Bash script gives 'Permission denied' when trying piping path to file into sed - bash

I'm trying to create a bash script that finds all the files in my dotfiles directory, and symlinks them into ~. If the directory a file is in does not exist, it shall be created.
The script as it is now is just trying to find files and create the two paths, when that works "real" and "symlink" will be used with ln -s. However when trying to save the strings in "real" and "symlink" all i get is line 12: ./.zshrc: Permission denied
What am I doing wrong?
readarray -d '' dotfiles < <(find . -type f ! -path '*/.git/*' ! -name "" -type f -print0)
for file in ${dotfiles[#]}; do
dir=$(dirname $file | sed s#.#$HOME#1)
[ ! -d $dir ] && echo "directory $dir not exist!" && mkdir -p $dir
# Create path strings
real=$("$file" | sed s#.#$PWD#1)
symlink=$("$file" | sed s#.#$HOME#1)
echo "Real path: $cur"
echo "Symbolic link path: $new"
P.S, I'm a bash noob and am mostly doing this script as a learning experience.

Here is a refactoring which attempts to fix the obvious problems. See comments with # ... for details. Probably also check with before you ask for human assistance.
The immediate reason for the error message is that $("$file" ...) does indeed attempt to run $file as a command and capture its output. You probably meant $(echo "$file" ...) but that can often be avoided.
readarray -d '' dotfiles < <(find . -type f ! -path '*/.git/*' ! -name "" -type f -print0)
# ... Fix broken quoting throughout
for file in "${dotfiles[#]}"; do
dir=$(dirname "$file" | sed "s#^\.#$HOME#") # ... 1 is not required or useful
# ... Use standard error for diagnostics
[ ! -d "$dir" ] && echo "$0: directory $dir does not exist!" >&2 && mkdir -p "$dir"
# Create path strings
# ... Use parameter substitution
# ... You mean $real, not $cur?
echo "Real path: $real"
# ... You mean $symlink, not $new?
echo "Symbolic link path: $symlink"
# ... No need to explicitly exit; trust me, you will anyway
These are just syntactic fixes; I would probably avoid storing the results from find in an array and just loop over them directly, and I haven't checked if the logic actually does what (we might guess) you are perhaps trying to do.
See also Looping over pairs of values in bash for a similar topic, and When to wrap quotes around a shell variable?.
The script still has a pesky assumption that it will be run in the dotfiles directory. Probably a better design would be to explicitly run find in that directory, and refactor accordingly.
sed 's/x/y/' will replace the first occurrence of x with y on each line by definition and by design; there is no reason or need to explicitly add 1 after the final delimiter. (Some sed variants allow a number there to select a different match than the first, but this is not portable; and of course specifying the first match when that's already the default is simply silly. There is a g flag to replace all matches instead of just the first which many beginners want to use everywhere, but of course that's not necessary or useful here either.)


Rename all files of a certain name within all second-level sub-directories

My goal is to automate the following process: search within all second-level sub-directories, and for all files called "Test.pptx" in said sub-directories, rename to "Test - Appended.pptx". Based on responses I have seen to other questions on StackOverflow I have attempted the following code:
for D in *; do
if [ -d "${D}" ]; then
echo "${D}"
for E in "${D}"; do
if [ -d "${E} ]; then
echo "${E}"
for f in "Test.pptx"; do mv "$f" "Test - Appended.pptx"; done
I set the script executable (using chmod +x) and run it, but get the following errors:
line 7: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
line 12: syntax error: unexpected end of file
I am a relative newcomer to Bash scripts, so I would appreciate any help in diagnosing the errors and achieving the initial goal. Thank you!
use find:
while read -r pptx
mv -n "${pptx}" "${pptx%.pptx} - Appended.pptx"
done < <( find . -mindepth 3 -maxdepth 3 -type f -name "*.pptx" )
Be aware, that I did not test it and it might need adaptions on your special case.
As long as the -n option is set in mv it will not overwrite anything.
sub-loops not really needed.
for f in */*/Test.pptx; do mv "$f" "${f%/*}/Test - Appended.pptx"; done
${f%/*} is the current file's full path with everything from the last slash (/) forward stripped off, so if the file is a/b/Test.pptx then ${f%/*} is a/b.

Find pipe to multiple commands (grep and file)

Here is my problem : I am trying to parse a lot of files on a system to find some tokens. My tokens are stored in a file, one token on each line (for example token.txt). My path to parse are also stored in an other file, one path on each line (for example path.txt).
I use a combination of find and grep to do my stuff. Here is one attempt:
for path in $(cat path.txt)
for line in $(find $path -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -anf token.txt 2>/dev/null);
#some stuffs here
It seems to work fine, I don't really know if there is an other way to make it faster though (I am a beginner in programmation and shell).
My problem is : For each file found by the find command, I want to get all the files that are compressed. For this, I wanted to use the file command. The problem is that I need the output of the find command for both grep and file.
What is the best way to achieve this ? To summarize my problem, I would like something like this :
for path in $(cat path.txt)
for line in $(find $path -type f);
#Use file command to test all the files, and do some stuff
#Use grep to find some tokens in all the files, and do some stuff
I don't know if my explanations are clear, I tried my best.
EDIT : I read that doing for loop to read a file is bad, but some people claims that doing while read loop is also bad. I am a bit lost to be honest, I can't really find the proper way to do my stuffs.
The way you are doing it is fine, but here is another way to do it. With this method you won't have to add additional loops to iterate of each item in your configuration files. There are ways to simplify this further, but it would not be as readable.
To test this:
In "${DIR}/path" I have two directories listed (one on each line). Both directories are contained in the same parent directory as this script. In the "${DIR}/token" file, I have three tokens (one on each line) to search for.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Directory where this script is located
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
# Loop through each file contained in our path list
for f in $(find $(cat "${DIR}/path") -type f); do
for c in $(cat "${f}" | grep "$(cat ${DIR}/token)"); do
echo "${f}"
echo "${c}"
# Do your file command here
I think you need something like this:
find $(cat places.txt) -type f -exec bash -c 'file "$1" | grep -q compressed && echo $1 looks compressed' _ {} \;
Sample Output
/Users/mark/tmp/a.tgz looks compressed
This script is looking in all the places listed in places.txt and running a new bash shell for each file it finds. Inside the bash shell it is testing if the file is compressed and echoing a message if it is - I guess you will do something else but you don't say what.
Another way of writing that more verbosely if you have lots to do:
while read -r d; do
find "$d" -type f -exec bash -c '
file "$1" | grep -q "compressed"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "$1" is compressed
echo "$1" is not compressed
fi' _ {} \;
done < <(cat places.txt)

Add .old to files without .old in them, having trouble with which variable to use?

for filenames in $( ls $1 )
echo $filenames | grep "\.old$"
if [ ! $filenames = 0 ]
$( mv "$1/$filenames" "$1/$filenames.old" )
So I think most of the script works. It is intended to take the output of ls for a directory inputed in the first parameter, and search for any files with .old at the end. Any files that do not contain .old will then be renamed.
The script successfully renames the files, but it will add .old to a file already containing the extension. I am assuming that the if variable is wrong, but I cannot figure out which variable to use in this case.
Answer is in the key but if anyone needs to do this here is an even easier way:
for filenames in $( ls $1 | grep -v "\.old$" )
$( mv "$1/$filenames" "$1/$filenames.old" )
Use `find for this
find /directory/here -type f ! -iname "*.old" -exec mv {} {}.old \;
Problems the original approach
for filenames in $( ls $1 ) Never parse ls output. Check [ this ]
Variables are not double quoted, say in if [ ! $filenames = 0 ]. This results in word-splitting. Use "$filenames" unless you expect word splitting.
So the final script would be
if [ -d "$1" ]
find "$1" -type f ! -iname "*.old" -exec mv {} {}.old \;
# use -maxdepth 1 with find if you don't wish to recursively check subdirectories
echo "Directory : $1 doesn't exist !"
./script '/path/to/directory'
Don't use ls in scripts.
for filename in "$1"/*
case $filename in *.old) continue;; esac
mv "$filename" "$filename.old"
I prefer case over if because it supports wildcard matching naturally and portably. (You could run this with /bin/sh just as well.) If you wanted to use if instead, that'd be
if echo "$filename" | grep -q '\.old$'; then
or more idiomatically, but recent shells only,
if [[ "$filename" == *.old ]]; then
You want to avoid calling additional utility functions if simple shell builtins will do. Why? Each additional utility you call grep, etc. spawns and runs in a separate subshell of its own. (if you are spawning a subshell for every iteration in your loop -- things will really slow down) If the shell doesn't provide a feature, then sure... calling a utility is the right thing to do.
As mentioned above, shell globbing along with parameter expansion with substring removal provides a simple test for determining if a file has an .old extension. All you need is:
for i in "$1"/*; do
[ "${i##*.}" = "old" ] || mv "$i" "${i}.old"
(note: this will skip add the .old extension to single file named 'old', but that can be handled separately if needed -- unlikely. Additionally, the solution with find is a fine approach as well)
I solved the problem, as I was misled by my instructor!
$? is the variable which represents the pipeline output which is currently in the forground (which would be grep). The new code is unedited except for
if [ ! $? = 0 ]

find command with filename coming from bash printf builtin not working

I'm trying to do a script which lists files on a directory and then searchs one by one every file in other directory. For dealing with spaces and special characters like "[" or "]" I'm using $(printf %q "$FILENAME") as input for the find command: find /directory/to/search -type f -name $(printf %q "$FILENAME").
It works like a charm for every filename except in one case: when there's multibyte characters (UTF-8). In that case the output of printf is an external quoted string, i.e.: $'file name with blank spaces and quoted characters in the form of \NNN\NNN', and that string is not being expanded without the $'' quoting, so find searchs for a file with a name including that quote: «$'filename'».
Is there an alternative solution in order to be able to pass to find any kind of filename?
My script is like follows (I know some lines can be deleted, like the "RESNAME="):
if [ -d $1 ] && [ -d $2 ]; then
FILES=$(find $1 -type f )
for FILE in $FILES; do
BASEFILE=$(printf '%q' "$(basename "$FILE")")
RES=$(find $2 -type f -name "$BASEFILE" -print )
if [ ${#RES} -gt 1 ]; then
RESNAME=$(printf '%q' "$(basename "$RES")")
if [ "$RESNAME" != "$BASEFILE" ]; then
echo "Directories do not exist"
As an answer said, I've used associative arrays, but with no luck, maybe I'm not using correctly the arrays, but echoing it (array[#]) returns nothing. This is the script I've written:
if [ -d "$1" ] && [ -d "$2" ]; then
declare -A files
find "$2" -type f -print0 | while read -r -d $'\0' FILE;
BN2="$(basename "$FILE")"
echo "${files[#]}"
find "$1" -type f -print0 | while read -r -d $'\0' FILE;
BN1="$(basename "$FILE")"
if [ "${files["$BN1"]}" != "$BN1" ]; then
echo "File not found: "$BN1""
Don't use for loops. First, it is slower. Your find has to complete before the rest of your program can run. Second, it is possible to overload the command line. The enter for command must fit in the command line buffer.
Most importantly of all, for sucks at handling funky file names. You're running conniptions trying to get around this. However:
find $1 -type f -print0 | while read -r -d $'\0' FILE
will work much better. It handles file names -- even file names that contain \n characters. The -print0 tells find to separate file names with the NUL character. The while read -r -d $'\0 FILE will read each file name (separate by the NUL character) into $FILE.
If you put quotes around the file name in the find command, you don't have to worry about special characters in the file names.
Your script is running find once for each file found. If you have 100 files in your first directory, you're running find 100 times.
Do you know about associative (hash) arrays in BASH? You are probably better off using associative arrays. Run find on the first directory, and store those files names in an associative array.
Then, run find (again using the find | while read syntax) for your second directory. For each file you find in the second directory, see if you have a matching entry in your associative array. If you do, you know that file is in both arrays.
I've been looking at the find command. It appears there's no real way to prevent it from using pattern matching except through a lot of work (like you were doing with printf. I've tried using the -regex matching and using \Q and \E to remove the special meaning of pattern characters. I haven't been successful.
There comes a time that you need something a bit more powerful and flexible than shell to implement your script, and I believe this is the time.
Perl, Python, and Ruby are three fairly ubiquitous scripting languages found on almost all Unix systems and are available on other non-POSIX platforms (cough! ...Windows!... cough!).
Below is a Perl script that takes two directories, and searches them for matching files. It uses the find command once and uses associative arrays (called hashes in Perl). I key the hash to the name of my file. In the value portion of the hash, I store an array of the directories where I found this file.
I only need to run the find command once per directory. Once that is done, I can print out all the entries in the hash that contain more than one directory.
I know it's not shell, but this is one of the cases where you can spend a lot more time trying to figure out how to get shell to do what you want than its worth.
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);
use File::Find;
use constant DIRECTORIES => qw( dir1 dir2 );
my %files;
# Perl version of the find command. You give it a list of
# directories and a subroutine for filtering what you find.
# I am basically rejecting all non-file entires, then pushing
# them into my %files hash as an array.
find (
sub {
return unless -f;
$files{$_} = [] if not exists $files{$_};
push #{ $files{$_} }, $File::Find::dir;
# All files are found and in %files hash. I can then go
# through all the entries in my hash, and look for ones
# with more than one directory in the array reference.
# IF there is more than one, the file is located in multiple
# directories, and I print them.
for my $file ( sort keys %files ) {
if ( #{ $files{$file} } > 1 ) {
say "File: $file: " . join ", ", #{ $files{$file} };
Try something like this:
find "$DIR1" -printf "%f\0" | xargs -0 -i find "$DIR2" -name \{\}
How about this one-liner?
find dir1 -type f -exec bash -c 'read < <(find dir2 -name "${1##*/}" -type f)' _ {} \; -printf "File %f is in dir2\n" -o -printf "File %f is not in dir2\n"
Absolutely 100% safe regarding files with funny symbols, newlines and spaces in their name.
How does it work?
find (the main one) will scan through directory dir1 and for each file (-type f) will execute
read < <(find dir2 -name "${1##*/} -type f")
with argument the name of the current file given by the main find. This argument is at position $1. The ${1##*/} removes everything before the last / so that if $1 is path/to/found/file the find statement is:
find dir2 -name "file" -type f
This outputs something if file is found, otherwise has no output. That's what is read by the read bash command. read's exit status is true if it was able to read something, and false if there wasn't anything read (i.e., in case nothing is found). This exit status becomes bash's exit status which becomes -exec's status. If true, the next -printf statement is executed, and if false, the -o -printf part will be executed.
If your dirs are given in variables $dir1 and $dir2 do this, so as to be safe regarding spaces and funny symbols that could occur in $dir2:
find "$dir1" -type f -exec bash -c 'read < <(find "$0" -name "${1##*/}" -type f)' "$dir2" {} \; -printf "File %f is in $dir2\n" -o -printf "File %f is not in $dir2\n"
Regarding efficiency: this is of course not an efficient method at all! the inner find will be executed as many times as there are found files in dir1. This is terrible, especially if the directory tree under dir2 is deep and has many branches (you can rely a little bit on caching, but there are limits!).
Regarding usability: you have fine-grained control on how both find's work and on the output, and it's very easy to add many more tests.
So, hey, tell me how to compare files from two directories? Well, if you agree on loosing a little bit of control, this will be the shortest and most efficient answer:
diff dir1 dir2
Try it, you'll be amazed!
Since you are only using find for its recursive directory following, it will be easier to simply use the globstar option in bash. (You're using associative arrays, so your bash is new enough).
shopt -s globstar
declare -A files
if [[ -d $1 && -d $2 ]]; then
for f in "$2"/**/*; do
[[ -f "$f" ]] || continue
BN2=$(basename "$f")
echo "${files[#]}"
for f in "$1"/**/*; do
[[ -f "$f" ]] || continue
BN1=$(basename $f)
if [[ ${files[$BN1]} != $BN1 ]]; then
echo "File not found: $BN1"
** will match zero or more directories, so $1/**/* will match all the files and directories in $1, all the files and directories in those directories, and so forth all the way down the tree.
If you want to use associative arrays, here's one possibility that will work well with files with all sorts of funny symbols in their names (this script has too much to just show the point, but it is usable as is – just remove the parts you don't want and adapt to your needs):
die() {
printf "%s\n" "$#"
exit 1
[[ -n $1 ]] || die "Must give two arguments (none found)"
[[ -n $2 ]] || die "Must give two arguments (only one given)"
[[ -d $dir1 ]] || die "$dir1 is not a directory"
[[ -d $dir2 ]] || die "$dir2 is not a directory"
declare -A dir1files
declare -A dir2files
while IFS=$'\0' read -r -d '' file; do
done < <(find "$dir1" -type f -print0)
while IFS=$'\0' read -r -d '' file; do
done < <(find "$dir2" -type f -print0)
# Which files in dir1 are in dir2?
for i in "${!dir1files[#]}"; do
if [[ -n ${dir2files[$i]} ]]; then
printf "File %s is both in %s and in %s\n" "$i" "$dir1" "$dir2"
# Remove it from dir2 has
unset dir2files["$i"]
printf "File %s is in %s but not in %s\n" "$i" "$dir1" "$dir2"
# Which files in dir2 are not in dir1?
# Since I unset them from dir2files hash table, the only keys remaining
# correspond to files in dir2 but not in dir1
if [[ -n "${!dir2files[#]}" ]]; then
printf "File %s is in %s but not in %s\n" "$dir2" "$dir1" "${!dir2files[#]}"
Remark. The identification of files is only based on their filenames, not their contents.

bash testing a group of directories for existence

Have documents stored in a file system which includes "daily" directories, e.g. 20050610. In a bash script I want to list the files in a months worth of these directories. So I'm running a find command find <path>/200506* -type f >> jun2005.lst. Would like to check that this set of directories is not a null set before executing the find command. However, if I use if[ -d 200506* ] I get a "too many arguements error. How can I get around this?
Your "too many arguments" error does not come from there being a huge number of files and exceeding the command line argument limit. It comes from having more than one or two directories that match the glob. Your glob "200506*" expands to something like "20050601 20050602 20050603..." and the -d test only expects one argument.
$ mkdir test
$ cd test
$ mkdir a1
$ [ -d a* ] # no error
$ mkdir a2
$ [ -d a* ]
-bash: [: a1: binary operator expected
$ mkdir a3
$ [ -d a* ]
-bash: [: too many arguments
The answer by zed_0xff is on the right track, but I'd use a different approach:
shopt -s nullglob
dirs=("$path"/$glob) # dirs is an array available to be iterated over if needed
if (( ${#dirs[#]} > 0 ))
echo "directories found"
# append may not be necessary here
find "$path"/$glob -type f >> "$outfile"
The position of the quotes in "$path"/$glob versus "$path/$glob" is essential to this working.
Corrections made to exclude files that match the glob (so only directories are included) and to handle the very unusual case of a directory named literally like the glob ("200506*").
n_dirs=$(find $prefix -maxdepth 1 -type d -wholename "$prefix/$glob" |wc -l)
if [[ $n_dirs -gt 0 ]];then
find $prefix -maxdepth 2 -type f -wholename "$prefix/$glob"
if [ ${#S} -gt 6 ]; then
echo haz filez!
echo no filez
not a very elegant one, but w/o any external tools/commands (if don't think of "[" as an external one)
the clue is if there is some files matched, then "S" variable will contain their names delimited with space. Otherwise it will contain a "200506*" string itself.
You could us ls like this:
if [ -n "$(ls -d | grep 200506)" ]; then
# There are directories with this pattern
Because there is a limit on command line length in most shells: anything like "$(ls -d | grep 200506)" or /path/200506* will run the risk of overflowing the limit. I'm not sure if substitutions and glob expansions count towards it in BASH, but I assume so. You would have to test it and check the bash docs and source to be sure.
The answer is in simplifying your question.
find <path>/200506* -type f -exec somescript '{}' \;
Where somescript is a shell script that does the test. Something like this perhaps:
[ -d "$#" ] && echo "$#" >> june2005.lst
Passing the june2005.lst to the script (advice: use an environment variable), and dealing with any possibility that 200506* may expand to tooo huge a file path, being left as an exercise for the OP ;)
Integrating the whole thing into a pipe line or adapting a more general scripting language would yield performance boosts, by minimizing the number of shells spawned. Now that would be fun. Here is a hint for that, use -exec and another program (awk, perl, etc) to do the directory test as part of a one line filter, and keep the >>june2005.lst on the find command.
