I am trying to locate Icon Composer, which was supposedly downloaded as part of Xcode, however I can't find it, neither in applications nor with the spotlight.
Any ideas where it might be, or if I have to download it separately? If so, where from? I tried looking for it in the App Store, but nothing found.
Edit: I am using Xcode 4.3.2 if that helps.
Newer Versions
As of Xcode 4.4, Icon Composer is no longer bundled with the IDE. However, you can still download the program from Apple's developer downloads page (developer.apple.com/downloads/)
Search for "Graphics Tools" and download the latest version of the tools, which is currently the version for Xcode 5.1
Older Versions
In Xcode 4.3.1 and up Icon Composer can be located in this directory.
In your applications folder right click on Xcode and click "Show Package Contents."
EDIT: to make this answer as complete as possible.
However, In Xcode versions 4.2 and below, Icon composer can still be located in the following directory.
And of course, as Dave DeLong said below, Icon Composer can also be accessed through Xcode by navigating to Xcode Menu >> Open Developer Tool >> Icon Composer.
MDT is correct that the application is now bundled inside of Xcode.app, but there's an easier way to get to it:
Icon Composer cannot be used to create icons compatible with Retina macs and the app should no-longer be used. It is no-longer bundled with recent versions of Xcode.
Instead, you create a directory "foobar.iconset" and fill it with png images at the sizes you need, and then drag that into the image well in Xcode - which will then create a .icns file at build time.
Currently, the png files you should create are (none are required but all are recommended):
You can also create the icns file manually with the iconutil command line tool.
Official documentation and more details are at: http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/GraphicsAnimation/Conceptual/HighResolutionOSX/Optimizing/Optimizing.html
Have you looked into...
Mine is there.
I use Phonegap Build to create my Android and iOS app files. However I want to compile the files locally on my computer, and not use Phonegap Build. I have done this successfully for Android (see here: https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/latest/guide/platforms/android/) but iOS is more complicated. I have little Apple-knowledge.
Does anybody know of any good tutorials on how to import a Phonegap plugin in to the xcode environment...ideally one for someone who's background is NOT an Apple developer.
I have managed to do this myself but I've answered my own post to help others who may be in a similar situation - Please note this is correct as of end of 2019, and I had already successfully uploaded an IPA file to the app store via Phonegap Build before. All I'm doing here is compiling my Phonegap/Cordova project IPA file directly on a Mac, rather than using Phonegap Build:
1) You will need a mac and a developer license (as expected). You will be using both a terminal window where possible and Xcode.
2) Certificates and provisioning are a messy nightmare right out of satans bumhole. But just make sure you set up an "App store distribution" profile on your developer.apple.com account. If you don't know how to handle certificates and provisions please read here https://medium.com/ios-os-x-development/ios-code-signing-provisioning-in-a-nutshell-d5b247760bef.
But remember you only need to download the certificate to your Mac, and add it to your "My Certificates" area. The provisions can be automatically downloaded/linked to via Xcode.
3) Install Xcode 11 on your Mac. Forget all the other versions.
4) Install Cordova CLI on your Mac using the terminal - open up the terminal window and type:
sudo npm install -g cordova
5) Create a FRESH cordova project - dont try to be smart by shoe-horning the one you've already used on your PC:
cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld
...you might need to to add "sudo" to the front of that. Don't copy and paste any html files or plugins in to it yet!
6) If your Mac might give you read/write access problems. So locate the entire folder, ctrl+click on the project folder, choose "get info" ...in the bottom right of the popup window click the lock icon and enter your password. Now change all settings to "read and write", then click the cog icon and select "Apply to enclosed items".
7) Create the platform : sudo cordova platform add ios#5.1.0....note, DO NOT use ios5.1.1 if you are using firebase or push notifications, as it seems to break with 5.1.1.
8) Apple will (again) probably give only read access to your new platforms/ios folder, because it hates you and wants you to suffer. So repeat step 6 if necessary.
9) Open Xcode the following way... In your projectname/platforms/ios/ folder locate the .xcworkspace file. This is the file you use to open your project. DO NOT use the .xcodeproj file because this is for older Xcode versions (and it will just break your whole damn project). Also go to File->Workspace Settings and ensure Build System is set to "Legacy Build System".
10) Now piece together your config.xml file by extracting the bits you need from your previous config file to your fresh new one. Don't bother moving over any android-specific bits.
11 a) Apple bring you a fresh slice of hell with cocoapods - a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C. You'll need to install this if your app uses certain things like push notifications (firebase for example). You can install this via the terminal window. FIRST....close down Xcode. NEXT go to projectname/ and type: sudo gem install cocoapods. FINALLY go to projectname/platforms/ios/ and type pod install.
11 b) There's a bug...a pretty major one. Your cocoapods will fail when building at this point. So you need to do some hacking here. Navigate to the directory projectname/platform/ios/Pods/TargetSupport Files/Pods-yourproject and look for
Pods-yourproject.debug.xconfig and Pods-yourproject.release.xconfig
You need to copy the content of these files into platform/ios
pods-debug-xconfig and pods-release.xconfig respectively----THANK YOU kyale-mwendwa for this tip....https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugin-push/issues/1825#issuecomment-359155007
12) Now copy and paste your www folder over in to your fresh project. You are ready to build your project...
13) Re-open xcode using the .xcworkspace file. Now you need to ensure your provisioning is set up correctly for your release. Click the project name at the top of the left-hand column (right above where it says config.xml). Now in the main window click your app name under the "Targets" section. Now select "Signing and Capabilities". If you managed to set up certificates and provisions correctly you should be able to select your "team" (no I don't know either, just select whatever option you can here), and enter the correct bundle identified (com.whatever.whatever).
14) Ok, you are ready to create your IPA file. Still have hair?? Bonus points for you!
Just before this next bit, go to Xcode and towards the top of the screen you will see the project name followed by "> iPad (7th generation)" or something similar. Click this and make sure you choose "Generic iOS device".
Now back in the terminal enter sudo cordova build ios. You don't have to transport your plugin files over from your windows-built cordova folder. Cordova will detect the plugins you need from your config.xml and install them appropriately.
15) If you have no errors you can now create your IPA file and even submit it directly to the App store (this bit of Xcode is actually really good). In Xcode, from the menu at the top click "Product" and then "Archive". Follow the onscreen instructions. At this point your IPA file is created.
You can choose to automatically distribute your file to the Appstore, but I suggest clicking the "Validate App" option first, which will re-request the correct certificates/provisions and give you a summary of any issues. If no issues you can click "Distribute App" and it will upload the IPA file to your Appstore Connect (formerly iTunes Connect) area.
I'm talking about the GM version. It's not stable enough to get rid of xcode 4. But I'd like to start playing with the new stuff. Is it sufficient to drag it out of the dmg to the desktop and rename it, or is this going to lead to issues once it is dragged into applications?
When you double click to instal it will pop ask you, to overwrite or keep both. Just keep both. Worked for me
Once you extract the app from .dmg the window will be shown with Xcodes' large icon and Application folder. and it will say "Drag XCode Icon to Application Folder to install"(Something like that).
Before doing that, goto application folder just rename the existing Xcode version. And then do the drag and drop.
now you have both versions !
Create New folder in Applications with any name like - "Xcode 5 GM" (whatever new Xcode version, You just need to create folder for that in Applications)
Mount DMG file then Find Xcode file then Drag this file to Application/Xcode 5 GM what you have created earlier.
After file copied go and launch that file to complete installation.
I don't understand all the complication; I install Xcode 4 in /Applications (pretty much have to as it's installed from the MAS) and Xcode 5 in ~/Applications.
The only thing to do then is run xcode-select to ensure the correct command line utilities are used from, err, the command line.
I just installed Xcode 5 and wrote detail instructions Install both Xcode 4 and Xcode 5, especially on how to reuse the old SDKs and Simulators.
Hope it helps
I start by saying that I've installed Mavericks, I was curious to see the new features...
It was better to wait, because (apparently) there are no sensational changes.
Anyway, I'm trying to submit my app to the app store, but after a real hard fight with the code-signing, I have ended up with this message:
"This bundle is invalid. Apple is not currently accepting applications built with this version of the OS."
....From what I read, the only solution seems to uninstall Mavericks and go back to Mountain Lion, but I will be happy if someone else has got a alternative fix.
After some research on Internet I've found a fix for this problem.
1) Open "App Store" and leave it for now.
2) press cmd+shift+g on your desktop and go to /system/library/coreservices/
2) Copy SystemVersion.plist to your desktop, and duplicate the file
3) Open the file with the right name on your desktop, not the copy, and replace the old part with this:
<string>1983-2013 Apple Inc.</string>
<string>Mac OS X</string>
4) Now copy this edited file to /system/library/coreservices, and go to "App store" application.
5) Download Xcode 4.6.3, now you can because your OsX is detected as Mountain Lion.
6) Once the download its finish, and Xcode installed, reboot.
7) Open your project in xcode 5 beta, if you have some .xib files, go in the file inspector, document versioning, and change development version to 4.6 instead of 5. Do this for each .xib, then close xcode 5
8) Open Xcode 4.6.3 and reopen your project. Check in the build settings that 10.9 is not present anywhere. Replace it with 10.8 or whatever you need.
9) Make clean, Build for archiving, Archive ... Cross your finger!
10) Your project should be validated now.
11) Once you uploaded your app, rename the SystemVersion.plist (copy) on your desktop, and copy it back to /system/library/coreservices. You don't need to reboot.
It's kinda a hack, but if you don't want to reinstall everything, it's the only way to go.
P.s: after replacing SystemVersion.plist, you will notice strange behaviors in the Os, like safari that isn't working and so on, that's why I suggested to duplicate the plist file, before changing the os version. Anyway if you can still use terminal and "vi" to restore everything, if for some reason you didn't copy the original.
Hope this will help someone. I've lost a day figuring out a solution ;)
Same problem with build 13A3017 on Mavericks
Switched it to 13A603 and it worked.
It's quicker to use this command in terminal and just make a note of the original build number to switch it back afterwards.
sudo nano /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist
but should probably make a copy of the file first just in case
I got this problem while I was using Mavericks 10.9.1 (build 13B40) and Xcode 5.1 dp. I finally solve the problem by:
Use Xcode 5.0.2 instead of Xcode 5.1 dp.
Go to /system/library/coreservices/ and modify the SystemVersion.plist using the copy/paste as #Benz 's answer. Thanks to #Benz
After copying and backing the SystemVersion.plist, modify the content as following:
mod ProductBuildVersion to 13A603, which is the build number of Mavericks 10.9.0 GM.
mod ProductUserVisibleVersion and ProductVersion to 10.9.0
Replace the SystemVersion.plist using the one you've modified.
Restart the Xcode.
Rebuild and achieve the app.
Restore the SystemVersion.plist using the original file you've backed.
If you don't want to mass with the SystemVersion.plist, here is another way to get through it on 10.10:
After you made the archive, you can modify the .app bundle and .plist in the archive's root to match a valid accepting version. Then use the Xcode to submit it. No need to mass with the code signing or Application Loader.
If you want a simple solution and don't mind to pay for it, I've created a tool to do it with ease: https://vox.vg/xcarchiver/
I have a .gdbinit file. I have been using it for years. It is in my home directory. I still need to do Xcode debugging under gdb, not lldb. But Xcode 4.5.1 does not load the file when it runs an app.
I can load it manually with 'source ~/.gdbinit'. But that's a pain! Any way to configure it to load on launch?
How about adding source ~/.gdbinit to the Pre-actions part of the "Run" scheme in your project (Cmd + < to access the scheme editor)?
I read somewhere and have experienced that Xcode 4.5 and 4.5.1 have many bugs in them and this could be one of them. I cannot really help with this but to say:
1.) remove xcode.app from finder in applications
2.) download Xcode 4.4.1 from the apple website: https://developer.apple.com/downloads/index.action?name=Xcode%204.4.1
3.) put it into the applications folder.
4.) Run Xcode 4.4.1 and run your app!
I have had to do this twice due to these two versions of xcode being buggy.
I have a MacBook Pro that has Mac OS X 10.7.5. I was doing iOS development using Xcode 4.4 and I recently upgraded to Xcode 4.5.
For my application, I have built some 3rd party libraries that it depends on, and those libraries need to be placed in a certain location so my application can pick them up and use them. However I'm unable to locate the recent builds of the libraries because, even though Xcode says the libraries build successfully, nothing is available for derived data in the Organizer.
What can I do to determine where these libraries are being built?
In Xcode 4.5 look at Preferences->Locations.
This shows where your Derived Data location actually lives on the File System.
Click on the arrow next to the Derived Data path to show the path in the Finder.
I recently upgraded from Xcode 4.3.3 and found that the build location has been automatically changed to Custom, so my (debug) build products are now in:
I am guessing that Apple have made this change to simplify the location of build products in a single location. In Xode 4.3.3 for example build products were placed under:
where XXX is a randomly generated folder based on your Xcode project name.
I have also found it useful to enable hidden folders to be displayed in the Finder so that you can actually browse the contents of your Library folder. I used the free Onyx tool to enable the display of hidden folders.
Hope this is of some help.
I went into Organizer, right clicked on the project which was no longer generating derived data (even though I could see it was... just the delete button was greyed out) and removed it from organizer. When I reopened the project it button was available again