binary number comparison - algorithm

If I have a 32 bit two's complement number and I want to know what is the easiest way to know of two numbers are equal... what would be the fastest bitwise operator to know this? I know xor'ing both numbers and check if the results are zero works well... any other one's?
how about if a number is greater than 0?? I can check the 31'st bit to see if it's greater or equal to 0..but how about bgtz?

Contrary to your comments, '==' is part of Verilog, and unless my memory is a lot worse than usual tonight, it should synthesize just fine. Just for example, you could write something like:
// warning: untested, incomplete and utterly useless in any case.
// It's been a while since I wrote much Verilog, so my syntax is probably a bit off
// anyway (might well be more like VHDL than it should be).
module add_when_equal(clock, a, b, x, y, z);
input clock;
input [31:0] a, b, x, y;
output [31:0] z;
reg [31:0] a, b, x, y, z;
always begin: main
#(posedge clock);
if (a == b)
z <= x + y;
Verilog also supports the other comparison operators you'd normally expect (!=, <=, etc.). Synthesizers are fairly "smart", so something like x != 0 will normally synthesize to an N-input OR gate instead of a comparator.

// this should work as comparator for Equality
wire [31:0] Cmp1, Cmp2;
wire Equal;
assign Equal = &{Cmp1 ~^ Cmp2}; // using XNOR
assign Equal = ~|{Cmp1 ^ Cmp2}; // using XOR

if you can xor and then compare the result with zero then you can compare a result with some value and if you can compare something to a value then you can just compare the two values without using an xor and a 32 bit zero.


Assigning values to parametrized arrays in Verilog

Suppose I have the following module definition,
module foo(b)
input b;
parameter length = 8;
reg [length-1:0] dummy ;
Now, I want to assign values to this dummy array. For instance I want to make it all 1s. If the length was not parameterized, I could do this,
always #(posedge b)
dummy <= 8'hFF;
But when the length is parameterized, I would hope to do this,
always #(posedge b)
dummy <= length'hFFFF //won't even compile. even if it did, how many F's should there be?
How can I assign ones (or zeroes) to an entire array whose length is parameterized? Or more generally, how can I assign values while specifing the length of a parameterized array?
You can do bit extension:
always # (posedge b)
dummy <= {length{1'b1}};
What is inside the {} is extended by "parameter-1", would be the same as having:
always # (posedge b)
dummy <= {1'b1,1'b1,1'b1,1'b1....};
You can write
always #(posedge b)
dummy <= ~1'b0;
This takes advantage of the fact that Verilog extends operands before applying operators when they are in context-determined expressions.
In SystemVerilog, you can write
always #(posedge b)
dummy <= '1;

Floating point compare of absolute values in AVX

I would like to compare two vectors of doubles based on their absolute values.
That is, the vector equivalent of the following:
if (fabs(x) < fabs(y)) {
Is there anything better than just taking the absolute value of each side and following up with a _mm256_cmp_pd?
Interested in all of AVX, AVX2, and AVX-512 flavors.
With AVX-512 you can save one µop. Instead of 2xvandpd+vcmppd you can use
vpternlogq+vpcmpuq. Note that the solution below assumes that the numbers are
not a NaN.
IEEE-754 floating point numbers have the nice property that they are encoded
such that if x[62:0] integer_less_than y[62:0], then as a floating point:
So, instead of setting both sign bits to 0, we can copy the sign bit of x
to the sign bit of y and compare the result as an unsigned integer.
In the (untested) code below, for negative x both xi[63] and yi_sgnx[63] are 1,
while for positive x, both xi[63] and yi_sgnx[63] are 0.
So the unsigned integer compare actually compares xi[62:0] with yi[62:0], which is just what we need for the comparison abs(x)<abs(y).
The vpternlog instruction is suitable for copying the sign bit, see here or here.
I'm not sure if the constants z and 0xCA are chosen correctly.
__mmask8 cmplt_via_ternlog(__m512d x, __m512d y){
__m512i xi = _mm512_castpd_si512(x);
__m512i yi = _mm512_castpd_si512(x);
__m512i z = _mm512_set1_epi64(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFull);
__m512i yi_sgnx = _mm512_ternarylogic_epi64(z, yi, xi, 0xCA);
return _mm512_cmp_epu64_mask(xi, yi_sgnx, 1); /* _CMPINT_LT */

Bitset at the logic-gate level

I'm looking into implementing a 4-bit BitSet function at the logic gate level so that it can be written in structural Verilog--I have looked elsewhere for an answer to this question, but can only find C/C++ resources, which operate at a higher level and are mostly unehlpful to me.
The inputs to my interface are a 4-bit number x, a two-bit number index, containing the index to be set or cleared in x, a one-bit number value, containing the value x[index] should be set to (1 or 0 to set or clear, respectively), and a 4-bit output y, which is the final outcome of x.
To my understanding, setting a value in x follows the logic y |= 1 < < x
and clearing a value in x follows y &= 1 < < x, such that if value is equal to 1, sending it through an OR gate with the value already in that index of x will result in a 1, and if value is equal to 0, sending it through an AND gate with the value already in that index of x will result in a 0. This makes sense to me.
It also makes sense that if I am starting with a 4-bit number x, that I might put it through a 1-to-4 DEMUX block (aside from the basic logic gates, I have MUX, DEMUX, magnitude comparators, and binary adders at my disposal) to obtain the individual bits.
What I am unsure about is how to get from the four separate bits to selecting one of them to modify based on the value stored in index using only basic logic gates. Any ideas or pointers for me to start from? Am I thinking about this the right way?
I think you are looking for something like this
reg [3:0] x;
reg [3:0] y;
reg [1:0] index;
// wont work in synthesis
x[index] = 0;
In Verilog you can access each bit individually using [Bit_Number]
But in your case the index is not constant which will end up failing during synthesis. What you can do is write an if else to check the index and change the right index so
if (index == 1) // change bit one
x[1] = 1'b0; // value to assign is zero here
else if(index == 2)
x[2] 1'b0;
A side note:
You can also assign values
// Here x gets the bit 1 and bit 0 of y concatenated with the value of index
x = {y[1:0],index};
So assume
y = 4'b1011;
index = 2'b00;
x = {y[1:0],index} = 1100

Sign function in VHDL

I'm currently working on a design in which I need to do sgn(x)*y, where both x and y are signed vectors. What is the preferred method to implement a synthesizable sgn function in VHDL with signed vectors? I would use the SIGN function in the IEEE.math_real package but it seems like I won't be able to synthesize it.
You don't really need a sign function to accomplish what you need. In numeric_std the leftmost bit is always the sign bit for the signed type. Examine this bit to decide if you need to negate y.
variable z : signed(y'range);
if x(x'left) = '1' then -- Negative
z := -y; -- z := -1 * y
z := y; -- z := 1 * y
end if;
-- The same as a VHDL-2008 one-liner
z := -y when x(x'left) else y;
Modify as needed if you need to do this with signal assignments.
If you are only interested in using the sign function, the best option is that you define a block in your program whose input is the signed vector x and its output is another bit vector whit the value of the sign.
The way of designing that block is taking the most significative bit of the vector as it indicates the sign. Then, if you write that the output must be one(1(0), others->(0) or how it writes) if that bit is 0 (positive or null value), or every bit are ones(others->(1)) if that bit is 1 (negative value).
You can also define that if input value is 0, the output will also be a 0.

converting a wire value to an integer in verilog

I want to convert the data in a wire to an integer. For example:
wire [2:0] w = 3'b101;
I want a method that converts this to '5' and stores it in an integer. How can I do that in a better way than this:
for(i=0; i<=2; i=i+1)
Also, how do I convert it back to binary once I have the value in an integer? This seems a clumsy way. Thank you.
Easy! Conversion is automatic in verilog if you assign to an integer. In verilog, all the data types are just collection on bits.
integer my_int;
always #( w )
my_int = w;
As Marty said : conversion between bit vectors and integers is automatic.
But there are a number of pitfalls. They are obvious if you keep in mind that an integer is a 32 bit signed value.
Don't try to assign e.g. a 40 bit value to an integer.
Default bit vector are unsigned so a 32 bit vector may become negative when it is an integer.
The opposite is also true: a negative integer e.g. -3 will become an 8 vector with value 8'b11111101
I don't know why you want to convert to an integer and back. I just want to point out that arithmetic operations are fully supported on signed and unsigned bit vectors. In fact they are more powerful as there is no 32-bit limit:
reg [127:0] huge_counter;
always #(posedge clk)
huge_counter <= huge_counter + 128'h1;
Also using a vector as index is supported:
wire [11:0] address;
reg [ 7:0] memory [0:4095];
assign read_data = memory[address];
