ r**k
The value of s is the sum of the terms of a geometric series. I forget the formula for that, but recall how it's derived:
s = r + r**2 +...+ r**k
sr = r**2 +...+ r**(k+1)
s-sr = r*(1-r**k)
s = r*(1-r**k)/(1-r)
I then did some rearrangement so that only only integer arithmetic would be used to calculate the result.
def zeros(n)
zeros = 0
zeros += n /= 5 while n >= 1
If N is a number then number of trailing zeroes in N! is
N/5 + N/5^2 + N/5^3 ..... N/5^(m-1) WHERE (N/5^m)<1
You can learn here how this formula comes.
Here's a solution that is easier to read:
def zeros(num)
char_array = num.to_s.split('')
count = 0
while char_array.pop == "0"
count += 1
Let me know what you think and feel free to edit if you see an improvement!
The article A Note on Factorial and its Trailing Zeros in GanitCharcha is insightful and has explained the Mathematics behind this well. Take a look.'s-Trailing-Zeros.html
My solution
def zeros(n)
trailing_zeros = []
fact = (1..n).inject(:*)
fact.to_s.split('') {|x| break if (x.to_i != 0); trailing_zeros << x}
return trailing_zeros.count
n = int (raw_input())
count = 0
num = 1
for i in xrange(n+1):
if i != 0:
num = num * i
while(num >= 10):
if num%10 == 0:
num = num/10
print count
As per the explanation given by #spundan and apart from #cary's code you can find number of trailing zero by just very simple and efficient way..see below code..
def zeros(n)
ret = 0
while n > 0 do
ret += n / 5
n = n/5
For example zeros(100000000) this will give you output -> 24999999
With the time Time Elapsed -> 5.0453e-05(Just See 5.0453e-05 )
This is the part of even milliseconds.
while int(n/j)>0:
count = 0
i =5
n = 100
k = n
n = k
print count
def zeros(n)
n < 5 ? 0 : (n / 5) + zeros(n / 5)
