How to handle multiple projects in a small team [closed] - project-management

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We just started to use scrum for our project management. We are a very small team (2 developers, 1 UI/Web-deisgner ) and we have a lot of running projects at once.
How do you handle having multiple projects running at once in the scrum model? Most of the time we have a main projects and some small ones. How do you combine multiple sprints efficiently?
edit: Don't be fixed on scrum. we are a small structure and very flexible with that. Scrum was just my starting point. If you have others systems that worked good for a or your small team i am totally open to any kind of input.

AFAIK the foundation of Scrum is that the team is involved in a single project at a time. Regardless of methodologies, task switching overhead makes it very inefficient to work on multiple projects "in parallel".
What you could do is to try to schedule the different projects into separate sprints, i.e. do a sprint dedicated entirely to project1, then the next sprint entirely on project2 etc. If the projects are of very different scope, you could consider varying the length of sprints, e.g. do a 3-week sprint on a large project, then maybe a 1 week sprint on a small one.
In pure Scrum the length of sprints is carved in stone indeed, but then again, IMO the point is not to get the "pure Scrum implementor" badge, rather a working real-life process for your team.
(disclaimer: I am not a Scrum master :-)
Update based on comment: I see your problem. You need to respond fast to small support (improvement / bug fix) requests from customers of other products, while still need to work on a bigger project in a predictable fashion.
One possibility would be to plan the sprints of the big project in Scrum, but "timebox" some of your time for incoming support tasks. E.g. if on the average you spend 5 days in each monthly sprint supporting other projects, you allocate 5 days' worth of resources (however you count time) for support in each sprint.
Another option may be to consider other methods, like Kanban, where there is no sprint or planning, instead the team works solely (or mainly) based on demand from customers.

You need 1 week sprints. 1 project only per sprint. It is a fallacy that you can deliver software faster by working on multiple projects at once. The bigger project may take several sprints to develop a release where as with your small ones, you may release after every sprint.
If your projects are for different POs / Clients it is even more important that you only work on one at a time; otherwise your priorities will almost always be in conflict.

How do you handle having multiple projects running at once in the scrum model? Most of the time we have a main projects and some small ones. How do you combine multiple sprints efficiently?
One option is to run multiple sprints in parallel and, even if it's not ideal, to be part of several teams (obviously not 100% dedicated). I'm not sure this would make sense in your context though, I'm not convinced running the small projects with Scrum adds value.
Another (maybe more appropriate) option would be to have an item in your product backlog for the work required by satellite projects/tasks and thus to allocate some time for them. If you need that time, burn it. And if not, just pick up some extra backlog items from the main project at the end of the sprint.

If you have a lot of small jobs which have to be done quickly then project management is not the right paradigm. What you are dealing with is operations management which, generally, involves well-defined tried-and-tested off-the-shelf work procedures. I suggest, therefore, that you separate, management-wise, those activities of yours which require project management and those which require operations management. If you do not have the work procedures defined (and tried and tested etc) yet, then you may have to set up a project to develop them (or to codify them if you want to think of them that way).
There is a big difference between the way in which software development projects are (or ought to be) run, and how, say, a help-desk runs. Just because you are a software developer experienced in the project-management paradigm (as I think most of us are) doesn't mean that it is the right approach for everything.
Once you've made the shift, you should find that you can continue to scrum-down (or whatever the term is) on your 1 or 2 projects, and turn the handles on the machine to deliver the rest.

Tricky. Your situation may not be a perfect match for Scrum but I think there are elements in Scrum that are applicable to you situation.
For example, the one thing that I find the most useful in Scrum is the Retrospectives since it is in those sessions where you improve the way you work. However in order to make the Retrospectives useful you need to measure the work you are doing to some set of items that you set out to do. So why not have something similar to sprints and do sprint planning for the items that you intend to do the next 1-2 weeks (shorter weeks seems to be more appropriate for your case). Do a daily Scrum meeting so that all three of you know what the others are up to and can fill in as appropriate. Then after the sprint you can sit down and think about how you can improve. If nothing else, the outcome of the Retrospectives will tell you if this worked for you or not.
I don't believe in trying to adapt a strict Scrum project scheme if that means running sprints in parallel or do shorter sprints with only one project at a time leaving the others untouched every other week.


Adding more structure to our development processes? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I work with a small team (4 developers) writing firmware and software for our custom hardware. I'm looking into better ways to organise the team and better define processes.
Our Current Setup
Developers are generally working on 2-3 projects at a time.
We have projects that work in an iterative sort of way, where a developer is in regular contact with the customer and features are slowly added and bugs fixed.
We also have projects with fixed delivery dates, and with long lead times, final hardware might appear only a few weeks before delivery. The fixed projects are usually small changes to an existing product or implementation and the work is somehow intermingled.
We are also moving from consulting to products, so we are occasionally adding features that we think will add value, at our own cost.
The Issues
We have a weekly meeting where proportions of time are allotted to each project. "Customer A wants to test feature X next week", so the required time is allotted. "Customer B is having issues with Y, could developer P drive down and take a look?", etc.
When we're busy, these plans are very loosely followed. Issues arise and lower priority stuff gets pushed back. Sometimes, priorities are not clear to developers so there is friction when priorities appear to change. The next week there will be a realisation that we're getting behind on project Z and we all pull-off some long days.
I'm told that this is all quite common for a small start-up in our industry, but I'm just looking for ways to limit the number of "pizza in the office" all-nighters.
Developers are generally working on 2-3 projects at a time.
Multitasking is incredibly inefficient. Switching the brain from one task to another requires time for the gears to change over.
When we're busy, these plans are very loosely followed.
Then why create plans at all?
Is it all possible to dedicate just one developer to one task / product / customer? So developer P is the only one who talks to customer B? (Certainly the developer would need to document exactly what he's doing in case he gets hit by a bus, but he should be recording issues and roadmaps anyway.)
The next week there will be a realisation that we're getting behind on project Z and we all pull-off some long days.
If there had been only one developer on project Z anyway, he wouldn't have been distracted by customer A's problems.
Don't think in terms of a pool of developers serving a pool of customers, think of one developer for a given customer. (This can make vacation planning a little tougher, but if you're constantly pulling all-nighters, you aren't spending enough time away from the office anyhow.)
I'm told that this is all quite common for a small start-up in our industry, but I'm just looking for ways to limit the number of "pizza in the office" all-nighters.
Aren't we all.
"Customer A wants to test feature X next week", so the required time is allotted.
Allotted by whom?
Do you create your own schedules? If not, the only response to management creating a schedule for you is all-nighters.
Realistic non-all-nighter schedules will bother management. Until you can prove that your customers want a better schedule with fewer all-nighters, there isn't much you can do.
The only way to reduce the all-nighters is to get stuff done sooner. But if the hardware doesn't arrive sooner, there isn't much you can do, is there?
Two thoughts: drive quality and improve estimates.
I work in a small software shop that produces a product. The most significant difference between us and other shops of a similar size I've worked in a is full time QA (now more than one). The value this person should bring on day one is not testing until the tests are written out. We use TestLink. There are several reasons for this approach:
Repeating tests to find regression bugs. You change something, what did it break?
Thinking through how to test functionality ahead of time - this is a cheek-by-jowl activity between developer and QA, and if it doesn't hurt, you're probably doing it wrong.
Having someone else test and validate your code is a Good Idea.
Put some structure around you estimation activity. Reuse a format, be it Excel, MS Project or something else (at least do it digitally). Do so, and you'll start to see patterns repeating around what you do building software. Generally speaking include time in your estimates for thinking about it (a.k.a. design), building, testing (QA), fixing and deployment. Also, read McConnell's book Software Estimation, use anything you think is worthwhile from it, it's a great book.
Poor quality means longer development cycles. Most effective step is QA, short of that unit tests. If it were a web app I'd also suggest something like Selenium, but you're dealing with hardware so not sure what can be done. Improving estimates means the ability to attempt forecasting when things will suck, which may not sound like much, but knowing ahead of time can be cathartic.
I suggest you follow the Scrum Framework. Create a Scrum Environment with an enterprise product. Have product Teams working on the features for their own individual products, which is a part of the combined enterprise product. If you have the resources have a production/issues support and infrastructure Scrum Team. If the issues are coming your way too quickly, have the infrastructure Team try following Kanban or Scrumban.
The Scrum Framework in itself will solve most of your problems if adopted properly.

Kanban as a Software Development Process in Practice [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Has anyone used the kanban method for software development management?
I am evaluating kanban as a technique and would be curious to hear from anyone who has actually applied it in practice as to how effective it is. I've seen questions like: is-anyone-using-kanban, kanban-vs-scrum, and apply-kanban-in-an-agile-team but they don't address my concerns.
What I'm interested in specifically is:
Does it actually offer the advantages is claims in terms of dynamically identifying bottlenecks?
Is it easy to execute in practice, or does it have logistical challenges that you need to manage?
Does it scale well to project teams with many parallel streams of work and many developers?
How does it compare to critical path analysis (as implemented in MS Project), how is it different?
What other benefits can be gained from applying kanban?
The Kanban method is foremost a catalyst for continuous process improvements. It’s not a quick fix or a fixed set of steps/practices. The method has a few foundational principles and core properties, as described in David J Andersons recent blog post, that can lead you the way to continuous process improvements.
To your questions:
The Kanban method in itself does not identify bottlenecks. When implementing work-in-progress limits to a process that creates stress on your process you will eventually create a pull system and then it becomes easier to identify bottlenecks in your process. Tools like a visual kanban board and Cumulative Flow Diagrams will help you identify the bottlenecks in the process.
If you apply the foundational principles and core properties and you have the stamina/patience/dedication it is not too hard. You need to manage the change process as with every organizational change but the Kanban Method is designed to make small and non-threatening changes.
Yes there are many documented cases of this.
The Kanban method does not identify a specific method for planning and projecting future deliveries. David J Anderson has a background in Theory of Constraints and uses TOC as a model in most of the writing I have read. I think the practical difference between using MS Project style big up front planning and the empirical based planning used in many kanban implementations is the big difference. When working with a project plan designed in MS Project in the beginning of a project you know very little of the actual problem domain and you make assumptions. Based on these assumptions you device a plan. A critical path is calculated based on these assumptions. With a stable kanban system and you use TOC as your model you plan “only” to have your constraint/bottleneck on the critical path. You take into account the historical variability of the work passing the constraint and you create buffers around you bottleneck with the appropriate risk you want to take. The thinking is that every hour lost at the bottleneck will be an hour lost for the whole system.
The main benefit of the Kanban Method is that it is a catalyst for continuous process improvements. It starts with what you got and makes non-threatening changes that sticks. Kanban is a method that is Made to Stick
In the article Applying Kanban to PC Deployment the Team has to account for the following equipment:
160 new PCs to be deployed
40 new laptops to be deployed
120 PCs and 10 laptops to be refreshed and redeployed
... we are exploring the use of Kanban to manage a short-term functional
project. This example focuses on using Kanban to create a transparent
process to track the flow of equipment through a number of complex
steps, without incurring additional costs for tracking software,
complex processes and training, or duplication of effort. Improved
uniformity or quality of the deployment process will also help improve
efficiencies in troubleshooting and repair times as well as ensure a
document-ably high level of conformance to software and licensing
The page above has also links to Kanban applied ...
to Tech Support
to PC Deployment (see Quote above)
to a Development Group
Challenges, Additional Concepts, and Wrapup
I also don't have a lot of experience with it, but I think I can offer some insight.
1 & 4: the main difference between Kanban boards and other techniques, like CPM, is that a Kanban board, in a correct implementation, forces you to impose work-in-progress limits. This creates a pull system, since new items are accepted by workers only when they have capacity. This differs from an MS project type project where tasks are assigned to workers before-hand (i.e. pushed).
It is much easier to identify a bottleneck in a pull system, because work items will be queuing up at some stage in the process. In a push system, work is pushed through the system (whether it is 'done done' or not), so its difficult to find bottlenecks.
Another advantage of a pull system is you can start to base work timelines on actual results (lead and cycle time), as opposed to prediction. Yes, the size and granularity of stories does affect this, but with techniques such as cumulative flow diagrams this becomes less important.
2: Most implementations are pretty simple, and therein lies some of the strength of the technique. I think if you're having problems with the logistics of the technique, you're doing it wrong. Have a look here for a nice 'kickstart example'.
Few definitions to focus on before jumping onto the differences:
Agile – A structured and iterative framework to track and manage projects. This approach is used in managing software development projects. It allows cross-functional teams to collaborate on users expectations.
Kanban – A framework which utilizes visualization technique, limiting the number of tasks to be taken in “Work in Progress” column. The segregation of a similar type of tasks can be done here. To simplify it, allocate colors to tasks using the swim lanes.
Scrum – The approach followed here is breaking down a complex task into simpler smaller manageable pieces which are easy to collaborate upon by the respective owners of the [scrum][1].
Similarities between Kanban and Scrum
Frameworks of agile methodologies
Used to track the progress of the project
Provide the team transparency in tracking the work progress
Make use of visualization
Differences between Kanban and Scrum
Roles – Scrum is dependent on the scrum owners and is worked upon by them respectively. Kanban is independent of cross-functional team members and parallel roles.
Release cycle – Scrum makes use of sprints whose duration varies from one week to two weeks. The user stories are then taken up for development, testing and bug fixes. Kanban does not follow any cycle and the process is continuous in nature.
Tracking parameters – Scrum makes use of velocity in planning upcoming sprints taking into account the complexity and number of user stories completed in the previous sprint. Kanban ensures limiting of user stories in “Work in Progress” column to avoid bottlenecks. It tracks the time taken to finish a task from the starting to the end.
The scope of improvement – Scrum does not encourage changes in ongoing sprints. Kanban is open to any changes before the completion of the project. It is flexible in nature.
Fit factor – Scrum is suitable for projects with clearly defined user stories. Acknowledgement on the same by the client for timely completion of the project makes it a fit. Kanban being flexible in nature allows variations in priorities on the basis of the current scenario.
Pick process – Scrum picks the entire batch of user stories from the product backlog for development. Kanban follows the maximum number of tasks allowed in the columns to maintain the sanity of the framework and to avoid bottlenecks.
Delivery – Scrum follows delivery based on sprint planning and prioritize based on the specifications given by the client.Kanban follows the continuous delivery model based on business needs.
The above points are easy to remember if you are able to visualize working on them. Ideally where the scrum follows a rather predefined set of principles. Kanban is backed up by the principle of flexibility. It allows you to track tasks that are of utmost importance for delivery.
I don't have specific experience with using Kanban in software but I am familiar with the practice from a manufacturing point of view, so I was curious as to the implementation. Reading your link, the thing that struck me as a possible hitch is what felt like an underlying assumption about the same-sized ness of the units of work (features, stories, whatever). While keeping things "story sized" is a good goal, there are often mixes of bigger and little stories floating around, and the small number constraints in their pipeline therefore seem artificial. If the goal is to highlight bottlenecks, I would think that stand ups and sprint planning and retrospectives will do that well enough. If the goal is to facilitate prioritization, I think that putting constraints on numbers of tasks by types wouldn't do that as well as simply ordering them top to bottom.
I guess I don't really see what value its adding; that being said, I don't see the harm in trying it and adopting whatever pieces work.
1. Does it actually offer the advantages is claims in terms of dynamically identifying bottlenecks?
This has been my experience. By setting your WIP limits to reflect available capacity, if there is work that needs to make use of that capacity but has to wait for it to become available then you will see it as the queue of work backs up ahead of the bottleneck. I have seen this happen when there is an overworked QA team with an upstream development team who keep producing even though there is no chance of it getting looked at by QA. The solution we took to this was to lend some of the developers to the QA team who then helped alleviate the bottleneck.
2. Is it easy to execute in practice, or does it have logistical challenges that you need to manage?
This will depend on many factors which will be specific to the context to which you are applying it. One of the great strengths of Kanban is it does not require an immediate 'all or nothing' change from how you are currently working. The chapter 'A Recipe for Success' in David Anderson's 'Kanban' book gives a great way of approaching the change, starting with 'Focus on Quality'
3. Does it scale well to project teams with many parallel streams of work and many developers?
In the project where I first used it we ended up with a team of seventeen developers and we had moved the QA team of four into our team too. We also had lots of external dependencies which we used Kanban to model.
4. How does it compare to critical path analysis (as implemented in MS Project), how is it different?
Pass as have never used
5. What other benefits can be gained from applying kanban?
There are many but the one I will call out is that it gives you metrics that are genuinely useful for discussing and steering the work, both with the team and with stakeholders and other people outside the team. Specifically the use of 'Throughput' and 'Cycle Time' help give you a probabilistic for cast of when work will get done.

Which are the advantages of splitting the developer's time between two projects? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have two projects, with identical priorities and work hours demand, and a single developer. Two possible approaches:
Deliver one project first.
Split the developer's time and deliver both later.
I can't see any reason why people would choose the second approach. But they do. Can you explain me why?
It seems to me that this decision often comes down to office politics. One business group doesn't want to feel any less important than another, especially with identical priorities set at the top. Regardless as to how many different ways you explain why doing both at the same time is a bad idea, it seems as though the politics get in the way.
To get the best product to the users, you need to prevent developer thrashing. When the developers are thrashing, the risk of defects and length of delivery times begin to increase exponentially.
Also, if you can put your business hat on, you can try to explain to them that right now, nobody is getting any value from what the completed products will deliver. It makes more sense for the business to get the best ROI product out the door first to begin recouping the investment ASAP, while the other project will start as soon as the first is finished.
Sometimes you need to just step away from the code you have been writing for 11 hours in order to stay maximally productive. After you have been staring at the minutiae of a system you have been implementing for a long time it can become difficult to see the forest for the trees, and that is when you start to make mistakes that are hard to un-make.
I think it is best to have 2-3 current projects; one main one and 1-2 other projects that aren't on such a strict timeline.
If both projects have the same priority for the company, one obvious reason is for project managers to give higher management the illusion that both of the projects are taken care of.
Consider that the two projects could belong to different customers (or be requested by different people from higher management).
No customer wants to be told to wait while a different customer's project is given priority.
"We'll leave the other one for later" is, a lot of times, not an acceptable answer, even though this leads to delays for both projects.
I believe this is related to the notion of "Perceived Responsiveness" in a software program. Even if something takes more time to do, it looks faster when it appears to be doing something, instead of idly waiting for some other stuff to complete.
It depends on the dependencies involved. If you have another dependency upon the project that can be fulfilled when the project is not 100% complete, then it may make sense to split the developer's time. For example, if your task is large, it may make sense to have the primary developer do a design, then move on to a second task while a teammember reviews the design the primary developer came up with.
Furthermore, deserializing developers from a single task can help to alleviate boredom. Yes, there is potentially significant loss in the context switch, but if it helps keep the dev sharp, it's worth it.
if you go by whats in the great and holy book 'peopleware', you should keep your programmer on one project at a time.
the main reason for this is that divided attention will reduce productivity.
unfortunately, because so many operational managements are good businessman rather then good managers, they may think that multitasking or working on both projects somehow means more things are getting done (which is impossible, a person can only physically exists in one stream of the space-time continuum at one time).
hope that helps :)
I think the number 1 reason from a management standpoint is for perceived progress. If you work on more than one project at the same time stakeholders are able to see progress immediately. If you hold one project off then the stakeholders of that project may not like that nothing is being worked on.
Working on more than 1 project also minimizes risks somewhat. For example if you work on one project first and that project takes longer than expected you could run into issues with the second project. Stakeholder also most likely want their project done now. Holding one off due to another project can make them reconsider going ahead with the project.
Depending on what the projects are you might be able to leverage work done in one for the other. If they are similar then doing both at the same time could be of benefit. If you do them in sequence only the subsequent projects can benefit from the previous ones.
Most often projects are not a constant stream of work. Sometimes developers are busy and sometimes not. If you only work on 1 project at a time a developer and other team members would likely be doing nothing while the more 'administrative' tasks are taking place. Managing the time over more than one project allows teams to get more done in a shorter timeframe.
As a developer I prefer working on multiple projects as long as the timelines are reasonable. As long as I'm not being asked to do both at the same time with no change in the schedule I am fine. Often if I'm stuck on one project I can work on the other. It depends on the projects though.
I'd personally prefer the former but management might want to see progress in both projects. You might also recognise inaccurate estimates earlier if you are doing some work on both, enabling you to inform the customer earlier.
So from a development perspective 1 is the best option but from a customer service point of view 2 is probably better.
It's managing your clients expectations; if you can tell both clients you are working on their project but it will take a little longer due to other projects then to say we are putting your project off till we finish this other project the client is going to jump ship and find someone that can start working on their project now.
It's a plaecbo effect - splitting a developer between two projects in the manner you've described gives people/"the business" the impression that work is being completed on both projects (at the same rate/cost/time), whilst in reality it's probably a lot more inefficient, since context switching and other considerations carries a cost (in time and effort).
On one hand, it can get the ball rolling on things like requirement clarifications and similar tasks (so the developer can switch to the alternate project when they are blocked) and it can also lead to early input from other business units/stakeholders etc.
Ultimately though, if you have one resource then you have a natural bottleneck.
The best thing you can do for that lone developer is to intercept people( from distracting that person), and try to carry some of the burdon around requirements, chasing clarifications and handling user feedback etc.
The only time I'd ever purposely pull a developer off their main project is if they would be an asset to the second project, and the second project was stalled for some reason. If allowing a developer to split a portion of their time could help jump-start a stalled project, I'd do that. This has happened to me with "expert" developers - the ones who have a lot more experience/specialized skills/etc.
That being said, I would try to keep the developer on two projects for as little time as possible, and bring them back to their "main" project. I prefer to allow people to focus on one task at a time. I feel that my job as a manager is to balance and shift people's priorities and focus - and developers should just develop as much as possible.
There are three real-life advantages of splitting developers' time between projects that cannot be ignored:
Specialisation: doing or consulting on work that requires similar specialised knowledge in both projects.
Consistency and knowledge sharing: bringing consistency into the way two separate products are built and work, spreading knowledge accross the company.
Better team utilisation: on a rare occasion when one of the projects is temporarily on hold waiting for some further input.
Splitting time between several projects is beneficial when it does not involve a significant change in context.
Having a developer to work single-handedly on multiple software development projects negates the benefit of specialisation (there isn't any in the case), consistency and knowledge sharing.
It leaves just the advantage of time utilisation, however if contexts differ significantly and there is no considerable overlap between projects the overhead of switching will very likely exceed any time saved.
Context switching is a very interesting beast: contrary to its name implying a discreet change the process is always gradual. There are various degrees of having context information in one’s head: 10% context (shallow), 90% (deep). It takes less time to shallow-switch as opposed to fully-switch; however there is a direct correlation between the amount of context loaded (concentration on the task) and output quality.
It’s possible to fill your time entirely working on multiple distinct projects relying on shallow-switching (to reduce the lead time), but the output quality will inevitably suffer. At some point it’s not only “non-functional” aspects of quality (system security, usability, performance) that will degrade, but also functional (system failing to accomplish its job, functional failures).
By splitting the time between two projects, you can reduce the risk of delaying one project because of another.
Let's assume the estimate for both projects is 3 months each. By doing it serially, one after the other, you should be able to deliver the first project after 3 months, the second project 3 months later (i.e. after 6 months). But, as things go in software development, chances are that the first project encounters some problems so it takes 12 months instead. Or, even worse, goes into the "in use, but never quite finished" purgatory. The second project starts late or even never!
By splitting resources, you avoid this problem. If everything goes well with the second project, you are able to deliver it after 6 months, no matter how well the first project does.
The real life situations where working on multiple projects can be an advantage is in the case where the spec is unclear (every time) and the customer is often unavailable for clarification. In those cases you can just switch to the other project.
This will cause some task switching and should be avoided in a perfect world, but then again...
This is basically my professional life in a nutshell :-)

I need this baby in a month - send me nine women!

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Under what circumstances - if any - does adding programmers to a team actually speed development of an already late project?
The exact circumstances are obviously very specific to your project ( e.g. development team, management style, process maturity, difficulty of the subject matter, etc.). In order to scope this a bit better so we can speak about it in anything but sweeping oversimplifications, I'm going to restate your question:
Under what circumstances, if any, can adding team members to a software development project that is running late result in a reduction in the actual ship date with a level of quality equal to that if the existing team were allow to work until completion?
There are a number of things that I think are necessary, but not sufficient, for this to occur (in no particular order):
The proposed individuals to be added to the project must have:
At least a reasonable understanding of the problem domain of the project
Be proficient in the language of the project and the specific technologies that they would use for the tasks they would be given
Their proficiency must /not/ be much less or much greater than the weakest or strongest existing member respectively. Weak members will drain your existing staff with tertiary problems while a new person who is too strong will disrupt the team with how everything they have done and are doing is wrong.
Have good communication skills
Be highly motivated (e.g. be able to work independently without prodding)
The existing team members must have:
Excellent communication skills
Excellent time management skills
The project lead/management must have:
Good prioritization and resource allocation abilities
A high level of respect from the existing team members
Excellent communication skills
The project must have:
A good, completed, and documented software design specification
Good documentation of things already implemented
A modular design to allow clear chunks of responsibility to be carved out
Sufficient automated processes for quality assurance for the required defect level These might include such things as: unit tests, regression tests, automated build deployments, etc.)
A bug/feature tracking system that is currently in-place and in-use by the team (e.g. trac, SourceForge, FogBugz, etc).
One of the first things that should be discussed is whether the ship date can be slipped, whether features can be cut, and if some combinations of the two will allow you to satisfy release with your existing staff. Many times its a couple features that are really hogging the resources of the team that won't deliver value equal to the investment. So give your project's priorities a serious review before anything else.
If the outcome of the above paragraph isn't sufficient, then visit the list above. If you caught the schedule slip early, the addition of the right team members at the right time may save the release. Unfortunately, the closer you get to your expected ship date, the more things can go wrong with adding people. At one point, you'll cross the "point of no return" where no amount of change (other than shipping the current development branch) can save your release.
I could go on and on but I think I hit the major points. Outside of the project and in terms of your career, the company's future success, etc. one of the things that you should definitely do is figure out why you were late, if anything could have been done alert you earlier, and what measures you need to take to prevent it in the future. A late project usually occurs because you were either:
Were late before you started (more
stuff than time) and/or
slipped 1hr, 1day at time.
Hope that helps!
It only helps if you have a resource-driven project.
For instance, consider this:
You need to paint a large poster, say 4 by 6 meters. A poster that big, you can probably put two or three people in front of it, and have them paint in parallel. However, placing 20 people in front of it won't work. Additionally, you'll need skilled people, unless you want a crappy poster.
However, if your project is to stuff envelopes with ready-printed letters (like You MIGHT have won!) then the more people you add, the faster it goes. There is some overhead in doling out stacks of work, so you can't get benefits up to the point where you have one person pr. envelope, but you can get benefits from much more than just 2 or 3 people.
So if your project can easily be divided into small chunks, and if the team members can get up to speed quickly (like... instantaneously), then adding more people will make it go faster, up to a point.
Sadly, not many projects are like that in our world, which is why docgnome's tip about the Mythical Man-Month book is a really good advice.
Maybe if the following conditions apply:
The new programmers already understand the project and don't need any ramp-up time.
The new programmers already are proficient with the development environment.
No adminstrative time is needed to add the developers to the team.
Almost no communication is required between team members.
I'll let you know the first time I see all of these at once.
According to the Mythical Man-Month, the main reason adding people to a late project makes it later is the O(n^2) communication overhead.
I've experienced one primary exception to this: if there's only one person on a project, it's almost always doomed. Adding a second one speeds it up almost every time. That's because communication isn't overhead in that case - it's a helpful opportunity to clarify your thoughts and make fewer stupid mistakes.
Also, as you obviously knew when you posted your question, the advice from the Mythical Man-Month only applies to late projects. If your project isn't already late, it is quite possible that adding people won't make it later. Assuming you do it properly, of course.
If the existing programmers are totally incompetent, then adding competent programmers may help.
I can imagine a situation where you had a very modular system, and the existing programmer(s) hadn't even started on a very isolated module. In that case, assigning just that portion of the project to a new programmer might help.
Basically the Mythical Man Month references are correct, except in contrived cases like the one I made up. Mr. Brooks did solid research to demonstrate that after a certain point, the networking and communication costs of adding new programmers to a project will outweigh any benefits you gain from their productivity.
If the new people focus on testing
If you can isolate independent features that don't create new dependencies
If you can orthogonalise some aspects of the project (especially non-coding tasks such as visual design/layout, database tuning/indexing, or server setup/network configuration) so that one person can work on that while the others carry on with application code
If the people know each other, and the technology, and the business requirements, and the design, well enough to be able to do things with a knowledge of when they'll step on each other's toes and how to avoid doing so (this, of course, is pretty hard to arrange if it isn't already the case)
Only when you have at that late stage some independent (almost 0% interaction with other parts of the project) tasks not tackled yet by anybody and you can bring on the team somebody that is a specialist in that domain. The addition of a team member has to minimize the disruption for the rest of the team.
Rather than adding programmers, one can think about adding administrative help. Anything that will remove distractions, improve focus, or improve motivation can be helpful. This includes both system and administration, as well as more prosaic things like getting lunches.
Obviously every project is different but most development jobs can be assured to have a certain amount of collaboration among developers. Where this is the case my experience has been that fresh resources can actually unintentionally slow down the people they are relying on to bring them up to speed and in some cases this can be your key people (incidentally it's usually 'key' people that would take the time to educate a newb). When they are up to speed, there are no guarantees that their work will fit into established 'rules' or 'work culture' with the rest of the team. So again, it can do more harm than good. So that aside, these are the circumstances where it might be beneficial:
1) The new resource has a tight task which requires a minimum of interaction with other developers and a skill set that's already been demonstrated. (ie. porting existing code to a new platform, externally refactoring a dead module that's currently locked down in the existing code base).
2) The project is managed in such a way that other more senior team members time can be shared to assist bringing the newb up to speed and mentoring them along the way to ensure their work is compatible with what's already been done.
3) The other team members are very patient.
I suppose the adding people toward the end of the work could speed things up if:
The work can be done in parallel.
The amount saved by added resources is more than the amount of time lost by having the people experienced with the project explain things to those that are inexperienced.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, this kind of thing doesn't happen all too often. Usually it is fairly straight forward stuff, like admin screens that do simple CRUD to a table. These days these types of tools can be mostly autogenerated anyway.
Be careful of managers that bank on this kind of work to hand off though. It sounds great, but it in reality there usually isn't enough of it trim any significant time off of the project.
Self-contained modules that have yet to be started
Lacking development tools they can integrate (like an automated build manager)
Primarily I'm thinking of things that let them stay out of the currently developing people's way. I do agree with Mythical Man-Month, but I also think there are exceptions to everything.
I think adding people to a team may speed up a project more than adding them to the project itself.
I often run into the problem of having too many concurrent projects. Any one of those projects could be completed faster if I could focus on that project alone. By adding team members, I could transition off other projects.
Of course, this assumes that you've hired capable, self-motivated developers, who are able to inherit large projects and learn independently. :-)
If the extra resource complement your existing team it can be ideal. For example, if you are about to set up your production hardware and verify that the database is actually tuned as opposed to just returning good results (that your team knows as domain experts) borrowing time from a good dba who works on the the project next to yours can speed the team up without much training cost
Simply put. It comes down to comparing the time left and productivity you will get from someone excluding the amount of time it takes the additional resources to come up to speed and be productive and subtracting the time invested in teaching them by existing resources. The key factors (in order of significance):
How good the resource is at picking
it up. The best developers can walk
onto a new site and be productive
fixing bugs almost instantly with
little assistance. This skill is
rare but can be learnt.
The segregability of tasks. They need to
be able to work on objects and
functions without tripping over the
existing developers and slowing them
The complexity of the project
and documentation available. If it's
a vanilla best practice ASP.Net
application and common
well-documented business scenarios
then a good developer can just get
stuck in straight away. This factor
more than any will determine how
much time the existing resources
will have to invest in teaching and
therefore the initial negative
impact of the new resources.
The amount of time left. This is often
mis-estimated too. Frequently the
logic will be we only have x weeks
left and it will take x+1 weeks to
get someone up to speed. In reality
the project IS going to slip and
does in fact have 2x weeks of dev
left to go and getting more
resources on sooner rather than
later will help.
Where a team is already used to pair programming, then adding another developer who is already skilled at pairing may not slow the project down, particularly if development is proceeding with a TDD style.
The new developer will slowly become more productive as they understand the code base more, and any misunderstandings will be caught very early either by their pair, or by the test suite that is run before every check-in (and there should ideally be a check in at least every ten minutes).
However, the effects of the extra communication overheads need to be taken into account. It is important not to dilute the existing knowledge of the project too much.
Adding developers makes sense when the productivity contributed by the additional developers exceeds the productivity lost to training and managing those developers.

Sprint velocity calculations [closed]

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Need some advice on working out the team velocity for a sprint.
Our team normally consists of about 4 developers and 2 testers. The scrum master insists that every team member should contribute equally to the velocity calculation i.e. we should not distinguish between developers and testers when working out how much we can do in a sprint. The is correct according to Scrum, but here's the problem.
Despite suggestions to the contrary, testers never help with non-test tasks and developers never help with non-dev tasks, so we are not cross functional team members at all. Also, despite various suggestions, testers normally spend the first few days of each sprint waiting for something to test.
The end result is that typically we take on far more dev work than we actually have capacity for in the sprint. For example, the developers might contribute 20 days to the velocity calculation and the testers 10 days. If you add up the tasks after sprint planning though, dev tasks add up to 25 days and test tasks add up to 5 days.
How do you guys deal with this sort of situation?
We struggle with this issue too.
Here is what we do. When we add up capacity and tasks we add them up together and separately. That way we know that we have not exceeded total time for each group. (I know that is not truly scrum, but we have QA folks that don't program and so, to maximize our resources, they end up testing and we (the developers) end up deving.)
The second think we do is we really focus on working in slices. We try to pick tasks to get done first that can go to the QA folks fast. The trick to this is that you have to focus on getting the least testable amount done and moved to the testers. If you try to get a whole "feature" done then you are missing the point. While they wait for us they usually put together test plans.
It is still a work in progress for us, but that is how we try to do it.
Since Agile development is about transparency and accountability it sounds like the testers should have assigned tasks that account for their velocity. Even if that means they have a task for surfing the web waiting for testing (though I would think they would be better served developing test plans for the dev team's tasks). This will show the inefficiencies in your organization which isn't popular but that is what Agile is all about. The bad part of that is that your testers may be penalized for something that is a organizational issue.
The company I worked for had two separate (dev and qa) teams with two different iteration cycles. The qa cycle was offset by a week. That unfortunatey led to complexity when it came to task acceptance, since a product wasn't really ready for release until the end of the qa's iteration. That isn't a properly integrated team but neither is yours from the sound of it. Unfortunately the qa team never really followed scrum practices (No real planning, stand up, or retrospective) so I can't really tell if that is a good solution or not.
FogBugz uses EBS (Evidence Based Scheduling) to create a probability curve of when you will ship a given project based on existing performance data and estimates.
I guess you could do the same thing with this, just you would need to enter for the testers: "Browsing Internet waiting for developers (1 week)"
This might be slightly off what you were asking, but here it goes:
I really don't like using velocity as a measure of how much work to do in the next sprint/iteration. To me velocity is more of a tool for projections.
The team lead/project manager/scrum master can look at the average velocity of the last few iterations and have a fairly good trend line to project the end of the project.
The team should be building iterations by commitment as a team. Keep picking stories until the iteration has a good amount of work that the team will commit to complete. It's your responsibility as a team to make sure you aren't slacking by picking to few and not over committing by picking to many. Different skill levels and specialties work themselves out as the team commits to the iteration.
Under this model, everything balances out. The team has a reasonable work load to accomplish and the project manager has a commitment for completion.
Make the testers pair-program as passive peers. If they have nothing to test, at least they can watch out for bugs on the field. When they have something to test, in the second part of the week, they move to the functionality/"user story compliance" level of testing. This way, you have both groups productive, and basically the testers "comb" the code as it goes on.
Sounds to me like your system is working, just not as well as you'd like. Is this a paid project? If it is, you could make pay be a meritocracy. Pay people based on how much of the work they get done. This would encourage cross discipline work. Although, it might also encourage people to work on pieces that weren't theirs to begin with, or internal sabotage.
Obviously, you'd have to be on the lookout for people trying to game the system, but it might work. Surely testers wouldn't want to earn half of what devs do.
First answer for velocity, than my personal insight about testers in scrum non cross functional team and early days of every sprint.
I see there inconsistency. If team is not cross functional you distinguish testers and developers. In this case you must distinguish them also in velocity calculation. If the team is not cross functional testers don’t really increase your velocity. Your velocity will be max of what developers can implement but no more than what testers can test (if everything must be tested).
Talk to your scrum master, otherwise there will always be problems with velocity and estimation.
Now as for testers and early days of sprint. I work as tester in not cross functional team with 5 devs, so this answer may be bit personal.
You could solve this in two ways: a)change work organization by adding separate test sprint or b) change the way testers work.
In a) you crate separate testing sprint. It can happen in parallel to devs sprint (just shifted those few days) or you can make it happen once every two or three dev sprints.
I have heard about this solutions but I had never worked this way.
In b) you must ask testers to review their approach to testing activities. Maybe it depends on practices and tools you use, or process you follow but how can they have nothing to do in this early days? As I mentioned before I work as tester with 5 developers in not cross functional team. If I would wait with my work until developer ends his task, I would never test all features in given sprint. Unless your testers perform only exploratory testing they should have things to do before feature is released to test environment. There are some activities that can be done (or must be done) before tester gets feature/code into his hands. The following is what I do before features are released to test environment:
- go through requirements for features to be implemented
- design test scripts (high level design)
- prepare draft test cases
- go through possible test data (if change that is being implemented is manipulating data in the system you need to make snapshot of this data, to compare it later with what given feature will do to this data)
- wrap up everything in test suites
- communicate with developer as feature is being developed - this way you can get better understanding of implemented solution (instead of asking when he has his mind already on other feature)
- you can make any necessary changes to test cases as feature evolves
Then when feature is complete you:
- flesh out test cases with any details that not known to you earlier (it is trivial, but button name can change, or some additional step in wizard appears)
- perform tests
- rise issues
Actually I find my self to spend more time on first part (designing tests, and preparing test scripts in appropriate tool) than actually performing those tests.
If they to all they can right away instead of waiting for code to be released to test environment it should help with this initial gap and it will minimize risk of testers not finishing their activities before end of sprint.
Of course there will always be less for testers to do in the beginning and more in the end, but you can try to minimize this difference. And even when above still leaves them lots of time to waste at the beginning you can give them no coding involved tasks. Some configuration, some maintenance, documentation update, other.
The solution is never black and white as each sprint may contain stories that require testing and others that dont. There is no problem in Agile of apportioning a tester for example; for 50% of their time during a sprint and 20% in the next sprint.
There is no sense in trying to apportion a tester 100% of their time to a sprint and trying to justify it. Time management is the key.
Testers and developers estimate story points together. The velocity of a sprint is always a combined effort. QA / testers cannot have their separate velocity calculations. That is fundamentally wrong.
If you have 3 dev and 2 testers and you inclue the testers capacity and relate it to your output then the productivity will always show low. Testers take part in test case design, defect management and testing which is not directly attributed to Development. You can have efforts tracked against each of these testing tasks but cannot assign velocity points.
