I've programed a plugin for an installer package I am planning to use.I've used Apple's Package manager 2.4 (Tiger) before where I could right click packages (*pkg), navigate through the contents folder, create a plugins directory and paste my plugin plus the installersections.plist file. However in version 3.0 (Snow Leopard), I can't click on "Show Package Contents" to add my plugin, the option isn't there in finder.
How can I add plugins?Apple must have thought of some way to do this since this is still offered in Xcode 3?
It is possible to install plugins with Package Maker 3. It is easier by using "Raw Editing Mode". All you have to do is to install plugins activating the Raw Editing mode Menu>Project>Raw Editing Mode and than drag the plugins (Plugnins folder containing bundles and the InstallerSections.plist) to the Files.
It is less pain than Flat Package Editor, I think.
Good luck, Bye
It is possible, although tricky, to install plug-ins into a PackageMaker 3 bundle. You need to go to the Edit menu in PackageMaker and open the Flat Package Editor. Open your installer bundle, and insert the plug-in in the appropriate location as you would in the Finder with a 2.0 bundle.
Yes, it's a pain.
I use Sublime Text 3 in my company and I want to export all the settings, including packages and whatever, to use the same configurations in Sublime Text 3 I have at home. How can I do this?
PS.: I use Windows 8
The best way is to sync the User directory, there are multiple available ways to do this - dropbox, git and manual ways.
Installed packages are registered in Package Control.sublime-settings, which is located in the user folder as well, thus, it does not require you to sync anything besides that. A pretty good guide to syncing can be found here.
You also may wish to check out this package.
For me (Windows installation) transferring all the content from old installation - AppData\Roaming\Subime Text 3, to new installation - AppData\Roaming\Subime Text 3, does the job. All the packages and UI settings are transferred and are working correctly.
None of the manual efforts are needed now (I think). Both sublime text (ver 3) and visual studio code (if anyone cares) have extensions that do this for us.
For VS Code -
For ST3 -
With a few clicks like generating token and configuration, one should be able to easily port the settings from any machine (Win, OSX, Linux) to any machine.
You can try this plugin PackageSync. It can package your settings and packages into a zip or 7z file, then, you can import them on another machine.
As an aside an easy way to locate the 'User' or 'Sublime text {2/3/etc}' folder regardless of OS is to:
Open go-to-anything and just type: 'us'
From the available options select 'Preferences: Package Control Settings - User’ to open that file.
Right click on the file and make the selection to open the containing folder (Mac: reveal in finder)
Navigate back up to the parent folder Sublime Text 3 (or whatever version number you are on)
Copying this folder and replacing the Sublime Text 3 folder in a fresh Sublime install with this one should install all packages and replicate any other settings you have.
"If you want to sync settings across machines, the best way to do so is to just sync the Packages\User\ folder. This contains all customized settings, and if you are using Package Control, it includes a list of all installed packages. If Package Control sees that an installed package is not present on the machine, it will automatically install it the next time Sublime Text starts."
PS: if I am not mistaken the author of this post is the key developer of sublime.
I have created a Mac app, now I want to add a Preferences to this. I looked up and came to know that I need to use NSPreferencePane. I have created a separate Xcode project for this and it will get generate a .prefPane file. On running this it will ask whether to add to system preferences or not and adds it if selected.
How can I bundle my app and preferences together ?
If I package this as a dmg file should I put both .app anf .prefPane file in the dmg file ?
It sounds like you want to magically (or programmatically) copy the preference pane into the right place (~/Library/PreferencePanes or /Library/PreferencePanes).
If you're going to copy it into your user's Preference Pane folder (i.e. ~/Library/PreferencePanes), you should be able to simply copy it from your Application bundle into there.
If you want to copy it into a system-wide Preference Pane folder (i.e. /Library/PreferencePanes), you'll need to write a privileged tool or helper app that gets Administrator priviledges so it can do the copy. Creating these things is not the most trivial of tasks.
If you are not distributing via the Apple App Store, you could use an installer package to install both your application and your preference pane. The newest option from Apple is "productbuild", which is a command line tool. PackageMaker is Apple's older tool for creating installers, and you can get it as part of the Auxillary Tools for Xcode, available from the Downloads section of developer.apple.com, and there are a bunch of other installer-building tools you could use to ship your Preference Pane with your app, such as "Iceberg".
It would be much easier to simply add the preferences interface to the app itself.
I am trying to locate Icon Composer, which was supposedly downloaded as part of Xcode, however I can't find it, neither in applications nor with the spotlight.
Any ideas where it might be, or if I have to download it separately? If so, where from? I tried looking for it in the App Store, but nothing found.
Edit: I am using Xcode 4.3.2 if that helps.
Newer Versions
As of Xcode 4.4, Icon Composer is no longer bundled with the IDE. However, you can still download the program from Apple's developer downloads page (developer.apple.com/downloads/)
Search for "Graphics Tools" and download the latest version of the tools, which is currently the version for Xcode 5.1
Older Versions
In Xcode 4.3.1 and up Icon Composer can be located in this directory.
In your applications folder right click on Xcode and click "Show Package Contents."
EDIT: to make this answer as complete as possible.
However, In Xcode versions 4.2 and below, Icon composer can still be located in the following directory.
And of course, as Dave DeLong said below, Icon Composer can also be accessed through Xcode by navigating to Xcode Menu >> Open Developer Tool >> Icon Composer.
MDT is correct that the application is now bundled inside of Xcode.app, but there's an easier way to get to it:
Icon Composer cannot be used to create icons compatible with Retina macs and the app should no-longer be used. It is no-longer bundled with recent versions of Xcode.
Instead, you create a directory "foobar.iconset" and fill it with png images at the sizes you need, and then drag that into the image well in Xcode - which will then create a .icns file at build time.
Currently, the png files you should create are (none are required but all are recommended):
You can also create the icns file manually with the iconutil command line tool.
Official documentation and more details are at: http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/GraphicsAnimation/Conceptual/HighResolutionOSX/Optimizing/Optimizing.html
Have you looked into...
Mine is there.
I have created a package installer using Xcode's PackageMaker. I want to install a .app file into the applications folder, but when i am running installer package, it's showing that the software is installed succesfully. When i checked the applications folder, the application i m installing is not there. Can anybody help me to solve this?
While the Installer is still running you can select the Window menu and choose the Installer Log option. In the Installer Log dialog select the 'Show All Logs' from the drop down control. This might help you determine where the Installer put your .app or what happened.
BTW I'm seeing the same thing with a .pkg I have written and would love to hear if you find a solution.
I ended up getting things working with my .pkg by making it install into /Applications/ with the trailing slash. I had previously been just using /Applications. Maybe that works for your package?
The issue is that the installer can upgrade packages even if their not located in /Applications. So if there is an application with the same name or it already exists on your hard drive it will try and install over that. To fix it click on the item your trying to install in the content pane then click on the components tab and make sure the "allow relocation" check box is unchecked. Should work perfect after that
Using PackageMaker, how do I make a .(m)pkg that will require that SIMBL is installed - if it's installed, the installation should simply proceed, otherwise, SIMBL should be installed before installing my SIMBL plugin?
I tried simply dragging in SIMBL.pkg to the left-hand pane, but somehow all the resources and InstallationCheck script got lost, so that's probably not right.
I would recommend just installing SIMBL without checking. These days, because InputManagers can only go in /Library (and not ~/Library), SIMBL is always in the same place. In this case, installing SIMBL can't really hurt -- the author doesn't update SIMBL often at all these days, so it's very unlikely that you'll accidentally "downgrade" a user's SIMBL installation. (The last release of SIMBL was in 2006.)
To add SIMBL to your project, you can choose "Add Package Reference" from the "gear" button in the lower-left. You can also just drag the SIMBL folder (from InputManagers) into a new choice (see "New Choice" under the same gear button) and set its install location manually.
As an example, here is a .pmdoc file for a SIMBL plugin I wrote called Scalp.