Blackberry - View similar to Blackberry Messenger, MSN or Gtalk - user-interface

A View with expand and contract list where you show, for instance, Chats, Contacts, Groups. You click on of them and expands to a list of Chats and each element of the list is a Rectangular box with User defined image, name, status (offline, online, busy) as an image and status message.
How can i program a view as described?
thanks in advance

For such view you can use ListField.
See SO - How to customize list field in blackberry?


Hiding Recipients in a qbo3 Message/Search panel

When using qbo3's Message/Search panel in a landing page to announce system changes to all users, every user that has acknowledged the message is appearing underneath the message, like this:
How can I disable the rendering of recipients, as this list will get very long?
When rendering a Message/Search panel, you may specify which behaviors you want displayed. In this case, the key is to omit the Recipient behaviors, such as:
Message/Search?Behaviors=Selectable ParentLabel Labels TabLauncher MessageAttachments Unread
For a report landing page, this API call is typically defined in the Search Panel field:
A quick recap of the behaviors listed here:
Enable multi-selection of rows by clicking on a row, and then shift-clicking on a later row to select all rows between the two selected.
If a Message is bound to a parent object, execute an API call to get the friendly label of the parent object.
Enable display of any labels each Message is tagged with.
Enable popping out of the Message/Summary into a panel to the right of the Message/Search panel.
Display a link to any attachments associated with each messages.
Marks any unread message with a css style (defaults to messageunread).

In Slack, is it possible for an app to respond to a slash command by displaying a picker popup?

As example, let's say I wanted to write an app such that when the user types /movie in a channel, a list of popular movies is shown, the user selects one, and as a result a link to that movie in IMDB is inserted into the channel as text. Is something like that possible?
Many thanks.
That's possible! A slash command is the vessel for further interactivity. You can have your slash command trigger a modal ( modal would offer a list of options and once the user submits, your app will be notified with a view_submission payload. You can test modal payloads using the Block Kit Builder which includes options to list items.

How to Change Inbox view in outlook

As shown in below image i have this view in outllook
But Automatically/By Mistake view has changed like this(as shown in below images) so how to set like previous view
and i tried like this but Middle Pane (Marked Area) is not worked or not looking like previous view
The Outlook view - the reading pane depends on the item type selected in the list. On the first screenshot you've selected a meeting request and on the last one I see a regular mail item.

How can I let the user share plain text, no hero cards or carousel?

I display quote prices of stocks in one of my bots in the form of text. I would like to let the user be able to share these prices on Messenger without using Hero Cards or generic template. How can I achieve this?
How to add share button in persistent menu in addition to this?
Text messages can be forwarded by long tapping, then choosing 'forward'. There is no way to add the share button to a text message. Why not just use the generic template without an image?
In the persistent menu, only url and postback buttons are supported.

Making skype like token field for adding users to a chat

In Mac, in skype when we add users to an existing chat, by clicking '+' button on top, a beak like window appears carrying a token field like control. When an user types some name in it and a match is found then a list appears carrying user icon , status icon and his/her name. Also the width of dynamic list is same as beak window.
Can any one suggest some way to create similar control?
Thanks in advance,
The control for the list would be NSTableView.
