Mootools 1.2.4 delegation not working in IE8...? - internet-explorer-8

So I have a listbox next to a form. When the user clicks an option in the select box, I make a request for the related data, returned in a JSON object, which gets put into the form elements. When the form is saved, the request goes thru and the listbox is rebuilt with the updated data. Since it's being rebuilt I'm trying to use delegation on the listbox's parent div for the onchange code. The trouble I'm having is with IE8 (big shock) not firing the delegated event.
I have the following HTML:
<div id="listwrapper" class="span-10 append-1 last">
<select id="list" name="list" size="20">
<option value="86">Adrian Franklin</option>
<option value="16">Adrian McCorvey</option>
<option value="196">Virginia Thomas</option>
and the following script to go with it:
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
var jsonreq = new Request.JSON();
$('listwrapper').addEvent('change:relay(select)', function(e) {
alert('this doesn't fire in IE8');
var status= $('statuswrapper').empty().addClass('ajax-loading');
jsonreq.options.url = 'de_getformdata.php';
jsonreq.options.method = 'post'; = {'getlist':'<?php echo $getlist ?>','pkey':$('list').value};
jsonreq.onSuccess = function(rObj, rTxt) {
for (key in rObj) {
status.set('html','You are currently editing '+rObj['cname']);
if ($chk($(key))) $(key).value = rObj[key];
$('lalsoaccomp-yes').set('checked',(($('naccompkey').value > 0)?'true':'false'));
$('lalsoaccomp-no').set('checked',(($('naccompkey').value > 0)?'false':'true'));
(I took out a bit of unrelated stuff). So this all works as expected in firefox, but IE8 refuses to fire the delegated change event on the select element. If I attach the change function directly to the select, then it works just fine.
Am I missing something? Does IE8 just not like the :relay?
Sidenote: I'm very new to mootools and javascripting, etc, so if there's something that can be improved code-wise, please let me know too..

Element Delegation will not work on field elements (input/select/textarea) in IE's.


how to clear validation errors for Angular Material mat-error

I'm trying to reset a form after I've added a value.
Form Code Snippet
<form [formGroup]="addAttributeForm" fxLayout="column">
<input matInput formControlName="title" placeholder="Title" required>
<mat-error>This field is required</mat-error>
In the component
onSubmit(form: FormGroup) {
// do work
What I'm observing:
The form values are set to empty.
But the validation messages are still displayed from mat-error.
I've tried form.markAsPristine(), form.markAsUntouched() and combining all three.
How can I reset the form so the mat-error is not displayed?
The form group has no "knowledge" about whether the actual HTML form has been submitted or not. It only keeps track of the form values/validity/enabled state. So resetting the form group does reset the values but not any state regarding whether the form has been submitted.
To do this, you need to get a hold of the FormGroupDirective and call resetForm() on it.
Form Code Snippet
<form [formGroup]="addAttributeForm" fxLayout="column">
<!-- ... -->
In the component
#ViewChild(FormGroupDirective) formDirective: FormGroupDirective;
onSubmit(form: FormGroup) {
// do work
This solution works with me.
You need to do next:
formReset(form: FormGroup) {
Object.keys(form.controls).forEach(key => {
form.get(key).setErrors(null) ;
This reset the form and clear all error.
The only way I've been able to successfully do this is by setting a flag to hide the form when you want to reset it and then using a timeout to set that flag back to true. As far as I know, there is no built-in way to do this yet.
showForm = true;
reset(): void {
this.showForm = false;
setTimeout(() => this.showForm = true);
And then in the HTML on the form element use *ngIf="showForm".

How to combine onSelectChange() with queries - ColdFusion 9 - Ajax

I have a drop down list that list different options to the user. I need the list to populate a text area based on what the user selects. I have the data already in my database and I want to be able to run a query based the user's selection from the drop down list.
This is how my select tag looks like right now:
<select name="procedure" onChange="">
<option value="">Select Procedure</option>
<cfloop query="procedures">
<option value="#procedureId#">#procedureName#</option>
And this is my text area:
<textarea name="procedureDescription" cols="80" rows="6">#the query output will go here#</textarea><br />
Is there a way to use onSelectChange function to control a server side query with Ajax?
I hope my thoughts are clear, if you need more info please ask.
Yes, unless I misunderstand, you should be able to do this using an Ajax request. The onchange method should look something like this:
function handleProcedureChange()
var selectedVal = $(this).val();
var url; // TODO set procedure URL here, using selectedVal as needed
$.get(url, function(procedureResult) {
Then you'd need to set up the server-side method to run the procedure and return the result as plain text.

How to update a label from a postback in MVC3/Razor

MVC/Razor/Javascript newbie question:
I have a MVC3/Razor form where the use can select a single product from a drop down list.
<div class="editor-label">
<div class="editor-field">
#Html.DropDownList("ProductID", (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.Products, "--Select One--")
#Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.ProductID)
What I then want is to display the price of the selected product on a label just below the drop down list (model property name is Amount).
This should be pretty easy, but I am pretty new at Razor, and know almost nothing about Javascript, so I would appreciate any verbose explanations of how do do it, and how it all hangs together.
Add a div/span under the Dropdown .
#Html.DropDownList("ProductID", (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.Products, "--Select One--")
<div id="itemPrice"></div>
and in your Script, make an ajax call to one of your controller action where you return the price.
var val=$(this).val();
$("#itemPrice").load("#Url.Action("GetPrice","Product")", { itemId : val });
and have a controller action like this in your Product controller
public string GetPrice(int itemId)
decimal itemPrice=0.0M;
//using the Id, get the price of the product from your data layer and set that to itemPrice variable.
return itemPrice.ToString();
That is it ! Make sure you have jQuery loaded in your page and this will work fine.
EDIT : Include this line in your page to load jQuery library ( If it is not already loaded),
<script src=""></script>
The Amount isn't available to your view when the user selects a product (remember the page is rendered on the server, but actually executes on the client; your model isn't available in the page on the client-side). So you would either have to render in a JavaScript array that contains a lookup of the amount based on the product which gets passed down to the client (so it's available via client-side JavaScript), or you would have to make a callback to the server to retrieve this information.
I would use jQuery to do this.
Here's a simple example of what the jQuery/Javascript code might look like if you used an array.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
// This code can easily be built up server side as a string, then
// embedded here using #Html.Raw(Model.NameOfPropertyWithString)
var list = new Array();
list[0] = "";
list[1] = "$1.00";
list[2] = "$1.25";
function displayAmount() {
var amount = list[($(this).prop('selectedIndex'))];
<select id="ProductID" name="ProductID">
<option value="" selected>-- Select --</option>
<option value="1">First</option>
<option value="2">Second</option>
<div id="amount"></div>
You'll want to spend some time looking at the docs for jQuery. You'll end up using it quite a bit. The code basically "selects" the dropdown and attaches handlers to the change and keypress events. When they fire, it calls the displayAmount function. displayAmount() retrieves the selected index, then grabs the value out of the list. Finally it sets the HTML to the amount retrieved.
Instead of the local array, you could call your controller. You would create an action (method) on your controller that returned the value as a JsonResult. You would do a callback using jquery.ajax(). Do some searching here and the jQuery site, I'm sure you'll find a ton of examples on how to do this.

how to create an function using jquery live?

I am writing a function that well keep the user in lightbox images while he adds to cart.
When you click any image it well enlarge using lightbox v2, so when the user clicks the Add image, it will refresh the page. When I asked about it at jcart support they told me to use jquery live, but I dont know how to do that. T tried this code but still nothing is happening:
jQuery(function($) {
.livequery(eventType, function(event) {
alert('clicked'); // to check if it works or not
return false;
I also used
jQuery(function($) {
.livequery(eventType, function(event) {
alert('clicked'); // to check if it works or not
return false;
yet nothing worked.
for code to create those images
I also tried:
function adding(form){
$( "form.jcart" ).livequery('submit', function() {var b=$(this).find('input[name=<?php echo $jcart['item_id']?>]').val();var c=$(this).find('input[name=<?php echo $jcart['item_price']?>]').val();var d=$(this).find('input[name=<?php echo $jcart['item_name']?>]').val();var e=$(this).find('input[name=<?php echo $jcart['item_qty']?>]').val();var f=$(this).find('input[name=<?php echo $jcart['item_add']?>]').val();$.post('<?php echo $jcart['path'];?>jcart-relay.php',{"<?php echo $jcart['item_id']?>":b,"<?php echo $jcart['item_price']?>":c,"<?php echo $jcart['item_name']?>":d,"<?php echo $jcart['item_qty']?>":e,"<?php echo $jcart['item_add']?>":f}
return false;
and it seems to add to jcart but yet it still refreshes
.live() is to assign handlers to future creating elements. On your site, however, you are re-loading the page so .live would have no bearing. (you are submitting a form)
It sounds like you want to make an ajax request to add the item to the cart and update that display on the site? That would be in the submit of the form and if jcart is dynamically created then yes, live is the answer.
$('.jcart').live('submit', function() {
// aggregate form elements into object and send via ajax
// update the cart on the page, since we haven't reloaded the page the light box is still displayed
Regarding comment:
When you send an ajax request, jquery takes an object as an argument. Such as $.post('urlToPostTo.php', { title: 'title of whatever', id: 5 } );
The server sees this the same as:
<form id="myForm" action="uroToPostTo.php" method="POST" >
<input type="text" name="title" value="title of whatever" />
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="5" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" />
So if you were to aggregate the form inputs into an object, there's a few ways (even some jquery plugins to help you out). The primitive way would be:
var $form = $('#myForm'); // instead of finding myForm over and over, cache it as a variable to use
var objToSend = {};
objToSend.title = $form.find('input[name=title]').val(); = $form.find('input[name=id]').val();
$.post( 'urlToPostTo.php', objToSend );
A more Elegant solution is to have something loop through all form elements and put them into an object for you. Plugins like make that a bit easier.
The end result is the form elements are stuffed into an object to send to your script.

jquery with boxy plugin - load and submit a form via ajax

I am using JQuery with Boxy plugin.
When a user clicks on a link on one page, I call Boxy.load to load a form onto the pop-up. The form loads and is displayed inside the pop-up without problems.
However, I can't bind the form to a submit event, since I can't select the form element.
This is the event handler:
$('#flag-link a.unflagged').click (function(e) {
url = $('href');
Boxy.load(url, {behaviours: function(r) {
alert ($("#flag-form").attr('id'));
The alert reads "undefined" when it is displayed.
And this is the form:
<form id="flag-form" method="POST" action="somepage">
<tr><td><input type="text" name = "name"></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="submit" value="OK"></td></tr>
What am I doing wrong?
First (a minor point, but a potential source of trouble), it should be id="flag-form" not id = "flag-form" (no spaces).
Second, you shouldn't need r.find(). Just do $("#flag-form").attr("id")
As far as I understand, live() method must be used to bind an element to an event in this case:
$("#flag-form").live("submit", function(){ ... }
Presently, live method is documented to be not supporting the submit event. However, I could work it out with Chrome and FF. On the other hand, I couldn't get it working in IE. A better way for cross-browser compatibility seems to be binding the submit button of the form to the click event.
$("#flag-form-submit").live("click", function(){
I learnt that declaring methods in behaviours: function (e) {} works, in addition to using live() methods.
$('#flag-link a.unflagged').click (function() {
Boxy.load(this.href, {
behaviours: function(r) {
r.find('#flag-form').bind('submit', function() {
// do on submit e.g. ajax calls etc.
return false;
Boxy opens the URL (url = $('href');) in an iframe. So you cannot find the form from the opening page(parent page). Your code to bind the form should be in the child page (ie, the Boxy iframe). You can check the iframe URL using your code, url = $('href');
