Method for combining tiled squares defined as points into vectors - tiles

If I tile squares, and the squares can be defined by their coordinates, how can I simplify shapes made of multiple squares into vectors that define each edge of the entire shape? Pseudo-code or general terms are fine.

The first thing I can think of is (probably not the most efficient way) :
1) Get the bounding box of your entire tiling - which is min(x), min(y) to max(x), max(y) for all x and y of your tiles
2) For every row, start with STATE==EMPTY, iterate over each column : STATE changes to FULL when you hit a square, and EMPTY when you find a hole. Every time STATE goes from EMPTY to FULL, save the left hand line segment of that square and every time STATE goes from FULL to EMPTY, save the right hand line segment of that square.
3) Repeat above in the Y axis
Now you have a set containing only the outermost line segments, you can combine those that are co-linear etc and get the overall shape.
This will work for non-convex shapes and also if you have holes in your tiling.


Find the rectangle with the maximum area, containing a specific point in an occupancy grid

Given an occupancy grid, for example:
Where, * represents an occupied block, . represents a free block and X represents a point (or block) of interest, what is the most time-efficient algorithm to find the largest rectangle which includes X, but does not include any obstacles, i.e. any *?
For example, the solution to the provided grid would be:
My Thoughts
Given we have a known starting point X, I can't help but think there must be a straightforwards solution to "snap" lines to the outer boundaries to create the largest rectangle.
My current thinking is to snap lines to the maximum position offsets (i.e. go to the next row or column until you encounter an obstacle) in a cyclic manner. E.g. you propagate a horizontal line from the point X down until there is a obstacle along that line, then you propagate a vertical line left until you encounter an obstacle, then a horizontal line up and a vertical line right. You repeat this starting at with one of the four moving lines to get four rectangles, and then you select the rectangle with the largest area. However, I do not know if this is optimal, nor the quickest approach.
This problem is a well-known one in Computational Geometry. A simplified version of this problem (without a query point) is briefly described here. The problem with query point can be formulated in the following way:
Let P be a set of n points in a fixed axis-parallel rectangle B in the plane. A P-empty rectangle (or just an empty rectangle for short) is any axis-parallel rectangle that is contained in
B and its interior does not contain any point of P. We consider the problem of preprocessing
P into a data structure so that, given a query point q, we can efficiently find the largest-area
P-empty rectangle containing q.
The paragraph above has been copied from this paper, where authors describe an algorithm and data structure for the set with N points in the plane, which allow to find a maximal empty rectangle for any query point in O(log^4(N)) time. Sorry to say, it's a theoretic paper, which doesn't contain any algorithm implementation details.
A possible approach could be to somehow (implicitly) rule out irrelevant occupied cells: those that are in the "shadow" of others with respect to the starting point:
0 1 X
01234567890123456789 →
↓ Y
Looking at this picture, you could state that
there are only 3 relevant xmin values for the rectangle: [3,4,5], each having an associated ymin and ymax, respectively [(3,6),(0,6),(0,9)]
there are only 3 relevant xmax values for the rectangle: [10,11,19], each having an associated ymin and ymax, respectively [(0,9),(4,9),(4,5)]
So the problem can be reduced to finding the rectangle with the highest area out of the 3x3 set of unique combinations of xmin and xmax values
If you take into account the preparation part of selecting relevant occupied cells, this has the complexity of O(occ_count), not taking into sorting if this would still be needed and with occ_count being the number of occupied cells.
Finding the best solution (in this case 3x3 combinations) would be O(min(C,R,occ_count)²). The min(C,R) includes that you could choose the 'transpose' the approach in case R<C, (which is actually true in this example) and that that the number of relevant xmins and xmaxs have the number of occupied cells as an upper limit.

Efficiently filling empty cells in 3D matrix

I have a 3D "cubical" matrix, with some cells filled and others empty. A closed region enclosed by filled cells represents a hollow shape. For example, the matrix could have cells filled in such a way that together they form the surface of a hollow sphere. Now, I want an efficient way to fill the interior of this sphere: if a cell C0 is surrounded in all directions by filled cells (filled cell in any direction need not be an immediate neighbor of C0), then fill C0.
A naive way would be the following :-
For each cell, scan in the +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z direction, and see
if you encounter a filled cell in each and every direction.
If a filled cell is encountered in each and every direction, then fill this
cell (as it is part of the interior of some shape).
If you reach the end of grid even in one direction without encountering any filled
cell, then the cell under consideration is not interior to any shape,
and should remain unfilled.
The complexity of above approach is O(n^4), where dimension of 3D grid is n*n*n.
An optimization could be to as follows :-
If for an unfilled cell C[x][y][z], we encountered one filled cell
each in all the 6 directions, then not only C[x][y][z] needs to
be filled, it is also guaranteed that all the cells which we scanned
just now (i.e. {in +X direction, all cells C[x][y][z], C[x+1][y][z],
C[x+2][y][z], ..., till the first filled cell}, similarly for -X, +Y,
-Y, +Z, -Z direction) must be part of the interior of some shape, and hence must be filled.
Another could be as follows :-
If for an unfilled cell C[x][y][z], we DO NOT encounter any filled
cell in, say, +X direction, then not only will C[x][y][z] remain
unfilled, it is also guaranteed that all the cells which we scanned
just now (i.e. in +X direction, all cells C[x][y][z], C[x+1][y][z],
C[x+2][y][z], ..., till the end of grid) must be part of the exterior
and hence, must remain unfilled.
Can someone suggest a more efficient approach to this problem? Even simple optimizations like above, which might not reduce the order of time complexity, are welcome.
You are dealing with 3D Flood Fill. See detailed Wikipedia article
Ok, as this is a closed hollow shapes, we can simply use a BFS or DFS to solve the problem.
Starting with an empty queue, add to the queue any cell that lies inside the hollow shape. From the top of the queue, pop out one cell, fill this cell and check 6 other neighbors of this cell, if this neighbor is not filled, add it to the queue, else just ignore this cell. Continue this process until the queue is empty.
The remaining problem is to find a cell that located inside the hollow shape, one trick is the you need to find the cell located at the corner of the shape, which has at least three filled neighbors.
Time complexity is O(number of needed to filled cell * 6 direction need to check)
Tip to move to 6 direction:
int[] x = {0,0,0,0,1,-1};
int[] y = {0,0,1,-1,0,0};
int[] z = {1,-1,0,0,0,0};
Point p = // point in space with three dimension x,y,z
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
int a = p.x + x[i];
int b = p.y + y[i];
int c = p.z + z[i];
For each cell, scan in the +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z direction, and see if you encounter a filled cell in each and every direction.
If a filled cell is encountered in each and every direction, then fill this cell (as it is part of the interior of some shape).
The above statement is incorrect unless you are only dealing with convex hulls. The image below shows that the point in question is not enclosed in the blue shape but it will still intersect in all (x,y,z) directions.
Instead, to handle the general case of finding hollowed shapes, you can add all cells to a Set. Then start at a boundary cell. The cell at the boundary is part of a hollowed shape if it is filled, otherwise it is part of a background (non-filled) shape.
Then, similar to #Pham Trung's answer, you can traverse outward in all directions until you have traversed all cells that are within the shape, ignoring the colored cells at the boundaries. Choose another cell at the boundary of the previous shape and start the process over until all cells are traversed.
In the end you will have each cell labeled as either part of a hollow shape or the background.
Just for completeness, two more. YMMV depending on a lot of factors.
1. Find the surface
If you are dealing with a large number of voxels, one optimisation possibility would be to find the border surface of the hollow. This can be done as in Pham Trung's answer but only accepting cells which have at least one of their 6 neighbours filled.
After the border surface has been determined, it can be filled line-by-line using 1D fills, as the directions "inside" and "outside" are known.
This method keeps the set size much smaller if you have a large number of voxels (scales as n^2 instead of n^3). Set lookups are usually very fast, but if the set does not fit into RAM, they slow down a lot.
2. Slice to 2D
Another possibility would be to slice the shape into 2D slices and connect the resulting cavities layer-by-layer. Then only two slices need to be kept in memory at the same time.
The principal idea is to give every separate connected 2D region an own identifier and then find its connections to the already known regions in the neighbouring layer. After handling all layers, connected 3D regions remain.
The challenging part is to find the best algorithm to connect the 2D regions in neighbouring layers. It seems that this method is fast with simple shapes (few disconnected regions in the 2D slices) but slow with complex shapes ("wormholes in tree"). Also, a quick algorithm to find a single common point in two sets is needed. (I.e. no full set intersection is required, just the information whether the sets have at least one common point or not.)
Again, if your sets are of reasonable size, the trivial algorithm described by Pham Trung is probably the best choice.

What is the fastest way to determine all cells in a regular 2d grid that are touched by a line segment

I want to find all grid tiles that touch or contain parts of a given finite line segment. The grid is a 2d regular grid, thus I can deduce any tile's center from a tile position (row,colum) and vice versa I can calculate a tile position from a given floating point coordinate with two fast integer divisions. The tiles are quadratic e.g. 0.25x0.25 with 0.25 defined as the tile width.
Now I need to determine all tiles that are touched by a given line segment
(two 2d points given in floats define a line segment).
My current approach is to split the segment into equidistant points with a distance half the tile-width (greetings to shannon). Than I collect all tiles that contain the given points and remove duplicate tiles.
Since this operation is the most performance critical part of my program I was wondering whether there is a faster approach to calculate the respective tiles.
Edit: As Patricia noted my current approach does not result in a complete tile set since a tile that is only touched to a very small fraction by the line would not be included. This is acceptable for me since in my case speed is more important than accuracy, but should be noted none the less.
To make it clearer: I want all red tiles in the image but I can spare e.g. the rose ones if I gain speed for that.
Your problem basically comes down to drawing a line segment on a raster image.
If you can spare the pink tiles, use the Bresenham's algorithm. Otherwise, use a similar technique as is used to draw antialiased lines:
You start at the tile which contains one end of the segment and put it to the queue. Then follow with a regular BFS algorithm, putting only tiles which intersect with the segment to the queue:
In one iteration take one tile from one end of the queue, this is your next found intersecting tile. Then find all its neighbors, and put those which intersect with the segment (it's enough to test intersection with a line in this case) to the other end of the queue. The neighbors must be chosen according to the direction of the line. If it goes down-right, use the down, right and down-right tiles as neighbors, if it goes up, use only up neighbors, and so on.
You end when you reach the tile which contains the other end of the segment.
Test the gradient of the line, against the tile diagonal with the same gradient sign. If it is steeper than a tile diagonal, exchange x and y coordinates in what follows.
If the gradient is shallower than the tile diagonal, the line touches or crosses a given tile, and the tile does not contain an end point, at least one of its intersections with the edges of the tile must be on an x boundary of the tile.
For each line end, collect the tile containing or tiles touching the end point.
For each x coordinate that is a tile edge between the two end point x coordinates, calculate the line's y coordinate. Collect the tiles touching that point.
I think this can all be done with at most a couple of divisions to do the gradient check. The main process is all multiplication, addition, and comparisons.
Given the line segment's end points, you can easily compute the equation of the line, y = mx + b. And given the length of the segment, you can compute the parametric form:
x = x0 + ft
y = y0 + gt
Given either of those equations, you can calculate the y coordinate for any given x coordinate on the line. So ...
Starting at the first end point of the line, you know that the cell containing that point is in the set. You know the x coordinates for each cell, so you can quickly determine the y coordinate at which your line segment crosses the cell boundary. If that y coordinate is above the cell's top y coordinate, then the line segment intersects the cell above the starting cell. (Substitute "below" if the line's slope is "down.)
If you repeat that test for each cell boundary along the x axis, you will get the list of all cells that the segment crosses.

Efficient algorithm to find a point not touched by a set of rectangles

Input: a set of rectangles within the area (0, 0) to (1600, 1200).
Output: a point which none of the rectangles contains.
What's an efficient algorithm for this? The only two I can currently think of are:
Create a 1600x1200 array of booleans. Iterate through the area of each rectangle, marking those bits as True. Iterate at the end and find a False bit. Problem is that it wastes memory and can be slow.
Iterate randomly through points. For each point, iterate through the rectangles and see if any of them contain the point. Return the first point that none of the rectangles contain. Problem is that it is really slow for densely populated problem instances.
Why am I doing this? It's not for homework or for a programming competition, although I think that a more complicated version of this question was asked at one (each rectangle had a 'color', and you had to output the color of a few points they gave you). I'm just trying to programmatically disable the second monitor on Windows, and I'm running into problems with a more sane approach. So my goal is to find an unoccupied spot on the desktop, then simulate a right-click, then simulate all the clicks necessary to disable it from the display properties window.
For each rectangle, create a list of runs along the horizontal direction. For example a rectangle of 100x50 will generate 50 runs of 100. Write these with their left-most X coordinate and Y coordinate to a list or map.
Sort the list, Y first then X.
Go through the list. Overlapping runs should be adjacent, so you can merge them.
When you find the first run that doesn't stretch across the whole screen, you're done.
I would allocate an image with my favorite graphics library, and let it do rectangle drawing.
You can try a low res version first (scale down a factor 8), that will work if there is at least a 15x15 area. If it fails, you can try a high res.
Use Windows HRGNs (Region in .net). They were kind of invented for this. But that's not language agnostic no.
Finally you can do rectangle subtraction. Only problem is that you can get up to 4 rectangles each time you subtract one rect from another. If there are lots of small ones, this can get out of hand.
P.S.: Consider optimizing for maximized windows. Then you can tell there are no pixels visible without hit testing.
Sort all X-coordinates (start and ends of rectangles), plus 0 & 1600, remove duplicates. Denote this Xi (0 <= i <= n).
Sort all Y-coordinates (start and ends of rectangles), plus 0 & 1200, remove duplicates. Denote this Yj (0 <= j <= m).
Make a n * m grid with the given Xi and Yj from the previous points, this should be much smaller than the original 1600x1200 one (unless you have a thousand rectangles, in which case this idea doesn't apply). Each point in this grid maps to a rectangle in the original 1600 x 1200 image.
Paint rectangles in this grid: find the coordinates of the rectangles in the sets from the first steps, paint in the grid. Each rectangle will be on the form (Xi1, Yj1, Xi2, Yj2), so you paint in the small grid all points (x, y) such that i1 <= x < i2 && j1 <= y < j2.
Find the first unpainted cell in the grid, take any point from it, the center for example.
Note: Rectangles are assumed to be on the form: (x1, y1, x2, y2), representing all points (x, y) such that x1 <= x < x2 && y1 <= y < y2.
Nore2: The sets of Xi & Yj may be stored in a sorted array or tree for O(log n) access. If the number of rectangles is big.
If you know the minimum x and y dimensions of the rectangles, you can use the first approach (a 2D array of booleans) using fewer pixels.
Take into account that 1600x1200 is less than 2M pixels. Is that really so much memory? If you use a bitvector, you only need 235k.
You first idea is not so bad... you should just change the representation of the data.
You may be interessed in a sparse array of booleans.
A language dependant solution is to use the Area (Java).
If I had to do this myself, I'd probably go for the 2d array of booleans (particularly downscaled as jdv suggests, or using accelerated graphics routines) or the random point approach.
If you really wanted to do a more clever approach, though, you can just consider rectangles. Start with a rectangle with corners (0,0),(1600,1200) = (lx,ly),(rx,ry) and "subtract" the first window (wx1,wy1)(wx2,wy2).
This can generate at most 4 new "still available" rectangles if it is completely contained within the original free rectangle: (eg, all 4 corners of the new window are contained within the old one) they are (lx,ly)-(rx,wy1), (lx,wy1)-(wx1,wy2), (wx2,wy1)-(rx,wy2), and (lx,wy2)-(rx,ry). If just a corner of the window overlaps (only 1 corner is inside the free rectangle), it breaks it into two new rectangles; if a side (2 corners) juts in it breaks it into 3; and if there's no overlap, nothing changes. (If they're all axes aligned, you can't have 3 corners inside).
So then keep looping through the windows, testing for intersection and sub-dividing rectangles, until you have a list (if any) of all remaining free space in terms of rectangles.
This is probably going to be slower than any of the graphics-library powered approaches above, but it'd be more fun to write :)
Keep a list of rectangles that represent uncovered space. Initialize it to the entire area.
For each of the given rectangles
For each rectangle in uncovered space
If they intersect, divide the uncovered space into smaller rectangles around the covering rectangle, and add the smaller rectangles (if any) to your list of uncovered ones.
If your list of uncovered space still has any entries, they contain all points not covered by the given rectangles.
This doesn't depend on the number of pixels in your area, so it will work for large (or infinite) resolution. Each new rectangle in the uncovered list will have corners at unique intersections of pairs of other rectangles, so there will be at most O(n^2) in the list, giving a total runtime of O(n^3). You can make it more efficient by keeping your list of uncovered rectangles an a better structure to check each covering rectangle against.
This is a simple solution with a 1600+1200 space complexity only, it is similar in concept to creating a 1600x1200 matrix but without using a whole matrix:
Start with two boolean arrays W[1600] and H[1200] set to true.
Then for each visible window rectangle with coordinate ranges w1..w2 and h1..h2, mark W[w1..w2] and H[h1..h2] to false.
To check if a point with coordinates (w, h) falls in an empty space just check that
(W[w] && H[h]) == true

Visiting the points in a triangle in a random order

For a right triangle specified by an equation aX + bY <= c on integers
I want to plot each pixel(*) in the triangle once and only once, in a pseudo-random order, and without storing a list of previously hit points.
I know how to do this with a line segment between 0 and x
pick a random point'o' along the line,
pick 'p' that is relatively prime to x
repeat for up to x times: Onext = (Ocur + P) MOD x
To do this for a triangle, I would
1. Need to count the number of pixels in the triangle sans lists
2. Map an integer 0..points into a x,y pair that is a valid pixel inside the triangle
I hope any solution could be generalized to pyramids and higher dimensional shapes.
(*) I use the CG term pixel for the pair of integer points X,Y such that the equation is satisfied.
Since you want to guarantee visiting each pixel once and only once, it's probably better to think in terms of pixels rather than the real triangles.
You can slice the triangles horizontally and get bunch of horizontal scan lines. Connect the scan lines together and you have converted your "triangle" into a long line. Apply your point visiting algorithm to your long chain of scan lines.
By the way, this mapping only needs to happen on paper, all you need is a function that can return (x, y) given (t) along the virtual scan line.
To convert two points to a line segment, you can look for Bresenham's scan conversion. Once you get the 3 line segments converted into series of points, you can put all points into a bucket and group all points by y. Within the same y-value, sort points by x. The smallest x within a y-value is the begin point of the scan line and the largest x within the y-value is the end point of the scan line. This is called "scan converting triangle". You can find more info if you Google.
Here's a solution for Triangle Point Picking.
What you have to do is choose two vectors (sides) of your triangle, multiply each with a random number in [0,1] and add them up. This will provide a uniform distribution in the quadrilateral defined by the vectors. You'll have to check whether the result lies inside the original triangle; if it doesn't either transform it back in or simply discard it and try again.
One method is to put all of the pixels into an array and then shuffle the array (this is O(n)), then visit the pixels in the order in the shuffled array. This could require quite a lot of memory though.
Here's a method which wastes some CPU time but probably doesn't waste as much as a more complicated method would do.
Compute a rectangle that circumscribes the triangle. It will be easy to "linearize" that rectangle, each scan line followed by the next. Use the algorithm that you already know in order to traverse the pixels of the rectangle. When you hit each pixel, check if the pixel is in the triangle, and if not then skip it.
I would consider the lines of the triangle as single line, which is cut into segments. The segments would be stored in an array where the length of the segment also stored as well as the offset in the total length of the lines. Then depending on the value of O, you can select which array element contains the pixel you want to draw at that moment based on this information and paint the pixel based on the values in the element.
