Xcode code generation [closed] - xcode

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I was wondering if there is a tool (automator script or a third party) to generate code for simple scenarios like add another property. I don't like going to two or three places and write the same thing over and over again. instead I want to say "I want a new property of type int with name X" and it generates the lines in .h and .m files for me in one go.

I haven't actually used either, but xobjc is free (though requires you to do some code annotations) and Accessorizer looks interesting if somewhat complicated to setup.


Is it possible to Generated QR code fit it on word file by using Laravel? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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In my project after generate QR code fit it on a word file. I'm searching for that solution!
You can create QR Codes and print them using the following package, other packages also exist but this package is better.
And with the PHPWord package, you can get the print of your QR Code as a word file.

How to validate a raw Zebra Programming Language (ZPL) file with a regular expression? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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When receiving ZPL raw labels (text files) from a third party, I would like to run a regular expression on them to validate them.
Rather than a 100% strict validation, I am mostly looking to avoid sending to the printer obviously wrong files, such as completely unrelated text files, or binary files.
I am not familiar enough with ZPL/ZPL-II and I would prefer to use an existing resource for that. Would you know if one exists?
I've never heard of one. But it wouldn't be too hard to validate. ZPL is pretty straightforward, especially if there's a very defined set that you send to your printer...
The ZPL command characters are ~ for immediate commands an ^ for formatting commands.
Label formats must begin with a ^XA and end with a ^XZ.
Download commands typically begin with a ~D<something>, like ~DY, ~DG, ~DT, ~DC etc.
There are a couple status commands like ~HI and ~HS
There may be a couple other edge cases, but these are the most common commands.

Converting a Protocol Buffer to a POJO [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Is there a tool or library that can map a Protobuff object to a POJO. I would like to have the pojo implement other interfaces that I can not with the ProtoBuff object. Or would I have to manually do this conversion?
Maybe too late, but you can try protobuf-converter library. It is easy to use.
Convert POJO object to related protobuf message:
POJOClass pojoInstance = new POJOClass();
ProtobufClass protoInstance = Converter.create().toProtobuf(ProtobufClass.class, pojoInstance );
Code for backward conversion:
POJOClass pojoInstance = Converter.create().toDomain(POJOClass.class, protoInstance);
Take a look at ProtoStuff.
I think it will do what you want.
I believe that you will want to use the "java-bean" compiler.
Edit: Changed the link.
I guess it is too late, but it might help others.
You may use https://gitlab.com/protobuf-tools/proto_domain_converter
It is very similar to protobuf-converter but I'm actively maintaining it, it has better performance, supports map type and polymorphism (oneof).

Ruby - Songkick api - Need help with events.location() query [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm using this Songkick wrapper and it works for getting grabbing events by artist like so:
sk.events(:artist_name => "Balimurphy")
But I'm having trouble grabbing events by location. Songkick is expecting the query to look like this
I'm having trouble finding the right syntax to pass lng=-73.5833, lat=45.5. Here are some variations I've tried:
sk.events(:location => :geo=>{:lng=>"-73.5833", :lat=>"45.5"})
sk.events(:location => {:geo=>lng=-73.5833, lat=45.5})
sk.events(:location => "geo=-73.5833,45.5")
Any ideas?
Where can I find documentation that might cover this?
I've been looking through the following 3 sources:
and I think you need to change your last attempt to
sk.events(:location => "geo:-73.5833,45.5") # geo:
One example on the songkick page has location=ip: This makes me think that it for location, it wants location=type:data.
I assume that the hash you pass gets turned into key=value (just looking at the songkick page and your working example).
Therefore, you would want your value to be "geo:-73.5833,45.5" and your key to be "location".
I hope this works for you!

How do I add existing comments to RDoc in Ruby? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to format my existing comments as 'RDoc comments' so they can be viewed using ri.
What are some recommended resources for starting out using RDoc?
A few things that have bitten me:
:main: -- RDoc uses only the last one evaluated; best to make sure there's only one in your project and you don't also use the --main command-line argument.
same as previous, but for :title:
:section: doesn't work very well
RDoc uses SimpleMarkup so it's fairly simple to create lists, etc. using *, - or a number. It also treats lines that are indented at the same column number as part of the same paragraph until there is an empty line which signifies a new paragraph. Do you have a few examples of comments you want RDoc'ed so we could show you how to do them and then you could extrapolate that for the rest of your comments?
