How can i add third party framework to my cocoa project - cocoa

I want to add third party framework "log4Cocoa" to my cocoa application. I followed the steps to add the framework and created "Copy Files" phase as well. Project is getting build without any error. Problem occurs when i try to run the application i get error saying "Data Formatters temporarily unavailable, will re-try after a 'continue'."
Any help will be appreciated.

Is the framework opensource? I do not think it has to do with you, more with how you are using its services or maybe the framework is broken. Contact the developer he might be able to help you with it.
Trouble Using Third Party Framework In Xcode 3.2

There is no standard way to add a framework ( like adding jars in java ) . It depends on the framework .
For example look at 320 instructions


framework not found FirebaseInstanceID in Xcode

Step to reproduce.
I have added all the pod frameworks into my cordova project using XCode, after added, I don't know why the frameworks are whiten as this picture.
So I start to build the project again, the first error said framework not found FirebaseInstallation, I thought the whiten framework is not valid, so I manually add the framework from my frameworks folder which is downloaded from and finally become the normal yellow icon.
I rebuild the project, this time the error is framework not found FirebaseCoreDiagnostics. Therefore, I repeat step 2 to add in the framework manually and compile again.
This time the error is also framework not found but it is FirebaseInstanceID. As you can see from my Pods folder above, there is no FirebaseInstanceID framework that I can manually add into my project. I have search online, there is no single file named FirebaseInstanceID.framework exist on the internet. Where can I download it actually?
Furthermore, is it the right way to manually add in all the pod frameworks into my project to solve the error? How can solve this kind of framework not found issue in Xcode? Thanks for any comment.
FirebaseInstanceID.framework is available in several of the folders from the download, including FirebaseMessaging.

YO .net core 2.x demo project with react/redux?

This is a "Veracity Platform" question - which I guess has a fairly small audience.
I'm using the veracity platform's application generator (based on Yeoman) to generate a sample application for .net core 2.x, using node.js.
yo #veracity/veracity:netcore-webapp
This creates a good basic .net core 2.x MVC project. Is there a way to further specify that I want to additionally include the "React/Redux" project template, like I would when creating a project in Visual Studio? That way the client app and the front-end webpack stack get started for me, which is nice.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
We do not have these configurations included in the generator yet. Uservoice will be added to soon, but for now you may forward such feature requests also in the github project of the generator. Open an issue, and I will see when we can get it in to the backlog.
Brede Børhaug - Manager Veracity for Developers

How to integrate SSO login in Xamarin

Can you please help me to integrate Single-Sign-On login in Xamarin, Any one gives initiative Idea about it are highly appreciable.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Could not install package 'Sunpoin.SSO.Plugin 1.0.0'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets 'MonoAndroid,Version=v7.0', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author. 0
I think Sunpoin.SSO.Plugin is a plugin for websites. You must use one that is compatible with MonoAndroid and if possible with PCL binaries.
I recommend you use Xamarin.Auth this component helps you to make an SSO in your Xamarin app.
Here's the best example in StackOverFlow and a tutorial on it.
Good luck

Error importing framework in Playground

I’m following the instructions for Importing Custom Frameworks into Playground, but I still keep getting "No such module” error.
I have tried adding everything in the workspace; a project with just Framework target, project of Cocoa Application with the framework, and just the Framework. I also tried creating a playground in the Application where I imported the framework, I can even import it in other swift file without any problem; but I can’t seem to be able to import it in playground.
Can someone please tell me what I might be doing wrong?
Try building your framework target using a simulator! I had only built mine using the generic device which doesn't work for playgrounds!
Did you ever get it to work? I figured out my issue. The code I was trying to import wasn't in a Framework Target. I had to add a new target to my project of type Cocoa Framework. Then include my source files in that framework, and then finally build that target. Then it worked.
I would like to echo what Reid said:
Try building your framework target using a simulator! I had only built mine using the generic device which doesn't work for playgrounds!
If you've updated to Xcode 12, you also need to make the "Build Active Scheme" box is checked. Select your playground and go to the inspector. The checkbox will be under "Playground Settings"
I've spent for this more than 4 hours. But i've solved it for XCode 10.
You're unable to add any framework into the Playground if there's no target for it the Workspace where the Playground is. So as you using downloaded framework (so am i) — you're doomed to fail with it.
The workable manual could be found here (God bless this guy):
tldr: the easiest way is to:
Download 3rd party framework sources.
Open *.xcodeproj
Add Playground to the Project.
Build project for any iOS simulator by cmd+b (have no idea how to use any macOS frameworks yet).
And it should work (at least it does for me).
I solved my problem with a different solution than Michael Welch's. I had my Xcode derived data setting different than original. Go to Preferences > Locations > Derived Data > Advanced and select Unique. This solved the framework not appearing in playground problem for me.

Add reference failing C#

I have a wcf service running and I was trying to implement a tcp model on it so I made a windows service and tried adding the WCF service as a reference to it which worked fine. But when i tried to build the windows service it gave me an error as "The type or namespace name '*' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)". In fact I tried to add my dal project as reference and the same error cropped up. I implemented a POC just to check if I am doing things correctly which worked fine. But it fails on my solution am I missing some configuration thing I am confused please help thanks.
It is important that you document the type name that it complains about to get a good answer. Avoid targeting the .NET client profile whenever you do something webby. System.Web.dll is not part of it.
Project + Properties, Application tab, Target framework combo.
Thank's for all the help guys I got the reason why it was failing all my other projects are having target framework as .Net Framework 4. But each time I add a new project to my solution they are been targeted to .Net Framework 4 Client Profile. Which I changed and everything worked fine. Thank's again for the help.
