Compress many numbers into a string - algorithm

I was wondering if there's a way to compress 20 or so large numbers (~10^8) into a string of a reasonable length. For instance, if the numbers were stored as hex and concatenated, it'd be at least 160 characters long. I wonder if there's a smart way to compress the numbers in and get them back out. I was thinking about having a sequence 0-9 as reference and let one part of the input string be a number <1024. That number is to be converted to binary, which serves as a mask, i.e. indicating which digits exist in the number. It's still not clear where to go on from here.
Are there any better alternatives?

If these large numbers are of the same size in bytes, and if you always know the count of those numbers, there is an easy way to do it. You simply Have an array of your bytes, and instead of reading them out as integers, you read them out as characters. Are you trying to obfuscate your values or just pack them to be easily transferred?

When I'm compacting a lot of values into one, reversible String, I usually go with base 64 conversion. This can really cut off quite a lot of the length from a String, but note that it may take up just as much memory in representing it.
This number in decimal:
is the following in Base 64:
Why you can't do this too an extreme level
Think about it for a second. Let's say you've got a number of length 10. And you want to represent that number with 5 characters, so a 50% rate compression scheme. First, we work out how many possible numbers you can represent with 10 digits.. which is..
2^10 = 1024
Okay, that's fine. How many numbers can we express with 5 digits:
2^5 = 32
So, you can only display 32 different numbers with 5 bits, whereas you can display 1024 numbers with 10 bits. For compression to work, there needs to be some mapping between the compressed value and the extracted value. Let's try and make that mapping happen..
Normal - Compressed
0 0
1 1
2 2
.. ...
31 31
32 ??
33 ??
34 ??
... ...
1023 ??
There is no mapping for most of the numbers that can be represented by the expanded value.
This is known as the Pigeonhole Principle and in this example our value for n is greater than our value for m, hence we need to map values from our compressed values to more than one normal value, which makes things incredibly complex. (thankyou Oli for reminding me).

You need to be much more descriptive about what you mean by "string" and "~10^8". Can your "string" contain any sequence of bytes? Or is it restricted to a subset of possible bytes? If so, how exactly is it restricted? What are the limits on your "large numbers"? What do they represent?
Numbers up to 108 can be represented in 27 bits. 20 of them would be 540 bits, which could be stored in a string of 68 bytes, if any sequence of bytes is permitted. If the contents of a string are limited, it will take more bits. If your range of numbers is larger, it will take more bits.

store all numbers as strings to a marisa trie:
Base64 the resulting trie dictionary
It depends of course a lot on your input. But it is a possibility to build a (very) compact representation this way.


Lossless compression of an ordered series of 29 digits (each 0 to 5 Likert scale)

I have a survey with 29 questions, each with a 5-point Likert scale (0=None of the time; 4=Most of the time). I'd like to compress the total set of responses to a small number of alpha or alphanumeric characters, adding a check digit to the end.
So, the set of responses 00101244231023110242231421211 would get turned into something like A2CR7HW4. This output would be part of a printout that a non-techie user would enter on a website as a shortcut to entering the entire string. I'd want to avoid ambiguous characters, such as 0,O,D,I,l,5,S, leaving me with 21 or 22 characters to use (uppercase only). Alternatively, I could just stick with capital alpha only and use all 26 characters.
I'm thinking to convert each pair of digits to a letter (5^2=25, so the whole alphabet is adequate). That would reduce the sequence to 15 characters, which is still longish to type without errors.
Any other suggestions on how to minimize the length of the output?
EDIT: BTW, for context, the survey asks 29 questions about mental health symptoms, generating a predictive risk for 4 psychiatric conditions. Need a code representing all responses.
If the five answers are all equally likely, then the best you can do is ceiling(29 * log(5) / log(n)) symbols, where n is the number of symbols in your alphabet. (The base of the logarithm doesn't matter, so long as they're both the same.)
So for your 22 symbols, the best you can do is 16. For 26 symbols, the best is 15, as you described for 25. If you use 49 characters (e.g. some subset of the upper and lower case characters and the digits), you can get down to 12. The best you'll be able to do with printable ASCII characters would be 11, using 70 of the 94 characters.
The only way to make it smaller would be if the responses are not all equally likely and are heavily skewed. Though if that's the case, then there's probably something wrong with the survey.
First, choose a set of permissible characters, i.e.
characters = "ABC..."
Then, prefix the input-digits with a 1 and interpret it as a quinary number:
Now, convert this quinary number to a number in base-"strlen(characters)", i.e. base26 if 26 characters are to be used:
02 23 18 12 10 24 04 19 00 15 14 20 00 03 17
Then, use these numbers as index in "characters", and you have your encoding:
For decoding, just reverse the steps.
Are you doing this in a specific language?
If you want to be really thrifty about it you might want to consider encoding the data at bit level.
Since there are only 5 possible answers per question you could do this with only 3 bits:
Your end result would be a string of bits, at 3-bits per answer so a total of 87 bits or 10 and a bit bytes.
EDIT - misread the question slightly, there are 5 possible answers not 4, my mistake.
The only problem now is that for 4 of your 5 answers you're wasting a ain't gonna benefit much from going to this much trouble I wouldn't say but it's worth considering.
I've been playing about with it and it's difficult to work out a mechanism that allows you to use both 2 and 3 bit values.
Since your output would be a 97 bit binary value you'd need ot be able make the distinction between 2 and 3 bits values when converting back to the original values.
If you're working with a larger number of values there are some methods you could use, like having a reserved bit for each values that can be used to sort of type a value and give it some meaning. But working with so few bits as it is, it's hard to shave anything off.
Your output at 97 bits could be padded out to 128 bits, which would give you 4 32-bit values if you wanted to simplify it. this 128 bit value would be like a unique fingerprint representing a specific set of answers. There are many ways you can represnt 128 bits.
But in the end borking at bit-level is about as good as it gets when it comes to actual compression and encoding of data...if you can express 5 unique values in less than 3 bits I'd be suitably impressed.

encoding most efficient way 64 character sequence for lesser writing time to memory

The problem is as follows: Given a 64 charater sequences which is built from the english alphabet having 26 charcaters therefore just case characters, the occurrence distribution is such that any character has an equal chance of occurring at a given time.
Due to the fact that I have some computation which needs to be done with regards to the sequences, which requires writing to a text files, since the amount of sequences goes beyond a given ram. I thought of encoding a sequence such that I would be able to have lesser amount of bytes to write to a text file per given sequence.
With such reasoning I thought of the L-Z which would allow me to go down to 40 bytes. Is there any way by which i can go lower to encode a 64 character sequence?
With a large(-ish) lookup table you could encode each of the possible 26^64 character sequences in 301 (actually 300.8281==log2(26^64)) bits. This is slightly less than the 320 bits your straightforward compression would use. It is also the theoretical minimum given that any of the 26 characters occurs with equal probability.
Since you could derive the lookup table at any time you don't even need to store it. I suppose the bits used to represent the functions to encode a character string into a 301-bit integer and vice-versa ought to be counted into your compression ratio.
This is, of course, a long-winded restatement of #lhf's comment.

Encode an array of integers to a short string

I want to compress an array of non-negative integers of non-fixed length (but it should be 300 to 400), containing mostly 0's, some 1's, a few 2's. Although unlikely, it is also possible to have bigger numbers.
For example, here is an array of 360 elements:
The goal is to compress an array like this, into a shortest possible encoding using letters and numbers. Ideally, something like: sd58x7y
What I've tried:
I tried to use "delta encoding", and use zeroes to denote any value higher than 1. For example: {0,0,1,0,0,0,2,0,1} would be denoted as: 2,3,0,1. To decode it, one would read from left to right, and write down "2 zeroes, one, 3 zeroes, one, 0 zeroes, one (this would add to the previous one, and thus have a two), 1 zero, one".
To eliminate the need of delimiters (commas) and thus saves more space, I tried to use only one alphanumerical character to denote delta values of 0 to 35 (using 0 to y), while leaving letter z as "35 PLUS the next character". I think this is called "variable bit" or something like that. For example, if there are 40 zeroes in a row, I'd encode it as "z5".
That's as far as I got... the resultant string is still very long (it would be about 20 characters long in the above example). I would ideally want something like, 8 characters or even shorter. Thanks for your time; any help or inspiration would be greatly appreciated!
Since your example contains long runs of zeroes, your first step (which it appears you have already taken) could be to use run-lenth encoding (RLE) to compress them. The output from this step would be a list of integers, starting with a run-length count of zeroes, then alternating between that and the non-zero values. (a zero-run-length of 0 will indicate successive non-zero values...)
Second, you can encode your integers in a small number of bits, using a class of methods called universal codes. These methods generally compress small integers using a smaller number of bits than larger integers, and also provide the ability to encode integers of any size (which is pretty spiffy...). You can tune the encoding to improve compression based on the exact distribution you expect.
You may also want to look into how JPEG-style encoding works. After DCT and quantization, the JPEG entropy encoding problem seems similar to yours.
Finally, if you want to go for maximum compression, you might want to look up arithmetic encoding, which can compress your data arbitrarily close to the statistical minimum entropy.
The above links explain how to compress to a stream of raw bits. In order to convert them to a string of letters and numbers, you will need to add another encoding step, which converts the raw bits to such a string. As one commenter points out, you may want to look into base64 representation; or (for maximum efficiency with whatever alphabet is available) you could try using arithmetic compression "in reverse".
Additional notes on compression in general: the "shortest possible encoding" depends greatly on the exact properties of your data source. Effectively, any given compression technique describes a statistical model of the kind of data it compresses best.
Also, once you set up an encoding based on the kind of data you expect, if you try to use it on data unlike the kind you expect, the result may be an expansion, rather than a compression. You can limit this expansion by providing an alternative, uncompressed format, to be used in such cases...
In your data you have:
14 1s (3.89% of data)
4 2s (1.11%)
1 3s, 4s and 5s (0.28%)
339 0s (94.17%)
Assuming that your numbers are not independent of each other and you do not have any other information, the total entropy of your data is 0.407 bits per number, that is 146.4212 bits overall (18.3 bytes). So it is impossible to encode in 8 bytes.

Sorting 100 unique numbers by using 40bytes of memory

I've been asked a good programming problem:
In the input I've got 100 unique numbers from 0-255(1 byte). I can only read one number at a time and only once. I've got 40 bytes of memory which I can use. The goal is to sort all numbers and print them in the output. I know for sure that the uniqueness of the numbers is very important.
Any ideas?
32 bytes give you 256 bits, just enough to maintain a bit map of which of the 256 possible byte values are seen in the input. One additional byte is used to store the input value. Read each value, mark it in the bitmap, then discard. Once you've read all 100 input values, simply write out the value associated with the bits you set in the bit map.
Then ask what you are supposed to do with the other 7 bytes :)
Since your numbers are unique and they are only 1-byte long, they have to be within 0 to 255. Treat your 40 bytes of storage as a long bit vector. As you read each number, set the appropriate bit in this 320-bit bit-vector. When you're done reading the input, turn around and scan through this bit-vector, printing the number corresponding to each set bit.
In response to #JavaNewb, here is some more detail. First, since a byte contains 8 bits, it can assume only one of 256 possible values, namely, 0 through 255. Armed with this little factoid, you look at the 40-byte storage array you have. This array turns out to have 40 bytes * 8 bits/byte = 320 bits. Since the problem states that each of the 100 1-byte numbers are unique, you know that you will see a particular number (which can range from 0 through 255) at most once. Each time you see a number, you set the corresponding bit in the 40-byte array. For instance, if you encounter the number 50, you set bit number 2 in byte number 6. A number N corresponds to bit N%8 in byte N/8. You are guaranteed to never encounter a set bit in this array since that would imply the existence of duplicates in the 100 numbers. After you've read in all the numbers, you look at the 40-byte array. Each bit that is set in this array corresponds to one of the 100 numbers you read in. By traversing this 40-byte array from the 0th bit in the 0th byte all the way to the 7th bit in the 31st byte, you will by:
Capturing all the numbers that were read in
Observing them in a sorted order
All you have to do now is print the numbers corresponding to the set bits as you traverse the 40-byte array.

Decoding letters ('a' .. 'z') from a bit sequence without waste

I seek an algorithm that will let me represent an incoming sequence of bits as letters ('a' .. 'z' ), in a minimal matter such that the stream of bits can be regenerated from the letters, without ever holding the entire sequence in memory.
That is, given an external bit source (each read returns a practically random bit), and user input of a number of bits, I would like to print out the minimal number of characters that can represent those bits.
Ideally there should be a parameterization - how much memory versus maximum bits before some waste is necessary.
Efficiency Goal - The same number of characters as the base-26 representation of the bits.
If sufficient storage was present, store the entire sequence and use a big-integer MOD 26 operation.
Convert every 9 bits to 2 characters - This seems suboptimal, wasting 25% of information capacity of the letters output.
If you assign a different number of bits per letter, you should be able to exactly encode the bits in the twenty-six letters allowed without wasting any bits. (This is a lot like a Huffman code, only with a pre-built balanced tree.)
To encode bits into letters: Accumulate bits until you match exactly one of the bit codes in the lookup table. Output that letter, clear the bit buffer, and keep going.
To decode letters into bits: For each letter, output the bit sequence in the table.
Implementing in code is left as an exercise to the reader. (Or to me, if I get bored later.)
a 0000
b 0001
c 0010
d 0011
e 0100
f 0101
g 01100
h 01101
i 01110
j 01111
k 10000
l 10001
m 10010
n 10011
o 10100
p 10101
q 10110
r 10111
s 11000
t 11001
u 11010
v 11011
w 11100
x 11101
y 11110
z 11111
Convert each block of 47 bits to a base 26 number of 10 digits. This gives you more than 99.99% efficiency.
This method, as well as others like Huffman, needs a padding mechanism to support variable-length input. This introduces some inefficiency which is less significant with longer inputs.
At the end of the bit stream, append an extra 1 bit. This must be done in all cases, even when the length of the bit stream is a multiple of 47. Any high-order letters of "zero" value can be skipped in the last block of encoded output.
When decoding the letters, a truncated final block can be filled out with "zero" letters and converted to a 47-bit base 2 representation. The final 1 bit is not data, but marks the end of the bit stream.
Could Huffman coding be what you're looking for? It's a compression algorithm, which pretty much represents any information with a minimum of wasted bits.
Zero waste would be log_2(26) bits per letter. As pointed out earlier, you can get to 4.7 by reading 47 bits and converting them to 10 letters. However, you can get to 4.67 by converting every 14 bits into 3 characters. This has the advantage that it fits into an integer. If you have storage space and run time is important, you can create a lookup table with 17,576 entries mapping the possible 14 bits into 3 letters. Otherwise, you can do mod and div operations to compute the 3 letters.
number of letters number of bits bits/letter
1 4 4
2 9 4.5
3 14 4.67
4 18 4.5
5 23 4.6
6 28 4.67
7 32 4.57
8 37 4.63
9 42 4.67
10 47 4.7
Any solution you use is going to be space-inefficient because 26 is not a power of 2. As far as an algorithm goes, I'd rather use a lookup table than an on-the-fly calculation for each series of 9 bits. Your lookup table would 512 entries long.
If you want the binary footprint of each letter to have the same size, the optimal solution would be given by Arithmetic Encoding. However, it will not reach your goal of a mean representation of 4.5 bits/char. Given 26 different characters (not including space etc) 4.7 would be the best you can reach without using variable-length encoding (Huffman, for instance. See Jaegers's answer) or other compression algoritms.
A suboptimal, although simpler, solution could be to find a feasible number of characters to fit into a big integer. For instance, if you form a 32-bit integer out of every 6 charachter chunk (which is possible as 26^6 < 2^32), you use 5.33 bits/char. You can actually even fit 13 letters into a 64 bit integer (4.92 bits/char). This is quite close to the optimal solution, and still rather easy to implement. Using bigger ints than 64 bits can be tricky due to missing native support in many progamming languages.
If you want even better compression rates for text, you should definitely also look into dictionary-based compression algorithms, such as LZW or Deflate.
