Do I need a paid-for version of Visual Studio to develop for the new Windows Phone 7 Series? - visual-studio-2010

Free Expression Blend 4 for Windows Phone, Silverlight and XNA in all their glory...
But can I use them with a Visual Studio 10 version other than Express without paying for it? (My problem being that Express doesn't accept the addins/plugins I depend upon...)

I think i read something today of an express version for windows 7 phones... which would mean the answer here would be no. Not sure where I got it, though.
Ah, yes, here:
in more detail:
So, there will be an express version for the phones ;)

If you purchase VS 2010 professional, you will get Windows Phone development support in it automatically (via an add-in which gets automatically installed). And you can use your other add-ins as well.
Here is the msdn reference.

The answer is yes on both questions. There will be the free tools (VS 2010 Expres for Windows Phone and Expression Blend 4 for Windows Phone) if you happen to have VS 2010 Ultimate the add-ins will install in that version for you so you can use all the add-ons you currently use with VS 2010 as well.


Can't create project on Visual Studio for Windows Phone

I want to start developing App for Windows Phone.
I have installed Visual Studio 2010 Express, Updating it to SP1. Install Windows Phone SDK 7.1. And when I want to create a new Project, here comes the error.
I have installed .NET Framework 3.5 to 4.5. Silverlight SDK 4.0. What am I missing here ?
I am using Windows 8 32 bit if it has any difference.
Microsoft made developing for windows-phone as complicated as possible. )
So, basically there are two solutions, that are guaranteed to work:
1) You can develop on Visual Studio 2010 for windows-phone-7 on Windows 7.
2)You can develop on Visual Studio 2012 for windows-phone-8 on Windows 8(64-bit).
The other variations are more like a 'dance with tambourine', in my humble opinion.
There are solutions, but they are all tricky.
What may work for you:
Check this question, maybe it helps.
The first answer has a link with instruction of how-to install a sdk for wp7 on windows 8. Try it. However, there's no mention about 32-it system, so it might also not work.
Right now, you've said, you've installed SDK 7.0. Try to to, as suggested in above-mentioned link and install Windows Phone SDK 7.1 and 7.1.1 update.

Windows Phone on Visual Studio and windows 8

Currently I am using visual studio 2010 in a new Windows 8 machine and I am a Windows Phone developer. Windows Phone SDK works properly only in VS1012 on Windows 8.
In case of Windows Phone, what's the difference between using visual studio express or add-in on visual studio 2012 ultimate?
Visual Studio Ultimate is a powerful professional and commercial tool. It offers you to install extensions, testing capabilities and all sorts of cool stuff that you may or may not need or even not know they exist. To compare editions in details, go here.
If you just wish to develop apps for Windows Phone 8, Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows Phone will be fine - complete SDK is available to you, and in that sense it shouldn't be any different. You get the emulator(s), Blend etc. However, you will have to switch to other Express versions if you wish to develop for other platforms, too.
From an SDK feature perspective, there is no difference. If you already have VS2012 Ultimate, then you should use it with the add-in because of all of the extra capabilities that VS2012 Ultimate has over VS2012 Express. But if you don't have Ultimate already, it's worth noting that VS2012 Express is free and Ultimate is rather pricey - so if all you want to do is develop WP apps/games, Express is probably sufficient for your needs.

Does the Honeywell D6X00 WinCE5.0 SDK work with Visual Studio 2010?

I'm planning to develop an application targetting the Honeywell Dolphin 6100 running Win CE 5.0. The documentation for the platform SDK and device SDK say that VS2005 is required to use them.
I don't have a copy of VS2005 and since it's not sold or supported by MS any more, I'd much rather buy VS2010. Does anyone know if the Honeywell D6X00 SDKs are compatible with VS2010?
Thanks for your help!
You can get access to VS2005 or VS2008 by purchasing VS2010 Pro with a MSDN subscription. You can then download old versions of VS and other stuff from the MSDN site. This is the path I have taken as there is lots of info on the web about how VS2010 does not support Win CE 5.0. If you plan to only write straight C++, you can use embedded visual c++ 4.0 which you can download for free from MS. If you have a lot of UI code, you may want to get VS2005.
Good luck.
Visual Studio 2010 removed support for developing Windows Mobile devices (instead replacing that with support for Windows Phone) - you would need to get hold of Visual Studio 2008 (or 2005, as you mention), which should still be available.

How to start developing for the Windows 7 phone?

I had a link that had some great information regarding the new developer tools for Windows 7 phone, but I lost it! :(
Where can I download the appropriate tools? Is there an emulator that simulates the phone on my laptop so I can do short tech demos for my study group?
Thank you.
everything you need is FREE and available here:
Basically it's Visual Studio Express for Windows phone and Expression Blend Express for Windows phone. There's a 3.5Mb bootstrapper that will download everythingh you need.
The tools you need are still in beta. You can get them from . They work with whatever version of Visual Studio you have (Express right up to ultimate.) I just blogged some links to resources to help you get started:
You need to get the latest Visual Studio.
You can get it for free if you're a student from DreamSpark.
There's an add-on for Windows 7 phone to get to the marketplace
The Beta version of Windows Phone 7 will install Visual Studio Express for Windows Phone and well as Expression Studio for Windows Phone too. These are free as well.

Windows Mobile development in Visual Studio 2010

I just pulled the 2010 ultimate from MSDN, and I see there's no "Smart Device" options anymore. Does anybody knows how to enable it, or how to install it?
According to various sources in the net Visual Studio 2010 doesn't support Windows Mobile 6.5 development (see here and here for example). Of course there might be an SDK available in the future. For now, you need to use Visual Studio 2008.
Now you can with windows phone SDK7.1 You just need Visual Studio 2010 SP1 and download the Windows Phone SDK 7.1 from here
