Windows system call issue in W2K8 - windows

I am having a problem with windows system function “EnumProcessModules()” that is defined in psapi.dll. In our component we use this function to retrieve modules in a specified process. This function is working well as long as we run the program on a 32-bit OS. However, this function fails when we run the program on a 64-bit OS (e.g. W2K8 R2). As you all know we are targeting Clay and Brick on W2K8 R2s. This is a known problem as per the following discussion in MSDN. One work around that was suggested in that thread is to compile the code as 64-bit. To us that is not an option, at least not yet. Do you have any suggestions? Any pointers/suggestions/ideas will be appreciated.

If your existing code must continue being compiled as 32-bit, one possibility would be to create a small 64-bit executable that enumerates the processes via EnumProcessModulesEx. The 32-bit process could spawn the 64-bit process when necessary to do that work. Then use some kind of IPC to transfer the information back to the 32-bit process. Depending on what is needed, that part could be as low tech as writing a file to disk and reading it from the first process (or pipes, shared memory, sockets, etc.).


How do certain Windows DLL apparently manage to support both 32 and 64 bit?

I seem to be able to access the functions in C:\WINDOWS\system32\opengl32.dll (and likewise C:\WINDOWS\system32\glu32.dll) from either a 32-bit or a 64-bit application (for what it's worth, I'm doing this from separate 32-bit and 64-bit Python 2.7 interpreters, via the ctypes module).
With glut32.dll, things are different. It only happens to be on my Path as part of a 32-bit installation of GraphViz. From 32-bit Python, I can link dynamically to it, but from 64-bit Python I get [Error 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
Now, this error does not surprise me, because I had always thought DLLs were obliged to commit to one architecture or another on Windows (in particular, this recent question and its answers seem to say so). What surprises me is the lack of an error in the first case... How does opengl32.dll do it, and how can I replicate this behaviour when building my own DLLs?
On 64 bit system only 64 bit processes use c:\Windows\System32\opengl32.dll. For 32 bit processes system redirects c:\Windows\System32\opengl32.dll to c:\Windows\SysWOW64\opengl32.dll.
File System Redirector
In most cases, whenever a 32-bit application attempts to access %windir%\System32, the access is redirected to %windir%\SysWOW64. Access to %windir%\lastgood\system32 is redirected to %windir%\lastgood\SysWOW64. Access to %windir%\regedit.exe is redirected to %windir%\SysWOW64\regedit.exe.

Do all user mode processes started in Windows go through CreateProcess?

Is there any bottleneck above the physical the cpu and HAL? Or are there multiple ways a process could start under Windows XP, Vista, or 7, that don't invovle CreateProcess at some point?
Given the comment on your question:
Building an Anti-Executable driver, just planning, wondering if controlling createprocess would be enough.
No it wouldn't be enough if security is your concern. There is NtCreateProcess below that one for example. And those aren't the only ones.
The best way provided by the system is a file system filter driver. In fact the WDK comes with samples that require only a moderate amount of change to do what you're asking. Since you asked about XP you can use a minifilter if you can get away with support for XP SP1 and later.
PsSetLoadImageNotifyRoutine and PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine are unfortunately only notifications. So they don't allow to do anything about the event that they notify about. And you really shouldn't attempt to work around this.
In the old times I have seen some clever implementations using SSDT hooks on ZwCreateSection that would exchange the returned handle with one to an executable that shows an error message. Since the executable itself sees the original command line, it can then show a nice error message informing the user that the command has been banned for reasons xyz. However, with Vista and later and even on XP and 2003 64bit (x64), it's going to be harder to write the SSDT hooks. Not to mention that everyone would frown upon it, that it requires quite extensive experience to get it right (and even then it often has flaws that can cause havoc) and that you can forget any certifications you may be aspiring for in the Windows Logo process.
Conclusion: use a file system filter driver to deny access to unwanted executables. With a minifilter the learning curve will be moderate, with a legacy filter I'll recommend you take a few courses first and then start your first attempts.
Looking through a quick disassembly of CreateProcess, it appears that the two main things it does are:
Call NtCreateUserProcess (this is syscall 0xAA) to actually create the process structures in the kernel (PEB, etc.)
Start the new process with a call to NtResumeThread (syscall 0x4F).
The Windows Internals books certainly detail this process very well.
I'm not sure if there are designated hooks in the kernel which would allow you to create your anti-executable driver. It used to be that you could hook the "System Service Dispatch Table" to change how these system calls behaved. But now, technologies like PatchGuard prevent a driver from doing this (and allowing the system to run).

How to know if a process is running in Windows in C++, WinAPI?

How do I know in a windows program if a process is running if I only know the exe file name ?
The process in question is TeamSpeak3 ts3client_win64.exe for 64 bit and ts3client_win32.exe for 32 bit.
I am using C++
Use the CreateToolhelp32Snapshot function to create a snapshot of the current process table, then use the Process32First and Process32Next functions to iterate the snapshot. You can get the name for each executable file by looking at the szExeName field of the PROCESSENTRY32 structure.
See the MSDN example for a sample of how to use these functions.
The advantage of this approach is that, unlike any EnumProcesses-based solution, it doesn't suffer from race conditions: with EnumProcesses it can happen that a process gets destroyed after you finished enumerating the processes but before you got around to opening the process (or reading our the process executable name).
You can use a combination of EnumProcesses, OpenProcess, and GetModuleFileNameEx (or alternatively, QueryFullProcessImageName for Vista or later). MSDN even has an example.
Windows NT has several APIs for enumerating processes.
NtQuerySystemInformation (discouraged)
WMI's Win32_Process (works remotely)

Does Windows XP have an equivalent to VAX/VMS Installed Shared Images?

Back in the good old/bad old days when I developed on VAX/VMS it had a feature called 'Installed Shared Images' whereby if one expected one's executable program would be run by many users concurrently one could invoke the INSTALL utility thus:
The /SHARE flag had the effect of separating out the code from the data so that concurrent users of ONES_PROGRAM.EXE would all share the code (on a read-only basis of course) but each would have their own copy of the data (on a read-write basis). This technique/feature saved Mbytes of memory (which was necessary in those days) as only ONE copy of the program's code ever needed to be resident in VAX memory irrespective of the number of concurrent users.
Does Windows XP have something similar? I can't figure out if the Control Panel's 'Add Programs/Features' is the equivalent (I think it is, but I'm not sure)
Many thanks for any info
p.s. INSTALL would also share Libraries as well as Programs in case you were curious
The Windows virtual memory manager will do this automatically for you. So long as the module can be loaded at the same address in each process, the physical memory for the code will be shared between each process that loads that module. That is true for all modules, libraries as well as executables.
This is achieved by the linker marking code segments as being shareable. So, linkers mark code segments as being shareable, and data segments otherwise.
The bottom line is that you do not have to do anything explicit to make this happen.

hibernating a single process in Windows

Is there any library or software or any way of saving the state of a single process in Windows to a file, then restoring the running process to a running state with all the memory already loaded at a later time?
I am aware that open handles will have to be re-opened, threads may have to started, etc, but can the heap and a single thread stack at least be restored?
I saw this question, but the answers are all for linux and most of them say it can't be done.
I know I can make all of my data structures serializable and do it myself, but I'd like to know if it is possible without that.
Raymond Chen (who may even kick Jon Skeet's ass when it comes to obscure Windows knowledge) says it isn't possible.
Essentially, unless your process uses absolutely no system resources (e.g. handles of any kind), there's always going to be some OS state which you can't save and restore.
The most practical way of solving this problem is to create a VM running another instance of Windows and run your process inside that:
You can make the guest OS as lightweight as possible by using nLite.
You can then use the VMWare VIX API to suspend/resume the VM programmatically.
This of course suspends the guest OS, and your process with it, solving the OS state problem.
>> •You can make the guest OS as lightweight as possible by using nLite.
To add to the above statement - The official lightweight version of Windows XP is "XP Embedded" or "Windows Embedded Standard". It is a heavily componentized version of XP that lets you slim down the XP image as small as 40 MB.
The "light weight" version of Windows 7 is Windows Embedded Standard 2011 , which is currently in Beta and available for download (
Of course , it is not a freeware unlike NLite.
