What message will be sent by Windows when you press "Windows+D" - windows

I used SPY++ to hook my windows message, but there is no WM_SYSCOMMAND message was sent when I pressed "Windows+D". What message will be sent by Windows when you press "Windows+D"?

Your application will not get a window message at all. Win+D is a hotkey registered by Explorer.exe (the shell program that's responsible for showing the taskbar, desktop icons, etc.).
It simply uses RegisterHotKey and it will receive a window message when you press WIN+D and will then take care of the whole show/hide thing.
Note you can register your own WIN+x hotkeys using said function but you're not supposed to and will run into problems - unless you were replacing Explorer.exe or such.

I don't think that this is a Window-Message at all...this is most likely handled by the kernel itself.

"Windows+D" is a hotkey combination.
Perhaps you can catch it as a WM_HOTKEY message.
You can register your own hotkeys, if you want, with the RegisterHotKey function.

Windows+D is a system wide hotkey and is reserved for use by operating system.
Hotkeys with MOD_WIN can not be registered by RegisterHotKey API or received by WM_HOTKEY message


SetWindowsHookEx(WH_SHELL, ...): What is the meaning of event HSHELL_WINDOWREPLACED?

If I register a hook via SetWindowsHookEx(WH_SHELL, ShellProc, ...), what is the meaning of event HSHELL_WINDOWREPLACED? (My Google-fu fails me. I have searched high and low!)
Win32 Docs:
SetWindowsHookEx(): https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-setwindowshookexw
ShellProc (callback): https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winmsg/shellproc
The offical docs read: A top-level window is being replaced. Weirdly, they also say: Windows 2000: Not supported. Does that mean only supported before or after Win2K?
I created a test driver to watch a Microsoft Windows session, but I was never able to trigger this mysterious event.
I also found a similar event here:
RegisterShellHookWindow: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-registershellhookwindow
... that says:
HSHELL_WINDOWREPLACING: A handle to the window replacing the top-level window.
HSHELL_WINDOWREPLACED: A handle to the window being replaced.
How can I be notified when a new window is created on Win32?
In this instance, the term "replace" refers to the occasions when a window stops responding to messages ("hangs") and, after a certain period, Windows hides it and replaces it on-screen with a faded-out copy (called a "ghost window").
Windows does this so that, even when the app is not processing messages, the user can interact with the ghost window to move it around and try to close it.
The wParam value is the handle of the hung window (the one being replaced) and the lParam value is the handle of the ghost window (its replacement).
If the window starts responding again, the notification is sent again, with the window handles swapped around.

Why does Spy++ fail with console windows

I was attempting to verify that messages were being sent to my window using Spy++ (running Windows 7), but I mistakingly tried to spy on a console window that my program was using for debug output. Spy++ promptly notified me that "The specified window cannot be spied upon. Windows will not allow access to the message stream for this window."
While Spy++ does correctly gather other information about the window (e.x. name, style, class name), it cannot process the message queue. Why is this? And, out of morbid curiosity, is there a way to prevent Spy++ from accessing the message queue of my own custom window using the Windows API?
While Spy++ does correctly gather other information about the window (e.x. name, style, class name), it cannot process the message queue. Why is this?
The console window belongs to the CSRSS process, not the CMD.EXE process. CSRSS is a critical system service that is protected and cannot be hooked without special debug privileges.
"When a user-mode process calls a function involving console windows, process/thread creation, or side-by-side support, instead of issuing a system call, the Win32 libraries (kernel32.dll, user32.dll, gdi32.dll) send an inter-process call to the CSRSS process which does most of the actual work without compromising the kernel."
And, out of morbid curiosity, is there a way to prevent Spy++ from accessing the message queue of my own custom window using the Windows API?
Typically, no. Unless you manage to run your window in a protected system process.
So, I discovered this myself recently, I created a console .NET application which launches a process using CMD.EXE and I ran into an issue with some Win32 interop around the keyboard. So I broke out the previously trusty Spy++ utility to see what was happening to find that I was completely unable to monitor the message queue for my application from it.
So as per the op's question:
"Is there a way to prevent Spy++ from accessing the message queue of my own custom window using the Windows API?"
There is a list of restricted windows classes baked into Spy++:
SpyxxHk (presumably it's own hooking class),
#32768 (Context Menu),
#32769 (the Desktop),
ttyGrab ,
ConsoleWindowClass (Command Prompt)
So, if you in any way tie your app to these classes Spy++ will display that block message when attempting to watch their messages, of course this may not prove useful since it only restricts those classes.
Referring to MS documentation:
"For out-of-context events, the event is delivered on the same thread that called SetWinEventHook. In some situations, even if you request WINEVENT_INCONTEXT events, the events will still be delivered out-of-context. These scenarios include events from console windows and events from processes that have a different bit-depth (64 bit versus 32 bits)"
Suggests it is possible to get console window events.

WH_KEYBOARD_LL hook doesn't capture input in own process

I'm using a low-level keyboard hook (WH_KEYBOARD_LL) to disable certain input, such as Alt-Tab. I create the hook on a thread with a message pump, so I can properly handle the notifications.
The hook's callback function is able to process keyboard events whenever I'm not focused in the window that created the hook (i.e. my main window), but as soon as I activate that window, no events show up in the hook until I deactivate the window again and the input instead propagates to the window's WindowProc.
Does anybody have any clue what's going on here?
UPDATE: So, it turns out this behavior is caused by also registering for raw input in the same process. Apparently, using raw input causes my low-level keyboard hook to be disabled whenever my process’s window is focused. Does anybody know why and how to work around this?
Windows doesn't call low-level keyboard hooks if the most recently registered hook (aka the first hook to be executed) comes from a process that registered itself for raw keyboard events.
So a workaround is to create a second low-level keyboard hook in another process afterwards. Yes, this will cause both low-level keyboard hooks to be executed even when the focus is on a window from the first process.
Bad for performance, and who knows what Windows will bodge next - so I'm not really endorsing it - but it works.

How to detect KeyPress while program is running in background in Win32 C++

I got a program that whenever I minimize it, it goes to the system tray.
i want to know is this:
a) how could i detect a key press while my program is in the system tray.
b) how could I know what they press in the keyboard specifically the function buttons.
You need to set up a keyboard hook using SetWindowsHookEx(). Look at the WH_KEYBOARD and WH_KEYBOARD_LL hooks.
If you know exactly what keystroke you're expecting, you can use RegisterHotkey and Windows will send you a message when that key is pressed.
If you want to detect all keystrokes, #OJ's answer will work.

How do I send key strokes to a window without having to activate it using Windows API?

I have made an application already that sends commands to an activated window. I want to be able to use the computer while my process is running because as soon as I switch focus to another window the key strokes being sent via send keys will go to the window I just switched to.
Currently I use FindWindow, IsIconic, and ShowWindow from the Windows API. I have to check to see if the window is there with FindWindow and set my object to the specific window that is returned with that call, I then check if it's minimized with IsIconic and call ShowWindow if it is, and then finally I have to call Interaction.AppActivate to set focus to that window. All of this is done before I even send key strokes. Seems like there should be a way to just send key strokes without having to show the window and activate it. The big thing is while my application is running the key strokes I can't do anything on my computer.
Alright, this is kind of disappointing I'm sure, but you fundamentally cannot do this with 100% reliability.
Windows assumes that the active window is the one getting keyboard input. The proper way to fake keyboard input is with SendInput, and you'll notice that it sends messages to the active window only.
That being said, you can SendMessage WM_KEYUP, WM_CHAR, and WM_KEYDOWN messages and (depending on the WndProc receiving them) maybe get away with it. But remember, its going to break under some circumstances, period.
Sounds like you are using keybd_event() or SendInput(), which both send keystrokes to the currently active window. To direct keystrokes to a specific window, regardless of whether that widnow is focused or not, you need to find its HWND handle first, and then post appropriately-formatted WM_KEYUP/DOWN and WM_CHAR messages directly to it.
once you have the windows HWND, you can directly SendMessage() the WM_KEYDOWN and WM_KEYUP messages to its message queue. The window does not have to be active.
However, understand that this depends on how the target application processes keyboard input. There are several different ways to handle it.
WM_KEYUP/WM_KEYDOWN is most common and some applications only process one or the other (usually WM_KEYDOWN).
WM_CHAR is also fairly common
Some programs use GetAsyncKeyState, GetKeyState, or GetKeyboardState. This is extremely unusual, but effectively prevents keypress injection with SendMessage(). If this is the case fall back to keybd_event() which is directly handled by the keyboard driver. Of course the window will have to be active
