bash testing a group of directories for existence - bash

Have documents stored in a file system which includes "daily" directories, e.g. 20050610. In a bash script I want to list the files in a months worth of these directories. So I'm running a find command find <path>/200506* -type f >> jun2005.lst. Would like to check that this set of directories is not a null set before executing the find command. However, if I use if[ -d 200506* ] I get a "too many arguements error. How can I get around this?

Your "too many arguments" error does not come from there being a huge number of files and exceeding the command line argument limit. It comes from having more than one or two directories that match the glob. Your glob "200506*" expands to something like "20050601 20050602 20050603..." and the -d test only expects one argument.
$ mkdir test
$ cd test
$ mkdir a1
$ [ -d a* ] # no error
$ mkdir a2
$ [ -d a* ]
-bash: [: a1: binary operator expected
$ mkdir a3
$ [ -d a* ]
-bash: [: too many arguments
The answer by zed_0xff is on the right track, but I'd use a different approach:
shopt -s nullglob
dirs=("$path"/$glob) # dirs is an array available to be iterated over if needed
if (( ${#dirs[#]} > 0 ))
echo "directories found"
# append may not be necessary here
find "$path"/$glob -type f >> "$outfile"
The position of the quotes in "$path"/$glob versus "$path/$glob" is essential to this working.
Corrections made to exclude files that match the glob (so only directories are included) and to handle the very unusual case of a directory named literally like the glob ("200506*").

n_dirs=$(find $prefix -maxdepth 1 -type d -wholename "$prefix/$glob" |wc -l)
if [[ $n_dirs -gt 0 ]];then
find $prefix -maxdepth 2 -type f -wholename "$prefix/$glob"

if [ ${#S} -gt 6 ]; then
echo haz filez!
echo no filez
not a very elegant one, but w/o any external tools/commands (if don't think of "[" as an external one)
the clue is if there is some files matched, then "S" variable will contain their names delimited with space. Otherwise it will contain a "200506*" string itself.

You could us ls like this:
if [ -n "$(ls -d | grep 200506)" ]; then
# There are directories with this pattern

Because there is a limit on command line length in most shells: anything like "$(ls -d | grep 200506)" or /path/200506* will run the risk of overflowing the limit. I'm not sure if substitutions and glob expansions count towards it in BASH, but I assume so. You would have to test it and check the bash docs and source to be sure.
The answer is in simplifying your question.
find <path>/200506* -type f -exec somescript '{}' \;
Where somescript is a shell script that does the test. Something like this perhaps:
[ -d "$#" ] && echo "$#" >> june2005.lst
Passing the june2005.lst to the script (advice: use an environment variable), and dealing with any possibility that 200506* may expand to tooo huge a file path, being left as an exercise for the OP ;)
Integrating the whole thing into a pipe line or adapting a more general scripting language would yield performance boosts, by minimizing the number of shells spawned. Now that would be fun. Here is a hint for that, use -exec and another program (awk, perl, etc) to do the directory test as part of a one line filter, and keep the >>june2005.lst on the find command.


Testing for existing file with an extension fails with globbing [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Test whether a glob has any matches in Bash
(22 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I'm trying to check if a file exists, but with a wildcard. Here is my example:
if [ -f "xorg-x11-fonts*" ]; then
printf "BLAH"
I have also tried it without the double quotes.
For Bash scripts, the most direct and performant approach is:
if compgen -G "${PROJECT_DIR}/*.png" > /dev/null; then
echo "pattern exists!"
This will work very speedily even in directories with millions of files and does not involve a new subshell.
The simplest should be to rely on ls return value (it returns non-zero when the files do not exist):
if ls /path/to/your/files* 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "files do exist"
echo "files do not exist"
I redirected the ls output to make it completely silent.
Here is an optimization that also relies on glob expansion, but avoids the use of ls:
for f in /path/to/your/files*; do
## Check if the glob gets expanded to existing files.
## If not, f here will be exactly the pattern above
## and the exists test will evaluate to false.
[ -e "$f" ] && echo "files do exist" || echo "files do not exist"
## This is all we needed to know, so we can break after the first iteration
This is very similar to grok12's answer, but it avoids the unnecessary iteration through the whole list.
If your shell has a nullglob option and it's turned on, a wildcard pattern that matches no files will be removed from the command line altogether. This will make ls see no pathname arguments, list the contents of the current directory and succeed, which is wrong. GNU stat, which always fails if given no arguments or an argument naming a nonexistent file, would be more robust. Also, the &> redirection operator is a bashism.
if stat --printf='' /path/to/your/files* 2>/dev/null
echo found
echo not found
Better still is GNU find, which can handle a wildcard search internally and exit as soon as at it finds one matching file, rather than waste time processing a potentially huge list of them expanded by the shell; this also avoids the risk that the shell might overflow its command line buffer.
if test -n "$(find /dir/to/search -maxdepth 1 -name 'files*' -print -quit)"
echo found
echo not found
Non-GNU versions of find might not have the -maxdepth option used here to make find search only the /dir/to/search instead of the entire directory tree rooted there.
if [ -e "${files[0]}" ];
printf "BLAH"
You can do the following:
set -- xorg-x11-fonts*
if [ -f "$1" ]; then
printf "BLAH"
This works with sh and derivatives: KornShell and Bash. It doesn't create any sub-shell. $(..) and `...` commands used in other solutions create a sub-shell: they fork a process, and they are inefficient. Of course it works with several files, and this solution can be the fastest, or second to the fastest one.
It works too when there aren't any matches. There isn't a need to use nullglob as one of the commentators say. $1 will contain the original test name, and therefore the test -f $1 won't success, because the $1 file doesn't exist.
for i in xorg-x11-fonts*; do
if [ -f "$i" ]; then printf "BLAH"; fi
This will work with multiple files and with white space in file names.
The solution:
files=$(ls xorg-x11-fonts* 2> /dev/null | wc -l)
if [ "$files" != "0" ]
echo "Exists"
echo "None found."
> Exists
if [ "`echo xorg-x11-fonts*`" != "xorg-x11-fonts*" ]; then
printf "BLAH"
The PowerShell way - which treats wildcards different - you put it in the quotes like so below:
If (Test-Path "./output/test-pdf-docx/Text-Book-Part-I*"){
Remove-Item -force -v -path ./output/test-pdf-docx/*.pdf
Remove-Item -force -v -path ./output/test-pdf-docx/*.docx
I think this is helpful because the concept of the original question covers "shells" in general not just Bash or Linux, and would apply to PowerShell users with the same question too.
The Bash code I use:
if ls /syslog/*.log > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Log files are present in /syslog/;
Strictly speaking, if you only want to print "Blah", here is the solution:
find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'xorg-x11-fonts*' -printf 'BLAH' -quit
Here is another way:
test -e "$1"
if doesFirstFileExist xorg-x11-fonts*
then printf "BLAH"
But I think the most optimal is as follows, because it won't try to sort file names:
if [ -z $(find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'xorg-x11-fonts*' -printf 1 -quit) ]
printf "BLAH"
Here's a solution for your specific problem that doesn't require for loops or external commands like ls, find and the like.
if [ "$(echo xorg-x11-fonts*)" != "xorg-x11-fonts*" ]; then
printf "BLAH"
As you can see, it's just a tad more complicated than what you were hoping for, and relies on the fact that if the shell is not able to expand the glob, it means no files with that glob exist and echo will output the glob as is, which allows us to do a mere string comparison to check whether any of those files exist at all.
If we were to generalize the procedure, though, we should take into account the fact that files might contain spaces within their names and/or paths and that the glob char could rightfully expand to nothing (in your example, that would be the case of a file whose name is exactly xorg-x11-fonts).
This could be achieved by the following function, in bash.
function doesAnyFileExist {
local arg="$*"
local files=($arg)
[ ${#files[#]} -gt 1 ] || [ ${#files[#]} -eq 1 ] && [ -e "${files[0]}" ]
Going back to your example, it could be invoked like this.
if doesAnyFileExist "xorg-x11-fonts*"; then
printf "BLAH"
Glob expansion should happen within the function itself for it to work properly, that's why I put the argument in quotes and that's what the first line in the function body is there for: so that any multiple arguments (which could be the result of a glob expansion outside the function, as well as a spurious parameter) would be coalesced into one. Another approach could be to raise an error if there's more than one argument, yet another could be to ignore all but the 1st argument.
The second line in the function body sets the files var to an array constituted by all the file names that the glob expanded to, one for each array element. It's fine if the file names contain spaces, each array element will contain the names as is, including the spaces.
The third line in the function body does two things:
It first checks whether there's more than one element in the array. If so, it means the glob surely got expanded to something (due to what we did on the 1st line), which in turn implies that at least one file matching the glob exist, which is all we wanted to know.
If at step 1. we discovered that we got less than 2 elements in the array, then we check whether we got one and if so we check whether that one exist, the usual way. We need to do this extra check in order to account for function arguments without glob chars, in which case the array contains only one, unexpanded, element.
I found a couple of neat solutions worth sharing. The first still suffers from "this will break if there are too many matches" problem:
pat="yourpattern*" matches=($pat) ; [[ "$matches" != "$pat" ]] && echo "found"
(Recall that if you use an array without the [ ] syntax, you get the first element of the array.)
If you have "shopt -s nullglob" in your script, you could simply do:
matches=(yourpattern*) ; [[ "$matches" ]] && echo "found"
Now, if it's possible to have a ton of files in a directory, you're pretty well much stuck with using find:
find /path/to/dir -maxdepth 1 -type f -name 'yourpattern*' | grep -q '.' && echo 'found'
I use this:
filescount=`ls xorg-x11-fonts* | awk 'END { print NR }'`
if [ $filescount -gt 0 ]; then
Using new fancy shmancy features in KornShell, Bash, and Z shell shells (this example doesn't handle spaces in filenames):
# Declare a regular array (-A will declare an associative array. Kewl!)
declare -a myarray=( /mydir/tmp*.txt )
# Not found if the first element of the array is the unexpanded string
# (ie, if it contains a "*")
if [[ ${myarray[0]} =~ [*] ]] ; then
echo "No files not found"
elif [ $array_length -eq 1 ] ; then
echo "File was found"
echo "Files were found"
for myfile in ${myarray[#]}
echo "$myfile"
Yes, this does smell like Perl. I am glad I didn't step in it ;)
IMHO it's better to use find always when testing for files, globs or directories. The stumbling block in doing so is find's exit status: 0 if all paths were traversed successfully, >0 otherwise. The expression you passed to find creates no echo in its exit code.
The following example tests if a directory has entries:
$ mkdir A
$ touch A/b
$ find A -maxdepth 0 -not -empty -print | head -n1 | grep -q . && echo 'not empty'
not empty
When A has no files grep fails:
$ rm A/b
$ find A -maxdepth 0 -not -empty -print | head -n1 | grep -q . || echo 'empty'
When A does not exist grep fails again because find only prints to stderr:
$ rmdir A
$ find A -maxdepth 0 -not -empty -print | head -n1 | grep -q . && echo 'not empty' || echo 'empty'
find: 'A': No such file or directory
Replace -not -empty by any other find expression, but be careful if you -exec a command that prints to stdout. You may want to grep for a more specific expression in such cases.
This approach works nicely in shell scripts. The originally question was to look for the glob xorg-x11-fonts*:
if find -maxdepth 0 -name 'xorg-x11-fonts*' -print | head -n1 | grep -q .
: the glob matched
: ...not
Note that the else-branched is reached if xorg-x11-fonts* had not matched, or find encountered an error. To distinguish the case use $?.
If there is a huge amount of files on a network folder using the wildcard is questionable (speed, or command line arguments overflow).
I ended up with:
if [ -n "$(find somedir/that_may_not_exist_yet -maxdepth 1 -name \*.ext -print -quit)" ] ; then
echo Such file exists
if [ `ls path1/* path2/* 2> /dev/null | wc -l` -ne 0 ]; then echo ok; else echo no; fi
Try this
filesFound=$(ls $fileTarget)
case ${filesFound} in
"" ) printf "NO files found for target=${fileTarget}\n" ;;
* ) printf "FileTarget Files found=${filesFound}\n" ;;
fileTarget="*.html" # Where I have some HTML documents in the current directory
FileTarget Files found=Baby21.html
charlie 22.html
NO files found for target=xorg-x11-fonts*
Note that this only works in the current directory, or where the variable fileTarget includes the path you want to inspect.
You can also cut other files out
if [ -e $( echo $1 | cut -d" " -f1 ) ] ; then
if ls -l | grep -q 'xorg-x11-fonts.*' # grep needs a regex, not a shell glob
# do something
# do something else
man test.
if [ -e file ]; then
will work for directory and file.

Bash script gives 'Permission denied' when trying piping path to file into sed

I'm trying to create a bash script that finds all the files in my dotfiles directory, and symlinks them into ~. If the directory a file is in does not exist, it shall be created.
The script as it is now is just trying to find files and create the two paths, when that works "real" and "symlink" will be used with ln -s. However when trying to save the strings in "real" and "symlink" all i get is line 12: ./.zshrc: Permission denied
What am I doing wrong?
readarray -d '' dotfiles < <(find . -type f ! -path '*/.git/*' ! -name "" -type f -print0)
for file in ${dotfiles[#]}; do
dir=$(dirname $file | sed s#.#$HOME#1)
[ ! -d $dir ] && echo "directory $dir not exist!" && mkdir -p $dir
# Create path strings
real=$("$file" | sed s#.#$PWD#1)
symlink=$("$file" | sed s#.#$HOME#1)
echo "Real path: $cur"
echo "Symbolic link path: $new"
P.S, I'm a bash noob and am mostly doing this script as a learning experience.
Here is a refactoring which attempts to fix the obvious problems. See comments with # ... for details. Probably also check with before you ask for human assistance.
The immediate reason for the error message is that $("$file" ...) does indeed attempt to run $file as a command and capture its output. You probably meant $(echo "$file" ...) but that can often be avoided.
readarray -d '' dotfiles < <(find . -type f ! -path '*/.git/*' ! -name "" -type f -print0)
# ... Fix broken quoting throughout
for file in "${dotfiles[#]}"; do
dir=$(dirname "$file" | sed "s#^\.#$HOME#") # ... 1 is not required or useful
# ... Use standard error for diagnostics
[ ! -d "$dir" ] && echo "$0: directory $dir does not exist!" >&2 && mkdir -p "$dir"
# Create path strings
# ... Use parameter substitution
# ... You mean $real, not $cur?
echo "Real path: $real"
# ... You mean $symlink, not $new?
echo "Symbolic link path: $symlink"
# ... No need to explicitly exit; trust me, you will anyway
These are just syntactic fixes; I would probably avoid storing the results from find in an array and just loop over them directly, and I haven't checked if the logic actually does what (we might guess) you are perhaps trying to do.
See also Looping over pairs of values in bash for a similar topic, and When to wrap quotes around a shell variable?.
The script still has a pesky assumption that it will be run in the dotfiles directory. Probably a better design would be to explicitly run find in that directory, and refactor accordingly.
sed 's/x/y/' will replace the first occurrence of x with y on each line by definition and by design; there is no reason or need to explicitly add 1 after the final delimiter. (Some sed variants allow a number there to select a different match than the first, but this is not portable; and of course specifying the first match when that's already the default is simply silly. There is a g flag to replace all matches instead of just the first which many beginners want to use everywhere, but of course that's not necessary or useful here either.)

For this statement, why could I get the error "[: too many arguments"? I am sure I use the "[ ]" correctly in the shell [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Test whether a glob has any matches in Bash
(22 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I'm trying to check if a file exists, but with a wildcard. Here is my example:
if [ -f "xorg-x11-fonts*" ]; then
printf "BLAH"
I have also tried it without the double quotes.
For Bash scripts, the most direct and performant approach is:
if compgen -G "${PROJECT_DIR}/*.png" > /dev/null; then
echo "pattern exists!"
This will work very speedily even in directories with millions of files and does not involve a new subshell.
The simplest should be to rely on ls return value (it returns non-zero when the files do not exist):
if ls /path/to/your/files* 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "files do exist"
echo "files do not exist"
I redirected the ls output to make it completely silent.
Here is an optimization that also relies on glob expansion, but avoids the use of ls:
for f in /path/to/your/files*; do
## Check if the glob gets expanded to existing files.
## If not, f here will be exactly the pattern above
## and the exists test will evaluate to false.
[ -e "$f" ] && echo "files do exist" || echo "files do not exist"
## This is all we needed to know, so we can break after the first iteration
This is very similar to grok12's answer, but it avoids the unnecessary iteration through the whole list.
If your shell has a nullglob option and it's turned on, a wildcard pattern that matches no files will be removed from the command line altogether. This will make ls see no pathname arguments, list the contents of the current directory and succeed, which is wrong. GNU stat, which always fails if given no arguments or an argument naming a nonexistent file, would be more robust. Also, the &> redirection operator is a bashism.
if stat --printf='' /path/to/your/files* 2>/dev/null
echo found
echo not found
Better still is GNU find, which can handle a wildcard search internally and exit as soon as at it finds one matching file, rather than waste time processing a potentially huge list of them expanded by the shell; this also avoids the risk that the shell might overflow its command line buffer.
if test -n "$(find /dir/to/search -maxdepth 1 -name 'files*' -print -quit)"
echo found
echo not found
Non-GNU versions of find might not have the -maxdepth option used here to make find search only the /dir/to/search instead of the entire directory tree rooted there.
if [ -e "${files[0]}" ];
printf "BLAH"
You can do the following:
set -- xorg-x11-fonts*
if [ -f "$1" ]; then
printf "BLAH"
This works with sh and derivatives: KornShell and Bash. It doesn't create any sub-shell. $(..) and `...` commands used in other solutions create a sub-shell: they fork a process, and they are inefficient. Of course it works with several files, and this solution can be the fastest, or second to the fastest one.
It works too when there aren't any matches. There isn't a need to use nullglob as one of the commentators say. $1 will contain the original test name, and therefore the test -f $1 won't success, because the $1 file doesn't exist.
for i in xorg-x11-fonts*; do
if [ -f "$i" ]; then printf "BLAH"; fi
This will work with multiple files and with white space in file names.
The solution:
files=$(ls xorg-x11-fonts* 2> /dev/null | wc -l)
if [ "$files" != "0" ]
echo "Exists"
echo "None found."
> Exists
if [ "`echo xorg-x11-fonts*`" != "xorg-x11-fonts*" ]; then
printf "BLAH"
The PowerShell way - which treats wildcards different - you put it in the quotes like so below:
If (Test-Path "./output/test-pdf-docx/Text-Book-Part-I*"){
Remove-Item -force -v -path ./output/test-pdf-docx/*.pdf
Remove-Item -force -v -path ./output/test-pdf-docx/*.docx
I think this is helpful because the concept of the original question covers "shells" in general not just Bash or Linux, and would apply to PowerShell users with the same question too.
The Bash code I use:
if ls /syslog/*.log > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Log files are present in /syslog/;
Strictly speaking, if you only want to print "Blah", here is the solution:
find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'xorg-x11-fonts*' -printf 'BLAH' -quit
Here is another way:
test -e "$1"
if doesFirstFileExist xorg-x11-fonts*
then printf "BLAH"
But I think the most optimal is as follows, because it won't try to sort file names:
if [ -z $(find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'xorg-x11-fonts*' -printf 1 -quit) ]
printf "BLAH"
Here's a solution for your specific problem that doesn't require for loops or external commands like ls, find and the like.
if [ "$(echo xorg-x11-fonts*)" != "xorg-x11-fonts*" ]; then
printf "BLAH"
As you can see, it's just a tad more complicated than what you were hoping for, and relies on the fact that if the shell is not able to expand the glob, it means no files with that glob exist and echo will output the glob as is, which allows us to do a mere string comparison to check whether any of those files exist at all.
If we were to generalize the procedure, though, we should take into account the fact that files might contain spaces within their names and/or paths and that the glob char could rightfully expand to nothing (in your example, that would be the case of a file whose name is exactly xorg-x11-fonts).
This could be achieved by the following function, in bash.
function doesAnyFileExist {
local arg="$*"
local files=($arg)
[ ${#files[#]} -gt 1 ] || [ ${#files[#]} -eq 1 ] && [ -e "${files[0]}" ]
Going back to your example, it could be invoked like this.
if doesAnyFileExist "xorg-x11-fonts*"; then
printf "BLAH"
Glob expansion should happen within the function itself for it to work properly, that's why I put the argument in quotes and that's what the first line in the function body is there for: so that any multiple arguments (which could be the result of a glob expansion outside the function, as well as a spurious parameter) would be coalesced into one. Another approach could be to raise an error if there's more than one argument, yet another could be to ignore all but the 1st argument.
The second line in the function body sets the files var to an array constituted by all the file names that the glob expanded to, one for each array element. It's fine if the file names contain spaces, each array element will contain the names as is, including the spaces.
The third line in the function body does two things:
It first checks whether there's more than one element in the array. If so, it means the glob surely got expanded to something (due to what we did on the 1st line), which in turn implies that at least one file matching the glob exist, which is all we wanted to know.
If at step 1. we discovered that we got less than 2 elements in the array, then we check whether we got one and if so we check whether that one exist, the usual way. We need to do this extra check in order to account for function arguments without glob chars, in which case the array contains only one, unexpanded, element.
I found a couple of neat solutions worth sharing. The first still suffers from "this will break if there are too many matches" problem:
pat="yourpattern*" matches=($pat) ; [[ "$matches" != "$pat" ]] && echo "found"
(Recall that if you use an array without the [ ] syntax, you get the first element of the array.)
If you have "shopt -s nullglob" in your script, you could simply do:
matches=(yourpattern*) ; [[ "$matches" ]] && echo "found"
Now, if it's possible to have a ton of files in a directory, you're pretty well much stuck with using find:
find /path/to/dir -maxdepth 1 -type f -name 'yourpattern*' | grep -q '.' && echo 'found'
I use this:
filescount=`ls xorg-x11-fonts* | awk 'END { print NR }'`
if [ $filescount -gt 0 ]; then
Using new fancy shmancy features in KornShell, Bash, and Z shell shells (this example doesn't handle spaces in filenames):
# Declare a regular array (-A will declare an associative array. Kewl!)
declare -a myarray=( /mydir/tmp*.txt )
# Not found if the first element of the array is the unexpanded string
# (ie, if it contains a "*")
if [[ ${myarray[0]} =~ [*] ]] ; then
echo "No files not found"
elif [ $array_length -eq 1 ] ; then
echo "File was found"
echo "Files were found"
for myfile in ${myarray[#]}
echo "$myfile"
Yes, this does smell like Perl. I am glad I didn't step in it ;)
IMHO it's better to use find always when testing for files, globs or directories. The stumbling block in doing so is find's exit status: 0 if all paths were traversed successfully, >0 otherwise. The expression you passed to find creates no echo in its exit code.
The following example tests if a directory has entries:
$ mkdir A
$ touch A/b
$ find A -maxdepth 0 -not -empty -print | head -n1 | grep -q . && echo 'not empty'
not empty
When A has no files grep fails:
$ rm A/b
$ find A -maxdepth 0 -not -empty -print | head -n1 | grep -q . || echo 'empty'
When A does not exist grep fails again because find only prints to stderr:
$ rmdir A
$ find A -maxdepth 0 -not -empty -print | head -n1 | grep -q . && echo 'not empty' || echo 'empty'
find: 'A': No such file or directory
Replace -not -empty by any other find expression, but be careful if you -exec a command that prints to stdout. You may want to grep for a more specific expression in such cases.
This approach works nicely in shell scripts. The originally question was to look for the glob xorg-x11-fonts*:
if find -maxdepth 0 -name 'xorg-x11-fonts*' -print | head -n1 | grep -q .
: the glob matched
: ...not
Note that the else-branched is reached if xorg-x11-fonts* had not matched, or find encountered an error. To distinguish the case use $?.
If there is a huge amount of files on a network folder using the wildcard is questionable (speed, or command line arguments overflow).
I ended up with:
if [ -n "$(find somedir/that_may_not_exist_yet -maxdepth 1 -name \*.ext -print -quit)" ] ; then
echo Such file exists
if [ `ls path1/* path2/* 2> /dev/null | wc -l` -ne 0 ]; then echo ok; else echo no; fi
Try this
filesFound=$(ls $fileTarget)
case ${filesFound} in
"" ) printf "NO files found for target=${fileTarget}\n" ;;
* ) printf "FileTarget Files found=${filesFound}\n" ;;
fileTarget="*.html" # Where I have some HTML documents in the current directory
FileTarget Files found=Baby21.html
charlie 22.html
NO files found for target=xorg-x11-fonts*
Note that this only works in the current directory, or where the variable fileTarget includes the path you want to inspect.
You can also cut other files out
if [ -e $( echo $1 | cut -d" " -f1 ) ] ; then
if ls -l | grep -q 'xorg-x11-fonts.*' # grep needs a regex, not a shell glob
# do something
# do something else
man test.
if [ -e file ]; then
will work for directory and file.

Add .old to files without .old in them, having trouble with which variable to use?

for filenames in $( ls $1 )
echo $filenames | grep "\.old$"
if [ ! $filenames = 0 ]
$( mv "$1/$filenames" "$1/$filenames.old" )
So I think most of the script works. It is intended to take the output of ls for a directory inputed in the first parameter, and search for any files with .old at the end. Any files that do not contain .old will then be renamed.
The script successfully renames the files, but it will add .old to a file already containing the extension. I am assuming that the if variable is wrong, but I cannot figure out which variable to use in this case.
Answer is in the key but if anyone needs to do this here is an even easier way:
for filenames in $( ls $1 | grep -v "\.old$" )
$( mv "$1/$filenames" "$1/$filenames.old" )
Use `find for this
find /directory/here -type f ! -iname "*.old" -exec mv {} {}.old \;
Problems the original approach
for filenames in $( ls $1 ) Never parse ls output. Check [ this ]
Variables are not double quoted, say in if [ ! $filenames = 0 ]. This results in word-splitting. Use "$filenames" unless you expect word splitting.
So the final script would be
if [ -d "$1" ]
find "$1" -type f ! -iname "*.old" -exec mv {} {}.old \;
# use -maxdepth 1 with find if you don't wish to recursively check subdirectories
echo "Directory : $1 doesn't exist !"
./script '/path/to/directory'
Don't use ls in scripts.
for filename in "$1"/*
case $filename in *.old) continue;; esac
mv "$filename" "$filename.old"
I prefer case over if because it supports wildcard matching naturally and portably. (You could run this with /bin/sh just as well.) If you wanted to use if instead, that'd be
if echo "$filename" | grep -q '\.old$'; then
or more idiomatically, but recent shells only,
if [[ "$filename" == *.old ]]; then
You want to avoid calling additional utility functions if simple shell builtins will do. Why? Each additional utility you call grep, etc. spawns and runs in a separate subshell of its own. (if you are spawning a subshell for every iteration in your loop -- things will really slow down) If the shell doesn't provide a feature, then sure... calling a utility is the right thing to do.
As mentioned above, shell globbing along with parameter expansion with substring removal provides a simple test for determining if a file has an .old extension. All you need is:
for i in "$1"/*; do
[ "${i##*.}" = "old" ] || mv "$i" "${i}.old"
(note: this will skip add the .old extension to single file named 'old', but that can be handled separately if needed -- unlikely. Additionally, the solution with find is a fine approach as well)
I solved the problem, as I was misled by my instructor!
$? is the variable which represents the pipeline output which is currently in the forground (which would be grep). The new code is unedited except for
if [ ! $? = 0 ]

How to get the number of files in a folder as a variable?

Using bash, how can one get the number of files in a folder, excluding directories from a shell script without the interpreter complaining?
With the help of a friend, I've tried
$files=$(find ../ -maxdepth 1 -type f | sort -n)
$num=$("ls -l" | "grep ^-" | "wc -l")
which returns from the command line:
../1-prefix_blended_fused.jpg: No such file or directory
ls -l : command not found
grep ^-: command not found
wc -l: command not found
respectively. These commands work on the command line, but NOT with a bash script.
Given a file filled with image files formatted like 1-pano.jpg, I want to grab all the images in the directory to get the largest numbered file to tack onto the next image being processed.
Why the discrepancy?
The quotes are causing the error messages.
To get a count of files in the directory:
shopt -s nullglob
which creates an array and then replaces it with the count of its elements. This will include files and directories, but not dotfiles or . or .. or other dotted directories.
Use nullglob so an empty directory gives a count of 0 instead of 1.
You can instead use find -type f or you can count the directories and subtract:
# continuing from above
(( numfiles -= numdirs ))
Also see "How can I find the latest (newest, earliest, oldest) file in a directory?"
You can have as many spaces as you want inside an execution block. They often aid in readability. The only downside is that they make the file a little larger and may slow initial parsing (only) slightly. There are a few places that must have spaces (e.g. around [, [[, ], ]] and = in comparisons) and a few that must not (e.g. around = in an assignment.
ls -l | grep -v ^d | wc -l
One line.
How about:
count=$(find .. -maxdepth 1 -type f|wc -l)
echo $count
let count=count+1 # Increase by one, for the next file number
echo $count
Note that this solution is not efficient: it spawns sub shells for the find and wc commands, but it should work.
file_num=$(ls -1 --file-type | grep -v '/$' | wc -l)
this is a bit lightweight than a find command, and count all files of the current directory.
The most straightforward, reliable way I can think of is using the find command to create a reliably countable output.
Counting characters output of find with wc:
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf '.' | wc --char
or string length of the find output:
a=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf '.')
echo ${#a}
or using find output to populate an arithmetic expression:
echo $(($(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf '+1')))
Simple efficient method:
RES=$(find ${SOURCE} -type f | wc -l)
Get rid of the quotes. The shell is treating them like one file, so it's looking for "ls -l".
REmove the qoutes and you will be fine
Expanding on the accepted answer (by Dennis W): when I tried this approach I got incorrect counts for dirs without subdirs in Bash 4.4.5.
The issue is that by default nullglob is not set in Bash and numdirs=(*/) sets an 1 element array with the glob pattern */. Likewise I suspect numfiles=(*) would have 1 element for an empty folder.
Setting shopt -s nullglob to disable nullglobbing resolves the issue for me. For an excellent discussion on why nullglob is not set by default on Bash see the answer here: Why is nullglob not default?
Note: I would have commented on the answer directly but lack the reputation points.
Here's one way you could do it as a function. Note: you can pass this example, dirs for (directory count), files for files count or "all" for count of everything in a directory. Does not traverse tree as we aren't looking to do that.
function get_counts_dir() {
# -- handle inputs (e.g. get_counts_dir "files" /path/to/folder)
[[ -z "${1,,}" ]] && type="files" || type="${1,,}"
[[ -z "${2,,}" ]] && dir="$(pwd)" || dir="${2,,}"
shopt -s nullglob
cd ${dir}
# -- handle input types files/dirs/or both
case "${type,,}" in
result=$((( numfiles -= numdirs )))
*) # -- returns all files/dirs
cd ${PWD}
shopt -u nullglob
# -- return result --
[[ -z ${result} ]] && echo 0 || echo ${result}
Examples of using the function :
get_counts_dir "files" "${folder}"
get_counts_dir "dirs" "${folder}"
get_counts_dir "both" "${folder}"
Will print something like :
Short and sweet method which also ignores symlinked directories.
count=$(ls -l | grep ^- | wc -l)
or if you have a target:
count=$(ls -l /path/to/target | grep ^- | wc -l)
