Real average filesize in a set of files - filesize

I have an apparently "simple" problem but I can't find the solution for some reason...
I have n millions files of different sizes and I want to find the average filesize.
To simplify it, I grouped them in multiples of 16KB.
< 16 KB = 18689546 files
< 32 KB = 1365713 files
< 48 KB = 1168186 files
Of course, the simple (total_size / number of files) does not work. It gives an average of 291KB...
What would be the algorithm to calculate the real average...?

You might be running into a problem with overruns when summing the file sizes (the total size probably doesn't fit into a 32-bit value). The easiest fix might be to try using a 64-bit int for the variable that's holding the sum.


Octave - out of memory or dimension too large for Octave's index type

I'm aware of the fact that there are 3 questions with a similar exception message. Unfortunately none of the questions is answered and the comments could not solve my problem.
I use Octave 4.2.1 in the 64 bit version on a Windows 10 System with 16 GB RAM in total and ~11 GB free during runtime.
When i try to multiply a 60000 x 10 matrix with a 10 x 60000 matrix Octave comes up with the following exception:
error: out of memory or dimension too large for Octave's index type
This multiplication would result in a 60000 x 60000 matrix and therefore should not be a problem for a 64 bit index.
I can't even do zeros(60000,60000);
I don't get what i am doing wrong. Could someone point me into the right direction?
As is often the case, this error is often misinterpreted (maybe we should address this as a bug on the octave tracker already ;) )
>> 60000*60000
ans = 3.6000e+09
>> intmax
ans = 2147483647
>> 60000*60000 > intmax
ans = 1
I.e. the number of elements of the resulting 60000x60000 matrix is larger than the maximum integer representation supported by the system, therefore there is no way to linearly index such a matrix using an integer index.
Also, in order to use actual 64-bit indexing, you need to compile octave in that manner, as this tends not to be the default, but unfortunately that's not as straightforward as you might wish, as you'll have to use the respective 64-bit supporting libraries as well. More on that here.
Having said that, it may well be possible to make use of sparse matrices instead if your matrices are indeed sparse in nature. If not, you're essentially using 'big data', and you need to find workarounds, such as blockprocessing / mapping large arrays to files etc. It's worth reading up on common "big data" techniques. Unfortunately octave does not seem to support matlab's memmapfile command just yet, but you can simulate this using fwrite / fread / fseek appropriately to read appropriate ranges from a file.

Why are my nested for loops taking so long to compute?

I have a code that generates all of the possible combinations of 4 integers between 0 and 36.
This will be 37^4 numbers = 1874161.
My code is written in MATLAB:
for a = 0:36
for b= 0:36
for c = 0:36
for d = 0:36
combination(i,:) = [a,b,c,d];
I've tested this with using the number 3 instead of the number 36 and it worked fine.
If there are 1874161 combinations, and with An overly cautions guess of 100 clock cycles to do the additions and write the values, then if I have a 2.3GHz PC, this is:
1874161 * (1/2300000000) * 100 = 0.08148526086
A fraction of a second. But It has been running for about half an hour so far.
I did receive a warning that combination changes size every loop iteration, consider predefining its size for speed, but this can't effect it that much can it?
As #horchler suggested you need to preallocate the target array
This is because your program is not O(N^4) without preallocation. Each time you add new line to array it need to be resized, so new bigger array is created (as matlab do not know how big array it will be it probably increase only by 1 item) and then old array is copied into it and lastly old array is deleted. So when you have 10 items in array and adding 11th, then a copying of 10 items is added to iteration ... if I am not mistaken that leads to something like O(N^12) which is massively more huge
estimated as (N^4)*(1+2+3+...+N^4)=((N^4)^3)/2
Also the reallocation process is increasing in size breaching CACHE barriers slowing down even more with increasing i above each CACHE size barrier.
The only solution to this without preallocation is to store the result in linked list
Not sure Matlab has this option but that will need one/two pointer per item (32/64 bit value) which renders your array 2+ times bigger.
If you need even more speed then there are ways (probably not for Matlab):
use multi-threading for array filling is fully parallelisable
use memory block copy (rep movsd) or DMA the data is periodically repeating
You can also consider to compute the value from i on the run instead of remember the whole array, depending on the usage it can be faster in some cases...

J Language: Reading large 2D matrix

I'm a J newbie, and am trying to import one of my large datasets for further experimentation. It is a 2D matrix of doubles, approximately 80000x50000. So far, I have found two different methods to load data into J.
The first is to convert the data into J format (replacing negatives with underscores, putting exponential notation numbers into J format, etc) and then load with (adapted from J: Handy method to enter a matrix?):
(".;._2) fread 'path/to/file'
The second method is to use tables/dsv.
I am experiencing the same problem with both methods: namely, that these methods work with small matrices, but fail at approximately 10M values. It seems the input just gets truncated to some arbitrary limit. How can I load matrices of arbitrary size? If I have to convert to some binary format, that's OK, as long as there is a description of the format somewhere.
I should add that this is a 64-bit system and build of J, and I can successfully create a matrix of random numbers of the appropriate size, so it doesn't seem to be a limitation on matrix size per se but only during I/O.
EDIT: I did not find what exactly was causing this, but thanks to Dane, I did find a workaround by using JMF ( 'data/jmf' package). It turns out that JMF is just straight binary data with no header and native (?) or little-endian data can be mapped directly with JFL map_jmf_ 'x';'whatever.bin'
You're running out of memory. A quick test to see how much space integers take up yields the following:
7!:2 'i. 80000 5000'
That is, an 80,000 by 5,000 matrix of integers requires 8 GB of memory. Your 80,000 by 50,000 matrix, if it were of integers, would require approximately 80 GB of memory.
Your next question should be about performing array or matrix operations on a matrix too big to load into memory.

Compress many numbers into a string

I was wondering if there's a way to compress 20 or so large numbers (~10^8) into a string of a reasonable length. For instance, if the numbers were stored as hex and concatenated, it'd be at least 160 characters long. I wonder if there's a smart way to compress the numbers in and get them back out. I was thinking about having a sequence 0-9 as reference and let one part of the input string be a number <1024. That number is to be converted to binary, which serves as a mask, i.e. indicating which digits exist in the number. It's still not clear where to go on from here.
Are there any better alternatives?
If these large numbers are of the same size in bytes, and if you always know the count of those numbers, there is an easy way to do it. You simply Have an array of your bytes, and instead of reading them out as integers, you read them out as characters. Are you trying to obfuscate your values or just pack them to be easily transferred?
When I'm compacting a lot of values into one, reversible String, I usually go with base 64 conversion. This can really cut off quite a lot of the length from a String, but note that it may take up just as much memory in representing it.
This number in decimal:
is the following in Base 64:
Why you can't do this too an extreme level
Think about it for a second. Let's say you've got a number of length 10. And you want to represent that number with 5 characters, so a 50% rate compression scheme. First, we work out how many possible numbers you can represent with 10 digits.. which is..
2^10 = 1024
Okay, that's fine. How many numbers can we express with 5 digits:
2^5 = 32
So, you can only display 32 different numbers with 5 bits, whereas you can display 1024 numbers with 10 bits. For compression to work, there needs to be some mapping between the compressed value and the extracted value. Let's try and make that mapping happen..
Normal - Compressed
0 0
1 1
2 2
.. ...
31 31
32 ??
33 ??
34 ??
... ...
1023 ??
There is no mapping for most of the numbers that can be represented by the expanded value.
This is known as the Pigeonhole Principle and in this example our value for n is greater than our value for m, hence we need to map values from our compressed values to more than one normal value, which makes things incredibly complex. (thankyou Oli for reminding me).
You need to be much more descriptive about what you mean by "string" and "~10^8". Can your "string" contain any sequence of bytes? Or is it restricted to a subset of possible bytes? If so, how exactly is it restricted? What are the limits on your "large numbers"? What do they represent?
Numbers up to 108 can be represented in 27 bits. 20 of them would be 540 bits, which could be stored in a string of 68 bytes, if any sequence of bytes is permitted. If the contents of a string are limited, it will take more bits. If your range of numbers is larger, it will take more bits.
store all numbers as strings to a marisa trie:
Base64 the resulting trie dictionary
It depends of course a lot on your input. But it is a possibility to build a (very) compact representation this way.

How would you sort 1 million 32-bit integers in 2MB of RAM?

Please, provide code examples in a language of your choice.
No constraints set on external storage.
Example: Integers are received/sent via network. There is a sufficient space on local disk for intermediate results.
Split the problem into pieces small enough to fit into available memory, then use merge sort to combine them.
Sorting a million 32-bit integers in 2MB of RAM using Python by Guido van Rossum
1 million 32-bit integers = 4 MB of memory.
You should sort them using some algorithm that uses external storage. Mergesort, for example.
You need to provide more information. What extra storage is available? Where are you supposed to store the result?
Otherwise, the most general answer:
1. load the fist half of data into memory (2MB), sort it by any method, output it to file.
2. load the second half of data into memory (2MB), sort it by any method, keep it in memory.
3. use merge algorithm to merge the two sorted halves and output the complete sorted data set to a file.
This wikipedia article on External Sorting have some useful information.
Dual tournament sort with polyphased merge
#!/usr/bin/env python
import random
from sort import Pickle, Polyphase
nrecords = 1000000
available_memory = 2000000 # number of bytes
#NOTE: it doesn't count memory required by Python interpreter
record_size = 24 # (20 + 4) number of bytes per element in a Python list
heap_size = available_memory / record_size
p = Polyphase(compare=lambda x,y: cmp(y, x), # descending order
max_files=4 * (nrecords / heap_size + 1))
# put records
maxel = 1000000000
for _ in xrange(nrecords):
# get sorted records
last = maxel
for n, el in enumerate(p.get_all()):
if el > last: # elements must be in descending order
print "not sorted %d: %d %d" % (n, el ,last)
last = el
assert nrecords == (n + 1) # check all records read
Um, store them all in a file.
Memory map the file (you said there was only 2M of RAM; let's assume the address space is large enough to memory map a file).
Sort them using the file backing store as if it were real memory now!
Here's a valid and fun solution.
Load half the numbers into memory. Heap sort them in place and write the output to a file. Repeat for the other half. Use external sort (basically a merge sort that takes file i/o into account) to merge the two files.
Make heap sort faster in the face of slow external storage:
Start constructing the heap before all the integers are in memory.
Start putting the integers back into the output file while heap sort is still extracting elements
As people above mention type int of 32bit 4 MB.
To fit as much "Number" as possible into as little of space as possible using the types int, short and char in C++. You could be slick(but have odd dirty code) by doing several types of casting to stuff things everywhere.
Here it is off the edge of my seat.
anything that is less than 2^8(0 - 255) gets stored as a char (1 byte data type)
anything that is less than 2^16(256 - 65535) and > 2^8 gets stored as a short ( 2 byte data type)
The rest of the values would be put into int. ( 4 byte data type)
You would want to specify where the char section starts and ends, where the short section starts and ends, and where the int section starts and ends.
No example, but Bucket Sort has relatively low complexity and is easy enough to implement
