replace tiny mce with ckeditor in joomla - joomla

I have a joomla project. In this the text editor is tiny mace. But there is no option to upload a pdf file. So I want to implement Ck editor or fck editor instead of tiny mce. I have downloaded ck editor and install as usual way (admin side ->extension->install- uninstall section) and disabled the tiny mce in Plugin Manager. But I can't show the editor; I think I am in wrong way.
Does any one have any idea? Please help me.

Got to Site > Global Configuration, make sure you're on the Site tab (usually comes up by default), then select CK Editor from the dropdown for Default WYSIWYG Editor.


joomla 3.1.1 editor stripping html code

I disabled all editor plugins in plugin manager and now when I want to edit a html module a simple editor appears which only shows html code. after editing the code when I press the save button then html code changes somehow \" inserted to my code.
in global configuration => text filtering => no filtering is selected for super user and administrator.
how can I disable joomla editor from stripping my code?
Go to your Joomla back-end, then System > System Information > PHP Information and check if magic_quotes_gpc parameter is enabled in your PHP configuration. If yes, you need to disable it as Joomla recommends to turn it off.

ace x markdown editor not working for joomla 3.2? alternatives?

So I installed the ace x markdown editor plugin for joomla 3.2 because it has a nice feature to insert code snippets in stackoverflow style. So I really need that.
I tried this extension, but it seems to not work. Is there an alternative?
But: There is no documentation, it seems I just have to enable it and hope it works. But it just happens nothing, the normal editor shows up:
No errors, but old editor:
the plugins are installed:
The plugin is supposed to look like this:
The second step you have to do is going to: Global configuration area and select the new editor, then if you save your changes and the old editor still appearing, it could be because your profile has the older one selected... in this case you have to go to your user details page and select the new editor or put into default.

How to add custom text when JCE 2.3.1 is loaded?

I have a Joomla 2.5 site with K2 and I have installed JCE Editor 2.3.
How can I add custom text by default so that when I open a new article in my editor, some text is preloaded?
The custom text is my ads3ns3 script and some other divs. If I can get this to automatically appear, then I can bypass the tedious copy/paste step every time.
I searched all the JSE files, but I didn't find any input field that would hold my custom text.
I've open all the .php files but still nothing.
You could use JCE Template Manager plugin to achieve this without need to rewrite JCE core files .. JCE is known as a target for Joomla hacks and needs to be updated regularly, and if you edit JCE core files you would have to apply described change all over again with every new update.

installing JCE Editor

Hi everyone I intall JCE Editor for joomla2.5
I have the component active and everything is fine and donĀ“t show any error when I install
But when I create a new article o whatever I can insert html or php code in my article or custom module.
Any idea or suggest!
Go to Control Panel->Global Configuration
Select your Default Editor as "Editor JCE Editor".
Then Click Save Button

How to Disable/Enable WYSIWYG editor in Magento 1.4

When entering code in CMS static block(possible page as well) and in this code there is empty DIV tags such us:
<div class="dropoff_button"></div>
The DIV tags will be gone next time you open the block to edit. it will look as this
without the div tags
...and saving again it modifies your code.
I think it something to do with the 'show/hide editor'. By default it goes into the WYSIWYG editor, so when updating static block i don't see any other solution than
1."hide the editor' by clicking 'show/hide editor'
2.delete the old code from the editor
3. get code that doesn't miss the DIVs
4. Merge new code with code in 3 in some other editing software than magento
5. paste result in the magento editor,
6. Save
Is this bug? What is your solution? Can i turn of WYSIWYG editor?
This may not be consider as an answer but it solved our problem. It turns out that the editor WYSIWYG can be disabled by completely or by default at Admin->System->Configuration. Under 'General Tab' there is 'Content Management' section and there you can set different modes for this editor.
In our case we set to "Disable by Default" so that any time we open static block it does not clean the code only if we choose by clicking "Show/Hide Editor"
The editor, whether in WYSIWYG or not, tries to clean up your code. You may notice that it also replaces all your newlines and indentation as well. This means that you cannot just freely enter HTML into the CMS editor w/o it interfering.
I have not found a simple way to trigger the CMS not to clean your code on the way into the database.
Hope that helps. Thanks,
You can allow specific tags into tinymce.
You just need to edit the settings var in /js/mage/adminhtml/wysiwyg/tiny_mce/setup.js and add the following line:
extended_valid_elements : 'iframe[src|style|width|height|scrolling|marginwidth|marginheight|frameborder|allowTransparency],style,script',
You can see more info about it at this other thread:
Magento - How to allow certain tags (iframe, embed) in Magento's CMS editor?
It works for me on Magento 1.6.
